682 resultados para 908 Tammisaari
Integrins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, composed of two different subunits (alpha and beta). Altered expression of integrins in tumor cells contributes to metastasis tendency by influencing on the cells‟ attachment to adjacent cells and their migration. Viral pathogens, including certain enteroviruses, use integrins as receptors. Enteroviruses have also been suggested to be involved in the etiopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. The study focuses on the role of integrins in the pathogenesis of metastasis to cortical bone and on type 1 diabetes (T1D) and echovirus 1 infection. In the first part of the thesis, the role of different integrins in the initial attachment of MDA-MD-231 breast cancer cells to bovine cortical bone disks was studied. A close correlation between alpha2beta1 and alpha3beta1 integrin receptor expression and the capability of the tumor to attach to bone were observed. In the second part, a possible correlation between susceptibility to enterovirus infections in diabetic children and differences in enterovirus receptor genes, including certain integrins, was investigated. In parallel, virus-specific neutralizing antibodies and diabetic risk alleles were studied. In the diabetic group, an amino acid change was detected in the polio virus receptor and the neutralizing antibody titers against echovirus 30 were lower. However, to obtain statistically sustainable results, a larger number of individuals should be analyzed. Echovirus 1 (EV1) enters cells by attaching to the alpha2I domain of the alpha2beta1 integrin. In the third part EV1 was shown to attach to a chimeric receptor construct of the transferrin receptor and the alpha2I domain and to enter cells through clathrin-mediated endocytosis that is normally not used by the virus. The chimeric receptor was recycled to the plasma membrane, whereas the virus remained in intracellular vesicles. The virus replication cycle was initiated in these cells, suggesting that evolution pressure could possibly cause the virus to evolve to use a different entry mechanism. Moreover, a cDNA microarray analysis of host gene expression during EV1 replication showed that 0.53% of the total genes, including several immediate early genes, were differently expressed.
Dedicated to: Anders Anton von Stiernman, Olof von Dalin, Borgmästare och Råd i sjö-staden Ekenaes.
Avaliou-se o desempenho de dois reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB) em escala-piloto com volumes de 908 L e 188 L, instalados em série, alimentados com águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) variando de 2.216 mg L-1 a 7.131 mg L-1 e submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 62,3 e 31,1 h, no primeiro reator, e de 12,9 e 6,5 h, no segundo reator. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal variaram de 74,0% a 89,6% no Reator 1 e de 34,3% a 45,1% no Reator 2, resultando em valores médios de 86,6% a 93,1% para o sistema de tratamento em dois estágios com carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) na faixa de 3,40 a 14,44 kg DQOtotal m-3 reator d-1 no Reator 1. As concentrações de metano no biogás foram acima de 75% para o Reator 1 e de 80% para o Reator 2. Os valores médios de pH variaram na faixa de 6,9 a 8,2 para o efluente do Reator 1 e de 7,0 a 8,3 para o efluente do Reator 2. Os ácidos voláteis totais mantiveram-se estáveis com concentrações médias abaixo de 200 mg L-1. Esses resultados indicaram que as condições de carga orgânica, em termos de DQO e SSV, impostas ao sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios, não foram limitantes para que houvesse o desenvolvimento de lodo com microbiota adaptada e com alta atividade, propiciando altas eficiências médias de remoção de matéria orgânica (86,6 a 93,1% para DQOtotal e 85,6 a 88,2% para SSV) e taxas de produção de metano de 0,156 a 0,289 m³ CH4 kg-1 de DQO removida.
US-patentti nro: US 7,908,854 B2
In this study it was evaluated the effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR) on the performance of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors in two stages treating residual waters of swine farming. The system consisted of two UASB reactors in pilot scale, installed in series, with volumes of 908 and 188 L, for the first and second stages (R1 and R2), respectively. The HRT applied in the system of anaerobic treatment in two stages (R1 + R2) was of 19.3, 29.0 and 57.9 h. The OLR applied in the R1 ranged from 5.5 to 40.1 kg CODtotal (m³ d)-1. The average removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) ranged, respectively, from 66.3 to 88.2% and 62.5 to 89.3% in the R1, and from 85.5 to 95.5% and 76.4 to 96.1% in the system (R1 + R2). The volumetric production of methane in the system (R1 + R2) ranged from 0.295 to 0.721 m³CH4 (m³ reactor d)-1. It was found that the OLR applied were not limiting to obtain high efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal and methane production. The inclusion of the UASB reactor in the second stage contributed to increase the efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal, especially, when the treatment system was submitted to the lowest HRT and the highest OLR.
In this work it was evaluated the performance of two systems of swine wastewater treatment consisting of two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with and without post-treatment in sequencing batch reactor (SBR), fed continuously, with aerobic phase. The UASB reactors in the first stage had 908 L in the sets I and II, and in the second stage 350 and 188 L, respectively. In the set II the post-treatment was performed in a SBR of 3,000 L. The hydraulic detention times in the anaerobic treatment systems were 100, 75 and 58 h in the set I; 87, 65 and 51 h in the set II; and 240 and 180 h in the SBR. The volumetric organic load applied in the first stage UASB reactors ranged from 6.9 to 12.6 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set I and 7.5 to 9.8 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set II. The average removal efficiencies of total COD, total phosphorus (Ptotal), and Kjeldahl and organic nitrogen (KN and Norg) in the anaerobic treatment systems were similar and reached maximum values of 97%, 64%, 68%, and 98%. In the SBR, the removal efficiencies of total COD and thermotolerant coliforms were up to 62 and 92% resulting, respectively, in effluent concentrations of 135 mg L-1 and 2x10(4)MPN (100 mL)-1. For Ptotal, total nitrogen (TN) and Norg, the average removal efficiencies in the SBR were up to 58, 25 and 73%, respectively.
The performance of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was evaluated in pilot scale (908 and 188 L), installed in series (R1 and R2), fed with swine wastewater with TSS around 5 and 13 g L-1. The UASB reactors were submitted to HDT of 36 and 18 h with VOL of 5.5 to 34.4 g COD (L d)-1 in the R1 and HDT of 7.5 e 3.7 h with VOL from 5.1 to 45.2 g COD (L d)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies of COD ranged from 55 to 85% in the R1 and from 43 to 57% in the R2, resulting in values from 82 to 93% in the UASB reactors in two stage. Methane concentrations in the biogas were 69 to 74% with specific production from 0.05 to 0.27 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R1 and of 0.10 to 0.12 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies were 61 to 75% for totalP, 39 to 69% for KN, 82 to 93% for orgN and 20 to 94% for Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. The amN concentration were not reduced indicating the need to post-treatment for effluent disposal into water bodies. There were reductions of total coliforms from 99.8123 to 99.9989% and of thermotolerant coliforms from 99.9725 to 99.9999%. The conditions imposed to the UASB reactors in two stage provided high conversions of removedCOD into methane (up to 77%) and reductions of organic an inorganic pollution loads from swine wastewater.
11 x 18 cm
Karjaa, Tammisaari ja Pohja yhdistyivät vuoden 2009 alusta Raaseporin kaupungiksi. Raaseporin alueella on tehty aiemmin Karjaan kuntakohtaisessa järvikunnostusohjelmassa Uudenmaan ympäristökeskuksen ja Karjaan kaupungin yhteistyöprojektina kunnostussuunnitelmat Kaskimaalle ja Kolijärvelle. Vuonna 2010 Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen ja Raaseporin kaupungin yhteisprojektina tehtiin Karjaan Myllylammelle kunnostussuunnitelma. Vuonna 2011 ohjelmaa jatkettiin Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskuksen ympäristö ja luonnonvarat -vastuualueen ja Raaseporin kaupungin yhteistyöprojektina tekemällä Persbölen kylässä sijaitsevalle Kvarnträskille perustilan selvitys. Järvi on keskirehevä, eikä siinä ole havaittu leväkukintoja. Happipitoisuus on ollut pinnan läheisessä vedessä hyvä kaikkina vuodenaikoina. Pohjan läheisessä vedessä on esiintynyt happikatoja pääosin kesäisin. Myös lähempänä pintaa esiintyy todennäköisesti vähähappisuutta. Selvityksessä arvioitiin, että fosforia voi mahdollisesti vapautua kolmannekselta järven kokonaisalasta, mikä on merkittävä osuus. Pohjanläheisissä kokonaisfosforipitoisuuksissa oli havaittavissa nousua hapen vähenemisen johdosta. Kasvillisuus on vähäistä ja siinä esiintyy myös uposlehtisiä. Kalastosta ei ole mitään tietoja. Kalaston rakennetta olisi hyvä selvittää, jotta käsitys järven tilasta ja kunnostustarpeesta tarkentuisi. Järveen tulevaa kuormitusta on arvioitu viimeksi tarkemmin vuonna 1998. Tilanne valuma-alueella on voinut muuttua selvästi vuosien kuluessa. Kvarnträskin kuormitusselvitystä ehdotetaan päivitettäväksi. Kvarnträskin tilaa suositellaan seurattavan tarkkailuohjelman mukaisesti. Happipitoisuutta ehdotetaan määritettävän useammin ja myös kahden ja kolmen metrin välisyvyyksistä. Kvarnträskille suositellaan tehtäväksi ensin laskennallinen kuormitusselvitys ja sen jälkeen siihen ja perustilan selvitykseen sekä uusiin kalasto- ja happipitoisuustietoihin pohjautuva kunnostussuunnitelma.
This study examines appearance-related consumption in Finland. The theoretical portion discusses appearance-related consumption, on one hand from a consumer culture perspective, as both a possibility and responsibility for everyone; and on the other hand, from the point of view of behaviour and attitudes associated with sociodemographic and lifestyle-related factors. The empirical part of the study concentrates on the following aspects: 1) Finns’ appearance-related consumption patterns, attitudes towards appearance-related consumption and attending to one’s looks through consumption, as well as general changes in consumption patterns and attitudes; 2) gender differences in attitudes and consumption patterns, and their possible changes over time, and; 3) other differences among population groups in attitudes and consumption patterns, and their possible changes over time. The following dissertation utilises data from seven different nationally representative surveys. Data include Finnish Household Budget surveys from 1998 (N=4 359), 2001 (N=5 495) and 2006 (N=4 007), as well as, The Everyday Life and Well-being Survey (N=908) collected in 2011, and Finland 1999 (N=2 417), Finland 2004 (N=3 574) and Finland 2009 (N=1 202) surveys. The study indicates that Finns’ relationship to appearance-related consumption is, generally, somewhat inconsistent. In Finland, a significant share of a household’s total spending, around the EU average, is allocated to products and services related to appearance. In addition, at an attitudinal level, physical appearance is important to most Finnish consumers. However, in many respects, these attitudes reflect a certain reservation towards appearance-related consumption practices. The number of those consumers who see themselves as truly dedicated to attending to their looks through consumption is quite small, whereas the amount of those willing to take a reserved or even negative attitude towards appearance-related consumption is clearly higher. Attitudes towards attending to one’s looks and the importance of appearance-related consumption had not changed during the past decade. Study shows that at present, appearance-related consumption is a form of consumption that is particularly important to women, younger consumers, people with middle or higher income, and those with normal weight. Gender is in the key role when explaining appearance-related consumption and contrary to common belief, gender differences seem to have stayed quite stable. The results also indicate that, to some extent, differences between younger and older age groups might be diminishing.
Karjaa, Tammisaari ja Pohja yhdistyivät vuoden 2009 alusta Raaseporin kaupungiksi. Karjaan kaupungin ja Uudenmaan ympäristökeskuksen yhteistyöprojektina on tehty kunnostussuunnitelmat Kaskimaalle ja Kolijärvelle. Vuonna 2010 ohjelmaa jatkettiin tekemällä Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne-, ja ympäristökeskuksen ympäristö ja luonnonvarat -vastuualueen ja Raaseporin kaupungin kanssa Karjaan kaupunginosan Myllylammelle kunnostussuunnitelma. Myllylammen pinta-ala on 42 hehtaaria ja sen suurin syvyys on 2,3 m. Keskisyvyys on 1,8 m. Myllylampi on rehevä järvi. Valuma-alue koostuu järven omasta ja yläpuolisen Källträskin valuma-alueesta. Myllylampeen tulee liikaa ulkoista fosforikuormitusta, joka ylittää järven sietokyvyn. Ulkoista kuormitusta pitäisi saada vähennettyä 50 – 65 % eli 70 – 100 kg. Periaatteessa tämä toteutuu, jos haja-asutuksen kuormitus saadaan poistettua. Myllylammessa on myös sisäistä kuormitusta. Kalasto on rakenteeltaan vinoutunut ja kalamäärä on luultavasti suuri. Kalakantaa tulisi muuttaa vähemmän särkikalavaltaiseen suuntaan poistamalla pienikokoista kalaa kolmen seuraavan vuoden ajan tehokkaasti. Sen jälkeen voidaan ehkä siirtyä pienempään pyyntiponnistukseen. Talviaikaisia happikatoja voidaan estää ilmastuksella. Tällöin sisäisen kuormituksen pitäisi vähentyä ja järven tilan parantua. Myllylammelle ehdotetaan tehtäväksi hapetussuunnitelma, josta ilmenee hapetustarve, parhaiten sopiva laite, laitteen sijainti sekä hapetusaika. Kasvillisuus koostuu suurimmaksi osaksi ilmaversoisista ja kelluslehtisistä vesikasveista. Ilmaversoisista esiintyy järviruokoa, järvikaislaa ja järvikortetta. Etenkin ulpukka- ja lummekasvustot ovat laajoja ja tiheitä. Veden vaihtuvuutta voidaan parantaa niittämällä väylä sekä järven koillisosaan että luusuaan. Ulpukoita ja lumpeita ei kannata pelkästään niittää, vaan niitä voidaan poistaa juurakoineen syksyllä haraamalla. Veden laatua pitää seurata, jotta kunnostusten vaikutukset nähdään ajoissa. Tällöin toimenpiteitä voidaan ohjata oikeaan suuntaan, jos veden laadussa näkyy muutoksia.
The objective of this thesis was to evaluate whether a more extensive mammography screening programme (TurkuMSP) conducted by the city of Turku, had an effect on breast cancer (BC) incidence, survival, or mortality in years 1987 to 2009. Despite the fact that some studies have suggested a 20 percent reduction in BC mortality due to mammography screening, there are findings of harm to subjects, which are claimed to negate the benefits of screening. Thus, the aims of this study are most pertinent. A total of 176 908 screening examinations were performed in 36 000 women aged 40−74 during the years 1987−1997. In all, 685 primary BCs were found in the screened women, either screen-detected (n=531) or during screening intervals (n=154). Survival and BC recurrence rate of women with screen-detected BC was compared to 184 women with clinical BCs detected among individuals who did not take part in the screening. The invitation interval, which may influence the outcome, was studied in the age group 40 to 49 by inviting those born in even calendar years annually for mammography screening and those born in odd years, triennially. In addition, BC incidence and mortality in the total female population of Turku aged 40 to 84 years was compared with the respective figures of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, both during the pre-screening era (1976-1986) and the screening era (1987-2009). The study was designed to compare women by age groups, because women aged 50 to 59 were generally screened in all of Finland, whereas only in Turku women aged 40 to 49 and 60 to 74 were screened in addition. Data regarding cancer recurrence were derived from the Finnish Cancer Registry and data on deaths were collected from Statistics Finland. In survival analyses, screened women with invasive BC had a significantly higher survival rate than the women with clinical BC. The survival benefit started to appear already during the first follow-up years and was evident in all age groups. A marginal survival extension was also seen in screened women when BC had spread to ipsilateral axillary nodes already at diagnosis. Recurrence-free survival rate after BC treatment was significantly more favorable among the screened women compared with women with BC found clinically. The screening invitation interval did not significantly influence BC mortality in the subset of women aged 40 to 49 years. There were no consistent differences in the changes of BC incidence between Turku and the comparison areas during the screening era. In Turku, the BC mortality incidence in women aged 55−69 years was significantly lower during the screening era (from 1987 to 1997) compared with the pre-screening era, whereas no such change was found in the city of Helsinki or Tampere. When comparing the changes in incidence-based BC mortality during years 1987 to 2009 in Turku to those of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, there was a suggestion of more than 20 percent lower mortality in Turku among oldest age group (75-84 years) compared with the reference residential areas, but the differences were not consistently significant. Interpretation of the study results should be made with caution because there were no random control groups, and on the other hand, the number of cases in subgroups was fairly low to yield definite conclusions. Also due to the many statistical analyses, some of the findings may be due to chance. The results are, however, suggestive for a decrease of BC mortality in the elderly age groups due to wide mammography screening. This finding needs confirmation in further studies before recommending an expansion of mammography screening to women up to the age of 74 years
Eripainos: Geografiska förneningens tidskrift, häft 4/5 pag. 161-201, 1895.