980 resultados para Low-emission windows
On the basis of the growing interest on the impact of airborne particles on human exposure as well as the strong debate in Western countries on the emissions of waste incinerators, this work reviewed existing literature to: (i) show the emission factors of ultrafine particles (particles with a diameter less than 100 nm) of waste incinerators, and; (ii) assess the contribution of waste incinerators in terms of ultrafine particles to exposure and dose of people living in the surrounding areas of the plants in order to estimate eventual risks. The review identified only a limited number of studies measuring ultrafine particle emissions, and in general they report low particle number concentrations at the stack (the median value was equal to 5.5×103 part cm-3), in most cases higher than the outdoor background value. The lowest emissions were achieved by utilization of the bag-house filter which has an overall number-based filtration efficiency higher than 99%. Referring to reference case, the corresponding emission factor is equal to 9.1×1012 part min-1, that is lower than one single high-duty vehicle. Since the higher particle number concentrations found in the most contributing microenvironments to the exposure (indoor home, transportation, urban outdoor), the contribution of the waste incinerators to the daily dose can be considered as negligible.
Field emission (FE) electron gun sources provide new capabilities for high lateral resolution EPMA. The determination of analytical lateral resolution is not as straightforward as that for electron microscopy imaging. Results from two sets of experiments to determine the actual lateral resolution for accurate EPMA are presented for Kα X-ray lines of Si and Al and Lα of Fe at 5 and 7 keV in a silicate glass. These results are compared to theoretical predictions and Monte Carlo simulations of analytical lateral resolution. The experiments suggest little is gained in lateral resolution by dropping from 7 to 5 keV in EPMA of this silicate glass.
Blasting is an integral part of large-scale open cut mining that often occurs in close proximity to population centers and often results in the emission of particulate material and gases potentially hazardous to health. Current air quality monitoring methods rely on limited numbers of fixed sampling locations to validate a complex fluid environment and collect sufficient data to confirm model effectiveness. This paper describes the development of a methodology to address the need of a more precise approach that is capable of characterizing blasting plumes in near-real time. The integration of the system required the modification and integration of an opto-electrical dust sensor, SHARP GP2Y10, into a small fixed-wing and multi-rotor copter, resulting in the collection of data streamed during flight. The paper also describes the calibration of the optical sensor with an industry grade dust-monitoring device, Dusttrak 8520, demonstrating a high correlation between them, with correlation coefficients (R2) greater than 0.9. The laboratory and field tests demonstrate the feasibility of coupling the sensor with the UAVs. However, further work must be done in the areas of sensor selection and calibration as well as flight planning.
Factors that affect the settleability of seawater neutralised bauxite refinery residues are poorly understood, in particular, the settleability of precipitates in the absence of red mud and those formed with different alumina/caustic (AC) ratios. The influence of temperature, AC ratio, caustic concentration and the volumetric ratio of seawater on the settleability of seawater neutralisation precipitates and their respective compositions and stabilities have been determined. An array of techniques have been used to determine the composition and stability of precipitates and include pH, conductivity, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Temperature has been shown to have a significant influence on the settleability and calcium carbonate phase distributions in precipitates, as well as the overall stability of the precipitates. More complex phase compositions have also been found for Bayer liquors with lower AC ratios. The caustic concentration and temperature of the reaction have the greatest influence on the settling efficiency of the precipitates. Assessments on the chemical stability of the precipitates, precipitate settleability and discharge water quality have been made. In addition, productivity and environmental impacts caused by changes in precipitate settleability have also been considered.
This paper presents experimental and computational results of oxy-fuel burner operating on classical flame and lameless mode for heat release rate of 26 kW/m3. The uniqueness of the burner arises from a slight asymmetric injection of oxygen at near sonic velocities. Measurements of emperature, species, total heat flux, radiative heat flux and NOx emission were carried out inside the furnace and the flow field was computationally analyzed. The flame studies were carried out for coaxial flow of oxygen and fuel jets with similar inlet velocities. This configuration results in slow mixing between fuel and oxygen and the flame is developed at distance away from the burner and the flame is bright/white in colour. In the flameless mode a slight asymmetric injection of the high velocity oxygen jet leads to a large asymmetric recirculation pattern with the recirculation ratio of 25 and the resulting flame is weak bluish in colour with little soot and acetylene formation. The classical flame in comparison is characterised by soot and acetylene formation, higher NOx and noise generation. The distribution of temperature and heat flux in the furnace is more uniform with flameless mode than with flame mode.
Observations of the H272α recombination line towards the galactic centre show features near VLSR= 0, -50 and + 36 kms-1 . We have combined the parameters of these features with the available -166 measurements to obtain the properties of the ionized gas present along the line of sight and also in the -3 kpc arm-. For the line-of-sight ionized gas we get an electron density around 7 cm-3 and a pathlength through it 10-60 pc. The emission measure and the electron temperature are in the range 500-2900 pc cm-6 and 2000-6000 - respectively. The ionized gas in the 3 kpc arm has an electron density of 30 cm-3 and extends over 9 pc along the line of sight if we assume an electron temperature of 104 K. Using the available upper limit to the intensity of the H351α recombination line, we show that the distributed ionized gas responsible for the dispersion of pulsar signals should have a temperature > 4500 - and a minimum filling factor of 20 per cent. We also show that recombination lines from the -warm ionized- gas proposed by McKee & Ostriker (1977) should be detectable in the frequency range 100-150 MHz towards the galactic centre with the sensitivity available at present.
The blue emission of polyfluorene (PF)-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is known to degrade due to a low-energy green emission, which hitherto has been attributed to oxidative defects. By studying the electroluminescence (EL) from ethyl-hexyl substituted PF LEDs in the presence of oxygen and in an inert atmosphere, and by using trace quantities of paramagnetic impurities (PM) in the polymer, we show that the triplet states play a major role in the low-energy emission mechanism. Our time-dependent many-body studies show a large cross-section for the triplet formation in the EL process in the presence of PM, primarily due to electron-hole recombination processes.
The blue emission of ethyl-hexyl substituted polyfluorene (PF2/6) films is accompanied by a low energy green emission peak around 500 nm in inert atmosphere. The intensity of this 500 nm peak is large in electroluminescence (EL) compared to photoluminescence (PL)measurements. Furthermore, the green emission intensity reduces dramatically in the presence of molecular oxygen. To understand this, we have modeled various nonradiative processes by time dependent quantum many body methods. These are (i) intersystem crossing to study conversion of excited singlets to triplets leading to a phosphorescence emission, (ii) electron-hole recombination (e-hR) process in the presence of a paramagnetic impurity to follow the yield of triplets in a polyene system doped with paramagnetic metal atom, and (iii) quenching of excited triplet states in the presence of oxygen molecules to understand the low intensity of EL emission in ambient atmosphere, when compared with that in nitrogen atmosphere. We have employed the Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian to model the molecules and have invoked electron-electron repulsions beyond zero differential approximation while treating interactions between the organic molecule and the rest of the system. Our time evolution methods show that there is a large cross section for triplet formation in the e-hR process in the presence of paramagnetic impurity with degenerate orbitals. The triplet yield through e-hR process far exceeds that in the intersystem crossing pathway, clearly pointing to the large intensity of the 500 nm peak in EL compared to PL measurements. We have also modeled the triplet quenching process by a paramagnetic oxygen molecule which shows a sizable quenching cross section especially for systems with large sizes. These studies show that the most probable origin of the experimentally observed low energy EL emission is the triplets.
Imbalance is not only a direct major cause of downtime in wind turbines, but also accelerates the degradation of neighbouring and downstream components (e.g. main bearing, generator). Along with detection, the imbalance quantification is also essential as some residual imbalance always exist even in a healthy turbine. Three different commonly used sensor technologies (vibration, acoustic emission and electrical measurements) are investigated in this work to verify their sensitivity to different imbalance grades. This study is based on data obtained by experimental tests performed on a small scale wind turbine drive train test-rig for different shaft speeds and imbalance levels. According to the analysis results, electrical measurements seem to be the most suitable for tracking the development of imbalance.
Luonnosta haihtuvat orgaaniset yhdisteet, joita pääsee ilmaan etenkin metsistä, voivat vaikuttaa paikalliseen ja alueelliseen ilmanlaatuun, koska ne reagoivat ilmakehässä. Niiden reaktiotuotteet voivat myös osallistua uusien hiukkasten muodostumiseen ja kasvuun, millä voi olla vaikutusta ilmakehän säteilytaseeseen ja tätä kautta myös ilmastoon. Hiukkaset absorboivat ja sirottavat auringon säteilyä ja maapallon lämpösäteilyä minkä lisäksi ne vaikuttavat pilvien säteilyominaisuuksiin, määrään ja elinikään. Koko maapallon mittakaavassa luonnosta tulevat hiilivetypäästöt ylittävät ihmistoiminnan aiheuttamat päästöt moninkertaisesti. Tämän vuoksi luonnon päästöjen arviointi on tärkeää kun halutaan kehittää tehokkaita ilmanlaatu- ja ilmastostrategioita. Tämä tutkimus käsittelee boreaalisen metsän hiilivetypäästöjä. Boreaalinen metsä eli pohjoinen havumetsä on suurin maanpäällinen ekosysteemi, ja se ulottuu lähes yhtenäisenä nauhana koko pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon ympäri. Sille on tyypillistä puulajien suhteellisen pieni kirjo sekä olosuhteiden ja kasvun voimakkaat vuodenaikaisvaihtelut. Työssä on tutkittu Suomen yleisimmän boreaalisen puun eli männyn hiilivetypäästöjen vuodenaikaisvaihtelua sekä päästöjen riippuvuutta lämpötilasta ja valosta. Saatuja tuloksia on käytetty yhdessä muiden boreaalisilla puilla tehtyjen päästömittaustulosten kanssa Suomen metsiä varten kehitetyssä päästömallissa. Malli perustuu lisäksi maankäyttötietoihin, suomen metsille kehitettyyn luokitukseen ja meteorologisiin tietoihin, joiden avulla se laskee metsien hiilivetypäästöt kasvukauden aikana. Suomen metsien päästöt koostuvat koko kasvukauden ajan suurelta osin alfa- ja beta-pineenistä sekä delta-kareenista. Kesällä ja syksyllä päästöissä on myös paljon sabineenia, jota tulee etenkin lehtipuista. Päästöt seuraavat lämpötilan keskimääräistä vaihtelua, ovat suurimmillaan maan eteläosissa ja laskevat tasaisesti pohjoiseen siirryttäessä. Metsän isopreenipäästö on suhteellisen pieni – Suomessa tärkein isopreeniä päästävä puu on vähäpäästöinen kuusi, koska runsaspäästöisten pajun ja haavan osuus metsän lehtimassasta on hyvin pieni. Tässä työssä on myös laskettu ensimmäinen arvio metsän seskviterpeenipäästöistä. Seskviterpeenipäästöt alkavat Juhannuksen jälkeen ja ovat kasvukauden aikana samaa suuruusluokkaa kuin isopreenipäästöt. Vuositasolla Suomen metsien hiilivetypäästöt ovat noin kaksinkertaiset ihmistoiminnasta aiheutuviin päästöihin verrattuna.
Acoustic emission technique for leak detection in an end shield of a pressurised heavy water reactor
This paper discusses a successful application of the Acoustic Emission Technique (AET) for the detection and location of leak paths present on an inaccessible side of an end shield of a Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR). The methodology was based on the fact that air- and water-leak AE signals have different characteristic features. Baseline data was generated from a sound end shield of a PHWR for characterising the background noise. A mock-up end shield system with saw-cut leak paths was used to verify the validity of the methodology. It was found that air-leak signals under pressurisation (as low as 3 psi) could be detected by frequency domain analysis. Signals due to air leaks from various locations of defective end shield were acquired and analysed. It was possible to detect and locate leak paths. The presence of detected leak paths was further confirmed by an alternative test.
The outer atmosphere of the sun called the corona has been observed during total solar eclipse for short periods (typically <6 min), from as early as the eighteenth century. In the recent past, space-based instruments have permitted us to study the corona uninterruptedly. In spite of these developments, the dynamic corona and its high temperature (1-2 million K) are yet to be Ally understood. It is conjectured that their dynamic nature and associated energetic events are possible reasons behind the high temperature. In order to study these in detail, a visible emission line space solar coronagraph is being proposed as a payload under the small-satellite programme of the Indian Space Research Organisation. The satellite is named as Aditya-1 and the scientific objectives of this payload are to study: (i) the existence of intensity oscillations for the study of wave-driven coronal heating; (ii) the dynamics and formation of coronal loops and temperature structure of the coronal features; (iii) the origin, cause and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and other solar active features, and (iv) coronal magnetic field topology and three-dimensional structures of CMEs using polarization information. The uniqueness of this payload compared to previously flown space instruments is as follows: (a) observations in the visible wavelength closer to the disk (down to 1.05 solar radii); (b) high time cadence capability (better than two-images per second), and (c) simultaneous observations of at least two spectral windows all the time and three spectral windows for short durations.
Hard, low stress diamond-like carbon films have been deposited by plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition technique, The various substrates include soft IR components like ZnS and ZnSe windows, Gaseous precursors such as propene, ethyl alcohol and acetone have been used to synthesize the films to study the nature of precursors in determining the film compatibility with the underlying component (substrate), The residual compressive stresses, the Young's modulus and the adhesion energy of the films have been estimated to be 10(10) dynes/cm(2), 10(10) N/m(2) and 1000 ergs/cm(2) respectively. To alleviate film failure, a study on the effects of additive gases such as hydrogen and the use of buffer layers such as ZrO2, has been undertaken, The diamond-like carbon films produced here are hard (5000 kg/mm(2)), specularly smooth in the wavelength region from 2.5 mu m to 20 mu m, with no microstructural features and have excellent adhesion on ZnS and ZnSe windows. The figure of merit of these films for aero-space applications has been evaluated by subjecting the film-buffer layer ZnS or ZnSe composite stack to wind, dust and rain erosion studies and by establishing the integrity of the specular IR transmittance of the stack upto 16 or 20 mu m as the case may be.
Cu (0.1 mol%) doped ZnO nanopowders have been successfully synthesized by a wet chemical method at a relatively low temperature (300 degrees C). Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements were used for characterization. PXRD results confirm that the nanopowders exhibit hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO without any secondary phase. The particle size of as-formed product has been calculated by Williamson-Hall (W-H) plots and Scherrer's formula is found to be in the range of similar to 40 nm. TEM image confirms the nano size crystalline nature of Cu doped ZnO. SEM micrographs of undoped and Cu doped ZnO show highly porous with large voids. UV-Vis spectrum showed a red shift in the absorption edge in Cu doped ZnO. PL spectra show prominent peaks corresponding to near band edge UV emission and defect related green emission in the visible region at room temperature and their possible mechanisms have been discussed. The EPR spectrum exhibits a broad resonance signal at g similar to 2.049, and two narrow resonances one at g similar to 1.990 and other at g similar to 1.950. The broad resonance signal at g similar to 2.049 is a characteristic of Cu2+ ion whereas the signal at g similar to 1.990 and g similar to 1.950 can be attributed to ionized oxygen vacancies and shallow donors respectively. The spin concentration (N) and paramagnetic susceptibility (X) have been evaluated and discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Large instruction windows and issue queues are key to exploiting greater instruction level parallelism in out-of-order superscalar processors. However, the cycle time and energy consumption of conventional large monolithic issue queues are high. Previous efforts to reduce cycle time segment the issue queue and pipeline wakeup. Unfortunately, this results in significant IPC loss. Other proposals which address energy efficiency issues by avoiding only the unnecessary tag-comparisons do not reduce broadcasts. These schemes also increase the issue latency.To address both these issues comprehensively, we propose the Scalable Lowpower Issue Queue (SLIQ). SLIQ augments a pipelined issue queue with direct indexing to mitigate the problem of delayed wakeups while reducing the cycle time. Also, the SLIQ design naturally leads to significant energy savings by reducing both the number of tag broadcasts and comparisons required.A 2 segment SLIQ incurs an average IPC loss of 0.2% over the entire SPEC CPU2000 suite, while achieving a 25.2% reduction in issue latency when compared to a monolithic 128-entry issue queue for an 8-wide superscalar processor. An 8 segment SLIQ improves scalability by reducing the issue latency by 38.3% while incurring an IPC loss of only 2.3%. Further, the 8 segment SLIQ significantly reduces the energy consumption and energy-delay product by 48.3% and 67.4% respectively on average.