964 resultados para Al-cu Alloys


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The age hardening, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7175 alloy were investigated experimentally. There were two peak-aged states during ageing. For ageing at 413 K, the strength of the second peak-aged state was slightly higher than that of the first one, whereas the SCC susceptibility was lower, indicating that it is possible to heat treat 7175 to high strength and simultaneously to have high SCC resistance. The SCC susceptibility increased with increasing Mg segregation at the grain boundaries. Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) increased with increased hydrogen charging and decreased with increasing ageing time for the same hydrogen charging conditions. Computer simulations were carried out of (a) the Mg grain boundary segregation using the embedded atom method and (b) the effect of Mg and H segregation on the grain boundary strength using a quasi-chemical approach. The simulations showed that (a) Mg grain boundary segregation in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys is spontaneous, (b) Mg segregation decreases the grain boundary strength, and (c) H embrittles the grain boundary more seriously than does Mg. Therefore, the SCC mechanism of Al-Zn-Mg Cu alloys is attributed to the combination of HE and Mg segregation induced grain boundary embrittlement. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Al-10 wt.%Pb and Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu (x = 0-7.0) bulk alloys were prepared by sintering the mechanically alloyed powders at various temperatures. The microstructure changes of the as consolidated powders in the course of sintering were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy. It has been found that, with respect to the Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu alloy, CuAl2 and Cu9Al4 phases formed in the milling process, and the amount of CuAl2 phase increased while the Cu9Al4 phase disappeared gradually in the sintering process. In both Al-10 wt.%Pb and Al-10 wt.%Pb-x wt.%Cu alloys, the sintering process results in the coarsening of Pb phase and the growth rate of Pb phase fulfills the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner equation even though the size of the Pb phase was in nanometer range. The Pb particle exhibits cuboctahedral morphology and has a cubic to cubic orientation relationship with the Al matrix. The addition of Cu strongly depressed the growth rate of Pb. Contamination induced by milling has apparent influence on the microstructure of the sintered alloys. Al7Cu2Fe and aluminium oxide phases were identified in the sintered alloys. The cuboctahedral morphology of Pb particles was broken up by the presence of the oxide phase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The applicability of the confusion principle and size factor in glass formation has been explored by following different combinations of isoelectronic Ti, Zr and Hf metals. Four alloys of nominal composition Zr41.5Ti41.5Ni17, Zr41.5Hf41.5Ni17, Zr25Ti25Cu50 and Zr34Ti16Cu50 have been rapidly solidified to obtain an amorphous phase and their crystallisation behaviour has been studied. The Ti-Zr-Ni alloy crystallises in three steps. Initially this alloy precipitates icosahedral quasicrystalline phase, which on further heat treatment precipitates cF96 Zr2Ni phase. The Zr-Hf-Ni alloy can not be amorphised under the same experimental conditions. The amorphous Zr-Ti-Cu alloys at the initial stages of crystallisation phase-separateinto two amorphous phases and then on further heat treatment cF24 Cu5Zr and oC68 Cu10Zr7 phase are precipitated. The lower glass-forming abilityof Zr-Hf-Ni alloy and the crystallisation behaviour of the above alloys has been studied. The rationale behind nanoquasicrystallisation and the formation of other intermetallic phases has been explained.


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Electron diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy have been employed to differentiate among icosahedral, decagonal and crystalline particles that occur in as-cast and rapidly solidified Al-Mn-Cu alloys. The resemblance between decagonal quasicrystals and crystals in their electron diffraction patterns is striking. The crystalline structure is based on the orthorhombic ‘Al3Mn’ structure, but also a new monoclinic phase called ‘X’ has been discovered and described here. The present observations are also closely related to the orthorhombic structures in Al60Mn11Ni4. The occurrence of fine-scale twinning and fragmentation into domains explains the complex diffraction effects.


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O sistema estuarino das Ilhas de Tinharé-Boipeba está inserido na região do Baixo Sul baiano (Bahia Brasil), costa nordeste brasileira, e conectam-se com o oceano através de três saídas principais, Morro de São Paulo, Boipeba e Barra dos Carvalhos. Informações relacionadas à presença de metais no sedimento são quase inexistentes para a região. Nestes estuários foram coletadas 40 amostras de sedimento, onde analisou-se a concentração de metais (Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn) através da extração com água-régia, segundo o protocolo do material de referência BCR-701 (RAURET et al., 2001). Baixas concentrações de metais foram registradas nas proximidades das saídas para o mar e no Canal de Garapuá e Rio Grande. Altas concentrações, porém praticamente dentro dos valores de referência na CONAMA 344/04, foram registradas no Rio Una, na maior parte do Rio Cairu, Rio das Almas, em quase todas as estações, no braço leste do Rio Cairu e na porção intermediária do Rio dos Patos. As concentrações dos metais (mg.kg1) apresentaram valores entre os seguintes intervalos, Al (3,57 x 104 a 3,19 x 102), Cu (1,02 x 102 a 0,35), Fe (4,33 x 104 a 2,05 x 102), Mn (1,44 x 103 a 2,73), Pb (6,67 x 101 a 2,66) e Zn (5,08 x 102 a 3,18). Através da análise estatística ACP (Análise dos Componentes Principais) e dos gráficos de correlação entre a granulometria do sedimento (areia, silte e argila) e os metais, observou-se maiores concentrações de metais com o aumento do percentual de silte e diminuição do percentual de areia. Também se identificou uma forte correlação entre a ocorrência do fósforo e a presença de metais. Acredita-se que a principal espécie química em questão seja o fosfato (PO43 ou P2O5) que é uma base dura, onde a ligação com os metais se dá pelo oxigênio, sendo o caráter iônico relevante. Não foi identificada uma correlação entre a presença de metais e a argila, fato atribuído ao baixo teor dessa granulometria para todas as amostras do estudo e a composição da argila desses estuários


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In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrical resistivity measurements and scanning electron microscopy was used to study the dissolution of silver on Cu-Ag and Cu-Al-Ag alloys. The results seem to indicate that the dissolution temperature is affected by the addition of aluminium.


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The aluminum alloy 2524 (Al-Cu-Mg) was developed during the 90s mainly to be employed in aircraft fuselage panels, replacing the standard Al 2024. In the present analysis the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of 2524-T3 was investigated, regarding the influence of three parameters: load ratio, pre strain and crack plane orientation of the material. The pre strain of aluminum alloys is usually performed in order to obtain a more homogeneous precipitates distribution, accompanied by an increase in the yield strength. In this work, it was evaluated the resistance of Al 2524-T3 sheet samples to the fatigue crack growth, having L-T and T-L crack orientations. FCG tests were performed under constant amplitude loading at three distinct positive load ratios. The three material conditions were tested: as received(AR), pre strained longitudinally (SL) and transversally (ST) in relation to rolling direction. In order to describe FCG behavior, two-parameter kinetic equations were compared: a Paris-type potential model and a new exponential equation introduced in a previous work conducted by our research group. It was observed that the exponential model, which takes into account the deviations from linearity presented by da/dN versus AK data, describes more adequately the FCG behavior of Al 224-T3 in relation to load ratio, pre strain effects and crack plane orientation. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The electrochemical behaviour of Cu, Cu-Al and Cu-Al-Ag alloys in aqueous solutions of NaCl (0.5 M, pH = 3.00) was studied by means of voltammetric methods and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The surfaces were examined by SEM and EDX analysis. Cu-Al-Ag alloy shows a potentiodynamic behaviour similar to that of the pure copper electrode while the Cu-Al alloy presents some minor differences. In the active dissolution region the electrodes suffer pitting corrosion and in the other potential regions there are the formation of a passivant film with composition depending on the potential. The impedance responses of the electrodes are discussed. An electrodissolution mechanism is proposed and the effect of the alloying elements upon the impedance response and polarisation curves is explained. The main effects are due to the production of copper and silver chlorides and aluminium oxides/ hydroxides at the corroding interface. The addition of Al or (Al + Ag) increases the corrosion resistance of pure copper. © 1995.


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The effects of boron and strontium interactions on the eutectic silicon in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys have been studied. Samples were prepared from an AI-I 0 mass%Si base alloy with different Al-B additions, alone and in combination with strontium. In alloys containing no strontium, boron additions do not cause modification of the eutectic silicon, while in strontium containing alloys, boron additions reduce the level of modification of the eutectic silicon. Thermal analysis parameters and eutectic silicon microstructures were investigated with respect to the Sr to B ratio. In order to modify the eutectic silicon, a Sr/B ratio exceeding 0.4 is required.


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Powder metallurgy alloys are typically inhomogeneous with a significant amount of porosity. This complicates conventional transmission electron microscopy sample preparation. However, the use of focused ion beam milling allows site specific transmission electron microscopy samples to be prepared in a short amount of time. This paper presents a method that can be used to produce transmission electron microscopy samples from an Al-Cu-Mg PM alloy. (C) 2003 IoM Communications Ltd. Published by Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


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From recent published data, it is still unclear whether combining additions of Na and Sr have synergistic effects or deleterious interactions, This paper clarifies the interactions between these two modifiers and investigates the effects of such interactions on alloy solidification and castability. It was found that combined additions of Sr and Na do not appear to cause improvement of the modification of the eutectic microstructure even after only a short period after addition. Na addition may promote Sr vaporization and/or oxidation kinetically. leading to a quicker loss of both modifiers, which is blamed for the rapid loss of the modification effect during melt holding. Quenching trials during the eutectic arrest indicate that addition of Sr into Na-modified melts does not alter the eutectic solidification behaviour The effect of Na on eutectic solidification dominates, and the eutectic is observed to evolve with a significant dependency on the thermal gradient, Combining Sr and Na additions produced no beneficial effects on porosity and casting defects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new modification phenomenon is reported for Al-Si alloys, where the Al-Si eutectic is refined by segregated TiB2 particles. The TiB2 particles are pushed to the Al-Si phase boundary during solidification of the eutectic and it is believed that at high concentrations the TiB2 particles restrict solute redistribution causing refinement of the Si. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Strontium is the most widely used and a very effective element for modifying the morphology of eutectic silicon, while Ti and B are commonly present in the commercial grain refiners used for Al-Si alloys. Systematic studies on the effects of combined additions of Sr and different AlTiB grain refiners on the Al + Si eutectic and primary aluminium solidification have been performed. While slight coarsening of both eutectic Si and primary aluminium grains occurs during holding, no obvious interactions are observed between Sr and AlTiB grain refiners when the addition level of grain refiners is low. As a result, a well-modified and grain refined structure was obtained. However, strong negative interactions between Sr and Al1.5Ti1.5B3 were observed as the addition level of the grain refiner increases. It was found that these interactions have a much more profound impact on the eutectic solidification than the primary Al solidification. The melt treated with combined additions of Sr and Al1.5Ti1.5B still shows good grain refinement efficiency even after losing its modification completely. The mechanism responsible for such negative interactions is further discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.