1000 resultados para Ambito rural


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This study examined the relationship of race and rural/urban setting to physical, behavioral, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with physical activity. Subjects included 1,668 eighth-grade girls from 31 middle schools: 933 from urban settings, and 735 from rural settings. Forty-six percent of urban girls and 59% of rural girls were Black. One-way and two-way ANOVAs with school as a covariate were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that most differences were associated with race rather than setting. Black girls were less active than White girls, reporting significantly fewer 30-minute blocks of both vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Black girls also spent more time watching television, and had higher BMIs and greater prevalence of overweight than White girls. However, enjoyment of physical education and family involvement in physical activity were greater among Black girls titan White girls. Rural White girls and urban Black girls had more favorable attitudes toward physical activity. Access to sports equipment, perceived safety of neighborhood, and physical activity self-efficacy were higher in White girls than Black girls.


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Aims The new cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) selective inhibitors, celecoxib (Celebrex®) and rofecoxib (Vioxx®), have been widely prescribed since their launch. No reviews currently appear in the literature of prescribing patterns in Australia. This paper describes a self-audit of the clinical use of selective COX-2 inhibitor therapy undertaken with rural general practitioners (GPs) in Australia. Methods A structured audit form was developed and distributed to interested GPs. The form was self-administered and focused on issues about COX-2 inhibitors and the types of patients who were receiving them, e.g. indications, patient demographics, risk factors and drug interactions. Results A total of 627 patients were recruited (569 celecoxib and 58 rofecoxib). A range of doses was prescribed. Osteoarthritis was the most common indication (68.1%). Risk factors known for the nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were identified in 65.1% of patients, with the most common being advanced age, hypertension and previous peptic ulcer disease. Potential drug interactions were common. A variety of reasons for initiation of therapy was identified; these included perceived increased efficacy, safety and failure of other treatment. Conclusions These results show that COX-2 inhibitors are being prescribed for patients with multiple risk factors that may place the patient at increased risk of adverse drug reactions to a COX-2 inhibitor. The perception of improved safety and efficacy was common and is of concern. Limitations of the study include the reliance on self-reporting.


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This article uses data for Nepal to test contemporary hypotheses about the remitting behaviour and associated motives of rural-to-urban migrants and to consider the likely impact of such remittances on rural development. Possibilities for inheritance, degree of family attachment, likelihood of eventual return to place of origin and family investment in the education of the migrants are found to be significant influences on levels of remittances by Nepalese migrants. However, in Nepal, remittances do not seem to result in long-term capital investment in rural areas and so may not promote long-term development of these areas.


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Information and communications technologies hold a prominent place in the cultural imagination of many people living outside the Australian metropolis, especially recent émigrés. A vision of a wired pastoral conjures up the possibilities of city work, connections and pleasures accompanying the flight to the country. Such aspirations have given a twist to one of the great topos of Australian post-invasion communications history, communications ameliorating the perceived isolation in the bush. This article examines important changes to rural telecommunications in the 1990s coinciding with post-metro dreaming and digital convergence, namely the rise of local telecommunications. Neo-Foucauldian accounts of citizenship hold some promise for explaining the criss-cross of tangled lines of flight in regional communications in the twenty-first century: emergent subjectivities, utopian digital modes of becoming, new politics of infrastructure, reconfigured relationships among state, market and citizen.


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No Brasil, h?? uma escassez de informa????es estat??sticas sobre a aus??ncia de documenta????o civil e trabalhista, al??m de outros problemas relacionados a esse tema, como dispers??o de ??rg??os emissores, aus??ncia de recursos da popula????o pobre para custear a emiss??o dos documentos,desinforma????o sobre os pr??-requisitos para a sua obten????o, falta de reconhecimento da cidadania plena das mulheres. Por reivindica????o dos movimentos sociais, o governo federal, por meio do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA) e do Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria (Incra), implantou, em 2004, o Programa Nacional de Documenta????o da Trabalhadora Rural (PNDTR). O programa j?? atendeu mais de 275 mil mulheres com a emiss??o de 561 mil documentos e incrementou a participa????o delas nas pol??ticas de desenvolvimento rural. A iniciativa envolve diversos ??rg??os governamentais e a representa????o da sociedade civil, por meio de comit??s gestores


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Para tornar p??blicos seus conhecimentos, tecnologias, metodologias desenvolvidas e/ou adaptados para toda a sociedade, em especial aos jovens e pequenos produtores rurais, a Empresa est?? utilizando, al??m da m??dia convencional, mais uma m??dia ??? o r??dio. Isso porque, al??m da sua facilidade de uso e de entendimento, esse ve??culo ?? capaz de levar informa????es aos lugares de mais dif??cil acesso do Pa??s, onde, muitas vezes, outros meios de comunica????o n??o t??m acesso. Hoje, conta-se com cerca de 504 emissoras cadastradas, que transmitem o programa semanalmente com capacidade de atingir 14 milh??es de ouvintes e, certamente, est??o contribuindo para fortalecer os pequenos produtores e a juventude do campo, para que tenham reais possibilidades de constru????o de um futuro melhor, no contexto da agricultura familiar, e de um novo projeto de desenvolvimento regional


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O Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego, por interm??dio de sua Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho, vem desenvolvendo arrojado programa de metas, visando diminuir os altos ??ndices de informalidade na contrata????o de m??o-de-obra. Al??m de ilegal, tal situa????o provoca graves preju??zos aos trabalhadores. Visando superar este contexto no meio rural, a Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho lan??ou o projeto denominado "Condom??nio de Empregadores". O Condom??nio de Empregadores ?? a uni??o de produtores rurais pessoas f??sicas, com a ??nica finalidade de contratar diretamente empregados rurais, sendo outorgados a um dos produtores poderes para contratar e gerir a m??o-de-obra em suas propriedades. Iniciado em julho de 1999, o projeto consiste na capacita????o dos auditores fiscais, no estabelecimento de parcerias com institui????es governamentais e n??o governamentais e na implanta????o desse novo modelo de contrata????o em ??mbito nacional. Com o apoio do Minist??rio P??blico do Trabalho, do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social e de entidades representativas dos trabalhadores e segmento patronal, j?? foram implantados condom??nios no Paran??, Minas Gerais e S??o Paulo. Espera-se at?? o final do ano a cria????o de condom??nios em quase todo o territ??rio nacional, com a regulariza????o de dezenas de milhares de v??nculos laborais