867 resultados para Human development index (HDI)
Abstract Background Large inequalities of mortality by most cancers in general, by mouth and pharynx cancer in particular, have been associated to behaviour and geopolitical factors. The assessment of socioeconomic covariates of cancer mortality may be relevant to a full comprehension of distal determinants of the disease, and to appraise opportune interventions. The objective of this study was to compare socioeconomic inequalities in male mortality by oral and pharyngeal cancer in two major cities of Europe and South America. Methods The official system of information on mortality provided data on deaths in each city; general censuses informed population data. Age-adjusted death rates by oral and pharyngeal cancer for men were independently assessed for neighbourhoods of Barcelona, Spain, and São Paulo, Brazil, from 1995 to 2003. Uniform methodological criteria instructed the comparative assessment of magnitude, trends and spatial distribution of mortality. General linear models assessed ecologic correlations between death rates and socioeconomic indices (unemployment, schooling levels and the human development index) at the inner-city area level. Results obtained for each city were subsequently compared. Results Mortality of men by oral and pharyngeal cancer ranked higher in Barcelona (9.45 yearly deaths per 100,000 male inhabitants) than in Spain and Europe as a whole; rates were on decrease. São Paulo presented a poorer profile, with higher magnitude (11.86) and stationary trend. The appraisal of ecologic correlations indicated an unequal and inequitably distributed burden of disease in both cities, with poorer areas tending to present higher mortality. Barcelona had a larger gradient of mortality than São Paulo, indicating a higher inequality of cancer deaths across its neighbourhoods. Conclusion The quantitative monitoring of inequalities in health may contribute to the formulation of redistributive policies aimed at the concurrent promotion of wellbeing and social justice. The assessment of groups experiencing a higher burden of disease can instruct health services to provide additional resources for expanding preventive actions and facilities aimed at early diagnosis, standardized treatments and rehabilitation.
Purpose: Trachoma, a blinding conjunctivitis, is the result of repeated infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. There are no recent data for the state of Roraima, Brazil, where it was thought that trachoma no longer existed. These data are derived from school children sampled in this state, with additional data collected from the contacts of children with trachoma. Design: A population-based cross-sectional study with random sampling of students in grades 1 through 4 of all public schools within municipalities where the human development index was less than the national average in 2003. The sample was stratified according to population size. Participants: A sample size of 7200 was determined and a total of 6986 (93%) students were examined, along with an additional 2152 contacts. Methods: All students were examined for trachoma according to World Health Organization criteria. Demographic data and contact information also was collected. The family and school contacts of students with trachoma then were located and examined. Main Outcome Measures: Prevalence and grade of trachoma, age, gender, race, and municipality location. Results: The overall prevalence of trachoma was 4.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.7%–5.3%), but there were municipalities within the state where the prevalence of inflammatory trachoma was more than 10%. The prevalence was greater in rural areas (4.9%; 95% CI, 3.7%–6.0%) compared with urban areas (3.9%; 95% CI, 2.9%–4.9%). Living in indigenous communities was associated with trachoma (odds ratio, 1.6; 95% CI, 0.9 –2.6). An additional 2152 contacts were examined, and the overall trachoma prevalence was 9.3% (95% CI, 8.1–10.5). Conclusions: Trachoma continues to exist in Roraima, Brazil, where there are municipalities with a significant prevalence of disease. The indigenous population is highly mobile, crossing state and international borders, raising the possibility of trachoma in neighboring countries. Trachoma prevalence among the contacts of students with trachoma was higher than the school population, highlighting the importance of contact tracing.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e descrever a distribuição do tracoma entre escolares em municípios brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal, usando amostragem por conglomerados, da população escolar dos municípios brasileiros com Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano-Municipal menor que a média nacional. O inquérito de prevalência de tracoma foi realizado pelo Ministério da Saúde entre 2002 e 2007. Foram selecionados 119.531 alunos de 2.270 escolas localizadas em 1.156 municípios. Os alunos foram submetidos ao exame ocular externo, com lupa (2,5X), para detecção de sinais clínicos de tracoma segundo critérios da OMS. Estimou-se a prevalência de tracoma segundo estado e em nível nacional, e seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confi ança. Para a comparação de variáveis categóricas foram usados os testes do Qui-quadrado e do Qui-quadrado de tendência linear. RESULTADOS: Foram detectados 6.030 casos de tracoma, resultando em prevalência de 5,0% (IC95% 4,5;5,4). Não foi encontrada diferença signifi cante entre os sexos. A prevalência de tracoma foi de 8,2% entre menores de cinco anos de idade, diminuindo nas faixas etárias mais altas (p < 0,01). Houve diferença signifi cante entre as prevalências de tracoma na zona urbana e rural, 4,3% versus 6,2%, respectivamente (p < 0,01). Foram detectados casos em 901 municípios (77,7% da amostra), em todas as regiões do País. Em 36,8% dos municípios selecionados a prevalência foi superior a 5%. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo mostra que o tracoma é um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil, contradizendo a crença de que a endemia estaria controlada no País. O inquérito realizado apresenta uma linha de base para avaliação das intervenções planejadas com vistas ao alcance da meta mundial de certifi cação da eliminação do tracoma como causa de cegueira no Brasil, até 2020.
Background: in both Spain and Italy the number of immigrants has strongly increased in the last 20 years, currently representing more than the 10% of workforce in each country. The segregation of immigrants into unskilled or risky jobs brings negative consequences for their health. The objective of this study is to compare prevalence of work-related health problems between immigrants and native workers in Italy and Spain. Methods: data come from the Italian Labour Force Survey (n=65 779) and Spanish Working Conditions Survey (n=11 019), both conducted in 2007. We analyzed merged datasets to evaluate whether interviewees, both natives and migrants, judge their health being affected by their work conditions and, if so, which specific diseases. For migrants, we considered those coming from countries with a value of the Human Development Index lower than 0.85. Logistic regression models were used, including gender, age, and education as adjusting factors. Results: migrants reported skin diseases (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.49; 95%CI: 0.59-3.74) and musculoskeletal problems among those employed in agricultural sector (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.16; 95%CI: 0.69-1.96) more frequently than natives; country-specific analysis showed higher risks of musculoskeletal problems among migrants compared to the non-migrant population in Italy (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 0.48-1.59) and of respiratory problems in Spain (OR=2.02; 95%CI: 1.02-4.0). In both countries the risk of psychological stress was predominant among national workers. Conclusions: this collaborative study allows to strength the evidence concerning the health of migrant workers in Southern European countries.
Femicide, defined as the killings of females by males because they are females, is becoming recognized worldwide as an important ongoing manifestation of gender inequality. Despite its high prevalence or widespread prevalence, only a few countries have specific registries about this issue. This study aims to assemble expert opinion regarding the strategies which might feasibly be employed to promote, develop and implement an integrated and differentiated femicide data collection system in Europe at both the national and international levels. Concept mapping methodology was followed, involving 28 experts from 16 countries in generating strategies, sorting and rating them with respect to relevance and feasibility. The experts involved were all members of the EU-Cost-Action on femicide, which is a scientific network of experts on femicide and violence against women across Europe. As a result, a conceptual map emerged, consisting of 69 strategies organized in 10 clusters, which fit into two domains: “Political action” and “Technical steps”. There was consensus among participants regarding the high relevance of strategies to institutionalize national databases and raise public awareness through different stakeholders, while strategies to promote media involvement were identified as the most feasible. Differences in perceived priorities according to the level of human development index of the experts’ countries were also observed.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da interação do Exército Brasileiro perante os 42 (quarenta e dois) órgãos civis e militares no conjunto de favelas da Maré e de que forma estas influenciaram na doutrina das operações militares de pacificação. A Operação São Francisco - iniciada em 5 de abril de 2014 pela Força de Pacificação (F Pac), foi designada aos componentes do Ministério da Defesa para assegurar e promover a garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) pública nas comunidades do Complexo da Maré, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia proposta baseou-se em uma pesquisa aplicada com técnica de abordagem mista, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, da análise dos documentos e relatórios da F Pac e da realização de entrevistas aos integrantes das forças militares e dos civis que prestaram serviços públicos na região supracitada. Para isso, foi utilizado o método indutivo por meio dos testes estatísticos, que visaram identificar relacionamentos causais entre as demandas de serviços públicos civis atendidos nas comunidades, bem como a influência destas nas operações de pacificação e nas políticas de defesa voltadas à atualização da doutrina e das operações militares. As contribuições teóricas esperadas foram a observação das mudanças no emprego operacional em um ambiente com alta criminalidade e baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e fornecer informações para o emprego colaborativo das instituições civis sob a proteção militar (mas não sob o controle militar). Isto visou proporcionar à população o acesso aos serviços públicos básicos com segurança e minimizou o desgaste das ações de GLO através da conquista da opinião pública local. As contribuições práticas esperadas residiram no aumento do potencial militar, através da integração de políticas públicas efetivas das pastas civis. As implicações referiram-se a abordagem e a maior interação entre as pastas governamentais militares e civis através da mediação da Seção de Assuntos Civis. As pesquisas deste trabalho evidenciaram por serem restritas ao contexto da pacificação de um conjunto de favelas da capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2014.
A presente dissertação de mestrado abordou a qualidade de vida, a percepção de suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos em idosas participantes de um programa da Universidade para a Terceira Idade, no município de São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo - Brasil. O estudo objetivou descrever uma possível relação entre o perfil sociodemografico da amostra, a percepção subjetiva da qualidade de vida, a percepção subjetiva de suporte social, e o consumo de medicamentos, submetendo a testes estatísticos, um conjunto de possíveis relações entre as características sociodemográficas, percepção de qualidade de vida, percepção de suporte social e consumo de medicamentos. Utilizou-se o método descritivo exploratório, de corte transversal, e de caráter quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de agosto a outubro de 2014, através de uma amostra de conveniência, formada por 150 mulheres, com idade média de 66,13 anos. Foram utilizados instrumentos autoaplicáveis: WHOQOL-OLD e WHOQOL-BREF (Word Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument); Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS); um questionário sobre a utilização de medicamentos de uso geral, e um questionário contendo os dados sociodemográficos. Dos resultados, 59,3% da amostra concluiu o ensino fundamental, 49,3% é casada, 79,3% não exerce atividade remunerada, e 78,7% não exerce atividades voluntárias. Apresentou boa percepção de Qualidade de Vida Global (82,90%), sendo o domínio com menor valor médio o Funcionamento do Sensório (12,56%), e maior escore médio no domínio Autonomia (14,66%). Sente segurança ao recorrer à rede de suporte social prático (53,08%), e insegurança ao recorrer à sua rede de apoio social emocional (28,88%). A prevalência do uso de medicamentos foi de 3,6%, todos prescritos, e os princípios ativos mais utilizados pertenciam aos tratamentos da hipertensão e sistema cardiovascular. Não foram evidenciadas correlações significativas relevantes entre as variáveis do estudo, do ponto de vista estatístico. Apesar de residirem em um município com elevado Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano, conclui-se que o aumento das possíveis incapacidades físicas das idosas apontam dificuldades de acesso aos recursos do ambiente, onde a amostra estava inserida. Sugere-se a criação de pesquisas e intervenções com idosas, incluindo nos programas de educação continuada, espaços para debate com o tema da finitude e o envelhecimento, bem como a realização de novos estudos de natureza qualitativa, para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a qualidade de vida, a percepção do suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos nesta população, como também a inclusão de outros grupos sociodemográficos de idosas, em estudos longitudinais.
Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) were heavily hunted in the past throughout the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), and are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In most WCR countries, including Haiti and the Dominican Republic, remaining manatee populations are believed to be small and declining, but current information is needed on their status, distribution, and local threats to the species.
To assess the past and current distribution and conservation status of the Antillean manatee in Hispaniola, I conducted a systematic review of documentary archives dating from the pre-Columbian era to 2013. I then surveyed more than 670 artisanal fishers from Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2013-2014 using a standardized questionnaire. Finally, to identify important areas for manatees in the Dominican Republic, I developed a country-wide ensemble model of manatee distribution, and compared modeled hotspots with those identified by fishers.
Manatees were historically abundant in Hispaniola, but were hunted for their meat and became relatively rare by the end of the 19th century. The use of manatee body parts diversified with time to include their oil, skin, and bones. Traditional uses for folk medicine and handcrafts persist today in coastal communities in the Dominican Republic. Most threats to Antillean manatees in Hispaniola are anthropogenic in nature, and most mortality is caused by fisheries. I estimated a minimum island-wide annual mortality of approximately 20 animals. To understand the impact of this level of mortality, and to provide a baseline for measuring the success of future conservation actions, the Dominican Republic and Haiti should work together to obtain a reliable estimate of the current population size of manatees in Hispaniola.
In Haiti, the survey of fishers showed a wider distribution range of the species than suggested by the documentary archive review: fishers reported recent manatee sightings in seven of nine coastal departments, and three manatee hotspot areas were identified in the north, central, and south coasts. Thus, the contracted manatee distribution range suggested by the documentary archive review likely reflects a lack of research in Haiti. Both the review and the interviews agreed that manatees no longer occupy freshwater habitats in the country. In general, more dedicated manatee studies are needed in Haiti, employing aerial, land, or boat surveys.
In the Dominican Republic, the documentary archive review and the survey of fishers showed that manatees still occur throughout the country, and occasionally occupy freshwater habitats. Monte Cristi province in the north coast, and Barahona province in the south coast, were identified as focal areas. Sighting reports of manatees decreased from Monte Cristi eastwards to the adjacent province in the Dominican Republic, and westwards into Haiti. Along the north coast of Haiti, the number of manatee sighting and capture reports decreased with increasing distance to Monte Cristi province. There was good agreement among the modeled manatee hotspots, hotspots identified by fishers, and hotspots identified during previous dedicated manatee studies. The concordance of these results suggests that the distribution and patterns of habitat use of manatees in the Dominican Republic have not changed dramatically in over 30 years, and that the remaining manatees exhibit some degree of site fidelity. The ensemble modeling approach used in the present study produced accurate and detailed maps of manatee distribution with minimum data requirements. This modeling strategy is replicable and readily transferable to other countries in the Caribbean or elsewhere with limited data on a species of interest.
The intrinsic value of manatees was stronger for artisanal fishers in the Dominican Republic than in Haiti, and most Dominican fishers showed a positive attitude towards manatee conservation. The Dominican Republic is an upper middle income country with a high Human Development Index. It possesses a legal framework that specifically protects manatees, and has a greater number of marine protected areas, more dedicated manatee studies, and more manatee education and awareness campaigns than Haiti. The constant presence of manatees in specific coastal segments of the Dominican Republic, the perceived decline in the number of manatee captures, and a more conservation-minded public, offer hope for manatee conservation, as non-consumptive uses of manatees become more popular. I recommend a series of conservation actions in the Dominican Republic, including: reducing risks to manatees from harmful fishing gear and watercraft at confirmed manatee hotspots; providing alternative economic alternatives for displaced fishers, and developing responsible ecotourism ventures for manatee watching; improving law enforcement to reduce fisheries-related manatee deaths, stop the illegal trade in manatee body parts, and better protect manatee habitat; and continuing education and awareness campaigns for coastal communities near manatee hotspots.
In contrast, most fishers in Haiti continue to value manatees as a source of food and income, and showed a generally negative attitude towards manatee conservation. Haiti is a low income country with a low Human Development Index. Only a single dedicated manatee study has been conducted in Haiti, and manatees are not officially protected. Positive initiatives for manatees in Haiti include: protected areas declared in 2013 and 2014 that enclose two of the manatee hotspots identified in the present study; and local organizations that are currently working on coastal and marine environmental issues, including research and education on marine mammals. Future conservation efforts for manatees in Haiti should focus on addressing poverty and providing viable economic alternatives for coastal communities. I recommend a community partnership approach for manatee conservation, paired with education and awareness campaigns to inform coastal communities about the conservation situation of manatees in Haiti, and to help change their perceived value. Haiti should also provide legal protection for manatees and their habitat.
Chronic non-communicable diseases represent a major public health problem, requiring more effective investigation and control by government agencies. The aim of this study was to correlate the mortality rate for oral cancer in Brazilian State capitals from 1998 to 2002 with socioeconomic factors collected in the 2000 census, using an ecological study design. Data were obtained from the Mortality Information System from 1998 to 2002. Social factors were taken from the Brazilian Human Development Atlases. After data collection, statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation index. The findings included positive and significant correlations among the socioeconomic indicators (Municipal Human Development Index - MHDI, MHDI-income, MHDI-education, MHDI-life expectancy, and per capita income), and negative and significant correlations with the socioeconomic indicators Gini Index and infant mortality. Despite the study’s limitations and probable underreporting in less developed State capitals, the study found significant statistic correlations between the selected socioeconomic indicators and the oral cancer mortality rate___________________________RESUMO As doenças crônico-degenerativas representam um grande problema de saúde pública, necessitando de levantamento e controle mais efetivos destas enfermidades por parte dos órgãos públicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar os índices de mortalidade por câncer oral nas capitais do Brasil no período de 1998 a 2002 com indicadores sócio-econômicos do Censo Demográfico de 2000 , por meio de um estudo do tipo ecológico. Os dados foram extraídos do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (Ministério da Saúde/DATASUS), para os anos de 1998-2002. Os indicadores sócio-econômicos foram obtidos a partir do Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano no Brasil. Após coleta dos dados, a análise estatística foi realizada usando-se o índice de correlação de Pearson. Observaram-se corre- lações positivas e significativas entre os indicadores sócio-econômicos (Índice de Desenvolvimento HumanoMunicipal – IDH-M, IDH-M renda, IDH-M educação, IDH-M longevidade e renda per capita), e correlação negativa e significante para os indicadores sócio-econômicos índice de Gini e mortalidade infantil. Apesar das limitações do estudo e da provável problemática de sub-registros nas capitais menos desenvolvidas, o presente trabalho encontrou correlações estatisticamente significantes entre os indicadores sócio-econômicos selecionados e o índice de mortalidade por câncer oral
BORGES,D. M. L.et al. Mortalidade por câncer de boca e condição sócio-econômica no Brasil.Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v.25,n.2, p.321-327, fev, 2009
Mestrado (dissertação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, 2016.
Este estudio realiza una categorización regional de los países en América Latina con respecto de las categorizaciones globales teniendo en cuenta los índices de competitividad, crecimiento económico y desarrollo humano. El objetivo es actualizar los análisis sobre la situación regional de forma cuantitativa involucrando el grado de asimetría en la competitividad. Esta relación entre el posicionamiento global y regional ha influenciado directamente la evolución del tejido empresarial
Introducción Los sistemas de puntuación para predicción se han desarrollado para medir la severidad de la enfermedad y el pronóstico de los pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Estas medidas son útiles para la toma de decisiones clínicas, la estandarización de la investigación, y la comparación de la calidad de la atención al paciente crítico. Materiales y métodos Estudio de tipo observacional analítico de cohorte en el que reviso las historias clínicas de 283 pacientes oncológicos admitidos a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) durante enero de 2014 a enero de 2016 y a quienes se les estimo la probabilidad de mortalidad con los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV y MPM II, se realizó regresión logística con las variables predictoras con las que se derivaron cada uno de los modelos es sus estudios originales y se determinó la calibración, la discriminación y se calcularon los criterios de información Akaike AIC y Bayesiano BIC. Resultados En la evaluación de desempeño de los puntajes pronósticos APACHE IV mostro mayor capacidad de predicción (AUC = 0,95) en comparación con MPM II (AUC = 0,78), los dos modelos mostraron calibración adecuada con estadístico de Hosmer y Lemeshow para APACHE IV (p = 0,39) y para MPM II (p = 0,99). El ∆ BIC es de 2,9 que muestra evidencia positiva en contra de APACHE IV. Se reporta el estadístico AIC siendo menor para APACHE IV lo que indica que es el modelo con mejor ajuste a los datos. Conclusiones APACHE IV tiene un buen desempeño en la predicción de mortalidad de pacientes críticamente enfermos, incluyendo pacientes oncológicos. Por lo tanto se trata de una herramienta útil para el clínico en su labor diaria, al permitirle distinguir los pacientes con alta probabilidad de mortalidad.
China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.