991 resultados para Cream of tartar.


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Workshop Overview The use of special effects (moulage) is a way to augment the authenticity of a scenario in simulation. This workshop will introduce different techniques of moulage (oil based cream colors, watercolors, transfer tattoos and 3D Prosthetics). The participants will have the opportunity to explore these techniques by applying various moulages. They will compare the techniques and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, strategies for standardization and quality assurance will be discussed. Workshop Rationale Moulage supports the sensory perception in an scenario (1). It can provide evaluation clues (2) and help learners (and SPs) to engage in the simulation. However, it is of crucial importance that the simulated physical pathologies are represented accurate and reliable. Accuracy is achieved by using the appropriate technique, which requires knowledge and practice . With information about different moulage techniques, we hope to increases the knowledge of moulage during the workshop. By applying moulages in various techniques we will practice together. As standardization is critical for simulation scenarios in assessment (3, 4) strategies for standardization of moulage will be introduced and discussed. Workshop Objectives During the workshop participants will: - gain knowledge about different techniques of moulages - practice moulages in various techniques - discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moulage techniques - describe strategies for standardization and quality assurance of moulage Planned Format 5 min Introduction 15 min Overview – Background & Theory (presentation) 15 min Application of moulage for ankle sprain in 4 different techniques (oil based cream color, water color, temporary tatoo, 3D prosthetic) in small groups 5 min Comparing the results by interactive viewing of prepared moulages 15 min Application of moulages for burn in different techniques in small groups 5 min Comparing results the results by interactive viewing of prepared moulages 5 min Sharing experiences with different techniques in small groups 20 min Discussion of the techniques including standardization and quality assurance strategies (plenary discussion) 5 min Summary / Take home points


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate students' lunch consumption compared to NSLP guidelines, the contribution of competitive foods to calorie intake at lunch, and the differences in nutrient and food group intake between the a la carte food consumers and non- a la carte food consumers.^ In Fall 2011, 1170 elementary and 440 intermediate students were observed anonymously during school lunch. The foods eaten, their source, grade level, and gender were recorded. All a la carte offerings met the Texas School Nutrition Policy.^ Differences in nutrient and food group intake by grade level and between students who consumed a la carte and those who did not were assessed using ANCOVA. A chi-squared analysis was conducted to evaluate differences in a la carte food consumption by grade level, gender, and the school's low income status.^ Average lunch intakes for elementary students were 457 (SD 164) calories for elementary students and 541 calories (SD 188) for intermediate students (p<0.001). 760 students (47%) consumed 937 a la carte foods, with the most often consumed items being chips (32%), ice cream (22%) and snack items (18%). Mean a la carte food intakes were 60 and 98 calories for elementary and intermediate schools respectively (p<0.001). Significantly more (p<0.000) intermediate students (34.3%) consumed a la carte items compared to elementary students (27.5%).^ Students who consumed a la carte foods had significantly higher intakes of calories (p<0.000), fat (p<0.000), sodium (p<0.002), fiber (p<0.000), added sugar (p<0.000), total grains (p<0.000), dessert foods (p<0.000), and snack chips (p<0.000) and lower intakes of vitamin A (p<0.001), iron (p<0.000), fruit (p<0.022), vegetables (p<0.031), milk (p<0.000), and juice (p<0.000) compared to students who did not eat a la carte foods.^ Although previous studies have found that reducing availability of unhealthy items at school decreased student consumption of these items, the results of this study indicate that even the strict guidelines set forth by the state of Texas are not sufficient to prevent increased caloric intake and poor nutrient intake. Strategies to improve student selection and consumption at school lunch when a la carte foods are available are warranted.^


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In order to monitor the evolution of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and its influence in surface ocean structure during marine isotopic stages (MIS) 2 and 3, we have analyzed the sediments recovered in core MD04-2829CQ (Rosemary Bank, north Rockall Trough, northeast Atlantic) dated between ~41 and ~18 ka B.P. Ice-rafted debris flux and composition, 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains, multispecies planktonic stable isotope records, planktonic foraminifera assemblage data and faunal-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) demonstrate a close interaction between BIIS dynamics and surface ocean structure and water properties in this region. The core location lies beneath the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and is ideal for monitoring the shifts in the position of its associated oceanic fronts, as recorded by faunal changes. These data reveal a succession of BIIS-sourced iceberg calving events related to low SST, usually synchronous with dramatic changes in the composition of the planktonic foraminifera assemblage and with variations in the stable isotope records of the taxa Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling) and Globigerina bulloides. The pacing of the calving events, from typically Dansgaard-Oeschger millennial timescales during late MIS 3 to multicentennial cyclicity from ~28 ka B.P., represents the build-up of the BIIS and its growing instability toward Heinrich Event (HE) 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data confirm the strong coupling between BIIS instabilities and the temperature and salinity of surface waters in the adjacent northeast Atlantic and demonstrate the BIIS's ability to modify the NAC on its flow toward the Nordic Seas. In contrast, subsurface water masses were less affected except during the Greenland stadials that contain HEs, when most intense water column reorganizations occurred simultaneously with the deposition of cream-colored carbonate sourced from the Laurentide Ice Sheet.


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T.B. Jervis; the chinese characters and explanations rendered into English were furnished by Mr. Samuel Birch, from a comparison of the above documents and the notes appended to the original by the students in the Missionary College at Naples.


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Book of yearly predictions about the sultan, his family, ministers, grand mufti, etc. Records for years 1199-1227 AH [1785-1812 AD]. Year run from nevrūz to nevrūz (beginning of spring). Predictions concern political affairs and state of health of various individuals. Predictions about weather conditions and the eclipses also included. Separate section at end of each year's entry breaks down predictions into months. Manuscript apparently the author's working copy and probably the sole copy.


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Collection of prayers and various devotional writings in prose and poetry.


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Cream laid paper with watermarks. 19.9 x 14.3 cm.


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A biostratigraphically continuous, but intensely bioturbated, Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sequence was cored during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 113 on Maud Rise (65°S) in the Weddell Sea off East Antarctica. This interval is the first recovered by ODP/DSDP in the South Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean and offers a unique opportunity to study the nannofossil sequences leading up to and beyond the terminal Cretaceous event at a high southern latitude. The K/T boundary lies just within Chron 29R and is placed at ODP Sample 113-690C-15X-4, 41.5 cm. An iridium anomaly was independently noted at about this level as well. Upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene sediments consist mostly of light-colored nannofossil chalks. Dark brown sediments at the base of the Danian (Zone CPla) are characterized by an increased clay content attributed to a drop in calcareous microplankton productivity following the terminal Cretaceous event. Although delineation of the boundary is hampered by intense bioturbation, the sharp color contrast between overlying clay-rich, dark brown chalks of the Tertiary and light cream colored chalks of the Cretaceous aids in the selection of the K/T horizon. Several dark colored burrows sampled at intervals as far as 1.3 m below the boundary and within the light colored Cretaceous chalk were found to contain up to 17% Tertiary nannofossils. Calcareous nannofossils from the boundary interval were divided into three groups for quantitative study. The three groups, "Cretaceous," "Tertiary," and "Survivor," exhibit a sequential change across the boundary with the Cretaceous forms giving way to a Survivor-dominated assemblage beginning at the boundary followed shortly thereafter by the appearance of the Tertiary taxa, Cruciplacolithus and Hornibrookina. The species, H. edwardsii, comprises nearly 50% of the assemblage just above the Zone CPla/CPlb boundary, an abundance not reported elsewhere at this level. Calculation of individual species abundances reveals several additional differences between this K/T boundary interval and those studied from middle and low latitude sections. The percentage of Thoracosphaera is much lower at the boundary in this section and a small form, Prediscosphaera stoveri, is extremely abundant in Cretaceous sediments just below the boundary.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Includes household hints; samples of menus; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Stuffed artichokes, Macaroni à la Milanaise, Apricot and wine jelly, Cream sponge cake.