891 resultados para technological innovation


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O potencial eólico do Brasil, de vento firme e com viabilidade econômica de aproveitamento, é de 143 GW. Isso equivale ao dobro de toda a capacidade da geração já instalada no país. No Brasil, a energia eólica tem uma sazonalidade complementar à energia hidrelétrica, porque os períodos de melhor condição de vento coincidem com os de menor capacidade dos reservatórios. O projeto desenvolvido neste trabalho nasceu de uma chamada pública do FINEP, e sob os auspícios do recém criado CEPER. Ao projeto foi incorporado um caráter investigativo, de contribuição científica original, resultando em um produto de tecnologia inovadora para aerogeradores de baixa potência. Dentre os objetivos do projeto, destacamos a avaliação experimental de turbinas eólicas de 5000 W de potência. Mais especificamente, dentro do objetivo geral deste projeto estão incluídas análise estrutural, análise aerodinâmica e análise de viabilidade de novos materiais a serem empregados. Para cada uma das diferentes áreas de conhecimento que compõem o projeto, será adotada a metodologia mais adequada. Para a Análise aerodinâmica foi realizada uma simulação numérica preliminar seguida de ensaios experimentais em túnel de vento. A descrição dos procedimentos adotados é apresentada no Capítulo 3. O Capítulo 4 é dedicado aos testes elétricos. Nesta etapa, foi desenvolvido um banco de testes para obtenção das características específicas das máquinas-base, como curvas de potência, rendimento elétrico, análise e perdas mecânicas e elétricas, e aquecimento. Este capítulo termina com a análise crítica dos valores obtidos. Foram realizados testes de campo de todo o conjunto montado. Atualmente, o aerogerador de 5kW encontra-se em operação, instrumentado e equipado com sistema de aquisição de dados para consolidação dos testes de confiabilidade. Os testes de campo estão ocorrendo na cidade de Campos, RJ, e abrangeram as seguintes dimensões de análise; testes de eficiência para determinação da curva de potência, níveis de ruído e atuação de dispositivos de segurança. Os resultados esperados pelo projeto foram atingidos, consolidando o projeto de um aerogerador de 5000W.


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A regulação direta ou indireta da transferência de tecnologia pelo Brasil desde o final da década de 50 do século XX nem sempre foi devidamente compreendida. O uso da tributação, com efeitos fiscais e extrafiscais, teve reflexos sobre a atuação do INPI e do Banco Centra do Brasil (BACEN) que permanecem até os dias de hoje, mas tinham como fundamento uma política industrial específica e a limitação dos seus efeitos no balanço de pagamentos do país. O Brasil nunca se fechou totalmente aos investidores estrangeiros, mas sempre utilizou limitações setoriais, posteriormente o registro do ingresso do capital estrangeiro e, por muito tempo, o desincentivo à sua saída por medidas limitadoras ou proibitivas de remessas de dividendos e royalties, até mesmo com o uso da extrafiscalidade. Como o país apenas recentemente realmente prioriza de forma geral a pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) tecnológico, o que resulta em pouca tecnologia gerada internamente, os royalties devidos pelo uso da tecnologia das empresas transnacionais sempre foram objeto de crítica e, consequentemente, medidas limitadoras. Essa atuação regulatória representa um risco político aos investidores, com os acordos bilaterais de investimentos (BITs) sendo os tratados internacionais mais utilizados para afastá-lo. O Brasil, porém, apesar de ter assinado diversos deles, não possui nenhum em vigor. O confronto entre as cláusulas de proteção dos BITs e a política regulatória sobre a transferência de tecnologia e investimento estrangeiro que durante muito tempo vigorou no país representa um caso concreto extremamente interessante para avaliar a aplicação desses tratados e eventuais medidas que os violam, auxiliando, ainda, a compreensão de algumas das medidas regulatórias que permanecem em vigor.


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A ideia central da pesquisa foi promover uma aproximação das narrativas visuais de Getúlio Damado e Roger Mello e a partir daí evidenciar os processos cognitivos e as estratégias que envolveram a estruturação de suas identidades sociais e linguagens artísticas contemporâneas, bem como destacar o ludismo e o acesso ao universo da infância e a cultura popular que ambos ressignificam em suas obras. Além disso, buscou-se comentar e avaliar momentos específicos de desprestígio e repúdio versus consagração ocorridos com os artistas. Para tal, essas produções foram contextualizadas como produções culturais em constante processo de mutação, do qual participam tanto eventos históricos como de inovação tecnológica, em contínua construção. Essas linguagens estão submetidas a uma grande velocidade e a superposição de influências. Outro ponto destacado nas analises foi o caráter de subjetividade dessas produções, identificadas como práticas estéticas promotoras de transformação política; de mobilização; ou também por sua capacidade de operar com o uso simbólico dos brinquedos e livros infantojuvenis recuperando-lhes o uso original. Os devaneios, o ludismo infantil e a cultura popular presentes nos objetos feitos de sucata e livros ilustrados foram confrontados com práticas consoantes, ou de discursos abrangentes, correntes no mundo da arte ou outras vezes aproximados de enfoques locais. Além da possibilidade de convergência entre as produções foram destacadas também muitas diferenças, e, sobretudo evidenciadas as potencialidades que podem advir da cultura popular como campo exploratório de pesquisa, bem como de sua ressignificação


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[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar la contribución de los viveros de empresas a la economía gallega desglosando entre tecnológicos y generalistas, y si realmente los primeros contribuyen en mayor medida al desarrollo económico que los no tecnológicos. Para ello, se hará una revisión de la literatura que permita conceptualizar la innovación, innovación tecnológica y empresas de base tecnológica. Posteriormente se identificarán los criterios que permitan clasificar a los viveros en tecnológicos y generalistas, se analizarán sus características, propiedad, modelos de gestión, ubicaciones, requisitos de entrada, oferta de servicios, espacios ofertados, años de funcionamiento, así como se estudiarán los recursos económicos, ingresos propios y dependencia de fondos públicos, espacio físicos para los emprendedores, zonas comunes y los recursos humanos asociados por tipo de viveros. Otro apartado será analizar el perfil del emprendedor según el vivero, tipo de actividad desempeñada, género, edad, formación, dificultades para emprender. Finalmente se analizarán las contribuciones por tipo vivero a través de los indicadores de creación de empresas, generación de puestos de trabajo y sostenibilidad empresarial, usando el método de comparación de muestras independientes, con la prueba de Levene para la igualdad de varianzas, tratado con el paquete estadístico SPSS en su versión Terminaremos con las principales conclusiones del presente trabajo.


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O objetivo fundamental deste trabalho é identificar os impactos dos incentivos fiscais federais concedidos pelo Governo brasileiro com a publicação da Lei do Bem, sobre os investimentos privados em P&D. A partir de estudo de campo realizado emgrandes empresas estabelecidas em habitats de inovação, especialmente em PqTgerido por universidade, foi analisado como a Lei do Bem auxilia a disseminação da cultura de inovação e aumenta a competitividade empresarial. Especificamente, o estudo tem o intuito de mostrar a importância da inclusão de forma mais abrangente dos gastos com infraestrutura de P&D, no rol das atividades passíveis de recebimento de incentivos fiscais por empresas localizadas em países notadamente carentes neste aspecto, tal qual o Brasil. Ademais, analisar comparativamente os mecanismos de incentivos fiscais utilizados por outros países com a intenção de propor adequações na estrutura da Lei do Bem que minimizem a sua não utilização em virtude da falta de clareza na sua aplicação e consequente adoção de postura conservadora pelas empresas. A metodologia consistiu de um estudo exploratório e qualitativo e revisão bibliográfica onde foram analisados os conceitos teóricos relacionados à inovação, sistemas nacionais, regionais e setoriais de inovação, hélice tríplice, habitats de inovação e políticas públicas, além da coleta de dados realizada por meio de consulta aos relatórios elaborados por entes governamentais, bem como por entrevistas realizadas junto às empresas que instalaram seus centros de P&D no PqT UFRJ, Consultorias especializadas e à ANPEI. Os resultados doestudoforam obtidos a partir da compilação dos dados destas entrevistas e relatórios. Além de outras conclusões, as informações permitiram afirmar que os incentivos fiscais, especialmente aqueles relacionados à redução do Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Jurídica, são importantes na medida em que permitem às grandes empresas, que já realizam atividades de P,D&I, a destinação de um montante maior a essas atividades. Apesar disso, essa política pública carece de aperfeiçoamento em função de haverrestado claro que a mesma não estimula todas as atividades de inovação, mas apenas aquelas relacionadas à P&D, além de não haver incentivos adequados ao crescimento de infraestrutura para inovação.


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Estudo de comparação entre dois métodos de coleta de dados, através da aplicação de um software, para avaliação dos fatores de risco e danos no trabalho de enfermagem em hospital. Objetiva analisar o uso do software (eletrônico) em comparação com o uso do instrumento impresso. Trata-se de um estudo estatístico, descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido nas enfermarias dos Serviços de Internações Clínicas e Serviços de Internações Cirúrgicas de um Hospital Universitário, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A população do estudo foram os trabalhadores de enfermagem das unidades. A amostra foi definida por meio de amostragem não-probabilística e alocação da amostra ocorreu de forma aleatória em dois grupos, denominados grupo impresso e grupo eletrônico, com 52 participantes cada. Previamente a coleta de dados foram implementadas estratégias de pesquisa denominada teaser, através da comunicação digital aos trabalhadores. Posteriormente, foi ofertado aos participantes do formato impresso o questionário impresso, e os participantes do formato eletrônico receberam um link de acesso a home page. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva simples. Após a aplicação do questionário nos dois formatos, obteve-se resposta de 47 trabalhadores do grupo impresso (90,3%), e 17 trabalhadores do grupo eletrônico (32,7%). A aplicação do questionário impresso revelou algumas vantagens como o número de pessoas atingidas pela pesquisa, maior interação pesquisador e participante, taxa de retorno mais alta, e quanto às desvantagens a demanda maior de tempo, erros de transcrição, formulação de banco de dados, possibilidades de resposta em branco e erros de preenchimento. No formato eletrônico as vantagens incluem a facilidade de tabulação e análise dos dados, impossibilidade de não resposta, metodologia limpa e rápida, e como desvantagens, o acesso à internet no período de coleta de dados, saber usar o computador e menor taxa de resposta. Ambos os grupos observaram que o questionário possui boas instruções e fácil compreensão, além de curto tempo para resposta. Os trabalhadores perceberam a existência dos riscos ocupacionais, principalmente os ergonômicos, biológicos e de acidentes. Os principais danos à saúde provocados ou agravos pelo trabalho percebidos pelos trabalhadores foram os problemas osteomusculares, estresse, transtornos do sono, mudanças de humor e alterações de comportamento e varizes. Pode-se afirmar que não ocorreram diferenças acentuadas de percentual ao comparar a percepção dos trabalhadores do grupo impresso e do grupo eletrônico frente aos riscos e danos à saúde. Conclui-se que os dois processos de coleta de dados tiveram boa aceitação, no entanto, deve ser indicada a aplicação do questionário eletrônico junto com a ferramenta de acesso, no caso o computador, tablet.


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Technological innovation has made it possible to grow marine finfish in the coastal and open ocean. Along with this opportunity comes environmental risk. As a federal agency charged with stewardship of the nation’s marine resources, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) requires tools to evaluate the benefits and risks that aquaculture poses in the marine environment, to implement policies and regulations which safeguard our marine and coastal ecosystems, and to inform production designs and operational procedures compatible with marine stewardship. There is an opportunity to apply the best available science and globally proven best management practices to regulate and guide a sustainable United States (U.S.) marine finfish farming aquaculture industry. There are strong economic incentives to develop this industry, and doing so in an environmentally responsible way is possible if stakeholders, the public and regulatory agencies have a clear understanding of the relative risks to the environment and the feasible solutions to minimize, manage or eliminate those risks. This report spans many of the environmental challenges that marine finfish aquaculture faces. We believe that it will serve as a useful tool to those interested in and responsible for the industry and safeguarding the health, productivity and resilience of our marine ecosystems. This report aims to provide a comprehensive review of some predominant environmental risks that marine fish cage culture aquaculture, as it is currently conducted, poses in the marine environment and designs and practices now in use to address these environmental risks in the U.S. and elsewhere. Today’s finfish aquaculture industry has learned, adapted and improved to lessen or eliminate impacts to the marine habitats in which it operates. What progress has been made? What has been learned? How have practices changed and what are the results in terms of water quality, benthic, and other environmental effects? To answer these questions we conducted a critical review of the large body of scientific work published since 2000 on the environmental impacts of marine finfish aquaculture around the world. Our report includes results, findings and recommendations from over 420 papers, primarily from peer-reviewed professional journals. This report provides a broad overview of the twenty-first century marine finfish aquaculture industry, with a targeted focus on potential impacts to water quality, sediment chemistry, benthic communities, marine life and sensitive habitats. Other environmental issues including fish health, genetic issues, and feed formulation were beyond the scope of this report and are being addressed in other initiatives and reports. Also absent is detailed information about complex computer simulations that are used to model discharge, assimilation and accumulation of nutrient waste from farms. These tools are instrumental for siting and managing farms, and a comparative analysis of these models is underway by NOAA.


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Thin-film electronics in its myriad forms has underpinned much of the technological innovation in the fields of displays, sensors, and energy conversion over the past four decades. This technology also forms the basis of flexible electronics. Here we review the current status of flexible electronics and attempt to predict the future promise of these pervading technologies in healthcare, environmental monitoring, displays and human-machine interactivity, energy conversion, management and storage, and communication and wireless networks. © 2012 IEEE.


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In recent years, with the discovery oil and gas reservoirs in volcanic rocks, the exploration and development of these reservoirs have attracted widespread attention because of the urgent need for increasing oil and gas production in the world and volcanic rocks has currently become an important exploration target in Liaohe depression. The study area of this dissertation is in the middle section of the easternern sag of Liaohe depression that have been confirmed by studying structural fractures, which constitute a key factor impacting volcanic rocks reservoirs. Substantial reserves and large production capacity in the areas with widely distributed volcanic rocks are important reasons for examining volcanic rocks in the study area. The study began with classification and experimental data analysis of volcanic rocks fractural formation, then focused on the mechanism of fracturing and the development of volcanic rocks structural fracture prediction methodology.and Lastly, predicted volcanic rocks structural fracture before drilling involved a comprehensive study of the petroleum geology of this area, which identified favorable traps thereby reducing exploration risks and promoting the exploration and development of volcanic rocks reservoirs. 3Dstress and 3Dmove software were applied to predict structural fracture by combining the core data, well-logging data and seismic data together and making the visualization of a fracture possible. Base on the detailed fracture prediction results, well OuO48 and well Ou52 were drilled and successfully provided a basis for high efficiency exploration and development of fractured reservoir in the middle section of the eastern sag. As a result of what have been done, a new round of exploration of volcanic rocks was developed. Well OU48 and well OU52 successfully drilled in this area resulted in the in-depth study of the mechanism of structural fracture formation, technological innovation of structural fracture prediction of volcanic rocks , which guided to oil and gas exploration effectively and made it possible for high production of volcanic rocks. By the end of August 2005, the cumulative oil and gas production of Ou48 block were 5.1606 × 104 t and 1271.3× 104 m3 respectively, which made outstanding contributions to the oilfield development. Above all this work not only promoted exploration and structural fracture prediction in volcanic rocks in Liaohe depression, but also applied to in the low-permeability and fractured sandstone reservoir.


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Superfine mineral materials are mainly resulted from the pulverization of natural mineral resources, and are a type of new materials that can replace traditional materials and enjoy the most extensive application and the highest degree of consumption in the present day market. As a result, superfine mineral materials have a very broad and promising prospect in terms of market potential. Superfine pulverization technology is the only way for the in-depth processing of most of the traditional materials, and is also one of the major means for which mineral materials can realize their application. China is rich in natural resources such as heavy calcite, kaolin, wollastonite, etc., which enjoy a very wide market of application in paper making, rubber, plastics, painting, coating, medicine, environment-friendly recycle paper and fine chemical industries, for example. However, because the processing of these resources is generally at the low level, economic benefit and scale for the processing of these resources have not been realized to their full potential even up to now. Big difference in product indices and superfine processing equipment and technologies between China and advanced western countries still exists. Based on resource assessment and market potential analysis, an in-depth study was carried out in this paper about the superfine pulverization technology and superfine pulverized mineral materials from the point of mineralogical features, determination of processing technologies, analytical methods and applications, by utilizing a variety of modern analytical methods in mineralogy, superfine pulverization technology, macromolecular chemistry, material science and physical chemistry together with computer technology and so on. The focus was placed on the innovative study about the in-depth processing technology and the processing apparatus for kaolin and heavy calcite as well as the application of superfine products. The main contents and the major achievements of this study are listed as follows: 1. Superfine pulverization processing of mineral materials shall be integrated with the study of their crystal structures and chemical composition. And special attention shall be put on the post-processing technologies, rather than on the indices for particle size, of these materials, based on their fields of application. Both technical feasibility and economic feasibility shall be taken into account for the study about superfine pulverization technologies, since these two kinds of feasibilities serve as the premise for the industrialized application of superfine pulverized mineral materials. Based on this principle, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in this study, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in this study. Heavy calcite and kaolin are two kinds of superfine mineral materials that enjoy the highest consumption in the industry. Heavy calcite is mainly applied in paper making, coating and plastics industries, the hard kaolin in northern China is mainly used in macromolecular materials and chemical industries, while the soft kaolin in southern China is mainly used for paper making. On the other hand, superfine pulverized heavy calcite and kaolin can both be used as the functional additives to cement, a kind of material that enjoys the biggest consumption in the world. A variety of analytical methods and instruments such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared analysis, laser particle size analysis and so on were applied for the elucidation of the properties and the mechanisms for the functions of superfine mineral materials as used in plastics and high-performance cement. Detection of superfine mineral materials is closely related to the post-processing and application of these materials. Traditional detection and analytical methods for superfine mineral materials include optical microscopy, infrared spectral analysis and a series of microbeam techniques such as transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and so on. In addition to these traditional methods, super-weak luminescent photon detection technology of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was also utilized by the author for the first time in the study of superfine mineral materials, in an attempt to explore a completely new method and means for the study of the characterization of superfine materials. The experimental results are really exciting! The innovation of this study is represented in the following aspects: 1. In this study, preposed chemical treatment method, technology of synchronized superfine pulverization and gradation, processing technology and apparatus of integrated modification and depolymerization were utilized in an innovative way, and narrow distribution in terms of particle size, good dispersibility, good application effects, low consumption as well as high effectiveness of superfine products were achieved in the industrialized production process*. Moreover, a new modification technology and related directions for producing the chemicals were invented, and the modification technology was even awarded a patent. 2. The detection technology of super-weak luminescent photon of high precision, high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio was utilized for the first time in this study to explore the superfine mineral materials, and the experimental results can be compared with those acquired with scanning electron microscopy and has demonstrated its unique advantages. It can be expected that further study may possibly help to result in a completely new method and means for the characterization of superfine materials. 3. During the heating of kaolinite and its decomposition into pianlinite, the diffraction peaks disappear gradually. First comes the disappearance of the reflection of the basal plane (001), and then comes the slow disappearance of the (hkl) diffraction peaks. And this was first discovered during the experiments by the author, and it has never before reported by other scholars. 4. The first discovery of the functions that superfine mineral materials can be used as dispersants in plastics, and the first discovery of the comprehensive functions that superfine mineral materials can also be used as activators, water-reducing agents and aggregates in high-performance cement were made in this study, together with a detailed discussion. This study was jointly supported by two key grants from Guangdong Province for Scientific and Technological Research in the 10th Five-year Plan Period (1,200,000 yuan for Preparation technology, apparatus and post-processing research by using sub-micron superfine pulverization machinery method, and 300,000 yuan for Method and instruments for biological photon technology in the characterization of nanometer materials), and two grants from Guangdong Province for 100 projects for scientific and technological innovation (700,000 yuan for Pilot experimentation of superfine and modified heavy calcite used in paper-making, rubber and plastics industry, and 400,000 yuan for Study of superfine, modified wollastonite of large length-to-diameter ratio).


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Current building regulations are generally prescriptive in nature. It is widely accepted in Europe that this form of building regulation is stifling technological innovation and leading to inadequate energy efficiency in the building stock. This has increased the motivation to move design practices towards a more ‘performance-based’ model in order to mitigate inflated levels of energy-use consumed by the building stock. A performance based model assesses the interaction of all building elements and the resulting impact on holistic building energy-use. However, this is a nebulous task due to building energy-use being affected by a myriad of heterogeneous agents. Accordingly, it is imperative that appropriate methods, tools and technologies are employed for energy prediction, measurement and evaluation throughout the project’s life cycle. This research also considers that it is imperative that the data is universally accessible by all stakeholders. The use of a centrally based product model for exchange of building information is explored. This research describes the development and implementation of a new building energy-use performance assessment methodology. Termed the Building Effectiveness Communications ratios (BECs) methodology, this performance-based framework is capable of translating complex definitions of sustainability for energy efficiency and depicting universally understandable views at all stage of the Building Life Cycle (BLC) to the project’s stakeholders. The enabling yardsticks of building energy-use performance, termed Ir and Pr, provide continuous design and operations feedback in order to aid the building’s decision makers. Utilised effectively, the methodology is capable of delivering quality assurance throughout the BLC by providing project teams with quantitative measurement of energy efficiency. Armed with these superior enabling tools for project stakeholder communication, it is envisaged that project teams will be better placed to augment a knowledge base and generate more efficient additions to the building stock.


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This paper provides an exhaustive review of critical issues in the design of climate mitigation policy by pulling together key findings and controversies from diverse literatures on mitigation costs, damage valuation, policy instrument choice, technological innovation, and international climate policy. We begin with the broadest issue of how high assessments suggest the near and medium term price on greenhouse gases would need to be, both under cost-effective stabilization of global climate and under net benefit maximization or Pigouvian emissions pricing. The remainder of the paper focuses on the appropriate scope of regulation, issues in policy instrument choice, complementary technology policy, and international policy architectures.


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This short conference paper serves as a distillation of a keynote address delivered at the the Second National Conference on Management and Higher Education Trends & Strategies for Management & Administration hosted by Bangkok-based Stamford International University (Thailand) on November 1, 2014.Innovation is discussed as the heart of entrepreneurial processes occurring in today's capitalist economic systems, including transition economies like China and Vietnam, which underscores economic competitiveness of firms and economies. But the innovation effort and process also face dilemma of "entrepreneurial curse of innovation". Advantages and disadvantages are weighed for a more balanced view, especially in the context of outnumbering SMEs and given existence of pitfalls and traps along the innovation path of development. Toward the end, the value of the market is once again stressed amid the concern of subjective assumption and illusion about availability of market opportunities in the mind of innovators, which may contrast totally with the dismal outcome the actual market realities may show ex post.