205 resultados para Aristotelian


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This study presents the results of a study on the development of the concept of force and their possible applications in physics teaching. The historical study has focused on Aristotelian natural philosophy, medieval theories of strength in impressed and on classical Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian concept of force was also an object lesson of physics analyzed in this study. In this lesson, conducted in a preuniversity course, spontaneous conceptions or alternative conceptions of students about the concept of force proved very entrenched, resulting in studies on the Model Change on Conceptual and epistemological obstacles in view Bachelardian. The theoretical frameworks adopted led us to trace parallels between spontaneous conceptions revealed by the students and some views about the concept of force found in the study of history. The results show that while some old conceptions have been replaced by scientifically Newtonian concept of force, they are still present in the students' ideas and resist to changes even after the study of Newton's laws. Like main result shows that the history of science can be a great ally for the deconstruction of alternative conceptions, particularly when these concepts were previously presented and overcome the course of history of the development of a concept


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This work aims to identify the rootmetaphor of John Dewey’s philosophical and educational discourse, by means of rhetorical analyses parameters. This methodology is founded in Aristotle and in the works of Chaïm Perelman and other contemporary authors involved in the revision of Aristotelian philosophy. The article examines the essays “The philosophical work of Herbert Spencer” and “The influence of darwinism on philosophy”, published by John Dewey respectively in 1904 e 1909. They were written in the early years of Dewey in Columbia University, which intellectual environment was not dominated by Pragmatism, and for this reason they can be considered seminal in the structuring of the author’s arguments. The analysis reveals that Dewey is favorable to Darwinian evolutionism thesis and opposite to Spencer’s one. This positioning suggests that Dewey’s discourse is bound to the metaphor “undetermined route” because it situates evolution as a process devoid of previously listed purposes at a pre-determined plan, subject only to the relations that are established, so unpredictable, between organisms and the environmental conditions that surround. Analyzing Dewey’s ideas about education, the article concludes that “undetermined route” is the rootmetaphor of Dewey’s discourse, hypothesis that can contribute to discuss Dewey in the context of contemporary philosophy.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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The relationship between humans and non-human animals dates back to the Prehistoric Era, when groups of humans migrated from the nomadic and extractive stage to sedentariness, starting to develop agriculture and animal husbandry. Ancient Greek philosophy, notably the Aristotelian school of philosophy, posited that nature has not done anything for nothing, and all things have a purpose: plants were created for the sake of animals, and these for the good of men, while the Bible preaches the view that the world was created for the good of men and other species were subordinated to their wants and needs. During the Renaissance, centuries XIV to XVI, anthropocentrism was established as the main philosophical concept. However, in relation to the treatment of animals, Renaissance did not differ substantially from medieval scholasticism, considering animals like machines, devoid of pain and immortal soul. In this context, scientific knowledge about plants, non-human animals and nature in general, is built on anthropocentric values, thus influencing the construction of school education in the disciplines of Science and Biology. Nowadays, at São Paulo state schools, specifically in the Ensino Fundamental II (6th to 9th grade), the program of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias is set by the Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, via the São Paulo Faz Escola Program, implemented by the Secretaria Estadual de Educação in 2010. This documentary research used the methodology of Content Analysis and aimed to analyze the presentation of non-human animals in Caderno do Professor and Caderno do Aluno, from 6th to 9th grades of the discipline Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias. The analysis of the courseware revealed that its contents were influenced by the anthropocentric view, in both implicitly and explicitly ways, conveying anthropomorphic, utilitarian, stereotyped and derogatory statements towards...


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The main task of this research is to investigate the situation of drugs in the city of Bologna. A first discussion pertains the method to adopt studying an ethical question as drug actually is. In fact it is widely known that drugs problem involves many political and religious considerations which are misleading in a scientific point of view. After a methodological chapter supposed to show the purpose of this research, it is discussed a logical definition of drugs. There it is examined an aristotelian definition of drugs with semantic instruments from philosophy of the language to fulfil meaning of terms. The following chapter discusses personal stories of different people involved in drug in the city, who actually represent the main characters of drug subculture. Afterwards the official statistics concerning drug enforcement is discussed and compared with a specific police action which allows to criticize that data, and to make some hypothesis about drug quantities circulating in town. Next step is investigating drugs addicted in town, with a validation technique of data base queries. The result is a statistics of users in which there is evidence of main presence of foreigners and not resident Italians who use to practice drugs in this city. Demographic analysis of identified people shows that drug addiction is widely diffused among all range of age and mainly pertains males, with an increasing trend. Then is examined the geographic distribution of users residence and use places, showing that drugs abuse is spread among all classes of population, while drugs squares are located in some points of town which realise a kind of drug area with a concentration of dealers not organised together. With some detailed queries in police reports statistics is studied some specific subject on nowadays drug abuse, the phenomenon of multi-use, the relation between drug and crime, the relation between drug and mental disease, recording some evidence in such topics. Finally a survey on city media along last two years shows the interest about this topic and gives an idea of public opinion’s information about drugs. The study refers to the city of Bologna only, and pertains data recorded along last ten years by the local metropolitan police corp.


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Undergraduate education has a historical tradition of preparing students to meet the problem-solving challenges they will encounter in work, civic, and personal contexts. This thesis research was conducted to study the role of rhetoric in engineering problem solving and decision making and to pose pedagogical strategies for preparing undergraduate students for workplace problem solving. Exploratory interviews with engineering managers as well as the heuristic analyses of engineering A3 project planning reports suggest that Aristotelian rhetorical principles are critical to the engineer's success: Engineers must ascertain the rhetorical situation surrounding engineering problems; apply and adapt invention heuristics to conduct inquiry; draw from their investigation to find innovative solutions; and influence decision making by navigating workplace decision-making systems and audiences using rhetorically constructed discourse. To prepare undergraduates for workplace problem solving, university educators are challenged to help undergraduates understand the exigence and realize the kairotic potential inherent in rhetorical problem solving. This thesis offers pedagogical strategies that focus on mentoring learning communities in problem-posing experiences that are situated in many disciplinary, work, and civic contexts. Undergraduates build a flexible rhetorical technê for problem solving as they navigate the nuances of relevant problem-solving systems through the lens of rhetorical practice.


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This paper provides an outline about the basic ideas of the capability approach. It will be argued that the capability approach is able to provide an appropriate approach in order to evaluate educational and social human services. As an egalitarian approach to social justice, the capability approach has particular strengths when issues concerning the actual life-conduct of tangible human beings come to the fore. In particular educational aspects of welfare and well-being might thus be well grounded on the Aristotelian reasoning of the capability approach. The paper focuses on the potentially fruitful relations of the capability approach and the philosophy and practice of ‘just’ education referring to the idea of the autonomy of life-practice.


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This paper opposes Universal Mereological Composition. Sider defends it: unless UMC were true, he says, it could be indeterminate how many objects there are in the world. I argue that there is no general connection between how widely composition occurs and how many objects there are in the world. Sider fails to support UMC. Moreover, we should disbelieve in UMC objects. Existing objections against them say that they are radically unlike Aristotelian substances. True, but there is a stronger objection. This is that they are characterized by no properties, and so fail to be like anything—not even themselves.


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William Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood is often described as a product of the Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. Modern research has, however, shown thatHarvey followed the Aristotelian research tradition and thus tried to reveal the purpose of the organs through examination of various animals. His publication of 1628 has to be read as an argument of natural philosophy, or, more precisely, as a series of linked observations, experiments and philosophical reasonings from which the existence of circulation has to be deduced as a logical consequence. Harvey did not consider experiments as superior to philosophical reasoning nor intended he to create a new system of medicine. He believed in the vitality of the heart and the blood and rejected Francis Bacon's empirism and the mechanistic rationalism of Descartes. Harvey's contribution and originality lied less in his single observations and experiments but in the manner how he linked them with critical reasoning and how he accepted, presented and defended the ensuing radical findings.


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Ante las frecuentes afirmaciones que, atendiendo a las características del discurso, presentan al teatro de García Lorca como "poético", considero oportuno destacar la preeminencia de lo lírico sobre lo escénico en Yerma, obra a la que el mismo autor subtitula como "poema trágico en tres actos y seis cuadros". Teniendo en cuenta la prolija subtitulación del autor me propongo reflexionar, a partir del análisis de la pieza y con ayuda de algunos conceptos teóricos tomados tanto de Aristóteles como de la Semiótica, la razón por la cual Yerma necesita una recepción que advierta su naturaleza lírica esencial antes de reparar en su funcionalidad escénica.


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La enunciación de la tesis de que el fin común es la causa fundamental y primera del ser y del valor de los grupos sociales podría sugerir la idea de una incursión ociosa en un tema ya solucionado. A semejante objeción cabría enfrentarla con dos órdenes de argumentos. En primer lugar, para la sociología de Max Weber, tal vez la más influyente teoría social del s. XX, el constitutivo esencial del grupo social "(asociación, Verband)", reside en la estructura de las relaciones de mando y obediencia (Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, t. I, p. 26). De tal suerte, puede decirse que en Weber toda asociación es asociación de dominación. En segundo lugar, dentro de las escuelas que en principio aceptan el fin común como el primer principio del orden social no hay acuerdo –en especial hoy- respecto de la naturaleza y la función de ese fin; a punto tal que aparece incluso comprometida su propia especificidad de causa y de fin. Así pues, este tema esencial para la verdadera intelección de la realidad social y política dista de estar cerrado.


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El clásico Index Aristotelicus de Hermann Bonitz contiene un sinnúmero de voces griegas de las que se ha valido Aristóteles para desarrollar su pensamiento. Bonitz presenta cada vocablo citando textos que revelan el valor que tenía para el hombre griego común, su funcionamiento gramatical y sus diversos sentidos en cuanto términos filosóficos aristotélicos. Nosotros hemos seleccionado, de dicha obra, algunas voces que son clave del pensamiento lógico-metafísico aristotélico, y hemos transcrito cada uno de los textos-muestra que en Bonitz son citados meramente mediante el nombre de la obra que los contiene y su correspondiente ubicación según Bekker. Hemos reunido importante cantidad de ejemplos que enriquecen el acceso al griego aristotélico, presentándolos en idioma español y acompañados de las frases griegas que contienen la voz correspondiente. Ofrecemos aquí dos artículos: σύμβολον y μῦθος, que serán incluidos en la obra que intentamos publicar en el presente año.