885 resultados para Cement and Concrete


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Various factors determine the applicability of rice husk ash (RHA) as a pozzolanic material. The amount and accessibility of reactive sites is thought to be a key factor. A structural study of RHA samples in relation to their reactivity has been performed; Silica in RHA formed by burning rice husk in a laboratory furnace under continuous supply of air have been characterized as a function of incineration temperature, time and cooling regime. The characterization methods included chemical analyses, conductivity measurements, microscopic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and 29Si magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In line with earlier observations, the analyses show that the highest amounts of amorphous silica occur in samples burnt in the range of 500 °C–700 °C. The 29Si NMR data allow direct identification of the reactive silanol sites in the RHA samples. De-convolution of the NMR spectra clearly shows that the quickly cooled RHA resulting from burning rice husk for 12 h at 500 °C has the highest amount of silanol groups. This sample also induced the largest drop in conductivity when added to a saturated calcium hydroxide solution giving an indication of its reactivity towards lime. Therefore, this RHA is the favorable sample to be used as pozzolanic cement additive


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En el área de Abastecimiento de CEMEX COLOMBIA SA se encuentra el foco de las negociaciones con proveedores de la empresa. Es en esta área donde se realizan contratos a largo plazo con las empresas que suministran los insumos vitales para la producción de cemento y concreto. Uno de estos insumos es la energía eléctrica. Necesaria en todo proceso productivo, la energía eléctrica se convierte, entonces, en una de las negociaciones más críticas para la empresa teniendo en cuenta el impacto en la operación y en el gasto. De igual forma, toda negociación requiere de un estudio riguroso previo por medio del cual se llegue a una postura informada al momento de negociar. Es así como CEMEX COLOMBIA SA, a través de sus negociadores, se prepara investigando el mercado nacional y regional de energía eléctrica, sus variables influyentes y las proyecciones de desarrollo. Luego de esta investigación y del análisis del sector, CEMEX COLOMBIA SA asume una posición firme en la que sabe que los planes de expansión y el desarrollo esperado del sector plantean un mercado con capacidad instalada suficiente para el suministro de energía hasta 2017. De esta manera, se cierra un contrato a dos años con Emgesa, filial de la multinacional española Endesa.


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 Knowledge of the degree of hydration of cement pastes is critical for determining properties such as the durability of concrete. As part of an integrated study on the prediction of chloride ingress in reinforced concrete, synchrotron Xray powder diffraction was used to estimate the degree of hydration of cement pastes. While for the past 20 years the composition of Portland cement has been determined by Rietveld analysis of X-ray diffraction, nevertheless there are a number of factors, including the amorphous content of the cement and relative proportion of mineral polymorphs present in the initial clinker, whose impact on the analysis are still not completely understood. Analysis of the resulting diffraction patterns indicated enhanced identification of polymorphs of alite, belite, ferrite and aluminate, which are present in the initial unhydrated cement and clinker, as well as improved quantification of hydrated crystalline phases such as calcium hydroxide and ettringite, which are key phases determining the speed of the chemical reactions in cement. In this paper we describe the experience that we have gained in the determination of the degree of hydration of cement pastes. We detail the standards and precautions that we took to characterize production cements and their hydration products.


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O presente trabalho é um estudo de caso, tendo como objetivo principal avaliar a sanção de desinvestimentos de ativos, isto é, a pena de cisão de sociedade, transferência de controle societário e/ou venda de ativos, conforme disposto no art. 38, inciso V, da Lei no 12.529/2011 (Lei de Defesa da Concorrência). Para tanto, parte-se da exposição da decisão proferida pelo Tribunal do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, denominado Cartel de Cimento e Concreto. Tal decisão condenou as empresas fabricantes de cimento e prestadoras de serviços de concretagem a desinvestirem ativos próprios, frutos de aquisição ou de crescimento orgânico. É importante destacar que essa decisão sofreu relevante modificação ao longo do julgamento, decorrente da alteração de entendimento pelos conselheiros do Cade. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho procura propiciar ao leitor uma visão ampla (prós e contras) dos tipos de remédios ou sanções existentes e aplicáveis aos casos em que se determina a medida de desinvestimento, por meio da seleção de alguns casos internacionais e nacionais, escolhidos a partir de casos amplamente tratados pela doutrina, e também citados no julgamento do Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79. A seguir, aborda-se a questão do desinvestimento específico ocorrido no Processo Administrativo no 08012.011142/2006-79, buscando-se evidenciar, a partir da análise do aparente choque dos votos do conselheiro-relator e do conselheiro-revisor, que as bases utilizadas para determinação dos desinvestimentos carecem de parâmetros concretos para sua aplicação. Ao final do estudo acerca do desinvestimento, delineia-se uma proposição para solução jurídica. Ao final, conclui-se que a aplicação de medidas de desinvestimentos como penalização por participação em cartel não é escolha fácil, e sua utilização tampouco é pacífica, devendo-se levar em conta alguns aspectos relevantes para que possa ser utilizada de maneira legítima e garantir a sua melhor eficácia.


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It is a case study that reports the construction of metal truss bridge in the river Potengi in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, between the years 1912 and 1916. From testimonials on steel bridges in Brazil and worldwide including foundations. Documentary research from procurement of projects and contracts was performed. A chronology of construction, with a description of the equipment used and its original budget with the Brazilian government. Still, we used interviews and surveys with experimental sampling / testimonies, laboratory tests. This study aims to analyze historically and technically the Bridge over the River Potengi, emphasizing primarily the construction process, the qualities and characteristics of the materials used and the technological, chemical, mineralogical and microstructural properties of cement and concrete used in its construction. Taking as conclusions that cements pozolônicos ensured a good durability to the concrete in a hundred-year period and that the solution employed with the compressed air caissons was right


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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En este trabajo se analizan las publicaciones procedentes de instituciones españolas recogidas en las revistas de la categoría Construction & Building Technology de la base de datos Web of Science para el periodo 1997-2008. El número de revistas incluidas es de 35 y el número de artículos publicados ha sido de 760 (Article o Review). Se ha realizado una evaluación bibliométrica con dos nuevos parámetros: Factor de Impacto Ponderado y Factor de Impacto Relativo; asimismo se incluyen el número de citas y el número de documentos a nivel institucional. Entre los centros con una mayor producción científica destaca, como era de prever, el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), mientras que atendiendo al Factor de Impacto Ponderado ocupa el primer lugar la Universidad de Vigo. Por otro lado, sólo dos revistas Cement and Concrete Research y Materiales de Construcción aglutinan el 45.26% de toda la producción científica española, con 172 trabajos cada una de ellas. En cuanto a la colaboración internacional, destacan países como Inglaterra, México, Estados Unidos, Italia, Argentina y Francia


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España se incorporó a la técnica del hormigón armado con más de dos décadas de retraso respecto a Francia o Alemania. En 1890, en Europa se construían ya estructuras de hormigón armado de cierta envergadura y complejidad. En España hubo que esperar hasta 1893 para la primera obra en hormigón armado, que fue un sencillo depósito descubierto en Puigverd (Lérida), ejecutado por el ingeniero militar Francesc Macià con patente Monier. En 1898, de la mano de Hennebique, se empezó la construcción de los dos primeros edificios con estructura de hormigón armado en España. Fueron dos obras puntuales, con proyectos importados de Francia, pero necesarias para introducir de manera definitiva el material. En paralelo, en París, se estaban edificando en hormigón armado la mayoría de los pabellones de la Exposición Universal de 1900. En el cambio de siglo, las construcciones de hormigón armado habían alcanzado ya la madurez proyectual y técnica en Europa. A pesar de la incorporación tardía, se puede constatar por las obras ejecutadas que en un periodo corto de tiempo, entre 1901 y 1906, se alcanzó en España prácticamente el mismo nivel técnico y constructivo que tenían el resto de los países que fueron pioneros en el empleo del hormigón armado. El desarrollo e implantación de una técnica constructiva no es un proceso lineal, y son muchos los factores que intervienen. Las patentes tuvieron una gran importancia en el desarrollo inicial del hormigón armado. Estas ofrecían un producto que funcionaba. Las primeras estructuras de hormigón armado no se calculaban y se construían siguiendo una reglamentación, se compraban. Y el resultado de esa “compra” solía ser, en la mayoría de los casos, satisfactorio. Las patentes vendían sistemas estructurales cuyo funcionamiento estaba corroborado por la experiencia y la pericia de su inventor. Esta investigación parte de la hipótesis de que las patentes sobre cemento y hormigón armado depositadas en España entre 1884 y 1906 fueron uno de los factores que proporcionaron a los técnicos y a las empresas españolas una pericia constructiva sólida en el empleo del hormigón armado. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio del proceso de introducción del hormigón armado en España desde una perspectiva fundamentalmente técnica, incorporando las patentes como una de las razones constructivas que explican su rápida evolución y generalización en un periodo de tiempo breve: 1901-1906. En este proceso se contextualiza y analiza una de las figuras que se considera fundamental en los primeros años del hormigón armado en España, la del ingeniero Juan Manuel de Zafra y Estevan. Esta tesis analiza las patentes de hormigón armado desde el punto de vista estadístico y constructivo. Desde ambas perspectivas se verifica la hipótesis de partida de esta investigación, concluyendo que las patentes fueron una de las razones constructivas de la evolución del hormigón armado en España y de su rápida implantación. ABSTRACT Spain incorporated the reinforced concrete technique more than two decades after France and Germany. In central Europe reinforced concrete structures of considerable size and complexity were being built in 1890, while in Spain it was not until 1893 that the first work, a simple open air water tank, was implemented in Puigverd (Lleida) by the military engineer Francesc Macià with a Monier patent. In 1898 the construction of the first two buildings with reinforced concrete structure in Spain started, with the guidance by Hennebique. They were two isolated cases with projects imported from France, but playing a key role to definitively introduce the material in Spain. In parallel, in Paris, most of the pavilions of the 1900 World Expo were being built in reinforced concrete. At the turn of the century reinforced concrete buildings had reached maturity both as a technology and as a design practice. Despite the late assumption of the material, the works carried out in the very short period between 1901 and 1906 clearly show that Spain reached practically the same technical and constructive level as the other pioneering countries in the use of reinforced concrete. The development and implementation of a constructive technique is never a linear process, there are many factors involved. The patents offered a successful product. Initial reinforced concrete structures were not calculated and built according to regulations, they were bought. And this purchase in most cases was satisfactory for the required use. Patents sold structural systems whose performance was supported by the experience and expertise of its inventor. The hypothesis of this research is based upon the assumption that the cement and concrete patents registered in Spain between 1884 and 1906 were one of the factors that provided Spanish technicians and companies with a solid constructive expertise in the use of reinforced concrete. This investigation studies the introduction of reinforced concrete to Spain from a predominantly technical perspective, incorporating patents as the constructive reason for the rapid evolution and spread in such a short period of time: 1901-1906. Along the way, the role of engineer J. M. de Zafra, generally considered a key agent in the initial years of reinforced concrete in Spain, is contextualized and analyzed. This dissertation analyzes the patents of reinforced concrete from a statistical and constructive point of view. From both perspectives the hypothesis of this research is verified, concluding that patents were one of the constructive reasons for the development of reinforced concrete in Spain.


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Some issues have double volume numbering: vol. 26 (1930)-v. 57 (1960) of the Proceedings appear in vol. 2 (1930)-v. 32 (1960) of the Journal of the American Concrete Institute.


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The ACI recommendations for the prevention of cracking of plastic concrete attempt to eliminate such cracking by ensuring that the rate of evaporation from unprotected concrete surfaces does not exceed the estimated rate of bleed water production. The current recommendations, however do not account for the large scatter of the underlying experimental evaporation data nor the effect of altitude on evaporation rate. Ignoring the scatter of the evaporation data frequently leads to an unacceptably high probability that the evaporation rate will exceed the bleed rate. Ignoring the effect of altitude leads to similar high probabilities, but in only a comparatively small number of cases. Simple modifications of the ACI recommendations are suggested that can account for both effects. However; insufficient data on the variability of bleed rates are currently available to allow the scatter of the evaporation data to be accounted for completely.


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This paper reports the effect of curing on the susceptibility of cementitious composites to carbonation using supercritical carbon dioxide. Samples made using a compression moulding technique were cured in water before and/or after carbonation and the effect on porosity, microstructure, solid phase assemblage and flexural strength was determined. In terms of development of mechanical strength, no benefit was gained from any period of pre- or post-carbonation curing regime. Yet samples cured prior to carbonation underwent minimal chemical reaction between supercritical carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide, unhydrated cement or C-S-H. Thus there was no correlation between chemical degree of reaction and strength development. The effects responsible for the marked strength gain in supercritically carbonated samples must involve subtle changes in the microstructure of the C-S-H gel, not simple pore filling by calcium carbonate as is often postulated. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.\.