Drugstore Bologna. Una lettura del rapporto tra la città e la droga

Autoria(s): Piselli, Andrea

Bisi, Roberta




The main task of this research is to investigate the situation of drugs in the city of Bologna. A first discussion pertains the method to adopt studying an ethical question as drug actually is. In fact it is widely known that drugs problem involves many political and religious considerations which are misleading in a scientific point of view. After a methodological chapter supposed to show the purpose of this research, it is discussed a logical definition of drugs. There it is examined an aristotelian definition of drugs with semantic instruments from philosophy of the language to fulfil meaning of terms. The following chapter discusses personal stories of different people involved in drug in the city, who actually represent the main characters of drug subculture. Afterwards the official statistics concerning drug enforcement is discussed and compared with a specific police action which allows to criticize that data, and to make some hypothesis about drug quantities circulating in town. Next step is investigating drugs addicted in town, with a validation technique of data base queries. The result is a statistics of users in which there is evidence of main presence of foreigners and not resident Italians who use to practice drugs in this city. Demographic analysis of identified people shows that drug addiction is widely diffused among all range of age and mainly pertains males, with an increasing trend. Then is examined the geographic distribution of users residence and use places, showing that drugs abuse is spread among all classes of population, while drugs squares are located in some points of town which realise a kind of drug area with a concentration of dealers not organised together. With some detailed queries in police reports statistics is studied some specific subject on nowadays drug abuse, the phenomenon of multi-use, the relation between drug and crime, the relation between drug and mental disease, recording some evidence in such topics. Finally a survey on city media along last two years shows the interest about this topic and gives an idea of public opinion’s information about drugs. The study refers to the city of Bologna only, and pertains data recorded along last ten years by the local metropolitan police corp.






Piselli, Andrea (2009) Drugstore Bologna. Una lettura del rapporto tra la città e la droga, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Criminologia <http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/view/dottorati/DOT217/>, 21 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/2052.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna





Palavras-Chave #SPS/12 Sociologia giuridica, della devianza e mutamento sociale

Tesi di dottorato
