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Background A sedentary lifestyle remains a major threat to health in contemporary societies. To get more insight in the relative contribution of genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in exercise participation, twin samples from seven countries participating in the GenomEUtwin project were used. Methodology Self-reported data on leisure time exercise behavior from Australia, Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom were used to create a comparable index of exercise participation in each country (60 minutes weekly at a minimum intensity of four metabolic equivalents). Principal Findings Modest geographical variation in exercise participation was revealed in 85,198 subjects, aged 19–40 years. Modeling of monozygotic and dizygotic twin resemblance showed that genetic effects play an important role in explaining individual differences in exercise participation in each country. Shared environmental effects played no role except for Norwegian males. Heritability of exercise participation in males and females was similar and ranged from 48% to 71% (excluding Norwegian males). Conclusions Genetic variation is important in individual exercise behavior and may involve genes influencing the acute mood effects of exercise, high exercise ability, high weight loss ability, and personality. This collaborative study suggests that attempts to find genes influencing exercise participation can pool exercise data across multiple countries and different instruments
En este trabajo descriptivo se estudiaron los casos de fracturas de cadera en pacientes de ambos sexos mayores de 60 años ingresados en el Hospital Vicente Corral de 1998 a 2000. Se incluyeron 51 pacientes en los cuales 42 [82.3 por ciento] fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. Los 9 pacientes [17.6 por ciento] recibieron tratamiento clínico. Un paciente de este grupo [1.9 por ciento] falleció. La edad promedio para el grupo de estudio fue de 76.78 más menos 10.09 años. El grupo de edad de mayor frecuencia fue de 60 a 79 años con el 64.8 por ciento [17 casos] con predomino de sexo femenino. El 56.9 por ciento [29 casos] de los pacientes fueron de procedencia urbana. En todos los casos de comparación entre subgrupos las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas [P mayor 0.05]. El mayor número de pacientes sufrieron fractura lateral. En el 60.8 por ciento [31 casos] se consiguió realizar radiografías preoperatorias en proyección anteroposterior y oblicua tan solo en el 15.8 por ciento [8 pacientes]. Las causas más frecuentes de fractura fueron la caída de superficie con el 64.7 por ciento [33 casos]. Recibieron anticoagulación profiláctica el 37.3 por ciento [19 pacientes]. Fueron intervenidos después de las 72 horas de sufrido el accidente el 68.6 por ciento [35 pacientes]. El material más utilizado fue la prótesis en el 39.2 por ciento [20 pacientes] y la vía de abordaje quirúrgico preferida fue la antero lateral en el 56.8 por ciento [29 pacientes]. La complicación posquirúrgica más frecuente fue la infección profunda en el 7.8 por ciento [4 casos]. El promedio de hospitalización fue de 10.1 más menos 6.75 días. Se concluye con una propuesta de tratamiento para fractura de cadera
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.
To assess the prevalence of Climacteric Syndrome (CS) in women from a municipality of Northeastern Brazil which is less developed socioeconomically. A prospective household survey was performed in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil with 1,210 climacteric women aged 45 to 60 years. Interviews were applied using previously tested standard questionnaires from April to July 2008. The severity of climacteric symptoms was analyzed by circulatory and psychological indexes and the latter were associated with menopausal status. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to assess the relation among climacteric symptoms. Most patients were 55 to 60 years old (35.3%), mulatto (37.9%), with 9-11 years of schooling (39.8%), with a partner (56%), Catholic (73.9%) and belonged to the socioeconomic class C (51.1%). The prevalence of CS was 85.9%, and hot flashes (56.4%) and sweating (50.4%) were the most prevalent symptoms. The most frequent psychological symptoms were nervousness (45%) and emotional liability (44.8%). The severity of vasomotor and psychological symptoms was significantly higher during the peri and postmenopausal period (p<0.05). Vaginal dryness (62.7%) was the most prevalent urogenital complaint. The prevalence of CS was high among women from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
This study investigated the effect of simulated microwave disinfection (SMD) on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins under different polymerization cycles. Metal dies with referential points were embedded in flasks with dental stone. Samples of Classico and Vipi acrylic resins were made following the manufacturers' recommendations. The assessed polymerization cycles were: A) water bath at 74 ºC for 9 h; B) water bath at 74 ºC for 8 h and temperature increased to 100 ºC for 1 h; C) water bath at 74 ºC for 2 h and temperature increased to 100 ºC for 1 h; and D) water bath at 120 ºC and pressure of 60 pounds. Linear dimensional distances in length and width were measured after SMD and water storage at 37 ºC for 7 and 30 days using an optical microscope. SMD was carried out with the samples immersed in 150 mL of water in an oven (650 W for 3 min). A load of 25 gf for 10 s was used in the hardness test. Charpy impact test was performed with 40 kpcm. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in length in the A and D cycles for all periods, while the Vipi resin was steady in the A, B and C cycles for all periods. The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in width in the C and D cycles for all periods, and the Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. The hardness values for Classico resin were steady in all cycles and periods, while the Vipi resin was steady only in the C cycle for all periods. Impact strength values for Classico resin were steady in the A, C and D cycles for all periods, while Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. SMD promoted different effects on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins submitted to different polymerization cycles when after SMD and water storage were considered.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension which is often difficult to manage, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. In this study, we have used a rabbit model of CDH to evaluate the effects of BAY 60-2770 on the in vitro reactivity of left pulmonary artery. CDH was performed in New Zealand rabbit fetuses (n = 10 per group) and compared to controls. Measurements of body, total and left lung weights (BW, TLW, LLW) were done. Pulmonary artery rings were pre-contracted with phenylephrine (10 μM), after which cumulative concentration-response curves to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; NO donor), tadalafil (PDE5 inhibitor) and BAY 60-2770 (sGC activator) were obtained as well as the levels of NO (NO3/NO2). LLW, TLW and LBR were decreased in CDH (p < 0.05). In left pulmonary artery, the potency (pEC50) for GTN was markedly lower in CDH (8.25 ± 0.02 versus 9.27 ± 0.03; p < 0.01). In contrast, the potency for BAY 60-2770 was markedly greater in CDH (11.7 ± 0.03 versus 10.5 ± 0.06; p < 0.01). The NO2/NO3 levels were 62 % higher in CDH (p < 0.05). BAY 60-2770 exhibits a greater potency to relax the pulmonary artery in CDH, indicating a potential use for pulmonary hypertension in this disease.
The microabrasion technique of enamel consists of selectively abrading the discolored areas or causing superficial structural changes in a selective way. In microabrasion technique, abrasive products associated with acids are used, and the evaluation of enamel roughness after this treatment, as well as surface polishing, is necessary. This in-vitro study evaluated the enamel roughness after microabrasion, followed by different polishing techniques. Roughness analyses were performed before microabrasion (L1), after microabrasion (L2), and after polishing (L3).Thus, 60 bovine incisive teeth divided into two groups were selected (n=30): G1- 37% phosphoric acid (37%) (Dentsply) and pumice; G2- hydrochloric acid (6.6%) associated with silicon carbide (Opalustre - Ultradent). Thereafter, the groups were divided into three sub-groups (n=10), according to the system of polishing: A - Fine and superfine granulation aluminum oxide discs (SofLex 3M); B - Diamond Paste (FGM) associated with felt discs (FGM); C - Silicone tips (Enhance - Dentsply). A PROC MIXED procedure was applied after data exploratory analysis, as well as the Tukey-Kramer test (5%). No statistical differences were found between G1 and G2 groups. L2 differed statistically from L1 and showed superior amounts of roughness. Differences in the amounts of post-polishing roughness for specific groups (1A, 2B, and 1C) arose, which demonstrated less roughness in L3 and differed statistically from L2 in the polishing system. All products increased enamel roughness, and the effectiveness of the polishing systems was dependent upon the abrasive used.
To characterize the relaxation induced by the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activator, BAY 60-2770 in rabbit corpus cavernosum. Penis from male New Zealand rabbits were removed and fours strips of corpus cavernosum (CC) were obtained. Concentration-response curves to BAY 60-2770 were carried out in the absence and presence of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase, L-NAME (100 μM), sGC, ODQ (10 μM) and phosphodiestarase type 5, tadalafil (0.1 μM). The potency (pEC50) and maximal response (Emax) values were determined. Second, electrical-field stimulation (EFS)-induced contraction or relaxation was realized in the absence and presence of BAY 60-2770 (0.1 or 1 μM) alone or in combination of ODQ (10 μM). In the case of EFS-induced relaxation two protocols were realized: 1) ODQ (10 μM) was first incubated for 20 min and then BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) was added for another 20 min (ODQ + BAY 60-2770). In different CC strips, BAY 60-2770 was incubated for 20 min followed by another 20 min with ODQ (BAY 60-2770 + ODQ). The intracellular levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) were also determined. BAY 60-2770 potently relaxed rabbit CC with pEC50 and Emax values of 7.58 ± 0.19 and 81 ± 4%, respectively. The inhibitors ODQ (n=7) or tadalafil (n=7) produced 4.2- and 6.3-leftward shifts, respectively in BAY 60-2770-induced relaxation without interfering on the Emax values. The intracellular levels of cGMP were augmented after stimulation with BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) alone, whereas its co-incubation with ODQ produced even higher levels of cGMP. The EFS-induced contraction was reduced in the presence of BAY 60-2770 (1 μM) and this inhibition was even greater when BAY 60-2770 was co-incubated with ODQ. The nitrergic stimulation induced CC relaxation, which was abolished in the presence of ODQ. BAY 60-2770 alone increased the amplitude of relaxation. Co-incubation of ODQ and BAY 60-2770 did not alter the relaxation in comparison with ODQ alone. Interestingly, when BAY 60-2770 was incubated prior to ODQ, EFS-induced relaxation was partly restored in comparison with ODQ alone or ODQ + BAY 60-2770. Considering that the relaxation induced by the sGC activator, BAY 60-2770 was increased after sGC oxidation and unaltered in the absence of nitric oxide, these class of substances are advantageous over sGC stimulators or PDE5 inhibitors for the treatment in those patients with erectile dysfunction and high endothelial damage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.