979 resultados para Co Conversion
In this paper, Co/CeO2 catalysts, with different cobalt contents were prepared by the polymeric precursor method and were evaluated for the steam reforming of ethanol. The catalysts were characterized by N-2 physisorption (BET method), X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible diffuse reflectance, temperature programmed reduction analysis (TPR) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM). It was observed that the catalytic behavior could be influenced by the experimental conditions and the nature of the catalyst employed. Physical-chemical characterizations revealed that the cobalt content of the catalyst influences the metal-support interaction which results in distinct catalyst performances. The catalyst with the highest cobalt content showed the best performance among the catalysts tested, exhibiting complete ethanol conversion, hydrogen selectivity close to 66% and good stability at a reaction temperature of 600 degrees C. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Catalysts containing 10%Co supported on CexZr1-xO2 (0 < x < 1) were applied to ethanol steam reforming reactions. The catalysts were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, XANES-H-2 and DRS-UV-Vis. The catalytic tests were conducted at 673, 773 and 873 K, with molar ratios of H2O:ethanol = 3:1. The ethanol conversion and H-2 selectivity were temperature dependent and the association of CeO2 with ZrO2 in the support led to show a low formation of CO, due to the higher mobility of oxygen. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have studied the influence of SiO2 content on the spectroscopic properties and laser emission efficiency of Yb3+-Er3+ co-doped calcium aluminosilicate glasses. An increase in SiO2 content resulted in higher phonon energy, which reduced the up-conversion emission, enhanced the energy transfer efficiency up to 70 % from Yb3+ to Er3+, and enhanced the optical quality. All these results led to an increase from 20 to 30 % in the laser emission efficiency.
The Er3+-Yb3+ co-doped MgAl2O4 phosphor powders have been prepared by the combustion method. The phosphor powders are well characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive (EDX) techniques. The absorption spectrum of Er3+/Er3+-Yb3+ doped/co-doped phosphor powder has been recorded in the UV-Vis-NIR region of the electro-magnetic spectrum. The evidence for indirect pumping under 980 nm excitation of Er3+ from Yb3+ was observed in the MgAl2O4 matrix material. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to identify the defect centres responsible for the thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) process in MgAl2O4:Er3+ phosphor. Three defect centres were identified in irradiated phosphor by ESR measurements which were carried out at room temperature and these were assigned to an O- ion and F+ centres. O- ion (hole centre) appears to correlate with the low temperature TSL peak at 210 A degrees C and one of the F+ centres (electron centre) is related to the high temperature peak at 460 A degrees C.
The Nd3+-Yb3+ couple was investigated in fluoroindogallate glasses using optical spectroscopy to elucidate the energy transfer mechanisms involved in the downconversion (DC) process. Upon excitation of a Nd3+ ion by an ultraviolet photon, DC through a three-step energy transfer process occurs, in which the energy of the ultraviolet photon absorbed by the Nd3+ ion is converted into three infrared photons emitted by Yb3+ ions, i.e. quantum cutting (QC). In addition, with excitation in the visible, our results confirm that the DC process occurs through a one-step energy transfer process, in which the energy of a visible photon absorbed by the Nd3+ ion is converted into only one infrared photon emitted by an Yb3+ ion. Time-resolved measurements enabled the estimation of the efficiencies of the cross-relaxation processes between Nd3+ and Yb3+ ions.
In this Thesis, we investigate the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes (BHs), Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their hosting dark matter (DM) halos and galaxies, within the standard CDM scenario. We analyze both analytic, semi-analytic and hybrid techniques and use the most recent observational data available to constrain the assumptions underlying our models. First, we focus on very simple analytic models where the assembly of BHs is directly related to the merger history of DM haloes. For this purpose, we implement the two original analytic models of Wyithe & Loeb 2002 and Wyithe & Loeb 2003, compare their predictions to the AGN luminosity function and clustering data, and discuss possible modifications to the models that improve the match to the observation. Then we study more sophisticated semi-analytic models in which however the baryonic physics is neglected as well. Finally we improve the hybrid simulation of De Lucia & Blaizot 2007, adding new semi-analytical prescriptions to describe the BH mass accretion rate during each merger event and its conversion into radiation, and compare the derived BH scaling relations, fundamental plane and mass function, and the AGN luminosity function with observations. All our results support the following scenario: • The cosmological co-evolution of BHs, AGN and galaxies can be well described within the CDM model. • At redshifts z & 1, the evolution history of DM halo fully determines the overall properties of the BH and AGN populations. The AGN emission is triggered mainly by DM halo major mergers and, on average, AGN shine at their Eddington luminosity. • At redshifts z . 1, BH growth decouples from halo growth. Galaxy major mergers cannot constitute the only trigger to accretion episodes in this phase. • When a static hot halo has formed around a galaxy, a fraction of the hot gas continuously accretes onto the central BH, causing a low-energy “radio” activity at the galactic centre, which prevents significant gas cooling and thus limiting the mass of the central galaxies and quenching the star formation at late time. • The cold gas fraction accreted by BHs at high redshifts seems to be larger than at low redshifts.
In dieser Arbeit werden die Dynamiken angeregter Zustände in Donor-Akzeptorsystemen für Energieumwandlungsprozesse mit ultraschneller zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie behandelt. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die Erforschung der Photophysik organischer Solarzellen, deren aktive Schichten aus diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) basierten Polymeren mit kleiner Bandlücke als Elektronendonatoren und Fullerenen als Elektronenakzeptoren bestehen. rnEin zweiter Teil widmet sich der Erforschung von künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren, basierend auf Porphyrinen, Quinonen und Ferrocenen, die jeweils als Lichtsammeleinheit, Elektronenakzeptor beziehungsweise als Elektronendonatoren eingesetzt werden, um langlebige ladungsgetrennte Zustände zu erzeugen.rnrnZeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzspektroskopie und transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie haben gezeigt, dass Singulettexzitonenlebenszeiten in den Polymeren PTDPP-TT und PFDPP-TT Polymeren kurz sind (< 20 ps) und dass in Mischungen der Polymere mit PC71BM geminale Rekombination von gebundenen Ladungstransferzuständen ein Hauptverlustkanal ist. Zudem wurde in beiden Systemen schnelle nichtgeminale Rekombination freier Ladungen zu Triplettzuständen auf dem Polymer beobachtet. Für das Donor-Akzeptor System PDPP5T:PC71BM wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels mit hohem Siedepunkt, und zwar ortho-Dichlorbenzol, die Morphologie der aktiven Schicht stark beeinflusst und die Solarzelleneffizienz verbessert. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien besser durchmischt sind und sich Perkolationswege zu den Elektroden ausgebildet haben, was zu einer verbesserten Ladungsträgergeneration und Extraktion führt. Schnelle Bildung des Triplettzustands wurde in beiden PDPP5T:PC71BM Systemen beobachtet, da der Triplettzustand des Polymers über Laungstransferzustände mit Triplettcharakter populiert werden kann. "Multivariate curve resolution" (MCR) Analyse hat eine starke Intensitätsabhängigkeit gezeigt, was auf nichtgeminale Ladungsträgerrekombination in den Triplettzustand hinweist.rnrnIn den künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren hat transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt, dass photoinduzierter Ladungstransfer in Quinon-Porphyrin (Q-P) und Porphyrin-Ferrocen (P-Fc) Diaden sowie in Quinon-Porphyrin-Ferrocen (Q-P-Fc) Triaden effizient ist. Es wurde jedoch auch gezeigt, dass in den P-Fc unf Q-P-Fc Systemen die ladungsgetrennten Zustände in den Triplettzustand der jeweiligen Porphyrine rekombinieren. Der ladungsgetrennte Zustand konnte in der Q-P Diade durch Zugabe einer Lewissäure signifikant stabilisiert werden.
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising devices for stationary and portable power and heat generation, because they can use complex fuels such as hydro-carbons, CO, and alcohols. Extreme, non-equilibrium conditions and high tem-peratures (≥ 700 ˚C) required for SOFC operation hamper efforts to understand the mechanisms of component degradation in SOFCs. This talk focuses on new insights into SOFC chemistry and the conversion of carbon-containing fuels (both hydrocarbons and oxygenated) into electricity, carbon dioxide and water, gleaned from a combination of techniques including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, voltammetry, and vibrational Raman scattering.
Studies of initial activities of carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) from Rhodospirillum rubrum show that CODH is mostly inactive at redox potentials higher than −300 mV. Initial activities measured at a wide range of redox potentials (0–500 mV) fit a function corresponding to the Nernst equation with a midpoint potential of −316 mV. Previously, extensive EPR studies of CODH have suggested that CODH has three distinct redox states: (i) a spin-coupled state at −60 to −300 mV that gives rise to an EPR signal termed Cred1; (ii) uncoupled states at <−320 mV in the absence of CO2 referred to as Cunc; and (iii) another spin-coupled state at <−320 mV in the presence of CO2 that gives rise to an EPR signal termed Cred2B. Because there is no initial CODH activity at potentials that give rise to Cred1, the state (Cred1) is not involved in the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme. At potentials more positive than −380 mV, CODH recovers its full activity over time when incubated with CO. This reductant-dependent conversion of CODH from an inactive to an active form is referred to hereafter as “autocatalysis.” Analyses of the autocatalytic activation process of CODH suggest that the autocatalysis is initiated by a small fraction of activated CODH; the small fraction of active CODH catalyzes CO oxidation and consequently lowers the redox potential of the assay system. This process is accelerated with time because of accumulation of the active enzyme.
Low metal content Co and Ni alumina supported catalysts (4.0, 2.5 and 1.0 wt% nominal metal content) have been prepared, characterized (by ICP-OES, TEM, TPR-H2 and TPO) and tested for the CO2 reforming of methane. The objective is to optimize the metal loading in order to have a more efficient system. The selected reaction temperature is 973 K, although some tests at higher reaction temperature have been also performed. The results show that the amount of deposited carbon is noticeably lower than that obtained with the Co and Ni reference catalysts (9 wt%), but the CH4 and CO2 conversions are also lower. Among the catalysts tested, the Co(1) catalyst (the value in brackets corresponds to the nominal wt% loading) is deactivated during the first minutes of reaction because CoAl2O4 is formed, while Ni(1) and Co(2.5) catalysts show a high specific activity for methane conversion, a high stability and a very low carbon deposition.
"Contract no. Nonr 3501 (00), Order no. 209-61 [and 209-62] Task no. NR 09-358 [and 399-358]"
Biomass production, conversion and utilization can be done locally with value addition to small farmers. However, new technical inputs are needed for profitable exploitation of biomass within the constraints related to land, water and skill availability and to provide higher quality of energy needed for rural industries. Trigeneration, which is generating energy simultaneously in three forms (electric power, heat for processing and refrigeration), helps in fully utilizing the stored energy in biomass and would be most appropriate for micro enterprises. This paper presents concepts in terms of trigeneration systems feasible for rural areas.
We report an efficient one-pot conversion of glycerol (GLY) to methyl lactate (MLACT) in methanol in good yields (73 % at 95 % GLY conversion) by using Au nanoparticles on commercially available ultra-stable zeolite-Y (USY) as the catalyst (160 °C, air, 47 bar pressure, 0.25 M GLY, GLY-to-Au mol ratio of 1407, 10 h). The best results were obtained with zeolite USY-600, a catalyst that has both Lewis and Brønsted sites. This methodology provides a direct chemo-catalytic route for the synthesis of MLACT from GLY. MLACT is stable under the reaction conditions, and the Au/USY catalyst was recycled without a decrease in the activity and selectivity. From glycerol to green building blocks and solvents! An efficient, base-free conversion of glycerol to methyl lactate in methanol is reported, achieving good yields (73 % at 95 % glycerol conversion) using Au/ultra-stable zeolite-Y (USY) as the catalyst and environmentally benign oxygen as the oxidant by combining two separate reaction steps efficiently in a one pot procedure. The Au/USY catalyst can be recycled without a decrease in the activity and selectivity. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Sulfur compounds emissions have been, on the late years, subject to more severe environmental laws due to its impact on the environment (causing the acid rain phenomena) and on human health. It has also been object of much attention from the refiners worldwide due to its relationship with equipment’s life, which is decreased by corrosion, and also with products’ quality, as the later may have its color, smell and stability altered by the presence of such compounds. Sulfur removal can be carried out by hydrotreating (HDT) which is a catalytic process. Catalysts for HDS are traditionally based on Co(Ni)-Mo(W)/Al2O3. However, in face of the increased contaminants’ content on crude oil, and stricter legislation on emissions, the development of new, more active and efficient catalysts is pressing. Carbides of refractory material have been identified as potential materials for this use. The addition of a second metal to carbides may enhance catalytic activities by increasing the density of active sites. In the present thesis Mo2C with Co addition was produced in a fixed bed reactor via gas-solid reaction of CH4 (5%) and H2(95%) with a precursor made of a mix of ammonium heptamolybdate [(NH4)6[Mo7O24].4H2O] and cobalt nitrate[Co(NO3)2.6H2O] at stoichiometric amounts. Precursors’ where analyzed by XRF, XRD, SEM and TG/DTA. Carboreduction reactions were carried out at 700 and 750°C with two cobalt compositions (2,5 and 5%). Reaction’s products were characterized by XRF, XRD, SEM, TOC, BET and laser granulometry. It was possible to obtain Mo2C with 2,5 and 5% cobalt addition as a single phase at 750°C with nanoscale crystallite sizes. At 700°C, however, both MoO2 and Mo2C phases were found by XRD. No Co containing phases were found by XRD. XRF, however, confirmed the intended Co content added. SEM images confirmed XRD data. The increase on Co content promoted a more severe agglomeration of the produced powder. The same effect was noted when the reaction temperature was increased. The powder synthesized at 750°C with 2,5% Co addition TOC analysis indicated the complete conversion from oxide material to carbide, with a 8,9% free carbon production. The powder produced at this temperature with 5% Co addition was only partially converted (86%)
Barium Cerate (BaCeO3) is perovskite type structure of ABO3, wherein A and B are metal cations. These materials, or doped, have been studied by having characteristics that make them promising for the application in fuel cells solid oxide, hydrogen and oxygen permeation, as catalysts, etc .. However, as the ceramic materials mixed conductivity have been produced by different synthesis methods, some conditions directly influence the final properties, one of the most important doping Site B, which may have direct influence on the crystallite size, which in turn directly influences their catalytic activity. In this study, perovskite-type (BaCexO3) had cerium gradually replaced by praseodymium to obtain ternary type materials BaCexPr1-xO3 and BaPrO3 binaries. These materials were synthesized by EDTA/Citrate complexing method and the material characterized via XRD, SEM and BET for the identification of their structure, morphology and surface area. Moreover were performed on all materials, catalytic test in a fixed bed reactor for the identification of that person responsible for complete conversion of CO to CO2 at low operating temperature, which step can be used as the subsequent production of synthesis gas (CO + H2) from methane oxidation. In the present work the crystalline phase having the orthorhombic structure was obtained for all compositions, with a morphology consisting of agglomerated particles being more pronounced with increasing praseodymium in the crystal structure. The average crystal size was between 100 nm and 142,2 nm. The surface areas were 2,62 m²g-1 for the BaCeO3 composition, 3,03 m²g-1 to BaCe0,5Pr0,5O3 composition and 2,37 m²g-1 to BaPrO3 composition. Regarding the catalytic tests, we can conclude that the optimal flow reactor operation was 50 ml / min and the composition regarding the maximum rate of conversion to the lowest temperature was BaCeO3 to 400° C. Meanwhile, there was found that the partially replaced by praseodymium, cerium, there was a decrease in the catalytic activity of the material.