980 resultados para Basic needs
The recognition of the relevance of energy, especially of the renewable energies generated by the sun, water, wind, tides, modern biomass or thermal is growing significantly in the global society based on the possibility it has to improve societies′ quality of life, to support poverty reduction and sustainable development. Renewable energy, and mainly the energy generated by large hydropower generation projects that supply most of the renewable energy consumed by developing countries, requires many technical, legal, financial and social complex processes sustained by innovations and valuable knowledge. Besides these efforts, renewable energy requires a solid infrastructure to generate and distribute the energy resources needed to solve the basic needs of society. This demands a proper construction performance to deliver the energy projects planned according to specifications and respecting environmental and social concerns, which implies the observance of sustainable construction guidelines. But construction projects are complex and demanding and frequently face time and cost overruns that may cause negative impacts on the initial planning and thus on society. The renewable energy issue and the large renewable energy power generation and distribution projects are particularly significant for developing countries and for Latin America in particular, as this region concentrates an important hydropower potential and installed capacity. Using as references the performance of Venezuelan large hydropower generation projects and the Guri dam construction, this research evaluates the tight relationship existing between sustainable construction and knowledge management and their impact to achieve sustainability goals. The knowledge management processes are proposed as a basic strategy to allow learning from successes and failures obtained in previous projects and transform the enhancement opportunites into actions to improve the performance of the renewable energy power generation and distribution projects.
En la actualidad la generación y utilización eficientes de la energía es el vector principal que permite el desarrollo sostenible en el marco ambiental, económico, seguro y rentable. Todo ello genera una necesidad en el ser humano de guiar a los avances tecnológicos hacia una manera cada vez más eficiente de generar nuestras necesidades básicas, como es el caso de la energía. La cogeneración ha sido uno de los resultados positivos en la búsqueda de la eficiencia energética, debido a tratarse de un sistema de producción simultánea de calor y electricidad partiendo inicialmente de un combustible como energía primaria. Es por ello, que en el presente proyecto se estudia, analiza y propone la posibilidad de implantar sistemas de cogeneración en el sector residencial, un sector que podría beneficiarse enormemente de los beneficios que ofrecen dichos sistemas. En una primera parte se analiza la tecnología de cogeneración y sus variantes, como son, la microcogeneración y la trigeneración. También se muestra la evolución legislativa que han sufrido estos sistemas. En una segunda parte se ha tomado un caso modelo, un edificio de 72 viviendas con sistema de calderas centralizado convencional, y se ha estudiado la posibilidad de implantar un sistema de cogeneración. Para ello se han calculado previamente las demandas energéticas del edificio y se han ido proponiendo diferentes modos de operación para cubrir dichas demandas por medio de sistemas de microcogeneración o cogeneración. Finalmente, una vez valoradas las opciones se muestra la elegida y se efectúa un análisis económico ABSTRACT Nowadays the efficient generation of energy is the main vector that allows sustainable development in environmental, economic, safety and cost effectiveness. All this generates a need in humans to lead to new technological advances towards an even more efficient way to generate our basic needs, such as energy. Cogeneration has been one of the positive results in the search for energy efficiency, due to the fact that it is a system of simultaneous production of heat and electricity initially starting from a primary energy fuel. It is for this reason that this project studies, analyzes and proposes the possibility of introducing cogeneration systems in the residential sector, a sector that could benefit greatly from the benefits offered by these systems. In the first part, cogeneration technology and its variants are analyzed, like, micro-cogeneration and trigeneration. The legislative evolutions that have suffered these systems are also displayed. In a second part, a model case has been taken; a building of 72 flats with conventional centralized boiler system, the possibility of introducing a cogeneration system has been studied. Previously the energy demands of the building have been calculated proposing different operating modes to meet those demands through micro-CHP or cogeneration systems. Finally, once the options are valued the chosen one is shown and an economic analysis is performed.
El agua es uno de los recursos naturales fundamentales; es, seguramente el recurso que condiciona de manera prioritaria el desarrollo socioeconómico de los pueblos y la mejora del bienestar de la población. El agua presta un extraordinario servicio a la comunidad para mejorar su calidad de vida, pero, sobre todo, para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas, tales como la alimentación y la salud. Sin agua no son posibles las actividades agropecuarias y, especialmente, las agrícolas, que son el mayor componente de la alimentación de la humanidad. La salud de la población ha mejorado cuando ésta ha podido vivir en un ambiente sano y con unas prácticas higiénicas, gracias al empleo suficiente de agua potable. El saneamiento de las aguas y la posibilidad de hacer un uso continuo de ellas, ha contribuido además, al crecimiento demográfico. El agua es tanto un derecho como una responsabilidad. Tiene un valor económico, social y ambiental, cualquier actuación pública y privada está obligada a tener en cuenta esta triple dimensión. Sin olvidar el valor decorativo y simbólico: en el jardín islámico, el agua tiene un valor sensual, en el jardín oriental acentúa su valor religioso y en la religión cristiana es símbolo de purificación, todo ello expresado a través de fuentes, cascadas, riachuelos… No es un bien ilimitado, ni su disponibilidad en cuantía y calidad adecuada es gratuita. Hay que tener en cuenta tanto los costes reales como el beneficio económico que genera su utilización, respetando al mismo tiempo la exigencia de un caudal mínimo para mantener los ecosistemas.
The Asian economy is expected to realise favourable growth during the first half of this century, but there is no guarantee. There is a discussion about a ‘middle-income trap’, which refers to a country that has realised rapid growth to become a middle-income country but is unable to grow further. A middle-income trap could occur not only if there is a delay in shifting the economy toward a productivity-driven structure, but also if there is a worsening of income distribution.We consider this in line with the theories of development economics and through a quantitative analysis. The relationship between income inequality and the trap can be explained by the Kuznets hypothesis and the basic-needs approach. Our quantitative analysis supports the Kuznets hypothesis, and indicates that,although a low-income country can accelerate its economic growth with the worsening of income distribution as an engine, a middle income country would experience a decreasing growth rate if it fails to narrow the income gap between the top and bottom income groups. The results also show that the basic-needs approach is also applicable in practice, and imply that the improvement of access to secondary education is important. A sensitivity analysis for three Asian upper-middle-income countries(China, Malaysia and Thailand) also shows that the situation related to a middle-income trap is worse than average in China and Malaysia. These two countries, according to the result of the sensitivity analysis, should urgently improve access to secondary education and should implement income redistribution measures to develop high-tech industries, before their demographic dividends expire. Income redistribution includes the narrowing of rural urban income disparities, benefits to low-income individuals, direct income transfers, vouchers or free provision of education and health-care, and so on, but none of these are simple to implement.
La présente recherche rend compte de la perception de leurs activités de huit femmes ayant pratiqué ou pratiquant toujours diverses formes d’activités sexuelles rémunérées dans un contexte hors rue. Les formes d’activités les plus souvent abordées sont la danse nue avec et sans contacts, l’escorte, le massage érotique et le phénomène communément appelé « sugar daddy », soit l’échange des services contre rémunération avec un client en particulier. Deux participantes de l’échantillon ont, parallèlement à leurs pratiques hors rue, exercé dans la rue. Le terme « pratiques sexuelles rémunérées » a été privilégié afin d’assurer une perspective neutre, c’est-à-dire sans parti pris a priori pour aucune des deux visions préexistantes par rapport au phénomène se situant à deux extrémités de ce que nous percevons plutôt être un continuum, soit la vision abolitionniste voulant que la « prostitution » soit une forme d’exploitation et de violence sexuelle commise principalement à l’égard des femmes, qui devrait être décriminalisée pour les femmes, mais criminalisée pour les clients et les proxénètes, et la vision soutenant que le « travail du sexe » est un choix qui constitue un travail comme un autre et, conséquemment, mérite d’être décriminalisé complètement, et ce, même pour les clients et les proxénètes. Notre approche visait essentiellement à permettre d’aller chercher les visions subjectives des femmes sur leur pratique, point de vue que nous retrouvons peu dans les écrits et les débats sur le sujet. La cadre théorique qui sous-tend notre analyse est celui de l’intersectionnalité. Les principales sources de discrimination ressorties sont l’âge, le statut socioéconomique, et l’origine ethnique pour une participante. Ces sources augmentent les facteurs de vulnérabilité faisant que les femmes se dirigent vers l’univers des pratiques sexuelles rémunérées, y demeurent ou parfois y retournent après un arrêt, ceci afin d’assurer leur subsistance, la consommation de substances psychoactives ou pour pouvoir rembourser des dettes et/ou se payer certains luxes. Le but de notre étude est de découvrir et de comprendre la perception des femmes quant à leur expérience associée à la pratique de différentes formes d’activités sexuelles rémunérées hors rue. Il s’agissait plus spécifiquement de décrire, comprendre et analyser la trajectoire ayant conduit les femmes vers la pratique d’activités sexuelles rémunérées; comprendre leurs trajectoires et leurs expériences en fonction des différents types de pratique, plus ou moins intense, plus ou moins variée et plus ou moins étendue dans le temps et, enfin, de situer leur perspective sur le continuum du débat social positionnant la pratique d’activités sexuelles rémunérées comme étant soit une forme d’exploitation ou une forme de travail comme un autre. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, une approche qualitative faite d’entretiens semi-dirigés auprès des femmes a été réalisée. Nous avons ainsi pu situer les perspectives des femmes sur un continuum où plusieurs trouvaient leur place dans des visions plus nuancées de leur réalité, alors que d’autres rejoignaient davantage une des deux visions polarisées. En effet, certaines ont vécu leur expérience essentiellement comme une forme d’exploitation et de violence à leur égard, alors que d’autres en traitent comme un choix et un travail comme un autre.
Enquadramento: A parentalidade é um tema de saúde com muita relevância na sociedade atual, intervindo o seu exercício na promoção da saúde e bem-estar da criança. A parentalidade envolve acontecimentos stressantes, nomeadamente em situações de problemas de saúde e necessidades básicas e de resposta ao comportamento da criança, como é o caso do choro/birra e no momento de alimentação, procurando a maioria dos cuidadores responder ao problema de forma independente enquanto outros solicitam apoio dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Identificar recomendações concretas, baseadas na evidência científica, de boas práticas e recomendações a transmitir aos pais para lidarem com o choro /birras e no momento da alimentação da criança. Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura de estudos realizados nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, publicados entre 2009 e 2014, em bases de dados internacionais CINAHL® Plus with Full-Text, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) e Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), MedicLatina , MEDLINE, com recurso a diversos descritores e operadores booleanos e recorrendo a dois revisores que avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos metodológicos. Resultados: Após avaliação crítica, foram excluídos 50 estudos e incluídos 7, sendo um de grau de evidência A, dois de evidência B e 4 de evidência D. Os outcomes evidenciaram que para gestão da parentalidade o aconselhamento deve feito pelo profissional de referência, que se necessário deverá acompanhar os pais através de contacto telefónico e visita domiciliária sobretudo se mães inexperientes. Os profissionais devem ampliar os seus conhecimentos sobre as dúvidas e preocupações que os pais têm sobre a educação dos seus filhos consultando os espaços de discussão online. A etnia e nacionalidade das mães tem forte impacto sobre os métodos usados para acalmar o bebé, pelo que os cuidados devem ser culturalmente congruentes. Na abordagem do choro/ birras torna-se necessário conhecer o normal desenvolvimento da criança e em que contextos surgem para minimizá-las, sendo importante que os pais dêem à criança atenção positiva, instituindo rotinas. Para melhorar o momento da alimentação os pais devem reconhecer que até aos dois anos decorre a janela de oportunidade de aprendizagem de rotinas e de novos sabores, salientando-se a importância do ambiente de atenção e reciprocidade durante as refeições. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros devem procurar orientar a sua prática com base nas evidências científicas e tendo como base o estudo efectuado, salienta-se a promoção da parentalidade positiva como central para a abordagem dos comportamentos de choro/birra e no momento da alimentação da criança. Palavras – chaves: educação parental, enfermeiro, aleitamento materno, alimentação, birra, choro, relação pais-filhos.
La présente recherche rend compte de la perception de leurs activités de huit femmes ayant pratiqué ou pratiquant toujours diverses formes d’activités sexuelles rémunérées dans un contexte hors rue. Les formes d’activités les plus souvent abordées sont la danse nue avec et sans contacts, l’escorte, le massage érotique et le phénomène communément appelé « sugar daddy », soit l’échange des services contre rémunération avec un client en particulier. Deux participantes de l’échantillon ont, parallèlement à leurs pratiques hors rue, exercé dans la rue. Le terme « pratiques sexuelles rémunérées » a été privilégié afin d’assurer une perspective neutre, c’est-à-dire sans parti pris a priori pour aucune des deux visions préexistantes par rapport au phénomène se situant à deux extrémités de ce que nous percevons plutôt être un continuum, soit la vision abolitionniste voulant que la « prostitution » soit une forme d’exploitation et de violence sexuelle commise principalement à l’égard des femmes, qui devrait être décriminalisée pour les femmes, mais criminalisée pour les clients et les proxénètes, et la vision soutenant que le « travail du sexe » est un choix qui constitue un travail comme un autre et, conséquemment, mérite d’être décriminalisé complètement, et ce, même pour les clients et les proxénètes. Notre approche visait essentiellement à permettre d’aller chercher les visions subjectives des femmes sur leur pratique, point de vue que nous retrouvons peu dans les écrits et les débats sur le sujet. La cadre théorique qui sous-tend notre analyse est celui de l’intersectionnalité. Les principales sources de discrimination ressorties sont l’âge, le statut socioéconomique, et l’origine ethnique pour une participante. Ces sources augmentent les facteurs de vulnérabilité faisant que les femmes se dirigent vers l’univers des pratiques sexuelles rémunérées, y demeurent ou parfois y retournent après un arrêt, ceci afin d’assurer leur subsistance, la consommation de substances psychoactives ou pour pouvoir rembourser des dettes et/ou se payer certains luxes. Le but de notre étude est de découvrir et de comprendre la perception des femmes quant à leur expérience associée à la pratique de différentes formes d’activités sexuelles rémunérées hors rue. Il s’agissait plus spécifiquement de décrire, comprendre et analyser la trajectoire ayant conduit les femmes vers la pratique d’activités sexuelles rémunérées; comprendre leurs trajectoires et leurs expériences en fonction des différents types de pratique, plus ou moins intense, plus ou moins variée et plus ou moins étendue dans le temps et, enfin, de situer leur perspective sur le continuum du débat social positionnant la pratique d’activités sexuelles rémunérées comme étant soit une forme d’exploitation ou une forme de travail comme un autre. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, une approche qualitative faite d’entretiens semi-dirigés auprès des femmes a été réalisée. Nous avons ainsi pu situer les perspectives des femmes sur un continuum où plusieurs trouvaient leur place dans des visions plus nuancées de leur réalité, alors que d’autres rejoignaient davantage une des deux visions polarisées. En effet, certaines ont vécu leur expérience essentiellement comme une forme d’exploitation et de violence à leur égard, alors que d’autres en traitent comme un choix et un travail comme un autre.
Mode of access: Internet.
Staff: Susan Johannesman
This study explores women's perceptions of what made them successful doctoral students and what strategies they used to cope and succeed in the academic environment of an off-campus program in South Florida. The study's theoretical framework was built on Bandura's (1997) theory regarding ways self-efficacy influences choices made and effort expended; and Gilligan (1982), Belenky et al. (1986) and other feminists' theories concerning how women learn. ^ The study included data obtained from individual, semi-structured interviews with 10 participants, documents spanning the 10 years of the program and interviews with founding faculty members. For each, academic resilience was built on (a) viewing that working on the degree was personally fulfilling; (b) believing she possessed a strong sense of academic confidence; (c) priding herself on having self discipline; (d) seeing herself as a role model; and (e) being motivated by a personal or career goal. ^ Strategies the participants used to overcome roadblocks included (a) time management—finding time for personal, professional, and academic duties; (b) focus—making the dissertation a priority; (c) collaboration—utilizing both personal and programmatic assistance; (d) and advocacy—acting on their individual needs. ^ Results of the study indicated that the program at the satellite campus provided structural resources that satisfied basic needs and strengthened the students' self-efficacy. This helped them become successful doctoral graduates. The women had personal fortitude and strong self-efficacy to complete the doctoral journey. They understood that their success was primarily based on the support they received from people: families, peers, and their major professors. Participants suggested that successful women students ascertain whether they have time and resources to devote to an extended study, an understanding family, and the resilience to overcome roadblocks along the way. ^
This study aims to bring reflection on the legitimacy crisis of the Brazilian representative democracy, which results in non-attendance of fundamental rights, regarding legal and social facts in light of the existing constitutional order and seeking solutions in more democratic procedures and in a more humane, critical, democratic and collaborative education. It has been an issue for some time the understanding that the authorities do not meet the basic needs of Brazilian citizens - the only way to make them autonomous and sufficiently able to conduct their lives in a competitive and globalized labor market. Such situation only worsened - as illustrated by the social movements in mid-2013 - when people took to the streets, showing a noticeable dissatisfaction with public services in general, and some other groups presenting specific complaints in those events. To find solutions or at least suggestions for the reflection of the problem found, a current approach to public authorities was necessary attempting to reveal how the constitutional order authorizes their operation and how - in fact - they act. In this endeavour, the legitimacy of power was discussed, involving the analysis of its origin, to whom it belongs and the legitimacy of deficit situations, concluding that it is only justified as it gets more democratic influence, with greater participation of people in its deliberations and decisions, with its plurality and complexity. Research carried out by official institutions was necessary to have evidence of the low level of social development of the country and the nonattendance of minimum basic rights, as well as exposure to various acts and omissions which show that all public authorities do not legitimately represent the people's interests. The competence of the Supreme Court to establish the broader scope of the remuneration policy in the public service received proper attention, presenting itself as an effective means to promote the reduction of the remuneration and structural inequality in public service and contributing to better care of fundamental rights. Also, considerations were made about the Decree 8243/2014, which established the National Policy for Social Participation (NPSP) and the National System of Social Participation (NSSP) and took other measures with the suggestion of its expansion into the legislative and judiciary powers as a way to legitimize the Brazilian democracy, considering its current stage. In conclusion, it is presented the idea expressed by the most influential and modern pedagogical trends for the creation of a participatory, solidary, non-hierarchical and critical culture since the childhood stage. This idea focuses on the resolution of questions addressed to the common good, which considers the complexity and the existing pluralism in society with a view to constant knowledge update. Knowledge update is in turn dynamic and requires such action, instilling - for the future generations - the idea that the creation of a more participatory and collaborative democracy is needed to reduce social inequality as a way to legitimize and promote social welfare, with the implementation of a policy devoted to meet the minimum fundamental rights to ensure dignity to the population.
The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.
The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.
The horrors and suffering of World War II directly affected Simone de Beauvoir. Exposed to destruction and pervasive death, and haunted by the separation from her beloved, she is bound to conclude that an individual—especially an intellectual—is powerless when confronted with extreme violence. In this context, the writer becomes increasingly aware that action must be taken to defend both the common good and those whose lives are under threat. The restrained existentialist—an independent woman focused on her personal development and happiness—thus undergoes a kind of evolution, and becomes an author sincerely concerned with other people and their basic needs— especially with those suffering harm or afflicted by violence. The drama of war enables Beauvoir to adopt a broader view of the misery of human existence and to deal with subjects hitherto unbeknownst to her.
Förändringar är vanligt förekommande i organisationer och forskning visar att många förändringsinitiativ tyvärr misslyckas. Genomförandet av förändringar som fokuserar på individens motivation är lyckosamma i bemärkelsen att personalen trivs och att arbetet inte blir lidande. Studien syftar till att ta reda på hur ledare kan arbeta för att främja medarbetares motivation vid organisationsförändringar. Genom ett kvalitativt perspektiv och en deduktiv ansats har vi undersökt vad som påverkar och främjar medarbetares motivation vid organisationsförändringar. Undersökningen har genomförts på två avdelningar i ett stort företag i Gästrikland som vid tiden för insamling av data, genomgick en förändring. Studien är en fallstudie med avsikt att undersöka den specifika skiftformsförändringen som företaget genomgick. Tillvägagångssättet för insamlingen av material är en process som ämnar att, genom delaktighet och diskussion ta reda på vad som motiverar medarbetare under förändringar. Analysen av resultatet visar att individernas grundläggande behov i arbetet, till viss del inte varit uppfyllda vilket har lett till att en del personal givit uttryck för att de är omotiverade och att de känner ett motstånd mot förändringen. Det upplevda motståndet består i en rad olika känslor, bland annat; chock, oro och förvirring som uppkommer på grund av osäkerhet och brist på kontroll rörande individens arbetssituation. Känslorna hämmar motivationen och kan ge en upplevelse av att de grundläggande behoven i arbetet inte är uppfyllda, även fast de kan vara det. Studien visar att ledare kan påverka motståndet och främja medarbetares motivation under förändringar dels genom att bjuda in till delaktighet i ett så tidigt stadie som möjligt i förändringsprocesssen och dels genom att på ett tydligt sätt kommunicera och informera kring förändringens innebörd. Det gör att individen upplever kontroll över sin framtid i arbetet vilket påverkar upplevelsen av att de grundläggande behoven inte skulle vara uppfyllda och gynnar motivationen. Ledare behöver även vara lyhörda för att alla upplever förändringar olika och läsa av behov och önskemål och anpassa eventuellt stöd efter det.