936 resultados para Aragonite (integrated peak area)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of dopamine in the growth hormone secretion (GH) during Nellore heifer's sexual maturation. The animals were randomly assigned into two experimental groups: Sulpiride group (dopamine D-2 antagonist, 0.59 mg/kg, S. C.) and control group (saline solution S. C.) at 8, 12 and 16 months of age. Blood samples were collected every 15 min for 10h after drug injection. Growth hormone was quantified by RIA, sensitivity (0.25 ng/mL) and intra and inter-assay variation coefficients were 15% and 17%, respectively. GH concentration was higher in sulpiride group than control group at 8 mo (10.1 +/- 0.38 ng/mL vs 4.3 +/- 0.34 ng/mL; P < 0.05) and 12 mo of age (9.46 +/- 0.35 vs 3.74 +/- 0.19 ng/mL; P < 0.05). In sulpiride group GH average concentration was greater at 8 and 12 mo compared to 16 mo of age (10.10 +/- 0.38 ng/mL and 9.46 +/- 0.35 ng/mL vs 4.87 +/- 0.35 ng/mL; P < 0.05) respectively. There was no difference between groups (P > 0.05) in total GH secretion area, total peak area and maximum peak amplitude. These results suggested an inhibitory dopamine effect on GH secretion in pre-pubertal Nellore heifers that decreases according to age.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the effect of fluoride gels, supplemented or not with sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), on enamel erosive wear in situ. Twelve healthy volunteers wore palatal appliances containing four bovine enamel discs. Subjects were randomly allocated into four experimental phases (double-blind, crossover protocol) according to the gels: Placebo (no fluoride or HMP), 1% NaF, 2% NaF, and 1% NaF+9% HMP. Enamel discs were selected after polishing and surface hardness analysis, and treated only once with the respective gels prior to each experimental phase. Erosion (ERO) was performed by extra-oral immersion of the appliance in 0.05M citric acid, pH 3.2 (four times/day, five minutes each, 5 days). Additional abrasion (ERO+ABR) was produced on only two discs by toothbrushing with fluoridated dentifrice after ERO (four times/day, 30s, 5 days). The specimens were submitted to profilometry and hardness analysis. The results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls test (p<0.05). The 1% NaF+9% HMP gel promoted significantly lower enamel wear for ERO compared to the other groups, being statistically lower than 1% NaF and Placebo for ERO+ABR. Similarly, the lowest values of integrated lesion area were found for 1% NaF+9% HMP and 2% NaF, respectively, for ERO and ERO+ABR. The addition of HMP to the 1% NaF gel promoted greater protective effect against ERO and ERO+ABR compared to the 1% NaF gel, achieving similar protective levels to those seen for the 2% NaF gel. Gel containing 1% NaF+9% HMP showed a high anti-erosive potential, being a safer alternative when compared to a conventional 2% NaF gel.


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The interpretation of the effect of plastic deformation on the calculated excess loss component (anomalous-loss) supports the concept of loss separation. Magnetic losses and Barkhausen noise of nonoriented electrical steel sheets were measured on Epstein strips taken from a single coil of 0.8% Si nonoriented electrical steel. Sheets were extracted in the annealed condition, without any skin pass and with a grain size of 18 mu m. This material was cold rolled in order to obtain sets of samples with true strain from 2% up to 29%. X-ray diffraction was used to estimate the dislocation density. The analysis of magnetic properties was performed by Barkhausen noise measurements and also by analyzing the hysteresis loops obtained from Epstein frame measurements for different inductions and different frequencies (including the quasi-static regime for hysteresis loss measurements). These data allowed us to observe that most of the well known total loss increase with plastic deformation is due to an increase in the hysteresis loss component, while excess loss decreases to become negligible. This behavior can be explained if it is assumed that the plastic deformation lead to an increase in the number of domain walls per unit volume, thereby decreasing the excess loss. Barkhausen peak area increases with plastic deformation, reproducing results taken from samples of different silicon content.


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Objectives: Considering the enamel chemical structure, especially carbonate band, which has a major role in the caries prevention, the objective of the present study was to assess the chemical alterations on the enamel irradiated with CO2 laser by means of FTIR spectroscopy and SEM analysis. Design: The enamel surfaces were analysed on a spectrometer for acquisition of the absorption spectrum relative to the chemical composition of the control sample. The irradiation was conducted with a 10.6-mu m CO2 laser (0.55 W, 660 W/cm(2)). The carbonate absorption band at 1600-1291 cm(-1) as well as the water absorption band at 3793-2652 cm(-1) was measured in each sample after the irradiation. The water band was measured again 24-h after the irradiation. The band area of each chemical compound was delimited, the background was subtracted, and the area under each band was integrated. Each area was normalized by the phosphate band (1190-702 cm(-1)). Results: There was a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the water content after irradiation (control: 0.184 +/- 0.04; irradiated: 0.078 +/- 0.026), which increased again after rehydration (0.145 +/- 0.038). The carbonate/phosphate ratio was measured initially (0.112 +/- 0.029) and its reduction after irradiation indicated the carbonate loss (0.088 +/- 0.014) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The 10.6-mu m CO2 laser irradiation diminishes the carbonate and water contents in the enamel after irradiation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Early Diagnosis of Miocardial Dysfunction in Patients with Hematological Malignancies Submitted to Chemotherapy. Preliminary Background: Considering the current diagnostic improvements and tl1erapeutic approaches, patients witl 1 cancer can now be healed or keep the disease under control, still, the chemotherapy may cause heart damage, evolving to Congestive Heart Failure. Recognition of those changes increases the chances of control the endpoints; hence, new parameters of cardiac and fluid mechanics analysis have been used to assess the myocardial function, pursuing an earlier diagnosis of the cardiac alterations. This study aimed to detect early cardiac dysfunction consequently to chemotherapy in patients with hematological malignancies (HM). Methods: Patients with leukemia and lymphoma, submitted to chemotherapy, without knowing heart diseases were studied. Healthy volunteers served as the control group. Conventional 2DE parameters of myocardial function were analyzed. The peak global longitudinal, circumferential and radial left ventricular (LV) strain were deternined by 2D and 3D speckle tracking (STE); peak area strain measured by 3D STE and LV torsionn, twisting rate, recoil / recoil rate assessed by 2D STE. The LV vortex formation time (VFT) during the rapid diastolic filling was estimated by the 2D mitral valve (MV) planimetry and Pulsed Doppler LV inflow by: VFT- 4(1-β) / π x α3 x LVEF Where 1- β is the E wave contribution to the LV stroke volume and α3 is a volumetric variable related to the MV area. The statistical level was settled on 5%. Results: See Table. Conclusion: Despite the differences between the two groups concerning the LVESV, LVEF and E´, those parameters still are in the normal range when considering the patients submitted to chemotherapy; thus, in the clinical setting, they are not so noticeable. The 3D GLS was smaller among the patients, oppositely to the 2D GLS, suggesting that the former variable is more accurate to assess tlhe LV systolic function. The VFT is a dimensionless measure of the optimal vortex development inside the LV chamber; reflecting the efficiency of the diastolic filling and, consequently, blood ejection. This index showed to be diminished in patients with HM submitted to chemotherapy, indicating an impairment of the in1pulse and thrust, hence appearing to be a very early marker of diastolic and systolic dysfunction in this group.


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Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit standen Untersuchungen zu strukturellen Ordnungs- und Unordnungsphänomenen an natürlichen, substitutionellen Mischkristallen. Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an potentiellen Austauschpartnern wurden hierfür Vertreter der Biotit-Mischkristallreihe "Phlogopit-Annit" ausgewählt. Ihr modulartiger Aufbau ermöglichte die gezielte Beschreibung von Verteilungsmustern anionischer und kationischer Merkmalsträger innerhalb der Oktaederschicht der Biotit-Mischkristalle. Basierend auf der postulierten Bindungsaffinität zwischen Mg2+ und F- einerseits und Fe2+ und OH- andererseits, wurde die strukturelle Separation einer Fluor-Phlogopit-Komponente als primäre Ausprägungsform des Mg/F-Ordnungsprinzips abgeleitet. Im Rahmen dieser Modellvorstellung koexistieren im makroskopisch homogenen Biotit-Mischkristall Domänen zweier chemisch divergenter Phasen nebeneinander: Eine rein Mg2+/F- - führende Phlogopit-Phase und eine Wirtskristallphase, die mit fortschreitender Separation bzw. Entmischung der erstgenannten Phase sukzessive reicher an einer hydroxylführenden eisenreichen Annit-Komponente wird. Zwecks numerischer Beschreibung diverser Stadien der Entmischungsreaktion wurden die Begriffe der "Relativen" und "Absoluten Domänengröße" eingeführt. Sie stellen ein quantitatives Maß zur Beurteilung der diskutierten Ordnungsphänomene dar. Basierend auf einem sich stetig ändernden Chemismus der Wirtskristallphase kann jeder Übergangszustand zwischen statistischer Verteilung und vollständiger Ordnung durch das korrespondierende Verteilungsmuster der interessierenden Merkmalsträger ( = Nahordnungskonfiguration und Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit) charakterisiert und beschrieben werden. Durch mößbauerspektroskopische Untersuchungen konnten die anhand der entwickelten Modelle vorhergesagten Ausprägungsformen von Ordnungs-/Unordnungsphänomenen qualitativ und quantitativ verifiziert werden. Es liessen sich hierbei zwei Gruppen von Biotit-Mischkristallen unterscheiden. Eine erste Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch den OH/F-Chemismus als dominierendes Differenzierungsmerkmal geprägt wird, und eine zweite Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch Gruppierungen von höherwertigen Kationen und Vakanzen ( = Defektchemie) geprägt wird. Auf der Basis von Korrelationsdiagrammen, die einen numerischen und graphischen Bezug zwischen absoluter und relativer Domänengröße einerseits und experimentell zugänglichem Mößbauer-Parameter A (= relativer Flächenanteil, korrespondierend mit der Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit einer bestimmten Nahordnungs-konstellation) andererseits herstellen, konnten für die erste Gruppe die Volumina der beiden miteinander koexistierenden Komponenten "Hydroxyl-Annit reicher Wirtskristall" und "Fluor-Phlogopit" exakt quantifiziert werden. Das Spektrum der untersuchten Proben umfasste hierbei Kristallspezies, die einerseits durch geringe bis mittlere Mg2+/F- - bzw. Fe2+/OH- -Ordnungsgrade gekennzeichnet sind, andererseits eine nahezu vollständige Ordnung der interessierenden Merkmalsträger Mg2+, Fe2+, OH- und F- widerspiegeln. Desweiteren konnte der Nachweis geführt werden, dass für ausgewählte Proben eine quantitative Bestimmung der Defektvolumina möglich ist.


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This is the first detailed study of the westernmost portion of the outcrop belt, which extends along the western flank of the Talkeetna Mountains and includes thick, well-exposed outcrops along Willow Creek in the eastern Susitna basin. New sedimentologic, compositional, and geochronologic data were obtained from stratigraphic sections within Arkose Ridge Formation strata at Willow Creek. This data combined with new geologic mapping and geochronologic data from Willow Bench and Kashwitna River Bluff (north of Willow Creek), and from the Government Peak area (east of Willow Creek), help constrain depositional processes and source terranes that provided detritus to the westernmost Arkose Ridge Formation strata.


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A new approach for the determination of free and total valproic acid in small samples of 140 μL human plasma based on capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection is proposed. A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction technique was employed in order to remove biological matrices prior to instrumental analysis. The free valproic acid was determined by isolating free valproic acid from protein-bound valproic acid by ultrafiltration under centrifugation of 100 μL sample. The filtrate was acidified to turn valproic acid into its protonated neutral form and then extracted. The determination of total valproic acid was carried out by acidifying 40 μL untreated plasma to release the protein-bound valproic acid prior to extraction. A solution consisting of 10 mM histidine, 10 mM 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid and 10 μM hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide of pH 6.5 was used as background electrolyte for the electrophoretic separation. The method showed good linearity in the range of 0.4-300 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9996. The limit of detection was 0.08 μg/mL, and the reproducibility of the peak area was excellent (RSD=0.7-3.5%, n=3, for the concentration range from 1 to 150 μg/mL). The results for the free and total valproic acid concentration in human plasma were found to be comparable to those obtained with a standard immunoassay. The corresponding correlation coefficients were 0.9847 for free and 0.9521 for total valproic acid.