855 resultados para teachers knowledge


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No presente trabalho realizamos uma anlise sobre os novos paradigmas educacionais diante do fenmeno da expanso das tecnologias, as recomendaes oficiais sobre a incorporao da tecnologia no contexto educacional e nas prticas docentes. Teve como objetivos pesquisar sobre as discusses acerca das contribuies da tecnologia no contexto educacional; analisar as competncias necessrias para uma ao docente significativa utilizando as ferramentas que a tecnologia educacional disponibiliza para o professor; identificar como as inovaes tecnolgicas podem agregar valores s aes pedaggicas j existentes e suas mltiplas possibilidades de enriquecer a prtica docente; analisar as razes pelas quais professores no conseguem agregar em sua rotina pedaggica a tecnologia. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo que teve como sujeitos cinco professores do Fundamental 1 fase, de Instituies Pblicas(s) e Privadas(s) da cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG, atuantes na sala de aula. Para a coleta de dados aplicamos um questionrio para a identificao do perfil dos sujeitos e entrevistas de aprofundamento. Para a anlise dos dados das entrevistas utilizamos a metodologia de anlise de contedo , proposta por Bardin (1979) e Franco (2003). Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de mudana no sistema educacional, um repensar da formao docente, pois hoje fundamental que tenhamos professores capazes de incorporarem as tecnologias na prtica cotidiana.


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Esta pesquisa analisa as competncias que se desenvolvem na prtica pedaggica do trabalho docente, tendo como referncia as transformaes ocorridas na escola pblica e que atualmente conferem s professoras e aos professores o papel de mediador entre o aluno e o conhecimento. Nesse contexto, buscamos compreender os significados da formao, das competncias e dos saberes docentes no cotidiano educacional. Embora as consideraes sobre as competncias e sua utilizao estejam presentes nas discusses entre os docentes, o termo demanda vrias interpretaes e por isso ainda causa muita polmica, principalmente sobre o modo como essas competncias so desenvolvidas na prtica pedaggica. Por isso, analisamos as competncias em suas vrias dimenses tcnica, esttica, tica e poltica , assim como procuramos apontar a importncia da formao humana no espao escolar. Realizamos tambm uma anlise sobre as tendncias pedaggicas que influenciaram e que ainda influenciam a escola brasileira. Dessa forma, podemos afirmar que a educao fruto das interaes humanas, seja no universo escolar, seja nas demandas da sociedade. Contudo, embora a legislao considere a formao da pessoa como um dos pilares educacionais, a prtica escolar revela que a atuao do docente est pautada em uma poltica de resultados, voltada para aes racionalmente pensadas e planejadas, cujo fim essencialmente o econmico, quando no s esse o seu papel. Entendemos que a escola no pode se restringir s necessidades do mercado de trabalho sem dvida alguma primordial para a sobrevivncia do homem. Ela deve alar outros vos tambm em direo ao belo, ao esttico, ao tico e ao poltico.


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This study was guided by the following question: Is it possible to prepare good teachers for Basic School in Distance Learning (DL) online? The over all objective of this study was to identify and systematize the essential knowledge and skills for the practice of teaching in basic education as well to investigate whe ther the Distance Learning courses which train and prepare future teachers include all the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching practice. This is a qualitative the oretical and bibliographic research that aims to analyze the current stageof the knowledge on this theme. We selected recent papers on this subject, in order to study what has been written by the authors as well to know which are their significant findings. Data were collected from dissertations, thesis and books published on the theme. Preliminarily, the theme of the presentation and contextualization has been made and the argument about the relevance of the study for education. In the second section, we present an overview of the Distance Education in Brazil: coargumentncepts, characteristics, emergence, evolution and regulation. The third section the working environmentin training teachers and students in on line education, targeting to be familiar to Learning Virtual Environments (LVE), analyzing how these new learning spaces are settled and how students and teachers be have in front of the new settings of teaching and learning using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In the fourth section aimed to identify which are the essential knowledges and skills that the teacher must master in order to work competently as well to discover which are the personal and professional characteristics of a good teacher in the XXI century. The fifth section studied and analyzed the current situation with in Distance Education is carried out in Brazil. We identified the most significant contributions of Distance Learning to Brazilian Education System in order to contribute to advances in the debate on the effectiveness of teacher training courses in distance education mode online.Finally in the sixth section were made final remarks and presented the study results.


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Die Dissertation geht von der berlegung aus, dass ein Wandel im deutschen Bildungssystem aufgrund kinderrechtlicher und demokratischer berlegungen eine essenzielle Zukunftsaufgabe ist. Dies geschieht im Besonderen vor dem Hintergrund kinderrechtlicher Forderungen, wie sie beispielsweise aus dem Status Deutschlands als Mitgliedsland der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention und des UN-bereinkommens ber die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung entstehen: Die Korrelation zwischen Herkunft und Bildungserfolg sowie die noch konzeptionell ungengend entwickelten Anstze zur Inklusion werden als bestimmend fr die Diskussion erkannt. Die Arbeit vertritt die These, dass Lehrende eine zentrale Rolle in einem notwendigen Prozess der Umwandlung des deutschen Bildungssystems spielen knnen und nimmt in emanzipatorischer Absicht die Lehrenden als Zielgruppe in den Blick. Aufgrund der Struktur der Lehrendenausbildung wird zudem dafr argumentiert, entsprechende Vernderungen im Sinne ihrer Nachhaltigkeit und flchendeckenden Relevanz in der Lehrendenausbildung des ersten universitren Ausbildungsabschnittes zu verankern. Als Instrument, welches die Kriterien von Nachhaltigkeit und umfassender Relevanz erfllt, werden die Standards fr die Lehrerbildung im Bereich Bildungswissenschaften benannt und theoretisch unterfttert. Grundstzlich spannt sich der Blickwinkel der Arbeit zwischen der Betrachtung der Struktur des Bildungssystems, des Wissens und Knnens von Lehrenden und Lernenden im Sinne der Kompetenzorientierung sowie der Haltung auf, welche Lehrende einnehmen. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, dass sich diese Faktoren wechselseitig auf vielfache Art und Weise beeinflussen. Auf der Basis dieser berlegungen wird zunchst das deutsche Bildungssystem in seinen Strukturen beschrieben und die Lehrenden und Lernenden als Teilnehmende am Bildungsgeschehen skizziert. Ein exkursiver Vergleich dreier aufgrund kinderrechtlicher Parameter ausgewhlter europischer Bildungssysteme eruiert zudem, inwiefern die aufgezeigten Bestimmungsgren Struktur, Wissen/Knnen und Haltung Einfluss auf kinderrechtliche Verfasstheit des Bildungssystems nehmen, wobei die Grundprinzipien der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention hier als Messinstrument dienen. Davon ausgehend, erscheint pdagogische Haltung als eine wesentliche Einflussgre, die im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit im Sinne der kritischen Pdagogik zu einer Konzeption Pdagogischer Verantwortung verdichtet wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund erfolgt eine Betrachtung aktueller Problematiken im deutschen Bildungssystem, die sich an den in den Standards fr die Lehrerbildung identifizierten Ausbildungsschwerpunkten orientiert und erneut die Prinzipien und rechtlichen Vorgaben der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention als Mastab whlt. Auf der Grundlage dieser umfassenden Diskussion werden in einem sich anschlieenden Analyseschritt Annotationen vorgenommen, die die Formulierungen der 11 Standards fr die Lehrerbildung inhaltlich erweitern und ergnzen. In Verbindung mit einer Pdagogischen Verantwortung, die sich der Ausbildung kritischer Mndigkeit verpflichtet, werden die annotierten Standards als eine Mglichkeit der kinderrechtlichen (Selbst-)Evaluation von Lehrenden sowie als Instrument einer kinderrechtliche Gesichtspunkte fokussierenden Lehrendenbildung verstanden und dargestellt.


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The results from the international surveys PISA 2011 and PIRLS 2011 shows that Swedish students have been deteriorating in reading comprehension. The main purpose of this literature study was to do a research review over different methods that intend to increase students reading comprehension by including students background knowledge. The method that is applied is a systematic literature study. The result of the study shows two bigger specializations of teaching methodics within reading comprehension, strategy oriented, and contextual teaching methods. The difference between these methods is hardly worth mentioning, but the contextual method is proven to be more efficient. Despite this the strategy oriented teaching method is to a great extent more researched. The result also shows that a new orientation within the research of reading comprehension is growing, where the focus is on the teachers knowledge and competence, instead of on teaching methods. A conclusion of the study is that all teaching methods that have been presented in the study develop the students reading comprehension in an effective way. It is also shown that the teacher has a big responsibility for the development within students reading comprehension.


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Mthodologie: Entretiens semi-dirigs


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When writing teachers enter the classroom, they often bring with them a deep faith in the power of literacy to rectify social inequalities and improve their students social and economic standing. It is this faiththis hope for changethat draws some writing teachers to locations of social and economic hardship. I am interested in how teachers and theorists construct their own narratives of social mobility, possibility, and literacy. My dissertation analyzes the production and expression of beliefs about literacy in the narratives of a diverse group of writing teachers and theorists, from those beginning their careers to those who are published and widely read. The central questions guiding this study are: How do teachers and theorists narratives of becoming literate intersect with literacy theories? and How do such literacy narratives intersect with beliefs in the power of literacy to improve individuals lives socially, economically, and personally? I contend that the professional literature needs to address more fully how teachers and theorists personal histories with literacy shape what they see as possible (and desirable) for students, especially those from marginalized communities. A central focus of the dissertation is on how teachers and theorists attempt to resolve a paradox they are likely to encounter in narratives about literacy. On one hand, they are immersed in a popular culture that cherishes narrative links between literacy and economic advancement (and, further, between such advancement and a good life). On the other hand, in professional discourse and in teacher preparation courses, they are likely to encounter narratives that complicate an assumed causal relationship between literacy and economic progress. Understanding, through literacy narratives, how teachers and theorists chart a practical path through or around this paradox can be beneficial to literacy education in three ways. First, it can offer direction in professional development and teacher education, addressing how teachers negotiate the boundaries between personal experience, theory, and pedagogy. Second, it can help teachers create spaces wherein students can explore the impact of paradoxical views about the role of literacy on their own lives. Finally, it can offer direction in public policy discourse, extending awareness of what we wantand needfrom English language arts education in the twenty-first century. To explore these issues, I draw on case studies and ethnographic observation as well as narrative inquiry into teachers and theorists published literacy narratives. I situate my findings within three interrelated frames: 1) the narratives of new teachers, 2) the published works of literacy educators and theorists, and 3) my own literacy narrative. My first chapter, Beyond Hope, explores the tenuous connections between hope and critique in literacy studies and provides a methodological overview of the study. I argue that scholarship must move beyond a singular focus on either hope or critique in order to identify the transformative potential of literacy in particular circumstances. Analyzing literacy narratives provides a way of locating a critically informed sense of possibility. My second chapter, Making Teachers, Making Literacy, explores the intersection between teachers lives and the theories they study, based on qualitative analysis of a preservice course for secondary education English teachers. I examine how these preservice English teachers understood literacy, how their narratives of becoming literate and teaching English connectedand did not connectwith theoretical and pedagogical positions, and how these stories might inform their future work as practitioners. Centering primarily on preservice teachers who resisted Nancie Atwells pedagogy of possibility because they found it too good to be true, this research concentrates on moments of disjuncture, as expressed in class discussion and in one-on-one interviews, when literacy theories failed to align with aspiring teachers understandings of their own experiences and also with what they imagined as possible in disadvantaged educational settings. In my third and fourth chapters, I analyze the narratives of celebrated teachers and theorists who put forth an agenda that emphasizes possibilities through literacy, examining how they negotiate the relationship between their own literacy stories and literacy theories. Specifically, I investigate the narratives of three proponents of critical literacy: Mike Rose, Paulo Freire, and Myles Horton, all highly respected literacy teachers whose working-class backgrounds influenced their commitment to teaching in disenfranchised communities. In chapter 3, Reading Lives on the Boundary, I demonstrate how Mike Roses 1989 autobiographical text, Lives on the Boundary, juxtaposes rhetorics of mobility with critiques of such possibility. Through an analysis of work published in professional journals, I offer a reception history of Roses narrative, focusing specifically on how teachers have negotiated the tension between hope and critique. I follow this analysis with three case studies, drawn from a larger sampling, that inquire into the personal connections that writing teachers make with Lives on the Boundary. The teachers in this study, who provided written responses and participated in audio-recorded follow-up interviews, were asked to compare Roses story to their own stories, considering how their personal literacy histories influenced their teaching. My findings illustrate how a group of teachers and theorists have projected their own assessments of what literacy and higher education can and cannot accomplish onto this influential text. In my fourth chapter, Horton and Freires Road as Literacy Narrative, I concentrate on Myles Horton and Paulo Freires 1990 collaborative spoken book, We Make the Road by Walking. Central to my analysis are the educators stories about their formative years, including their own primary and secondary education experiences. I argue that We Make the Road by Walking demonstrates how theories of literacy cannot be divorced from personal histories. I begin by examining the spoken book as a literacy narrative that fuses personal and theoretical knowledge, focusing specifically on its authors ideas on theory. Drawing on Bakhtins notion of the chronotopethe intersection of time and space within narrativeI then explore the literacy narratives emerging from the production process of the book, in a video production about Horton and Freires meeting, and ultimately in the two mens reflections on their childhood years (Dialogic). Interspersed with these accounts is archival material on the books editorial production that illustrates the value of increased dialogue between personal history and theories of literacy. My fifth chapter is both a reflective analysis and a qualitative study of my work at a mens medium-high security prison in Illinois, where I conducted research and served as the instructor of an upper-level writing course, Writing for a Change, in the spring of 2009. Entitled Doing Time with Literacy Narratives, this chapter explores the complex ways in which literacy and incarceration are configured in students narratives as well as my own. With and against students stories, I juxtapose my own experiences with literacy, particularly in relation to being the son of an imprisoned father. In exploring the intersections between such stories, I demonstrate how literacy narratives can function as a heuristic for exploring beliefs about literacy between teachers and students both inside and outside of the prison-industrial complex. My conclusion pulls together the various themes that emerged in the three frames, from the making of new teachers to the published literacy narratives of teachers and theorists to my own literacy narrative. Writing teachers encounter considerable pressure to align their curricula with one or another theory of literacy, which has the effect of negating the authority of knowledge about literacy gleaned from experience as readers and writers. My dissertation contends that there is much to be gained by finding ways of articulating theories of literacy that encompass teachers knowledge of reading and writing as expressed in personal narratives of literacy. While powerful cultural rhetorics of upward social mobility often neutralize the critical potential of teachers own narratives of literacypotential that has been documented by scholars in writing studies and allied disciplinesthis is not always the case. The chapters in this dissertation offer evidence that hopeful and critical positions on the transformational possibilities of literacy are not mutually exclusive.


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Australian policy initiatives and state curriculum reform efforts affirm a commitment to address student disengagement through the development of inclusive school environments, curriculum, and pedagogy. This paper, drawing on critical social theory, describes three Australian projects that support the cultivation of teachers beliefs, knowledge and skills for critical reflection and leading change in schools. The first project reports on the valued ethics that emerged in pre-service teacher reflections about a Service-learning Program at a university in Queensland. The second project reports on a school-based collaborative inquiry approach to professional development with a focus on literacy practices. The final project reports on an initiative in another university in Victoria, to operationalise pedagogical change and curriculum renewal in Victoria, through the Principles of Learning and Teaching (PoLT). These case studies illustrate how critical reflection and development of beliefs, knowledge and skills can be acquired to better meet the needs of schools.


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Integrated social education in Australia is a divisive educational issue. The last decade has been marked by a controversial integrated social studies curriculum called Studies of Society and Environment (SOSE) where history, geography and environmental studies were integrated with civics and citizenship. The introduction of a compulsory K-10 Australian Curriculum from 2011, however, marks the return to history and geography and the abandonment of SOSE. Curriculum reform aside, what do teachers think is essential knowledge for middle years social education? The paper reports on a phenomenographical exploration of thirty-one middle school teachers conceptions of essential knowledge for SOSE. Framed by Shulmans (1986, 1987) theoretical framework of the knowledge base for teaching, the research identified seven qualitatively different ways of understanding essential knowledge for integrated social education. The study indicates a practice-based theorization of integrated social education that justifies attention to disciplinary process and teacher identity in middle school social education.


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The process of becoming numerate begins in the early years. According to Vygotskian theory (1978), teachers are More Knowledgeable Others who provide and support learning experiences that influence childrens mathematical learning. This paper reports on research that investigates three early childhood teachers mathematics content knowledge. An exploratory, single case study utilised data collected from interviews, and email correspondence to investigate the teachers mathematics content knowledge. The data was reviewed according to three analytical strategies: content analysis, pattern matching, and comparative analysis. Findings indicated there was variation in teachers content knowledge across the five mathematical strands and that teachers might not demonstrate the depth of content knowledge that is expected of four year specially trained early years teachers. A significant factor that appeared to influence these teachers content knowledge was their teaching experience. Therefore, an avenue for future research is the investigation of factors that influence teachers content numeracy knowledge.


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This study presents the importance of a mentors (experienced teachers) personal attributes and pedagogical knowledge for developing a mentees (preservice teachers) teaching practices. Specifically, preservice teachers can have difficulties with behaviour management and must learn management strategies that help them to teach more effectively. This paper investigates how mentoring may facilitate the development of a mentees behaviour management strategies, in particular what personal attributes and pedagogical knowledge are used in this process.


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Individuals attitudes influence their behaviour towards children, including whether childrens rights and welfare are promoted. The attitudes generally present in a society shape a culture of how children are perceived and treated. This study explored the attitudes and knowledge of 300 Indian parents and teachers regarding childrens rights, and their perceptions about whether selected rights were secured in reality. Findings revealed that most parents and teachers had positive attitudes about childrens rights, including rights to health and education, and freedom from child marriage and inappropriate work. Yet, about one quarter of participants did not think children should have the rights to freedom of expression and association. Knowledge of laws promoting childrens rights was poor. Most parents and teachers perceived a denial of seven key rights in Indian childrens lived experience. Overall, findings suggest a need to heighten awareness of childrens rights and needs, which can improve attitudes towards the treatment of children. Effforts to heighten awareness and attitudes towards childrens rights are needed across society and in key sectors to enhance childrens lived experience.