301 resultados para Cervix Uteri


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La incompetencia cervical corresponde a la incapacidad del cuello uterino de mantener su rigidez propia, necesaria para la mantención del embarazo. Se tiene dos teorías de la deformación cervical una por alteración en componentes del estroma que producen un reblandecimiento del cérvix por lo que explica la efectividad el cerclaje como método de manejo, pero no siempre existe utilidad, por eso se buscan alternativas no quirúrgicas para el manejo de la incompetencia cervical y se analizan los progestágenos. Método: el objetivo del estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura disponible en las bases de datos más importantes en medicina sobre el uso terapéutico de la progesterona en gestantes con incompetencia cervical publicados hasta Agosto del 2010. Resultados: Se seleccionaron quince estudios sobre el manejo terapéutico de la incompetencia cervical, once eran secundarios, dos eran serie de casos, y uno solo era un experimental. Conclusiones: El beneficio del uso de progesterona en mujeres gestantes no tiene suficiente evidencia, pero existe beneficio en algunas pacientes con un cuello corto en el segundo trimestre, este beneficio tiene documentación pero todavía se debe mejorar la indicaciones del uso de la progesterona, es decir tener claramente identificado a quienes se puede dar tratamiento con progesterona y quienes con cerclaje, porque no existe efecto sinérgico entre el manejo medico y el procedimiento. Los pocos estudios también evidencian beneficios en disminución de riesgo


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Introducción: La concentración de ADN libre en plasma ha sido investigada como un biomarcador tumoral en diferentes tipos de cáncer. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios que evalúan la concentración ADN libre en pacientes con cáncer cervical y hasta la fecha no hay estudios en pacientes con lesiones pre-cancerosas cervicales. Objetivo: Establecer la asociación entre la concentración de ADN libre y el grado de la neoplasia cervical y evaluar su posible asociación con el tipo viral. Metodología: Estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico con un muestreo no probabilístico. Se cuantifico el ADN libre en plasma por PCR en tiempo real de 92 pacientes que presentaban algún tipo de lesión intraepitelial cervical, confirmado por biopsia en diferentes instituciones de la ciudad de Bogotá. Adicional a esto se realizó la genotipificación del virus por Reverse Line Blot. Resultados: La concentración de ADN libre en plasma de pacientes con lesiones pre-cancerosas fue 4515 ± 16402 ng/ µl (media ± DS), LIEBG fue de 5188.7 ± 14876.5 ng/ µl (media ± DS), en pacientes con LIEAG fue de 830.3 ± 1515.508 ng/ µl (media ± DS), en pacientes con resultado negativo fue de 7024.7 ± 24107.5 ng/ µl (media ± DS). Los serotipos encontrados en la poblacion de estudio no presentaron asociacion con la concentracion de ADN libre. Discusión: Los resultados demostraron que la concentración absoluta de ADN libre en plasma no tiene un valor predictivo para diferenciar los tipos de lesión pre-neoplasica de cuello uterino, puesto que no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la concentración de ADN libre en plasma de las diferentes etapas progresivas de cáncer de cuello uterino (p;0.57, gl;3 alfa 0.05) de la misma forma el serotipo no contribuye a explicar la concentración de ADN libre.


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El cáncer de cuello uterino y su mortalidad en Colombia ha permanecido constantes pese a los esfuerzos institucionales, distritales y nacionales que han buscado fortalecer los programas de prevención; sin embargo las estrategias actuales hacen énfasis en la toma de citología y no en la solicitud oportuna del resultado y el tratamiento de la usuaria en caso de anormalidad. METODOLOGIA: Se realizó un estudio en dos fases, un análisis descriptivo se analizaron 12875 y una segunda que involucro 257 pacientes en un análisis de casos y controles de una muestra aleatoria. RESULTADOS: Se utiliza para análisis bivariado la prueba de Chi cuadrado y regresión logística que muestran diferencias significativas en los siguientes variables: la explicación sobre la importancia del examen (p= 0.0060), importancia de la solicitud de resultado (p= 0.003), explicación sobre cuando reclamarlo (p=0.030), distancia entre residencia y centro de salud (p=0.065) DISCUSIÓN: En nuestro estudio se identificó que los factores como el acceso de la paciente al centro de salud, el tiempo del cual dispone para solicitar el resultado, si el dinero con el que cuenta la paciente para desplazarse al hospital, si es la primera vez que se realiza la citología, si le explicaron la importancia de reclamar el resultado y en que lapso de tiempo debía hacerlo, la información que tiene acerca de la importancia de realizarse la citología contribuyen en el hecho de que una paciente de esta población de un hospital público reclame o no su resultado de su citología


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La inducción del trabajo de parto ha demostrado aumentar simultáneamente las tasas de cesárea, especialmente en nulíparas con cérvix clínicamente desfavorables. Ya que la valoración clínica del cérvix es un método subjetivo, aunque ampliamente utilizado, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la utilidad de la medición ecográfica de la longitud cervical comparándola con el puntaje de Bishop, en la predicción del éxito de la inducción del parto en las pacientes nulíparas en el servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael, Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, evaluando una cohorte prospectiva de 80 gestantes a quienes se les realizó valoración ultrasonográfica y clínica del cérvix antes de iniciar la inducción del trabajo de parto. Resultados: El análisis bivariado demostró que las pacientes con longitud cervical >20mm tienen 1.57 veces la probabilidad de tener parto por cesárea (RR 1.57 IC95% 1.03-2.39 p <0.05). De manera similar las pacientes con puntaje de Bishop 0 a 3 tienen 2.33 veces la probabilidad de tener parto por cesárea (RR 2.33 IC95% 1.28-4.23 p <0.05). La regresión logística binaria demostró que la edad materna y la longitud cervical fueron los únicos parámetros independientes con significancia estadística para predecir el éxito de la inducción. Conclusiones: La medición ecográfica de la longitud cervical tiene mayor utilidad que la valoración clínica del cérvix en la predicción del éxito de la inducción del parto en nulíparas.


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Objectives To determine the effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine on the risk of developing subsequent disease after an excisional procedure for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or diagnosis of genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Design Retrospective analysis of data from two international, double blind, placebo controlled, randomised efficacy trials of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (protocol 013 (FUTURE I) and protocol 015 (FUTURE II)). Setting Primary care centres and university or hospital associated health centres in 24 countries and territories around the world. Participants Among 17 622 women aged 15–26 years who underwent 1:1 randomisation to vaccine or placebo, 2054 received cervical surgery or were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Intervention Three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine or placebo at day 1, month 2, and month 6. Main outcome measures Incidence of HPV related disease from 60 days after treatment or diagnosis, expressed as the number of women with an end point per 100 person years at risk. Results A total of 587 vaccine and 763 placebo recipients underwent cervical surgery. The incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 6.6 and 12.2 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (46.2% reduction (95% confidence interval 22.5% to 63.2%) with vaccination). Vaccination was associated with a significant reduction in risk of any subsequent high grade disease of the cervix by 64.9% (20.1% to 86.3%). A total of 229 vaccine recipients and 475 placebo recipients were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, and the incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 20.1 and 31.0 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (35.2% reduction (13.8% to 51.8%)). Conclusions Previous vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine among women who had surgical treatment for HPV related disease significantly reduced the incidence of subsequent HPV related disease, including high grade disease.


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Introducción: La infección por un tipo de Virus del Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR), es el factor principal en el desarrollo de Cáncer de Cérvix (CC). La carga viral puede modular esta asociación, por lo que resulta importante su cuantificación y el establecimiento de su relación con lesiones precursoras de CC. Metodología: 60 mujeres con lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales (LEI) y 120 mujeres sin LEI, confirmadas por colposcopia, fueron incluidas en el estudio. Se determinó la carga viral de 6 tipos de VPH-AR, mediante PCR en tiempo real. Se estimaron OR crudos y ajustados para evaluar la asociación entre la carga viral de cada tipo y las lesiones cervicales. Resultados: 93.22% de mujeres con LEI y 91.23% de mujeres negativas, fueron positivas para al menos un tipo de VPH. VPH-18 y VPH-16 fueron los tipos más prevalentes, junto con VPH-31 en mujeres sin LEI. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las cargas virales entre éstos dos grupos, aunque se observó un mayor carga viral en lesiones para algunos tipos virales. Una mayor frecuencia de lesiones se asoció a infecciones con carga baja de VPH-16 (ORa: 3.53; IC95%: 1.16 – 10.74), en comparación a mujeres con carga alta de VPH-16, (ORa: 2.63; IC95%: 1.09 – 6.36). En infecciones por VPH-31, la presencia de carga viral alta, se asoció con una menor frecuencia de lesiones (ORa: 0.34; IC95%: 0.15 – 0.78). Conclusiones: La prevalencia tipo-específica de VPH se corresponde con las reportadas a nivel mundial. La asociación entre la carga viral del VPH y la frecuencia de LEI es tipo específica y podría depender de la duración de la infección, altas cargas relacionadas con infecciones transitorias, y bajas cargas con persistentes. Este trabajo contribuye al entendimiento del efecto de la carga viral en la historia natural del CC; sin embargo, estudios prospectivos son necesarios para confirmar estos resultados.


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Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the function and expression of tachykinins, tachykinin receptors, and neprilysin (NEP) in the mouse uterus. A previous study showed that the uterotonic effects of substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), and neurokinin B (NKB) in estrogen-treated mice were mainly mediated by the tachykinin NK, receptor. In the present work, further contractility studies were undertaken to determine the nature of the receptors mediating responses to tachykinins in uteri of late pregnant mice. Endpoint and real-time quantitative RTPCR were used to analyze the expression of the genes that encode the tachykinins SP/NKA, NKB, and hemokinin-1 (HK-1) (Tac1, Tac2, and Tac4); and the genes that encode tachykinin NK1 (Tacr1), NK2 (Tacr2), and NK3 (Tacr3) receptors in uteri from pregnant and nonpregnant mice. The data show that the mRNAs of tachykinins (particularly NKB and HK-1), tachykinin receptors, and NEP are locally expressed in the mouse uterus, and their expression changes during the estrous cycle and during pregnancy. The tachykinin INK, receptor is the predominant tachykinin receptor in the nonpregnant and early pregnant mouse and may mediate tachykinin-induced uterine contractions in the nonpregnant mouse. The tachykinin NK, receptor is predominant in the late pregnant mouse and is the main receptor mediating uterotonic responses to tachykinins at late pregnancy. The tachykinin NK, receptor is expressed in considerable amounts only in uteri from nonpregnant diestrous animals, and its physiological significance remains to be clarified.


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Background: Aplasia of the mullerian ducts leads to absence of the uterine corpus, uterine cervix, and upper (superior) vagina. Patients with mullerian aplasia (MA) often exhibit additional clinical features such as renal, vertebral and cardiac defects. A number of different syndromes have been associated with MA, and in most cases its aetiology remains poorly understood. Objective and methods: 14 syndromic patients with MA and 46, XX G-banded karyotype were screened for DNA copy number changes by similar to 1 Mb whole genome bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array based comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). The detected alterations were validated by an independent method and further mapped by high resolution oligo-arrays. Results: Submicroscopic genomic imbalances affecting the 1q21.1, 17q12, 22q11.21, and Xq21.31 chromosome regions were detected in four probands. Presence of the alterations in the normal mother of one patient suggests incomplete penetrance and/or variable expressivity. Conclusion: 4 of the 14 patients (29%) were found to have cryptic genomic alterations. The imbalances on 22q11.21 support recent findings by us and others that alterations in this chromosome region may result in impairment of mullerian duct development. The remaining imbalances indicate involvement of previously unknown chromosome regions in MA, and point specifically to LHX1 and KLHL4 as candidate genes.


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Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg) is a mollicute that causes a range of human urogenital infections. A hallmark of these bacteria is their ability to establish chronic infections that can persist despite completion of appropriate antibiotic therapies and intact and functional immune systems. Intimate adherence and surface colonization of mycoplasmas to host cells are important pathogenic features. However, their facultative intracellular nature is poorly understood, partly due to difficulties in developing and standardizing cellular interaction model systems. Here, we characterize growth and invasion properties of two Mg strains (G37 and 1019V). Mg G37 is a high-passage laboratory strain, while Mg 1019V is a low-passage isolate recovered from the cervix. The two strains diverge partially in gene sequences for adherence-related proteins and exhibit subtle variations in their axenic growth. However, with both strains and consistent with our previous studies, a subset of adherent Mg organisms invade host cells and exhibit perinuclear targeting. Remarkably, intranuclear localization of Mg proteins is observed, which occurred as early as 30 min after infection. Mg strains deficient in adherence were markedly reduced in their ability to invade and associate with perinuclear and nuclear sites.


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Control of Haemonchus placei, one of the most important cattle nematodes in Brazil, relies on the use of anthelmintics. However, there is a need for integrated control, which includes active immunization. The aim of this work was to assess the protection afforded to calves by immunization with adult H. placei extracts against a high-dose challenge infection, a condition frequently found in the tropics. Holstein calves aged 8-10 months were immunized four times with intestinal extracts (Group D) or with a Triton X-100-soluble fraction of adult H. placei (Group A), challenge-infected with 120,000 infective larvae and sacrificed 40 days later. Immunized animals had higher IgG titers than the controls against tested fractions after the 2nd immunization, peaking after the 4th. Sera from both immunized groups recognized bands of similar apparent mass in both antigenic preparations, some of which were similar in molecular weight to Haemonchus contortus antigens with known protective effect to sheep. Egg counts were 49% and 57% lower in Groups A and D than in controls, respectively. High levels of protection were observed in two of the four calves in Group D, as evidenced by very low worm numbers recovered at necropsy, absence of eggs in the uteri of the recovered females and reduced worm length. Group D animals also showed milder signs of anemia than the other infected animals. Results demonstrate that protection against homologous high-dose challenge can be achieved by immunizing calves with H. placei gut antigens. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure, and biological studies of two complexes with glycolic acid are described. The solid complexes were formulated as K2[VO(C2H2O3)(C2H3O3)2] H2O (1) and K2[{VO2(C2H2O3)}2] (2) and characterized by X-ray studies, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and magnetic susceptibility. Conversion of 1 to 2 was studied in aqueous solution by UV-Vis spectroscopy and in the solid state by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Complex 2 contains dinuclear [{VO2(C2H2O3)}2]2- anions in which glycolate(2-) is a five-membered chelating ring formed by carboxylate and -hydroxy groups. The geometry around the vanadium in 2 was interpreted as intermediate between a trigonal bipyramid and a square pyramid. Vanadium(IV) is pentacoordinate in 1 as a distorted square pyramid. Complex 1 contains a vanadyl group (V=O) surrounded by two oxygens from deprotonated carboxylate and hydroxy groups forming a five-membered ring. Two oxygens from different glycolates(1-) are bonded to the (V=O) also. Biological analysis for potential cytotoxic effects of 1 was performed using Human Cervix Adenocarcinoma (HeLa) cells, a human cervix adenocarcinoma-derived cell line. After incubation for 48 h, 1 causes 90 and 95% of HeLa cells death at 20 and 200 mol L-1, respectively.


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Two new complexes of platinum(II) and silver(I) with acesulfame were synthesized. Acesulfame is in the anionic form acesulfamate (ace). The structures of both complexes were determined by X-ray crystallography. For K(2)[PtCl(2)(ace)(2)] the platinum atom is coordinated to two Cl(-) and two N-acesulfamate atoms forming a trans-square planar geometry. Each K(+) ion interacts with two oxygen atoms of the S(=O)(2) group of each acesulfamate. For the polymeric complex [Ag(ace)](n) the water molecule bridges between two crystallographic equivalent Agl atoms which are related each other by a twofold symmetry axis. Two Agl atoms, related to each other by a symmetry centre, make bond contact with two equivalent oxygen atoms. These bonds give rise to infinite chains along the unit cell diagonal in the ac plane. The in vitro cytotoxic analyses for the platinum complex using HeLa (human cervix cancer) cells show its low activity when compared to the vehicle-treated cells. The Ag(I) complex submitted to in vitro antimycobacterial tests, using the Microplate Alamar Blue (MABA) method, showed a good activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, responsible for tuberculosis, with a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 11.6 mu M. The Ag(I) complex also presented a promising activity against Gram negative (Escherichia colt and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram positive (Enterococcus faecalis) microorganisms. The complex K(2)[PtCl(2)(ace)(2)] was also evaluated for antiviral properties against dengue virus type 2 (New Guinea C strain) in Vero cells and showed a good inhibition of dengue virus type 2 (New Guinea G strain) replication at 200 mu M, when compared to vehicle-treated cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We previously demonstrated that Bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl) pyridine-N, N`] copper(II) [Cu(isaepy)(2)] was an efficient inducer of the apoptotic mitochondrial pathway. Here, we deeply dissect the mechanisms underlying the ability of Cu(isaepy)(2) to cause mitochondriotoxicity. In particular, we demonstrate that Cu(isaepy)(2) increases NADH-dependent oxygen consumption of isolated mitochondria and that this phenomenon is associated with oxy-radical production and insensitive to adenosine diphosphate. These data indicate that Cu(isaepy)(2) behaves as an uncoupler and this property is also confirmed in cell systems. Particularly, SH-SY5Y cells show: (i) an early loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential; (ii) a decrease in the expression levels of respiratory complex components and (iii) a significant adenosine triphosphate (ATP) decrement. The causative energetic impairment mediated by Cu(isaepy)(2) in apoptosis is confirmed by experiments carried out with rho(0) cells, or by glucose supplementation, where cell death is significantly inhibited. Moreover, gastric and cervix carcinoma AGS and HeLa cells, which rely most of their ATP production on oxidative phosphorylation, show a marked sensitivity toward Cu(isaepy)(2). Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is activated by events increasing the adenosine monophosphate: ATP ratio, is deeply involved in the apoptotic process because the overexpression of its dominant/negative form completely abolishes cell death. Upon glucose supplementation, AMPK is not activated, confirming its role as fuel-sensing enzyme that positively responds to Cu(isaepy)(2)-mediated energetic impairment by committing cells to apoptosis. Overall, data obtained indicate that Cu(isaepy)(2) behaves as delocalized lipophilic cation and induces mitochondrial-sited reactive oxygen species production. This event results in mitochondrial dysfunction and ATP decrease, which in turn triggers AMPK-dependent apoptosis.


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Background: Acupuncture involves puncturing the skin with thin sterile needles at defined acupuncture points. Previous studies are inconclusive regarding the effect of acupuncture on labour pain, but some studies have found a reduction in the use of pharmacological pain relief when acupuncture is administered. The appropriate dose of acupuncture treatment required to elicit a potential effect on labour pain has not been fully explored. The dose is determined by many different factors, including the number of needles used and the intensity of the stimulation. In Sweden, manual stimulation of the needles is common practice when acupuncture is used for labour pain, but electrical stimulation of the needles, which gives a higher dose, could possibly be more effective. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with manual stimulation (MA) of the needles as well as acupuncture with a combination of manual and electrical stimulation (EA) in reducing labour pain, compared with standard care without any form of acupuncture (SC). Methods: The study was designed as a three-armed randomised controlled trial in which 303 nulliparous women with normal pregnancies were randomised to MA, EA, or SC. The primary outcome was labour pain, assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes were relaxation during labour, use of obstetric pain relief, and associations between maternal characteristics and labour pain and use of epidural analgesia respectively. Also, labour and infant outcomes, recollection of labour pain, and maternal experiences, such as birth experience and experience of the midwife, were investigated two months after the birth. The sample size calculation was based on the potential to discover a difference of 15 mm on the VAS. Data were collected during labour before the interventions, the day after birth, and two months later. Besides using the VAS, information was collected by means of study specific protocol, questionnaires and medical records. Results: The mean VAS scores were 66.4 in the MA group, 68.5 in the EA group, and 69.0 in the SC group (mean differences: MA vs. SC 2.6 95% CI -1.7 to 6.9, and EA vs. SC 0.6 95% CI -3.6 to 4.8). Other methods of pain relief were used less frequently in the EA group, including epidural analgesia, MA 61.4%, EA 46%, and SC 69.9%. (EA vs. SC OR 0.4 95% CI 0.2 to 0.7). No statistically significant differences were found in the recollection of labour pain between the three groups two months after birth (mean VAS score: MA 69.3, EA 68.7 and SC 70.1). A few maternal characteristics were associated with labour pain (age, dysmenorrhea, and cervix dilatation), but none of the investigated characteristics predicted the outcome of the acupuncture treatment in MA or EA. Women in the EA group experienced acupuncture as being effective for labour pain to a higher extent than women who received MA, MA 44.4%, EA 67.1% (EA vs. MA OR 2.4 95% CI 1.2 to 4.8). Women in the EA group also spent less time in labour (mean 500 min) than those who received MA (mean 619 min) and SC (mean 615 min) (EA vs. MA HR 1.4 95% CI 1.0 to1.9, EA vs. SC HR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 2.0), and had less blood loss than women receiving SC, (EA vs. SC OR 0.1 95% CI 0.3 to 0.7). The women’s assessment of the midwife as being supportive during labour (MA 77.2%, EA 83.5%, SC 80%), overall satisfaction with midwife care (MA 100%, EA 97.5%, SC 98.7%), and having an overall positive childbirth experience (MA 64.6%, EA 61.0%, SC 54.3%) did not differ statistically. No serious side effects of the acupuncture treatment were reported. Conclusion: Acupuncture, regardless of type of stimulation, did not differ from standard care without acupuncture in terms of reducing women’s experience of pain during labour, or their memory of pain and childbirth overall two months after the birth. However, other forms of obstetric pain relief were less frequent in women receiving a combination of manual and electrical stimulation, suggesting that this method could facilitate coping with labour pain.