831 resultados para International Labour Organisation.


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En el presente trabajo se aborda la definición de una de las variables dentro de lo que se denomina Capital psicológico positivo, la Resiliencia, sus principales características y algunas de las variables socio demográficas que en el estudio pretenden ver el nivel de relación existente entre cada una de ellas (indirecta o directamente) en el proceso resiliente de una persona para posteriores discusiones y su implicación dentro de la gestión empresarial y sus direcciones futuras.


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Introducción: La exposición en minas subterráneas a altos niveles de polvo de carbón está relacionada con patologías pulmonares. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de neumoconiosis, medidas de higiene y seguridad industrial y su relación con niveles ambientales de carbón en trabajadores de minas de socavón en Cundinamarca. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, en 215 trabajadores seleccionados mediante muestreo probabilístico estratificado con asignación proporcional. Se realizaron monitoreos ambientales, radiografías de tórax y encuestas con variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Se emplearon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y la prueba de independencia ji-cuadrado de Pearson o pruebas exactas, con el fin de establecer las asociaciones. Resultados: El 99,5% de la población perteneció al género masculino, el 36,7% tenía entre 41-50 años, con un promedio de años de trabajo de 21,70 ± 9,99. La prevalencia de neumoconiosis fue de 42,3% y la mediana de la concentración de polvo de carbón bituminoso fue de 2,329670 mg/m3. El índice de riesgo de polvo de carbón presentó diferencias significativas en las categorías de bajo (p=0,0001) y medio (p=0,0186) con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis. El 84,2% reporto no usar mascarilla. No se presentan diferencias entre los niveles de carbón (p=0,194) con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis. Conclusiones: Se encontró una prevalencia de neumoconiosis de 42,3% en Cundinamarca. Se requiere contar con medidas de higiene y seguridad industrial efectivas para controlar el riesgo al que están expuestos los mineros de carbón por la inhalación de polvo de carbón.


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RESUMEN. Introducción: la minería a cielo abierto y la subterránea, presentan altas cifras de lesiones asociadas a esta industria a nivel internacional. Países como Australia, algunos de Europa y Estados Unidos tienen avances en seguridad minera, tanto en lesiones fatales como no mortales; sin embargo, otros países no muestran el mismo desarrollo, ejemplo de ello son algunos países de África, China y países de Suramérica. Colombia, muestra un paupérrimo avance en seguridad minera, agravado por ausencia de registros de calidad para establecer políticas en salud y seguridad minera. Objetivo: describir los accidentes de trabajo (AT) y enfermedades laborales (EL) de dichos trabajadores y sus relaciones con tiempo de exposición y oficio. Metodología: estudio transversal con 476 trabajadores del el sector de minería. Se indago sobre los AT y EL de los mineros de socavón en los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Norte de Santander. Se realizó análisis estadístico con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, estimación de prevalencia de AT y EL y pruebas de asociación Chi-cuadrado para identificar factores relacionados con las variables. Para las estimaciones de parámetros se empleó un nivel de confianza del 95% y las pruebas de asociación un nivel α de 0,05. Resultados: La edad en años de los trabajadores varió entre 20 y 76 años con una media general de 43 ± 10. La antigüedad laboral en años varió entre 10 y 57 años con una media general de 19,3±9,1. Los trabajadores con mayor promedio de antigüedad laboral fueron los de Cundinamarca (valor_p< 0.000). La incidencia de AT fue de 52,3%, IC (95% 47,7% – 56,9%) en los tres departamentos, siendo mayor en Boyacá. Las regiones anatómicas más comprometidas fueron miembros inferiores 32,2%, miembros superiores 26,9%, la cabeza y espalda con 9,9% respectivamente. La enfermedad laboral que más se diagnosticó, fue hernia de disco. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la magnitud del problema de la accidentalidad observada en los tres departamentos; la distribución de los accidentes en el sector minero, según la región anatómica, el tipo de lesión y su agente causal, esto será insumo para ayudar a la elaboración de políticas públicas, a nivel empresarial, de las Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales (ARL) y otros actores del Sistema de gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST). Palabras clave: minería, exposición profesional, accidentes de trabajo, enfermedad laboral, Colombia.


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Resumen Objetivo. El desenlace temprano del trauma ocupacional agudo (TOA) puede estar condicionado al desarrollo industrial local en relación con el momento de la semana donde se presente el evento, por lo que evaluamos las diferencias en los desenlaces clínicos tempranos de trabajadores que presentaron TOA en diferentes momentos de la semana. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo utilizando una base de datos administrativa de trabajadores atendidos por TOA, entre enero/2007-diciembre/2010, en una institución hospitalaria de III nivel de Bogotá. Se comparó la distribución del TOA entre semana (ES) y en fin de semana (FdS) según variables sociodemográficas/clínicas y la mediana de estancia hospitalaria (EH), el riesgo de muerte o de un trauma específico. Resultados. Se incluyeron 65169 trabajadores, la mayoría hombres (78,4%), adultos jóvenes (83,7%), edad mediana 31 años, con razón de ingreso ES:FdS 3:1, predominantemente durante el día (81,3%). La EH mediana (horas) en FdS (0,48) fue mayor que ES (0,43) (p: 0,000) en general y al evaluar por las sub-categorías de sexo, grupo de edad, momento de ingreso, área de manejo y estado al alta. Se presentaron 35 muertes, con mayor riesgo (OR;IC95%) en el grupo 45-64 años (3,47;1,71-6,76), en los ingresados en la noche (3,27;1,64-6,40) o durante el FdS (4,57;1,25-18,4). Durante el FdS se identificó mayor riesgo de TOA con compromiso de Cabeza/Cuello, traumas múltiples y de causadas por vehículos en movimiento. Durante el FdS disminuyó la frecuencia de trabajadores atendidos por Ortopedia/Oftalmología/Cirugía General (p: < 0,05). Conclusión. Evidenciamos que los trabajadores ingresados por TOA durante el FdS presentaron mayor EH y riesgo de muerte; además se identificó una redistribución en el Servicio de atención en el FdS, con una baja frecuencia de atenciones prestadas por médicos especialistas.


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This article aims to create intellectual space in which issues of social inequality and education can be analyzed and discussed in relation to the multifaceted and multi-levelled complexities of the modern world. It is divided into three sections. Section One locates the concept of social class in the context of the modern nation state during the period after the Second World War. Focusing particularly on the impact of 'Fordism' on social organization and cultural relations, it revisits the articulation of social justice issues in the United Kingdom, and the structures put into place at the time to alleviate educational and social inequalities. Section Two problematizes the traditional concept of social class in relation to economic, technological and sociocultural changes that have taken place around the world since the mid-1980s. In particular, it charts some of the changes to the international labour market and global patterns of consumption, and their collective impact on the re-constitution of class boundaries in 'developed countries'. This is juxtaposed with some of the major social effects of neo-classical economic policies in recent years on the sociocultural base in developing countries. It discusses some of the ways these inequalities are reflected in education. Section Three explores tensions between the educational ideals of the 'knowledge economy' and the discursive range of social inequalities that are emerging within and beyond the nation state. Drawing on key motifs identified throughout, the article concludes with a reassessment of the concept of social class within the global cultural economy. This is discussed in relation to some of the major equity and human rights issues in education today.


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This article aims to create intellectual space in which issues of social inequality and education can be analyzed and discussed in relation to the multifaceted and multi-levelled complexities of the modern world. It is divided into three sections. Section One locates the concept of social class in the context of the modern nation state during the period after the Second World War. Focusing particularly on the impact of ‘Fordism’ on social organization and cultural relations, it revisits the articulation of social justice issues in the United Kingdom, and the structures put into place at the time to alleviate educational and social inequalities. Section Two problematizes the traditional concept of social class in relation to economic, technological and sociocultural changes that have taken place around the world since the mid-1980s. In particular, it charts some of the changes to the international labour market and global patterns of consumption, and their collective impact on the re-constitution of class boundaries in ‘developed countries’. This is juxtaposed with some of the major social effects of neo-classical economic policies in recent years on the sociocultural base in developing countries. It discusses some of the ways these inequalities are reflected in education. Section Three explores tensions between the educational ideals of the ‘knowledge economy’ and the discursive range of social inequalities that are emerging within and beyond the nation state. Drawing on key motifs identified throughout, the article concludes with a reassessment of the concept of social class within the global cultural economy. This is discussed in relation to some of the major equity and human rights issues in education today.


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On 15 August 2005, the Government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) signed an agreement to end almost 30 years of conflict between them over claims to independence. After a series of failed ceasefires, this was the first comprehensive peace agreement, and contained within it the potential to settle the political and economic claims that fuelled a desire for separation in Aceh. The talks that led to the peace agreement followed the devastating tsunami of 26 December 2004, which killed over 100,000 people in Aceh, and an escalated military campaign by the Indonesian military against GAM forces. The talks were brokered by an international mediation organisation and supported by the European Union (EU). Despite some opposition within Jakarta, the talks were ultimately successful, producing an agreement that addressed many of the fundamental concerns of the Acehnese, especially around economic redistribution and local political representation. The EU agreed to monitor the agreement by sending a 200 strong Aceh Monitoring Mission (AAM), supported by monitors from ASEAN states. The main purpose of the AMM was to oversee the decommissioning of GAM weapons and the withdrawal of most Indonesian troops and police. It was thereafter expected to retain a smaller presence in order to monitor the implementation of other aspects of the agreement. The Aceh peace agreement faced a number of hurdles, including whether or not the Indonesian military would work to undermine the peace agreement, and over the continuing presence in Aceh of the military’s proxy militias. There were also concerns that the legislation required to secure aspects of the peace agreement might not be passed by the Indonesian legislature or would be diluted to the point that they would no longer be acceptable to GAM. However, as a politically negotiated agreement to end the conflict, the peace agreement was seen as establishing the model for peace in the region, and was touted by some observers as providing the basis for a model for peace in other parts of Indonesia’s sometimes troubled archipelago.


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Though technology has increased opportunities for students to study online, many students continue to complain of lack of time to study and learn. Using the concepts of clock time and network time, the project combines interview, survey and Australian Bureau of Statistics time diary results to investigate student use and perceptions of their available time to study and how the technologies used in online learning affect this. We concentrate on the amount of time students think they have when studying online, how much time they really use, and what affects this perception of time. Deakin University has specialised in distance education/online learning since its inception in 1974 and long time use of technologies and pedagogies allows widespread and diverse experiences for our students, both on campus and off campus. We study student cohorts of up to 1700 students studying in a single subject online learning space, and note that students in much smaller subject cohorts have similar complaints about time.


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Background To develop quality scales for occupational health services (OHSs) and describe and explain variation in quality across the UK university sector.

Methods Analysis of data from a national survey, to which 93 of 117 (79%) UK universities responded, and from the Higher Education Statistics Agency. Two quality scales were generated, one from the 1985 International Labour Organization recommendations on OHSs and one from clinicians’ perceptions (good, adequate, poor) about their OHS. The determinants examined were number of university staff, type of OHS (in-house, contracted, none/other), number of full-time equivalent occupational health doctors and nurses and OHS leadership (doctor, nurse, other).

Results There was wide variation in quality and a correlation (r = 0.65) between scales. In-house service, increasing service size and leadership by a doctor or nurse were determinants of higher quality; size of the university was not statistically significant after taking account of these factors.

Conclusions Some university OHSs may not be structured or operated to promote the highest quality of service. Inspection of individual quality scale items may be informative. These scales may be applicable in other employment sectors.


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The production of alumina involves the use of a process known as the Bayer process. This method involves the digestion of raw bauxite in sodium hydroxide at temperatures around 250°C. The resultant pregnant liquor then goes through a number of filtering and precipitation processes to obtain the aluminium oxide crystals which are then calcined to obtain the final product. The plant is situated in a sub tropical climate in Northern Australia and this combined with the hot nature of the process results in a potential for heat related illnesses to develop. When assessing a work environment for heat stress a heat stress index is often employed as a guideline and to date the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) has been the recommended index. There have been concerns over the past that the WBGT is not suited to the Northern Australian climate and in fact studies in other countries have suggested this is the case. This study was undertaken in the alumina plant situated in Gladstone Queensland to assess if WBGT was in fact the most suitable index for use or if another was more applicable. To this end three indices, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Heat Stress Index (HSI) and Required Sweat Rate (SWreq) were compared and assessed using physiological monitoring of heart rate and surrogate core temperature. A number of different jobs and locations around the plant were investigated utilising personal and environmental monitoring equipment. These results were then collated and analysed using a computer program written as part of the study for the manipulation of the environmental data . Physiological assessment was carried out using methods approved by international bodies such as National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) and International Standards Organisation (ISO) and incorporated the use of a ‘Physiological Factor’ developed to enable the comparison of predicted allowable exposure times and strain on the individual. Results indicated that of the three indices tested, Required Sweat Rate was found to be the most suitable for the climate and in the environment of interest. The WBGT system was suitable in areas in the moderate temperature range (ie 28 to 32°C) but had some deficiencies above this temperature or where the relative humidity exceeded approximately 80%. It was however suitable as a first estimate or first line indicator. HSI over-estimated the physiological strain in situations of high temperatures, low air flows and exaggerated the benefit of artificial air flows on the worker in certain environments ie. fans.


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Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) is an entrepreneurial training program created, sponsored and disseminated by the International Labour Organization. SIYB is, arguably, the world’s largest skills enhancement program for entrepreneurs. SIYB has been in operation since the early 1970s and currently operates in almost 80 countries. During the last decade, more than 100,000 entrepreneurs, thousands of trainers and hundreds of small enterprise development organizations around the world have participated in it (Samuelsen 2003). Surprisingly for an education program of this magnitude and potential global importance, there has been relatively little program evaluation performed. What evaluation has been conducted has been unsystematic, qualitative and unsatisfactory (Harper 1985).

Meanwhile, in the nation of Botswana, since the mid seventies, there has been a huge growth in programs devoted to the training of small and medium entrepreneurs. The SIYB program has formed a significant component of this entrepreneurial training effort in Botswana (ILO 1996). SIYB training was initially supported by the United Nations and later by the Botswana government. Since its introduction into Botswana in1983, the SIYB program has been evaluated only once, in 1993 (Samuelsen 2003). The methods used (subjective questionnaire administered to an unsystematic sample of past participants) fails to provide a satisfactory evaluation of the program. So, in Botswana and worldwide, the world’s largest entrepreneurial training program continues to run in the absence of any knowledge concerning its efficacy. This paper describes the various elements of the SIYB program and places it in the context of the data-rich Botswanan environment. The descriptive work is a necessary predicate to creation of a research design capable of providing the detailed, critical program evaluation that has been so conspicuously lacking throughout the history of the SIYB initiative.


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This is the October 2013 Interim Report as part of the 'Early Years Education in the Primary Years Programme (PYP): Implementation Strategies and Programme Outcomes' Project submitted to the International Baccalaureate Organisation. This project is investigating implementation strategies and outcomes in Early Years Education in the Primary Years Programme of the IB, through a mixed-methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative data. It is based on intensive case studies of five Early Years Stage programmes within the IB Primary Years Programme, at three sites in Australia and two sites in Singapore.