184 resultados para APACHE
I Big Data hanno forgiato nuove tecnologie che migliorano la qualità della vita utilizzando la combinazione di rappresentazioni eterogenee di dati in varie discipline. Occorre, quindi, un sistema realtime in grado di computare i dati in tempo reale. Tale sistema viene denominato speed layer, come si evince dal nome si è pensato a garantire che i nuovi dati siano restituiti dalle query funcions con la rapidità in cui essi arrivano. Il lavoro di tesi verte sulla realizzazione di un’architettura che si rifaccia allo Speed Layer della Lambda Architecture e che sia in grado di ricevere dati metereologici pubblicati su una coda MQTT, elaborarli in tempo reale e memorizzarli in un database per renderli disponibili ai Data Scientist. L’ambiente di programmazione utilizzato è JAVA, il progetto è stato installato sulla piattaforma Hortonworks che si basa sul framework Hadoop e sul sistema di computazione Storm, che permette di lavorare con flussi di dati illimitati, effettuando l’elaborazione in tempo reale. A differenza dei tradizionali approcci di stream-processing con reti di code e workers, Storm è fault-tolerance e scalabile. Gli sforzi dedicati al suo sviluppo da parte della Apache Software Foundation, il crescente utilizzo in ambito di produzione di importanti aziende, il supporto da parte delle compagnie di cloud hosting sono segnali che questa tecnologia prenderà sempre più piede come soluzione per la gestione di computazioni distribuite orientate agli eventi. Per poter memorizzare e analizzare queste moli di dati, che da sempre hanno costituito una problematica non superabile con i database tradizionali, è stato utilizzato un database non relazionale: HBase.
Poiché nell’ultimo decennio i dispositivi mobile assumono un ruolo sempre più determinante nello svolgimento della vita stessa, nel corso del tempo si sono ricercate e sviluppate app per facilitare le più svariate operazioni quotidiane. Visto la vastità del mercato degli smartphone, nel tempo sono stati sviluppati vari sistemi operativi in grado di governare queste piattaforme. Per una azienda, tuttavia, gestire i costi di implementazione di una stessa app in ambienti differenti risulta più oneroso che gestire i costi di una sola in grado di operare nei diversi sistemi operativi. Quest’ultimo tipo di app viene comunemente denominato app multipiattaforma. Un modo per implementare questo genere di applicazioni vede come strumento di utilizzo Visual Studio, noto IDE. Nel caso specifico Visual Studio ha integrato il progetto Apache Cordova per le creazione di applicativi multipiattaforma. In questo elaborato di tesi tramite i due strumenti appena introdotti si sono sviluppate due differenti app, al fine di valutarne le performance in termini di tempo. La prima app propone la risoluzione di un noto problema di calcolo combinatorio conosciuto con il nome di Knapsack, ovvero il problema dello zaino. La seconda cerca invece di digitalizzare una semplice espressione matematica contenuta in un’immagine e di fornirne quindi il risultato. Dai dati ottenuti si possono operare confronti per determinare la validità dello strumento di sviluppo, mettendo in luce anche possibili evoluzioni di queste due app.
Nell’ambito di questo lavoro di tesi è stata progettata e realizzata un'applicazione di edutainment, pensata per essere fruita attraverso dispositivi mobili, da parte di studenti delle scuole medie, con l’obiettivo di esercitare e migliorare le capacità logiche e di problem solving. La tesi descrive il contesto educativo e scolastico in relazione alla presenza delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, ed infine mostra come una componente di intrattenimento possa essere utile nei processi di apprendimento. Lo sviluppo dell’applicazione è basato sulla progettazione di applicazioni ibride, usando come framework di sviluppo Apache Cordova, quindi attraverso tecnologie web-based, con un’architettura client-server, in cui la parte client gestisce l’interfaccia grafica e le interazioni logiche mentre la parte server viene sfruttata esclusivamente come contenitore di informazioni.
Ogni giorno vengono generati grandi moli di dati attraverso sorgenti diverse. Questi dati, chiamati Big Data, sono attualmente oggetto di forte interesse nel settore IT (Information Technology). I processi digitalizzati, le interazioni sui social media, i sensori ed i sistemi mobili, che utilizziamo quotidianamente, sono solo un piccolo sottoinsieme di tutte le fonti che contribuiscono alla produzione di questi dati. Per poter analizzare ed estrarre informazioni da questi grandi volumi di dati, tante sono le tecnologie che sono state sviluppate. Molte di queste sfruttano approcci distribuiti e paralleli. Una delle tecnologie che ha avuto maggior successo nel processamento dei Big Data, e Apache Hadoop. Il Cloud Computing, in particolare le soluzioni che seguono il modello IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), forniscono un valido strumento all'approvvigionamento di risorse in maniera semplice e veloce. Per questo motivo, in questa proposta, viene utilizzato OpenStack come piattaforma IaaS. Grazie all'integrazione delle tecnologie OpenStack e Hadoop, attraverso Sahara, si riesce a sfruttare le potenzialita offerte da un ambiente cloud per migliorare le prestazioni dell'elaborazione distribuita e parallela. Lo scopo di questo lavoro e ottenere una miglior distribuzione delle risorse utilizzate nel sistema cloud con obiettivi di load balancing. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, si sono rese necessarie modifiche sia al framework Hadoop che al progetto Sahara.
The IABP-SHOCK-trial was a morbidity-based randomized controlled trial in patients with infarction-related cardiogenic shock (CS), which used the change of the quantified degree of multiorgan failure as determined by APACHE II score over a 4-day period as primary outcome measure. The prospective hypothesis was that adding IABP therapy to "standard care" would improve CS-triggered multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). The primary endpoint showed no difference between conventionally managed cardiogenic shock patients and those with IABP support. In an inflammatory marker substudy, we analysed the prognostic value of interleukin (IL)-1β, -6, -7, -8, and -10 in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock.
BACKGROUND: Elevated lactate and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were shown to correlate with mortality and multiple organ dysfunction in severely traumatized patients. The purpose of this study was to test whether an association exists between 24-hour lactate clearance, IL-6 and procalcitonin (PCT) levels, and the development of infectious complications in trauma patients. METHODS: A total of 1757 consecutive trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) > 16 admitted over a 10-year period were retrospectively analyzed over a 21-day period. Exclusion criteria included death within 72 h of admission (24.5%), late admission > 12 h after injury (16%), and age < 16 years (0.5%). Data are stated as the median (range). RESULTS: Altogether, 1032 trauma patients (76.2% male) with an average age of 38 years, a median ISS of 29 (16-75), and an Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score of 14 (0-40) were evaluated. The in-hospital mortality (>3 days) was 10%. Patients with insufficient 24-hour lactate clearance had a high rate of overall mortality and infections. Elevated early serum procalcitonin on days 1 to 5 after trauma was strongly associated with the subsequent development of sepsis (p < 0.01) but not with nonseptic infections. The kinetics of IL-6 were similar to those of PCT but did differentiate between infected and noninfected patients after day 5. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that elevated early procalcitonin and IL-6 levels and inadequate 24-hour lactate clearance help identify trauma patients who develop septic and nonseptic infectious complications. Definition of specific cutoff values and early monitoring of these parameters may help direct early surgical and antibiotic therapy and reduce infectious mortality.
Open Source (OS) community offers numerous eLearning platforms of both types: Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Content Systems (LCS). General purpose OS intermediaries such as SourceForge, ObjectWeb, Apache or specialized intermediaries like CampusSource reduce the cost to locate such eLearning platforms. Still, it is impossible to directly compare the functionalities of those OS software products without performing detailed testing on each product. Some articles available from eLearning Wikipedia show comparisons between eLearning platforms which can help, but at the end they barely serve as documentation which are becoming out of date quickly [1]. The absence of integration activities between OS eLearning platforms - which are sometimes quite similar in terms of functionalities and implementation technologies - is sometimes critical since most of the OS projects possess small financial and human resources. This paper shows a possible solution for these barriers of OS eLearning platforms. We propose the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) concept to capture functionalities and to identify similarities between available OS eLearning platforms. This contribution evolved from a fruitful discussion at the 2nd CampusSource Developer Conference at the University of Muenster (27th August 2004).
Open source software projects are multi-collaborative works incorporating the contributions of numerous developers who, in spite of publishing their code under a public license such as GPL, Apache or BSD, retain the copyright in their contributions. Having multiple copyright-owners can make the steering of a project difficult, if not impossible, as there is no ultimate authority able to take decisions relating to the maintenance and use of the project. This predicament can be remedied by centring the dispersed copyrights in a single authority via contributor agreements. Whether to introduce contributor agreements, and if so in which form, is a pressing question for many emerging, but also for established projects. The current paper provides an insight into the ethos of different projects and their reason for adopting or rejecting particular contributor agreements. It further examines the exact set-up of the contributor agreements used and concludes that smart drafting can blur the difference between CAAs and CLAs to a considerable extent, manoeuvring them into a legal grey area. To avoid costly litigation to test the legal enforceability of individual clauses, this paper proposes the establishment of an international committee comprised of developers, product managers and lawyers interested in finding a common terminology that may serve as a foundation for every contributor agreement
BACKGROUND: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is a serious, life-threatening, secondary event following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In many cases, ICP rises in a delayed fashion, reaching a maximal level 48-96 hours after the initial insult. While pressure catheters can be implanted to monitor ICP, there is no clinically proven method for determining a patient's risk for developing this pathology. METHODS: In the present study, we employed antibody array and Luminex-based screening methods to interrogate the levels of inflammatory cytokines in the serum of healthy volunteers and in severe TBI patients (GCS RESULTS: Consistent with previous reports, we observed sustained increases in IL-6 levels in TBI patients irrespective of their ICP status. However, the group of patients who subsequently experienced ICP >or= 25 mm Hg had significantly higher IL-6 levels within the first 17 hours of injury as compared to the patients whose ICP remained 128 pg/ml correctly identified 85% of isolated TBI patients who subsequently developed elevated ICP, and values between these cut-off values correctly identified 75% of all patients whose ICP remained CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that serum IL-6 can be used for the differential diagnosis of elevated ICP in isolated TBI.
The increased use of vancomycin in hospitals has resulted in a standard practice to monitor serum vancomycin levels because of possible nephrotoxicity. However, the routine monitoring of vancomycin serum concentration is under criticism and the cost effectiveness of such routine monitoring is in question because frequent monitoring neither results in increase efficacy nor decrease nephrotoxicity. The purpose of the present study is to determine factors that may place patients at increased risk of developing vancomycin induced nephrotoxicity and for whom monitoring may be most beneficial.^ From September to December 1992, 752 consecutive in patients at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, were prospectively evaluated for nephrotoxicity in order to describe predictive risk factors for developing vancomycin related nephrotoxicity. Ninety-five patients (13 percent) developed nephrotoxicity. A total of 299 patients (40 percent) were considered monitored (vancomycin serum levels determined during the course of therapy), and 346 patients (46 percent) were receiving concurrent moderate to highly nephrotoxic drugs.^ Factors that were found to be significantly associated with nephrotoxicity in univariate analysis were: gender, base serum creatinine greater than 1.5mg/dl, monitor, leukemia, concurrent moderate to highly nephrotoxic drugs, and APACHE III scores of 40 or more. Significant factors in the univariate analysis were then entered into a stepwise logistic regression analysis to determine independent predictive risk factors for vancomycin induced nephrotoxicity.^ Factors, with their corresponding odds ratios and 95% confidence limits, selected by stepwise logistic regression analysis to be predictive of vancomycin induced nephrotoxicity were: Concurrent therapy with moderate to highly nephrotoxic drugs (2.89; 1.76-4.74), APACHE III scores of 40 or more (1.98; 1.16-3.38), and male gender (1.98; 1.04-2.71).^ Subgroup (monitor and non-monitor) analysis showed that male (OR = 1.87; 95% CI = 1.01, 3.45) and moderate to highly nephrotoxic drugs (OR = 4.58; 95% CI = 2.11, 9.94) were significant for nephrotoxicity in monitored patients. However, only APACHE III score (OR = 2.67; 95% CI = 1.13,6.29) was significant for nephrotoxicity in non-monitored patients.^ The conclusion drawn from this study is that not every patient receiving vancomycin therapy needs frequent monitoring of vancomycin serum levels. Such routine monitoring may be appropriate in patients with one or more of the identified risk factors and low risk patients do not need to be subjected to the discomfort and added cost of multiple blood sampling. Such prudent selection of patients to monitor may decrease cost to patients and hospital. ^
INTRODUCTION Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is the most common infectious reason for admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The GenOSept study was designed to determine genetic influences on sepsis outcome. Phenotypic data was recorded using a robust clinical database allowing a contemporary analysis of the clinical characteristics, microbiology, outcomes and independent risk factors in patients with severe CAP admitted to ICUs across Europe. METHODS Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to determine mortality rates. A Cox Proportional Hazards (PH) model was used to identify variables independently associated with 28-day and six-month mortality. RESULTS Data from 1166 patients admitted to 102 centres across 17 countries was extracted. Median age was 64 years, 62% were male. Mortality rate at 28 days was 17%, rising to 27% at six months. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the commonest organism isolated (28% of cases) with no organism identified in 36%. Independent risk factors associated with an increased risk of death at six months included APACHE II score (hazard ratio, HR, 1.03; confidence interval, CI, 1.01-1.05), bilateral pulmonary infiltrates (HR1.44; CI 1.11-1.87) and ventilator support (HR 3.04; CI 1.64-5.62). Haematocrit, pH and urine volume on day one were all associated with a worse outcome. CONCLUSIONS The mortality rate in patients with severe CAP admitted to European ICUs was 27% at six months. Streptococcus pneumoniae was the commonest organism isolated. In many cases the infecting organism was not identified. Ventilator support, the presence of diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, lower haematocrit, urine volume and pH on admission were independent predictors of a worse outcome.
INTRODUCTION Faecal peritonitis (FP) is a common cause of sepsis and admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). The Genetics of Sepsis and Septic Shock in Europe (GenOSept) project is investigating the influence of genetic variation on the host response and outcomes in a large cohort of patients with sepsis admitted to ICUs across Europe. Here we report an epidemiological survey of the subset of patients with FP. OBJECTIVES To define the clinical characteristics, outcomes and risk factors for mortality in patients with FP admitted to ICUs across Europe. METHODS Data was extracted from electronic case report forms. Phenotypic data was recorded using a detailed, quality-assured clinical database. The primary outcome measure was 6-month mortality. Patients were followed for 6 months. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to determine mortality rates. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was employed to identify independent risk factors for mortality. RESULTS Data for 977 FP patients admitted to 102 centres across 16 countries between 29 September 2005 and 5 January 2011 was extracted. The median age was 69.2 years (IQR 58.3-77.1), with a male preponderance (54.3%). The most common causes of FP were perforated diverticular disease (32.1%) and surgical anastomotic breakdown (31.1%). The ICU mortality rate at 28 days was 19.1%, increasing to 31.6% at 6 months. The cause of FP, pre-existing co-morbidities and time from estimated onset of symptoms to surgery did not impact on survival. The strongest independent risk factors associated with an increased rate of death at 6 months included age, higher APACHE II score, acute renal and cardiovascular dysfunction within 1 week of admission to ICU, hypothermia, lower haematocrit and bradycardia on day 1 of ICU stay. CONCLUSIONS In this large cohort of patients admitted to European ICUs with FP the 6 month mortality was 31.6%. The most consistent predictors of mortality across all time points were increased age, development of acute renal dysfunction during the first week of admission, lower haematocrit and hypothermia on day 1 of ICU admission.
Background. Community respiratory viruses, mainly RSV and influenza, are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with leukemia and HSCT recipients. The data on impact of PIV infections in these patients is lacking. Methods. We reviewed the records of patients with leukemia and HSCT recipients who developed PIV infection from Oct'02–Nov'07 to determine the outcome of such infections. Results. We identified 200 patients with PIV infections including 80(40%) patients with leukemia and 120 (60%) recipients of HSCT. Median age was 55 y (17-84 y). As compared to HSCT recipients, patients with leukemia had higher APACHE II score (14 vs. 10, p<0.0001); were more likely to have ANC<500 (48% vs. 10%, p<0.0001) and ALC<200 (45% vs. 23.5%, p=0.02). PIV type III was the commonest isolate (172/200, 86%). Most patients 141/200 (70%) had upper respiratory infection (URI), and 59/200 (30%) had pneumonia at presentation. Patients in leukemia group were more likely to require hospitalization due to PIV infection (77% vs. 36% p=0.0001) and were more likely to progress to pneumonia (61% vs. 39%, p=0.002). Fifty five patients received aerosolized ribavirin and/or IVIG. There were no significant differences in the duration of symptoms, length of hospitalization, progression to pneumonia or mortality between the treated verses untreated group. The clinical outcome was unknown in 13 (6%) patients. Complete resolution of symptoms was noted in 91% (171/187) patients and 9% (16/187) patients died. Mortality rate was 17% (16/95) among patients who had PIV pneumonia, with no significant difference between leukemia and HSCT group (16% vs. 17%). The cause of death was acute respiratory failure and/or multi-organ failure in (13, 81%) patients. Conclusions. Patients with leukemia and HSCT could be at high risk for serious PIV infections including PIV pneumonia. Treatment with aerosolized ribavirin and/or IVIG may not have significant effect on the outcome of PIV infection.^
Objective: To explore the natural trajectory of core body temperature (CBT) and cortisol (CORT) circadian rhythms in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (MV ICU) patients. ^ Design: Prospective, observational, time-series pilot study. ^ Setting: Medical-surgical and pulmonary ICUs in a tertiary care hospital. ^ Sample: Nine (F = 3, M = 6) adults who were mechanically ventilated within 12 hrs of ICU admission with mean ± SD age of 65.2 ± 14 years old. ^ Measurements: Core body temperature and environmental measures of light, sound, temperature, and relative humidity were logged in 1-min intervals. Hourly urine specimens and 2-hr interval blood specimens were collected for up to 7 consecutive days for CORT assay. Mechanical ventilation days, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality were documented. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores were computed for each study day. The data of each biologic and environmental variable were analyzed using single cosinor analysis of 24-hr serial segments. One patient did not complete the study because mortality occurred within 8 hrs of enrollment. Nine ICU patients completed the study in 1.6 to 7.0 days. ^ Results: No normal circadian rhythm pattern was found when the cosinor-derived parameters of amplitude (one-half the peak-trough variability) and acrophase (peak time) were compared with cosinor-derived parameter reference ranges of healthy, diurnally active humans, although 83% of patient-day CBT segments showed statistically significant (p ≤ .05) and biologically meaningful (R2≥ 0.30) 24-hr rhythms with abnormal cosinor parameters. Cosinor parameters of the environmental temporal profiles showed 27% of light, 76% of ambient temperature, and 78% of relative humidity serial segments had a significant and meaningful 24-hr diurnal pattern. Average daily light intensity varied from 34 to 187 lx with a maximum light exposure of 1877 lx. No sound measurement segment had a statistically significant cosine pattern, and numerous 1-minute interval peaks ≥ 60 dB occurred around the clock. Average daily ambient temperature and relative humidity varied from 19 to 24°C and from 25% to 61%, respectively. There was no statistically significant association between CBT or clinical outcomes and cosinor-derived parameters of the environmental variables. Circadian rhythms of urine and plasma CORT were deferred for later analysis. ^ Conclusions: The natural trajectory of the CBT circadian rhythm in MV ICU patients demonstrated persistent cosinor parameter alteration, even when a significant and meaningful 24-hr rhythm was present. The ICU environmental measures showed erratic light and sound exposures. Room temperature and relative humidity data produced the highest rate of significant and meaningful diurnal 24-hr patterns. Additional research is needed to clarify relations among the CBT biomarker of the circadian clock and environmental variables of MV ICU patients. ^
Objetivo: Determinar etiología, manifestaciones clínicas, morbimortalidad y recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos utilizados en pacientes internados con pancitopenia. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo y observacional de 14 meses. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes internados con pancitopenia definida por hemoglobina (Hb) <12 g/dL; plaquetas <150.000/ mL y leucocitos <3.800/mL. Los datos fueron analizados con Epi Info 6.04. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron 54 casos de pancitopenia. Prevalencia: 22/1.000 egresos. Edad media: 48,72 años (DS±20,64); 29,63% fueron > 65 años y 53,70% hombres. Permanencia media: 17,13 días (DS±13,22) vs 7,25 días (DS±5,4) del Servicio (p<0.0001). Charlson medio: 7,16 (DS±2,96) y APACHEII medio: 12 (DS±5,04). El 83,33% (45/54, IC95%70,71-92,08) de las pancitopenias fueron secundarias a compromiso medular, 22 casos (40,74%; IC95%27,57-54,97) postquimioterapia (15 en neoplasias oncohematológicas y 7 en sólidas), 11 (20,37%; IC95%10,63-33,53) por mieloptisis y 4 casos (7,41%; IC95%2,06-17,89) por megaloblastosis. El 16,66% (9/54; IC95%7,92- 29,29) fue secundaria a hiperesplenismo y el 16,66% asociadas a infecciones (3 casos por SIDA). Se realizó estudio de médula ósea en 19 casos (35,18%). El 96,29% (IC95%87,25-99,55) presentó comórbidas. El síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica (85,19%), síndrome anémico (77,8%) y púrpura (50%) fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes. Presentó sepsis el 81,48% (IC95%68,57-90,75) y el 29,63% (IC95%17,98-46,31) hemorragias. El 81,48% tuvo infecciones; el 50% de origen nosocomial y el 65,91% clínicamente documentadas. El 34,09% (IC95%20,49-49,92) tuvo aislamiento microbiológico, con hemocultivos positivos en 29,55%. El 51,85% (IC95%37,84-65,66) desarrolló neutropenia febril (75% postquimioterapia). El 64,81% recibió hemoderivados y factores estimulantes de colonias (G-CSF) el 46,34% (IC95%32,62-60,39). La mortalidad fue mayor a la media global del Servicio (16,66 vs 8,65%)(p=0.07).- Conclusiones: Las pancitopenias en pacientes hospitalizados se caracterizaron por ser secundarias a compromiso medular, hiperesplenismo e infecciones, asociarse a permanencia prolongada, altos índices de comorbilidad, complicaciones infecciosas, y mayor mortalidad que la media global del Servicio.