998 resultados para Articulación temporomandibular
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Monográfico con el título: 'La Docencia en Ciencias de la Salud'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
En la Argentina del Centenario de la Revolución de Mayo, al tiempo que se recorta la especificidad de la labor intelectual en relación con el área de las actividades del “espíritu” y se especializan las funciones de la política estatal, emerge una nueva representación de la cultura nacional como espacio de intervenciones estratégicas dirigidas a atender tanto de las nuevas necesidades del Estado oligárquico en crisis como los requerimientos de los escritores que aspiran a la autonomía profesional. La convergencia de las respuestas de los escritores involucrados en esta nueva alianza con el Estado no responde a una coartación de su autonomía, sino a la coincidencia entre los interrogantes que el Estado les formula y las preguntas que, desde la situación histórica específica de la actividad literaria, han venido planteándose.
The railway lines proyect to the Eastern provinces of Ecuador that was established in the process of nation building at the beginning of the 20th Century formed an integral part of the program promoted by the liberal governmentes, that had intrest in articulating the region and control of the amazonic space. There is an analysis on the debate about the constrution of roads to the East at the beginning of Century and the development a railines to the cities of Ambato to Curaray, also sketching other railroad proyects to the East. The study contributes to redeeming the history of one of the raillines that has ocuppied significat political debates in the period and to situated some of the contradictions that were presented in the process of nation building.
El estudio aquí desarrollado se propone encontrar asideros concretos (testimonios), en términos de Arquitectura y de Diseño Urbano, en el proceso de desarrollo de la ciudad de Quito. Asideros concretos que den testimonio de la evolución de la cultura y de la sociedad sobre las maneras de ser de los productos de la cultura material. Se ha propuesto evidenciar la relación entre urbanismo e historia, a través de la identificación de los cambios en los modos de ser de la arquitectura y de la ciudad, sobre la base de los cambios en los modos de ser geopolíticos, económicos y culturales de la sociedad. Se ha seguido la línea expresiva (estilística), de los períodos históricos marcados: culturas autóctonas, indígenas, incario, Colonia, República siglo XIX, República siglos XX y XXI; para, dentro de este contexto, poder interpretar la época puntual del análisis de este estudio: mediados del siglo XX, Arquitectura Moderna. Se ha propuesto demostrar que el momento histórico analizado fue, de la misma manera que los dos momentos anteriores: Arquitectura y ciudad española, superpuesta a lo incásico. Arquitectura “Republicana”, superpuesta a lo colonial; y, finalmente, Arquitectura Moderna, superpuesta a lo republicano. Un momento de transición y de articulación en el cambio de la imagen de la ciudad. Se ha propuesto, en este estudio, demostrar que en el momento analizado se desplegaron los únicos recursos técnicos de planificación, en la sociedad industrial del siglo XX, que permitieron que el crecimiento de la ciudad de Quito se regule y se organice.
Aims: To assess the prevalence of primary headaches (HA) in adults with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) who were assessed in a specialty orofacial pain clinic, as well as in controls without TMD. Methods: The sample consisted of 158 individuals with TMD seen at a university-based specialty clinic, as well as 68 controls. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD were used to diagnose the TMD patients. HAs were assessed using a structured interview and classified according to the Second Edition of the International Classification for Headache Disorders. Data were analyzed by chi-square tests with a significance level of 5% and odds ratio (OR) tests with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: HAs occurred in 45.6% of the control group (30.9% had migraine and 14.7% had tension-type headache [TTH]) and in 85.5% of individuals with TMD. Among individuals with TMD, migraine was the most prevalent primary HA (55.3%), followed by TTH (30.2%); 14.5% had no HA. In contrast to controls, the odds ratio (OR) for HA in those with TMD was 7.05 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.65-13.61; P = .000), for migraine, the OR was 2.76 (95% CI = 1.50-5.06; P = .001), and for TTH, the OR was 2.51 (95% CI = 1.18-5.35; P = .014). Myofascial pain/arthralgia was the most common TMD diagnosis (53.2%). The presence of HA or specific HAs was not associated with the time since the onset of TMD (P = .714). However, migraine frequency was positively associated with TMD pain severity (P = .000). Conclusion: TMD was associated with increased primary HA prevalence rates. Migraine was the most common primary HA diagnosis in individuals with TMD. J OROFAC PAIN 2010;24:287-292
The proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)) is a putative therapeutic target for arthritis. We hypothesized that the early pro-inflammatory effects secondary to its activation in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are mediated by neurogenic mechanisms. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed a high degree of neurons expressing PAR(2) in retrogradely labeled trigeminal ganglion neurons. Furthermore, PAR(2) immunoreactivity was observed in the lining layer of the TMJ, co-localizing with the neuronal marker PGP9.5 and substance-P-containing peripheral sensory nerve fibers. The intra-articular injection of PAR(2) agonists into the TMJ triggered a dose-dependent increase in plasma extravasation, neutrophil influx, and induction of mechanical allodynia. The pharmacological blockade of natural killer 1 (NK(1)) receptors abolished PAR(2)-induced plasma extravasation and inhibited neutrophil influx and mechanical allodynia. We conclude that PAR(2) activation is proinflammatory in the TMJ, through a neurogenic mechanism involving NK(1) receptors. This suggests that PAR(2) is an important component of innate neuro-immune response in the rat TMJ.
In order to investigate a putative role for nitric oxide (NO) in the central nociceptive processing following carrageenan-induced arthritis in the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ), we analyzed the immunoreactivity, gene expression and activity of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) in the caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5C) during the acute (24 h), chronic (15 days) and chronic-active (14 days-24 h) arthritis. In addition, evaluation of head-withdrawal threshold was carried out in all phases of arthritis under chronic inhibition of nNOS with the selective inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7-NI). Neurons with nNOS-like immunoreactivity (nNOS-LI) were concentrated mainly in the lamina II of the Sp5C, showing no significant statistical difference during arthritis. Only a discrete percentage of nNOS-LI neurons expressed Fos immunoreactivity. The mRNA expression for both nNOS and endothelial nitric oxide synthases (eNOS) presented no noticeable differences among the groups. No expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was detected in the Sp5C by either immunohistochemistry or reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity in the ipsilateral Sp5C was significantly higher (108.3 +/- 49.2%; P<0.01) in animals during the chronic arthritis. Interestingly, this increased activity was completely abolished 24 h later, in the chronic-active arthritis. Finally, head-withdrawal threshold decreased significantly in the chronic arthritis in animals under 7-NI chronic inhibition. In conclusion, nNOS immunoreactivity and mRNA expression are stable in the Sp5C during TMJ arthritis evolution, but its activity significantly increases in the chronic-phases supporting an antinociceptive role of the nNOS as evidenced by pain threshold experiment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Temporomandibular disorders represent one of the major challenges in dentistry therapeutics. This study was undertaken to evaluate the time course of carrageenan-induced inflammation in the rat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and to investigate the role of tachykinin NK(1) receptors. Inflammation was induced by a single intra-articular (i.art.) injection of carrageenan into the left TMJ (control group received sterile saline). Inflammatory parameters such as plasma extravasation, leukocyte influx and mechanical allodynia (measured as the head-withdrawal force threshold) and TNF alpha and IL-1 beta concentrations were measured in the TMJ lavages at selected time-points. The carrageenan-induced responses were also evaluated after treatment with the NK(1) receptor antagonist SR140333. The i.art. injection of carrageenan into the TMJ caused a time-dependent plasma extravasation associated with mechanical allodynia, and a marked neutrophil accumulation between 4 and 24 h. Treatment with SR140333 substantially inhibited the increase in plasma extravasation and leukocyte influx at 4 and 24 h, as well as the production of TNF alpha and IL-1 beta into the joint cavity, but failed to affect changes in head-withdrawal threshold. The results obtained from the present TMJ-arthritis model provide, for the first time, information regarding the time course of this experimental inflammatory process. In addition, our data show that peripheral NK(1) receptors mediate the production of both TNF alpha and IL-1 beta in the TMJ as well as some of the inflammatory signs, such as plasma extravasation and leukocyte influx, but not the nociceptive component. 2008 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
As disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM) representam a maior causa de dor não dentária da região orofacial. Dada sua alta prevalência na população em geral e a existência de inúmeros instrumentos diagnósticos não padronizados, buscou-se elaborar e validar um questionário simples, de acessibilidade ampla e aplicação prática, com vistas a contribuir para o diagnóstico e o estudo epidemiológico das mesmas. A estratégia utilizada na montagem do instrumento foi estabelecida com base na avaliação criteriosa de questionários já existentes na literatura, validação de expertos na área de DTM, validação fatorial, de face (na primeira fase do estudo) e, frente ao padrão ouro (RDC/TMD), na segunda fase do estudo. Na primeira fase, participaram 160 indivíduos. A consistência interna resultou num Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach de 0,752 para o questionário com sete itens; enquanto que para o questionário com cinco itens, este resultado foi de 0,694, não sendo o mesmo, considerado baixo por avaliar apenas cinco questões e ainda, em razão do tema central da pesquisa ser bastante subjetivo. A análise fatorial confirmatória apontou para uma variância total dos fatores extraídos do questionário com sete itens, de 58,2 % e do questionário com cinco itens de 70,04%. Portanto, o questionário com cinco questões, apresentou resultados estatísticos superiores ao de sete questões. Na validação frente ao padrão ouro (RDC/TMD), foram avaliados 99 indivíduos tendo sido testados os dois questionários, com sete e com cinco questões. Na estrutura com sete questões, ao se categorizar as mesmas por totais de pontos obtidos, em quatro condições, obteve-se o melhor resultado quando se considerou com DTM a faixa entre 10 e 21 pontos, sendo 85,1% positivos também no RDC/TMD, com acurácia de 90,1% e Kappa 0,817. Nesta condição, a sensibilidade encontrada foi de 95% (IC 95%, 91 a 99), especificidade de 87% (IC 95%, 81 a 93), VPP 85%, VPN 96%, LR+ 7,3 e LR- 17,4. Quando os dados foram avaliados para o questionário com cinco questões (QST/DTM), pode-se observar que o melhor ponto de corte foi quando se considerou como portadores de DTM, os indivíduos na faixa entre 7 e 15 pontos, com acurácia de 85,8% e Kappa 0,817. Nesta condição, a sensibilidade foi 88% (IC 95%, 81,6 a 94,4), especificidade 84% (IC 95%, 76,8 a 91,2), VPP 80%, VPN 90,5%, LR+ 5,5 e LR- 7,0. A simplicidade do presente questionário (QST/DTM) com apenas cinco questões, possibilita seu uso como elemento de triagem inicial na área da dor orofacial em disfunção temporomandibular, com boa compreensibilidade, confiabilidade, reprodutibilidade e possibilidade de aplicação em pesquisas epidemiológicas. Concluiu-se que o questionário aqui validado, permite sua aplicação de forma simples tanto por profissionais e pesquisadores da Odontologia como de outras áreas da saúde
Some studies reported in the literature that emotional factors and quality of life may be involved both in aetiology, as in the progression of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Proposition: The purpose of this study is to observe a possible association between different forms of anxiety, quality of life and general health of patients diagnosed as carriers of various types and levels of Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 patients diagnosed as carriers of TMJD origin of muscle, joint, or both, with different levels of severity (mild TMD, moderate and severe). The patients were diagnosed with TMD-RDC (Research Diagnostic Criteria) to assess the type of dysfunction (muscle or joint) and by the Protocol of Fonseca to verify the degree of dysfunction (mild, moderate or severe). To evaluate the psychosocial aspects were used three self-applied, with the purpose of obtaining information about the general health (General Health Questionnaire - GHQ), the type of anxiety (Trait Anxiety Inventory-State - STAI) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality Of Life Short WHOQOL-brief). Results: There was a correlation between all indicators studied in several forms of TMD with varying degrees of commitment. Quality of life appeared linked to the type and the level of TMD: Muscular and Articular TMD (p = 0,037), Disk Displacement With Reduction (p = 0.01) and Mild TMD (p = 0.042). The General Health showed association with the level of TMD, with the exception of the stress factor (p = 0.78). For the analysis of the types and levels to Severe Muscular TMD had a statistically significant indicator of the quality of life (p = 0049). The anxiety only showed association with the level of TMD (p = 0,047 for anxiety-trait). Conclusion: Besides the limitations of the study, it was concluded that anxiety, quality of life and general health are important psychosocial indicators, which are linked to several forms of TMD in different levels of severity
Even nowadays there is in Brasil a large number of edentulous and a precarious financial condition of most of the population. In addition, World Health Organization aims for oral health, which consists on the maintenance of a natural dentition, functional and aesthetic composed of at least 20 teeth, without need of prosthetic intervention throughout life. From this and considering the lack of researches about the permanence of edentulous spaces in the oral cavity, and also avoiding overtreatment, this research has been proposed. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the effect of different lengths of the shortened lower dental arch in the presence or absence of a removable partial denture (RPD) on masticatory function, quality of life and occurrence of temporomandibular dysfunction. To achieve this goal, we compared the masticatory efficiency (colorimetric test), the oral comfort through the analysis of the impact of oral health in quality of life (OHIP-14), the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction (RDC/TMD) and the general quality of life (WHOQOL) of patients with shortened dental arches (SDA) (n=60), which is an arch with a reduction of teeth starting posteriorly, and patients with complete dental arch (Complete DA) (n = 34). The group of patients whit SDA was divided among PPR wears (PPD + SDA) (n = 17) and non-wears (n = 43). The population of this study consisted on patients who received or looked for treatment at the clinics of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN, from clinical analysis and records. The sample was chosen by convenience. For statistical analysis, it was a database in SPSS 17.0, followed by descriptive analysis with frequencies, absolute values, tests of central tendency and variability. The statistical tests used were chi-squared and analysis of variance as well as Tukey s post test, when applicable, all with a 95% confidence level. The results shown a prevalence of TMD of 47,1% among patients using PRP and 69,8% among those who didn t, but this result wasn t statistically significant. The mean of the results of masticatory efficiency, WHOQOL and OHIP didn t show association to the presence or absence of PPR and to the lower number of occlusal units of the patients (0, 1, 2 or more occlusal). The association only occurred among the different groups of SDA and the patients with complete dental arch. Taking into account the results, it could be observed that studied patients with low posterior support using lower PRP didn t have better masticatory efficiency, general quality of life, less impacts of their oral conditions in quality of life or not even less temporomandibular dysfunction or better masticatory efficiency when compared to those who didn t use the prosthesis
The epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders varies widely in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TMD in dental students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte assessed by different indexes. The sample consisted of 101 individuals selected by a randomized process, whose general outline was systematic sampling. For evaluation of the signs and symptoms of TMD, an anamnestic index, Fonseca s protocol, and two clinical indexes, the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), or standard index, and the Helkimo s Clinical Dysfunction Index were applied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and kappa, besides verifying the sensitivity and specificity (5% significance). The diagnosis of TMD by different indexes showed a variation in the prevalence between 72.3% (Helkimo s Clinical index), 64.4% (Fonseca s anamnestic index) and 35.6% (RDC/TMD). There was no statistical difference between the sexes for the RDC/TMD, although this difference was found for Fonseca s and Helkimo s indexes (p<0.05). The most frequent type of TMD were joint disorders (Groups II and III), and the subtypes disc displacement with reduction (17.8%) and arthralgia (15.8%). Most individuals showed a mild TMD (45.5%) for both indexes, Fonseca and Helkimo. When comparing the types of diagnoses, RDC/TMD with Fonseca and Helkimo, low agreement was found (k=0.17 and k= 0.35, respectively). A moderate correlation between the severity of TMD was obtained (kw= 0.53) for Fonseca s protocol and Helkimo s index. High sensitivity and low specificity were seen for both diagnoses compared to standard, resulting in excessive false positives. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the prevalence of TMD can vary widely, depending on the index used for its diagnosis