1000 resultados para Cátedra de Fisiología
Resumen en inglés. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
La Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani ha dut a Girona alguns dels pensadors més importants del món actual. Commemora els vint anys d’existència amb una exposició a La Fontana d’Or
La Càtedra de Pensament Contemporani Ferrater Mora ha celebrat vint anys d’existència amb una exposició a la Fontana d’Or de Girona on s’ha reflectit el cabal intel·lectual que s’ha anat acumulant en tot aquest temps, des de la data en què el mateix filòsof que dóna nom a la càtedra va ser el primer protagonista d’una llarga llista de pensadors, filòsofs i artistes que han convertit Girona en un focus internacional privilegiat de reflexió
This work aims to analyze the relationship among culture, education and rhetoric on the sermons of the Priest Antonio Vieira (1608-1697). It discusses the presence of oratory on the Western teaching since its Greek origins until the formation of the Ratio Studiorum in 17th-century. Brazilian society is defined as baroque and the rhetoric arises as element essential in the elaboration of the social imaginary speeches and, occupying as an essencial element in the elaboration of discursese and social imaginaries, occupying the centre of controversies, about questions like reason and the faith, ethics and the politics, the nature of the Indian and African peoples, even over the own construction of the modern subject. In this context the vieira´s preaching discharges the functions of kerigma (preaching), didachê (education) and politics (action). The research consisted in a finicky reading over five of these sermons that were returned in the presence of different audiences. The pulpit was the cathedra where Vieira used his sermons as a manner of social mobilization that aimed not only teaching a determined knowledge of reality, but altering cruel situations like Indian and poor people slavery in his epoch. Education by Vieira consist in a tension between utopian hopes and urgencies of practice. The rhetorical tradition affirms the interdependence of technical ethics and politics aspects. To know is not enough is necessary to convince and to move, realizating passage from theorical to practical liverly. It presupposes still the preoccupation with the solidity of argumentation and of reasoning, a wide cultural formation, the requirement of a civic ethics and, mainly, the adequacy between content and the specifics of audience
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Regimes democráticos se consolidam na medida de sua aceitação pela maioria, o que supõe conhecimento e confiança nas instituições políticas e jurídicas. A educação de qualidade é relevante para a governança democrática e para a formação da cidadania, posto propiciar o acesso a ferramentas cognitivas necessárias para a participação política relevante. As interações entre a democracia, o direito à educação e as políticas públicas de educação são analisadas pela Cátedra UNESCO no projeto de pesquisa “Brasil 25 anos de democracia” sob o ângulo da função promocional do Direito à Educação da FD, em parceria com o Núcleo de Políticas Públicas da USP, com. O foco da pesquisa é a atividade do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), a do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e a do Congresso Nacional, no período compreendido entre os anos 2000 e 2010.
Donación del Departamento de Expresión Grafica S.I.E.P (Sección Integral de Expresión y Proyectación)