856 resultados para Ensino História
Sero problematizadas as relaes entre literatura e ensino, com nfase na história recente do ensino da literatura (infantil) na educao escolar brasileira. O objetivo discutir a importncia da leitura (literria) da configurao de textos literrios para o processo de formao de leitores, assim como as implicaes para a formao de professores para a educao infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
Ps-graduao em Educao para a Cincia - FC
The following article has as the main concern and tendency to think and offer some ideas on the Teaching of Philosophy in Brazil and historically conceptions constructed about the philosophy, this constituting itself a challenge to Brazilian education and the formation of people. It is pertinent to the conciliation in the Teaching of Philosophy, from the History of Philosophy, the philosophize and not to join immediately to philosophical systems and their conceptions, but that is structured from the real problems of each situation and experienced in education space and society in general as an macrostructure that requires reflection about your problems. Note that, during the 500 years of education in Brazil, especially in this aspect of Teaching Philosophy characteristics with respect to the concerns and the philosophical problems have been modified, initially, a more obedient to the rules, passing, sometime later, the valorization of polemic and, finally, the systematization of reality and reflection of the real problems faced by a society such as the Brazilian. In this sense, it is proposed to understand and analyze the Teaching of Philosophy in both, the primary and secondary education and, especially, in the university.
This article integrates results from reflections on the importance of history and philosophy of science for science education and teacher training. Centrally, was based on results from reflections on the importance of this knowledge for teacher training and action planning of science teaching by the teacher, through a thematic approach. To address this latter topic, we attempted to do so by considering the action planning of science teaching in elementary schools. This option is due to the fact that in the discipline, be clearly stated the broad reach of its area, to integrate knowledge about nature, human beings and technology, among others, in a historical and philosophical perspective.
The objective of this article was to argue how to use images (as films, photos and paintings) and lyrics of musics (as rap) to teach History of the African and Afro- Brazilian culture in classroom. Demonstrating how the procedures had been worked in classroom, at Municipal School of Basic Education (EMEF) Maria Pavanatti Favaro, located in Campinas City, in the State of So Paulo-Brazil, and the results that had been reached with the use of those resources.
In this article we aimed the identification and the analysis of the textual configuration aspects from the speeches of the high authorities of public instruction in So Paulo contained in Annuarios do ensino do estado de So Paulo, centrally those published between 1907 and 1927, on the direction of public instruction and its teachers statewide. This formulation resulted from the need to search the peculiar aspects of these discourses, that is, from a conductor thread through which and by vitue of which these discourses have been produced. It was concluded at the end, the common orientation mentioned to speeches was to bring the idea together, a sense of unity to the sphere of public education in the state, which would characterize the called school apparatus in So Paulo.
Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FCLAR
O atletismo pode ser considerado como um esporte de base, j que est relacionado aos movimentos de correr, marchar, lanar, arremessar e saltar. Mas, logo percebemos que, apesar da importncia do atletismo, no tivemos aulas dessa modalidade esportiva na escola. Por ser uma prova do atletismo, o arremesso do peso, tambm pouco conhecido, cabendo aos professores de Educao Fsica se aprimorarem, buscando conhecimentos na rea, a fim de poder ensin-lo na escola. Para auxili-los, procuramos resgatar a história do arremesso do peso, identificando as principais modificaes que ocorreram nessa prova desde sua origem at os dias atuais. Aps intensa pesquisa bibliogrfica, reunimos, nesse trabalho, dados referentes origem da prova, resultados de competies internacionais, história nos Jogos Olmpicos, tcnicas do arremesso do peso etc, a fim de subsidiar seu ensino na escola, onde deveria ser trabalhada como parte do contedo do atletismo desenvolvido nas aulas de Educao Fsica. Pautando-nos nas dimenses dos contedos: conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal, procuramos, ainda, evidenciar diferentes possibilidades de ensino do arremesso do peso voltado formao do aluno, em especial, no que se refere ao que ele deve saber, ao que ele deve fazer e s atitudes que ele deve tomar diante s situaes por ele vivenciadas ao longo da vida
This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study
The performance of investigative activities with lessons in teaching Science and Chemistry has promoted meaningful learning of scientific knowledge. This study aimed to develop the links between higher education for research and skills argumentative, aimed at building the scientific concept on combustion of the candle in a closed container, for students from two classes of 3rd year of high school, two city schools Bauru, So Paulo. We decided to do a short course investigative, to respond argumentative skills which are developed during the minicourse using investigative activities, knowledge from the history and philosophy of science. The results were gathered from analysis of video recordings of episodes of the short course in both the groups, to produce a higher rate of use of argumentative skill, which were classified into categories according to the prior knowledge of the subject, 'factual knowledge' , 'understanding of concepts' and 'reasoning and analysis.' From the information obtained, it was found that both the teachers and the students were consistent in their actions, and that the activity of reasoning is key to learning. Thus, one can realize that knowledge is not acquired all at the same time, each individual depends on the mediation of the teacher in order to reach different design more appropriate teaching and investigative linked with the argument can be the key tool to acquire this knowledge
This study presents the results of a study on the development of the concept of force and their possible applications in physics teaching. The historical study has focused on Aristotelian natural philosophy, medieval theories of strength in impressed and on classical Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian concept of force was also an object lesson of physics analyzed in this study. In this lesson, conducted in a preuniversity course, spontaneous conceptions or alternative conceptions of students about the concept of force proved very entrenched, resulting in studies on the Model Change on Conceptual and epistemological obstacles in view Bachelardian. The theoretical frameworks adopted led us to trace parallels between spontaneous conceptions revealed by the students and some views about the concept of force found in the study of history. The results show that while some old conceptions have been replaced by scientifically Newtonian concept of force, they are still present in the students' ideas and resist to changes even after the study of Newton's laws. Like main result shows that the history of science can be a great ally for the deconstruction of alternative conceptions, particularly when these concepts were previously presented and overcome the course of history of the development of a concept
O salto triplo existe h mais de 2000 anos e foi praticado, primeiramente, pelo povo celta, isto , antigos habitantes da Europa Ocidental. Essa prova era praticada em competies esportivas rurais e expandiu-se pelo resto da Europa no sculo XIX. Atualmente, o Brasil serve como referncia para outros pases, j que tivemos grandes atletas que marcaram presena no cenrio olmpico do salto triplo como, por exemplo, Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, Nelson Prudncio e Joo Carlos de Oliveira. Apesar de ser uma das provas do atletismo mais antigas, o salto triplo ainda muito pouco trabalhado em escolas de todo o pas. Por essa razo, essa pesquisa, de carter histrico-bibliogrfico, tem como objetivo realizar um resgate histrico dessa prova, reunindo dados e informaes pertinentes relacionados ao salto triplo. Nesse sentido, foram realizadas pesquisas no acervo de universidades como Unesp (Rio Claro), Unicamp e PUC-Campinas, alm de web sites, com livros e artigos digitalizados, e registros diversos que pudessem contribuir para a elaborao desse trabalho. Esperamos, portanto, alm de realizar o resgate histrico dessa prova, subsidiar o trabalho de professores de Educao Fsica no mbito escolar, para que o ensino do salto triplo e do atletismo de forma geral se difunda e conquiste mais espao nas escolas brasileiras
A importncia do estudo da paleontologia est no seu carter integrador, reunindo conhecimentos de vrias reas, o que pode contribuir para que os alunos do ensino bsico entendam a história da vida no planeta, encarando a evoluo como um processo contnuo e bem evidenciado no qual tambm estamos inseridos. No contexto de pequena presena do ensino da paleontologia na Educao Bsica, outros espaos de educao no formal ganham fora na transmisso desses conhecimentos populao e, dentre estes espaos, na rea da paleontologia, encontram-se as exposies de fsseis. Estas permitem que os conhecimentos desenvolvidos na universidade e que normalmente ficam restritos ao mbito universitrio sejam levadas ao conhecimento de um grande nmero de alunos, contribuindo para a formao e alfabetizao cientfica. A partir desta perspectiva, o presente estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e a avaliao de uma exposio de fsseis e rplicas para os alunos do ensino bsico da rede pblica das escolas de Botucatu e regio. Atravs dessa exposio, chamada Paleo Expo, pretendeu-se que os alunos conhecessem a história da vida na Terra, tivessem contato com os principais eventos evolutivos e entendessem a evoluo como um processo contnuo e bem evidenciado, contribuindo para o enriquecimento dos conhecimentos dos visitantes, aguando a curiosidade e gerando reflexes. A exposio, destinada a alunos de sexta a oitava series do ensino fundamental, priorizou a participao ativa dos alunos e contou tambm com atividades complementares, que consistiram em um jogo educativo e uma apresentao de informaes sobre como so realizadas as pesquisas em paleontologia. A Paleo Expo, de um modo geral, atingiu seus objetivos e os alunos se mostraram estimulados e participativos. Pode-se considerar, pelos dados coletados, que a experincia... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)