286 resultados para taloudelliset vaikutukset


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The main objective of this study is to evaluate selected geophysical, structural and topographic methods on regional, local, and tunnel and borehole scales, as indicators of the properties of fracture zones or fractures relevant to groundwater flow. Such information serves, for example, groundwater exploration and prediction of the risk of groundwater inflow in underground construction. This study aims to address how the features detected by these methods link to groundwater flow in qualitative and semi-quantitative terms and how well the methods reveal properties of fracturing affecting groundwater flow in the studied sites. The investigated areas are: (1) the Päijänne Tunnel for water-conveyance whose study serves as a verification of structures identified on regional and local scales; (2) the Oitti fuel spill site, to telescope across scales and compare geometries of structural assessment; and (3) Leppävirta, where fracturing and hydrogeological environment have been studied on the scale of a drilled well. The methods applied in this study include: the interpretation of lineaments from topographic data and their comparison with aeromagnetic data; the analysis of geological structures mapped in the Päijänne Tunnel; borehole video surveying; groundwater inflow measurements; groundwater level observations; and information on the tunnel s deterioration as demonstrated by block falls. The study combined geological and geotechnical information on relevant factors governing groundwater inflow into a tunnel and indicators of fracturing, as well as environmental datasets as overlays for spatial analysis using GIS. Geophysical borehole logging and fluid logging were used in Leppävirta to compare the responses of different methods to fracturing and other geological features on the scale of a drilled well. Results from some of the geophysical measurements of boreholes were affected by the large diameter (gamma radiation) or uneven surface (caliper) of these structures. However, different anomalies indicating more fractured upper part of the bedrock traversed by well HN4 in Leppävirta suggest that several methods can be used for detecting fracturing. Fracture trends appear to align similarly on different scales in the zone of the Päijänne Tunnel. For example, similarities of patterns were found between the regional magnetic trends, correlating with orientations of topographic lineaments interpreted as expressions of fracture zones. The same structural orientations as those of the larger structures on local or regional scales were observed in the tunnel, even though a match could not be made in every case. The size and orientation of the observation space (patch of terrain at the surface, tunnel section, or borehole), the characterization method, with its typical sensitivity, and the characteristics of the location, influence the identification of the fracture pattern. Through due consideration of the influence of the sampling geometry and by utilizing complementary fracture characterization methods in tandem, some of the complexities of the relationship between fracturing and groundwater flow can be addressed. The flow connections demonstrated by the response of the groundwater level in monitoring wells to pressure decrease in the tunnel and the transport of MTBE through fractures in bedrock in Oitti, highlight the importance of protecting the tunnel water from a risk of contamination. In general, the largest values of drawdown occurred in monitoring wells closest to the tunnel and/or close to the topographically interpreted fracture zones. It seems that, to some degree, the rate of inflow shows a positive correlation with the level of reinforcement, as both are connected with the fracturing in the bedrock. The following geological features increased the vulnerability of tunnel sections to pollution, especially when several factors affected the same locations: (1) fractured bedrock, particularly with associated groundwater inflow; (2) thin or permeable overburden above fractured rock; (3) a hydraulically conductive layer underneath the surface soil; and (4) a relatively thin bedrock roof above the tunnel. The observed anisotropy of the geological media should ideally be taken into account in the assessment of vulnerability of tunnel sections and eventually for directing protective measures.


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This thesis presents novel modelling applications for environmental geospatial data using remote sensing, GIS and statistical modelling techniques. The studied themes can be classified into four main themes: (i) to develop advanced geospatial databases. Paper (I) demonstrates the creation of a geospatial database for the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) in the Åland Islands, south-western Finland; (ii) to analyse species diversity and distribution using GIS techniques. Paper (II) presents a diversity and geographical distribution analysis for Scopulini moths at a world-wide scale; (iii) to study spatiotemporal forest cover change. Paper (III) presents a study of exotic and indigenous tree cover change detection in Taita Hills Kenya using airborne imagery and GIS analysis techniques; (iv) to explore predictive modelling techniques using geospatial data. In Paper (IV) human population occurrence and abundance in the Taita Hills highlands was predicted using the generalized additive modelling (GAM) technique. Paper (V) presents techniques to enhance fire prediction and burned area estimation at a regional scale in East Caprivi Namibia. Paper (VI) compares eight state-of-the-art predictive modelling methods to improve fire prediction, burned area estimation and fire risk mapping in East Caprivi Namibia. The results in Paper (I) showed that geospatial data can be managed effectively using advanced relational database management systems. Metapopulation data for Melitaea cinxia butterfly was successfully combined with GPS-delimited habitat patch information and climatic data. Using the geospatial database, spatial analyses were successfully conducted at habitat patch level or at more coarse analysis scales. Moreover, this study showed it appears evident that at a large-scale spatially correlated weather conditions are one of the primary causes of spatially correlated changes in Melitaea cinxia population sizes. In Paper (II) spatiotemporal characteristics of Socupulini moths description, diversity and distribution were analysed at a world-wide scale and for the first time GIS techniques were used for Scopulini moth geographical distribution analysis. This study revealed that Scopulini moths have a cosmopolitan distribution. The majority of the species have been described from the low latitudes, sub-Saharan Africa being the hot spot of species diversity. However, the taxonomical effort has been uneven among biogeographical regions. Paper III showed that forest cover change can be analysed in great detail using modern airborne imagery techniques and historical aerial photographs. However, when spatiotemporal forest cover change is studied care has to be taken in co-registration and image interpretation when historical black and white aerial photography is used. In Paper (IV) human population distribution and abundance could be modelled with fairly good results using geospatial predictors and non-Gaussian predictive modelling techniques. Moreover, land cover layer is not necessary needed as a predictor because first and second-order image texture measurements derived from satellite imagery had more power to explain the variation in dwelling unit occurrence and abundance. Paper V showed that generalized linear model (GLM) is a suitable technique for fire occurrence prediction and for burned area estimation. GLM based burned area estimations were found to be more superior than the existing MODIS burned area product (MCD45A1). However, spatial autocorrelation of fires has to be taken into account when using the GLM technique for fire occurrence prediction. Paper VI showed that novel statistical predictive modelling techniques can be used to improve fire prediction, burned area estimation and fire risk mapping at a regional scale. However, some noticeable variation between different predictive modelling techniques for fire occurrence prediction and burned area estimation existed.


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In Finland one of the most important current issues in the environmental management is the quality of surface waters. The increasing social importance of lakes and water systems has generated wide-ranging interest in lake restoration and management, concerning especially lakes suffering from eutrophication, but also from other environmental impacts. Most of the factors deteriorating the water quality in Finnish lakes are connected to human activities. Especially since the 1940's, the intensified farming practices and conduction of sewage waters from scattered settlements, cottages and industry have affected the lakes, which simultaneously have developed in to recreational areas for a growing number of people. Therefore, this study was focused on small lakes, which are human impacted, located close to settlement areas and have a significant value for local population. The aim of this thesis was to obtain information from lake sediment records for on-going lake restoration activities and to prove that a well planned, properly focused lake sediment study is an essential part of the work related to evaluation, target consideration and restoration of Finnish lakes. Altogether 11 lakes were studied. The study of Lake Kaljasjärvi was related to the gradual eutrophication of the lake. In lakes Ormajärvi, Suolijärvi, Lehee, Pyhäjärvi and Iso-Roine the main focus was on sediment mapping, as well as on the long term changes of the sedimentation, which were compared to Lake Pääjärvi. In Lake Hormajärvi the role of different kind of sedimentation environments in the eutrophication development of the lake's two basins were compared. Lake Orijärvi has not been eutrophied, but the ore exploitation and related acid main drainage from the catchment area have influenced the lake drastically and the changes caused by metal load were investigated. The twin lakes Etujärvi and Takajärvi are slightly eutrophied, but also suffer problems associated with the erosion of the substantial peat accumulations covering the fringe areas of the lakes. These peat accumulations are related to Holocene water level changes, which were investigated. The methods used were chosen case-specifically for each lake. In general, acoustic soundings of the lakes, detailed description of the nature of the sediment and determinations of the physical properties of the sediment, such as water content, loss on ignition and magnetic susceptibility were used, as was grain size analysis. A wide set of chemical analyses was also used. Diatom and chrysophycean cyst analyses were applied, and the diatom inferred total phosphorus content was reconstructed. The results of these studies prove, that the ideal lake sediment study, as a part of a lake management project, should be two-phased. In the first phase, thoroughgoing mapping of sedimentation patterns should be carried out by soundings and adequate corings. The actual sampling, based on the preliminary results, must include at least one long core from the main sedimentation basin for the determining the natural background state of the lake. The recent, artificially impacted development of the lake can then be determined by short-core and surface sediment studies. The sampling must be focused on the basis of the sediment mapping again, and it should represent all different sedimentation environments and bottom dynamic zones, considering the inlets and outlets, as well as the effects of possible point loaders of the lake. In practice, the budget of the lake management projects of is usually limited and only the most essential work and analyses can be carried out. The set of chemical and biological analyses and dating methods must therefore been thoroughly considered and adapted to the specific management problem. The results show also, that information obtained from a properly performed sediment study enhances the planning of the restoration, makes possible to define the target of the remediation activities and improves the cost-efficiency of the project.


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Optimal Punishment of Economic Crime: A Study on Bankruptcy Crime This thesis researches whether the punishment practise of bankruptcy crimes is optimal in light of Gary S. Becker’s theory of optimal punishment. According to Becker, a punishment is optimal if it eliminates the expected utility of the crime for the offender and - on the other hand - minimizes the cost of the crime to society. The decision process of the offender is observed through their expected utility of the crime. The expected utility is calculated based on the offender's probability of getting caught, the cost of getting caught and the profit from the crime. All objects including the punishment are measured in cash. The cost of crimes to the society is observed defining the disutility caused by the crime to the society. The disutility is calculated based on the cost of crime prevention, crime damages, punishment execution and the probability of getting caught. If the goal is to minimize the crime profits, the punishments of bankruptcy crimes are not optimal. If the debtors would decide whether or not to commit the crime solely based on economical consideration, the crime rate would be multiple times higher than the current rate is. The prospective offender relies heavily on non-economic aspects in their decision. Most probably social pressure and personal commitment to oblige the laws are major factors in the prospective criminal’s decision-making. The function developed by Becker measuring the cost to society was not useful in the measurement of the optimality of a punishment. The premise of the function that the costs of the society correlate to the costs for the offender from the punishment proves to be unrealistic in observation of the bankruptcy crimes. However, it was observed that majority of the cost of crime for the society are caused by the crime damages. This finding supports the preventive criminal politics.


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Työssä tutkitaan turvetuotannon luvallistamiskysymyksiä luonnonsuojelullisten ja luonnonvarojen käyttöä korostavien tavoitteiden kohtauspinnassa. Tutkielman metodiksi on valikoitunut avoin, keskustelukeskeinen lähestymistapa, joka osoittautui sopivan hyvin tieteellisen tutkimuksen välineeksi. Erityisiä oikeuslähdeopillisia kysymyksiä tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa vain niiltä osin kuin työn muut osat sitä vaativat. Siksi yksittäisiä oikeuslähdeopillisia kysymyksiä ei oteta esille tutkimuksessa kattavasti. Ensimmäisessä varsinaisessa tutkimusjaksossa keskistytään lainsäädäntöhistoriaan. Lainsäädäntöhistoriasta oli löydettävissä sekä luonnonsuojelua että luonnonvarojen käyttämistä tukevia argumentteja, joiden sisältö voidaan melkein suoraan siirtää nykyiseen keskusteluun. Ennen kuin työssä siirrytään varsinaiseen tuotannon luvallistamisen käsittelyyn, siinä luodaan lyhyt katsaus ympäristövaikutusten arviointimenettelyn asemaan. Menettelyllä ei ole laajaa käyttöä turveteollisuudessa. Turveteollisuuden luvallistamiskysymyksiä käsitellään tutkimuksessa kolmessa eri kokonaisuudessa. Ensimmäisessä näistä hahmotetaan luvallistamista alueellisena ja ajallisena kokonaisuutena. Hahmotustapa osoittautui käyttökelpoiseksi ja hyvin turveteollisuuden todellisia oikeudellisia ongelmakohtia vastaavaksi. Keskimmäisessä luvallistamiskysymyksiä tarkastelevista jaksoista keskitytään ajankohtaiseen ongelmaan ilmaston lämpenemisestä. Jaksossa tarkastellaan teoreettista mahdollisuutta huomioida lupamenettelyssä toiminnan vaikutukset ilmastonmuutokselle. Erityisesti tässä jaksossa painottuu tutkimuksen metodin soveltaminen, jonka avulla voidaan ratkaista suhtautuminen tuotannosta esitettyihin, jopa vastakohtaisiin luonnontieteellisiin väitteisiin. Tarkastelussa päädytään siihen, että yksi mahdollinen tulkinta voimassaolevan oikeuden sisällöstä on toiminnan ilmastovaikutusten huomioiminen ympäristölupaharkinnassa. Viimeisimmässä tuotannon luvallistamista käsittelevässä jaksossa tutkimuskohteena on joitain toiminnan osia, joille edellytetään vesilain mukaista lupaa. Tässä jaksossa tutkimuskohteen rajaaminen osoittautui erityisen tärkeäksi, koska vaihtoehtoja tutkimuskohteiksi oli tarjolla runsaasti. Tutkimusalueeseen kuuluvat luvallistamiskysymykset, jotka tulivat vahvimmin esille työn aluksi tehdyissä haastatteluissa. Rajaamalla tutkimuskohde tällä perusteella pysytellään mahdollisimman tiiviisti alkuperäisessä tutkimusasetelmassa. Työn lopuksi käsitellään luvallistamisen suhdetta kaavoitukseen, nimenomaan maakuntakaavoihin ja valtakunnallisiin alueidenkäyttötavoitteisiin, joilla pyritään sääntelemään tuotantoa. Lyhyen katsauksen perusteella päätelmänä on instrumenttien vähäinen tosiasiallinen merkitys.


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Turun akatemian ensimmäisen talousopin professorin Pehr Kalmin johdolla tarkastettiin vuonna 1757 väitöskirja aiheesta Mitä pappi voi tehdä talouden parantamiseksi? Muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin ilmestyi väitöskirja papiston mahdollisuuksista pastoraalilääketieteen alalla. Molemmat julkaisut käsittelivät papiston yhteiskunnallista tehtävää. Pehr Kalmin mukaan papisto saattoi toiminnallaan näyttää hyvää esimerkkiä seurakuntalaisilleen. Tarkoituksena oli, että säätyläiset, joihin papistokin kuului, olisivat itse kokeilleet tiloillaan uudenlaisia viljelymenetelmiä. Nähdessään pappiensa yritysten onnistuvan, Kalm uskoi talonpoikien seuraavan näiden esimerkkiä. Kalm toivoi, että talonpojat olisivat siten luopuneet valtakunnan taloutta uhkaavista vääränlaisista viljelymenetelmistä. Erityisesti kaskeamisen uskottiin uhkaavan valtakunnan suurinta resurssia, metsiä. Kalmin ajatukset papiston yhteiskunnallisesta tehtävästä perustuivat Johannes Browalliuksen ja Carl Linnæuksen aikaisempiin kirjoituksiin. Ruotsin valtakunta oli menettänyt suurvalta-asemansa Suuressa Pohjan sodassa. Vapaudenajalla poliittisen suurvalta-aseman sijaan ryhdyttiin tavoittelemaan taloudellista valtaa. Aseet taottiin englantilaisen fysiokratismin hengessä auroiksi. Taloudellisen nousun edellytyksenä oli valtakunnan omavaraisuus. Ruotsin uskottiin olevan luonnonvarojensa puolesta poikkeuksellisen rikas maa. Näiden luonnonvarojen selvittäminen edellytti luonnontieteellistä tutkimista. Tämä johti tieteelliseen murrokseen, jonka tuloksena valtakunnantaloudellista hyötyä edistävät luonnontieteet nousivat Carl Linnæuksen ja Kuninkaallisen Tiedeakatemian johdolla kukoistukseen. Luonnontieteisiin kuului myös "jumalainen talousoppi". Taloudelliset uudistukset olivat ennen kaikkea uuden valtiopäiväpuolueen, hattujen ideologian mukaisia. Uutta aatevirtausta voidaan nimittää hyötypatriotismiksi. Pehr Kalm kuului hyötypatrioottien joukkoon. Hänen merkittävin tieteellinen saavutuksensa oli Tiedeakatemian tuella tehty tutkimusmatka Pohjois-Amerikkaan. Matkan tavoitteena oli silkinviljelyn aloittaminen Ruotsissa. Matkan jälkeen Kalm toimi Turun akatemian talousopinprofessorina. Vuonna 1757 hänet vihittiin papiksi. Kalm valitsi papin toimen nähtävästi taloudellisten syiden vuoksi. Kalm sai palkkapitäjästä tarvitsemansa lisätulot. Kalm oli myös Turun tuomiokapitulin jäsen. Kalmilla oli papiston yhteiskunnallisesta tehtävästä selkeä käsitys, joka näkyi paitsi hänen opetuksessaan myös hänen omassa työssään kirkkoherrana. Papin tehtävänä oli valtakunnan taloudellisen hyödyn edistäminen. Tässä mielessä papiston yhteiskunnallinen tehtävä ei lainkaan muuttunut suurvaltakaudelta vapaudenajalle siirryttäessä. Molempina aikoina keskusvalta määräsi tahdit, joiden mukaan papiston oli marssittava. Avainsanat: oppihistoria : Ruotsi : 1700-luku - valistus : papit - hyödyn aikakausi : papit - Pehr Kalm


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ekofeminismiä ja sen tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia uskonnollisten luontodiskurssien tutkimiselle. Ekofeminismi on saavuttanut Suomessa yllättävän vähäistä kiinnostusta siitäkin huolimatta, että sekä feministisellä tutkimuksella että toisaalta uskontoekologialla on jalansijansa suomalaisessakin uskontotieteessä. Tutkielman tehtävänä onkin osaltaan paikata tätä tyhjiötä ja paitsi esitellä keskeisiä ekofeministisiä teorioita, niin myös näiden pohjalta kehitellä uudenlaista näkökulmaa uskontotieteelliseen, ihmisen ja luonnon suhdetta koskevaan tutkimukseen. Metodologisena viitekehyksenä tutkielmassa on käytetty sekä van Dijkin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin että Chris Weedonin kuvaileman jälkistrukturalistisen teorian perusperiaatteita, vaikkei diskurssianalyysi olekaan tutkielman pääasiallinen tavoite. Vaikka tutkielmassa sitoudutaan avoimesti ekofeministiseen projektiin, on näkökulma myös käytettyyn tutkimuskirjallisuuteen kriittinen: yhtäältä ekofeminististä näkökulmaa esitetään vaihtoehdoksi ns. perinteisille uskonnontutkimuksen teorioille, toisaalta tarkastellaan itseään ekofeminismiä ja sen lähtökohtia itsekriittisesti. Tutkielmassa käytetty uskonnon määritelmä nojaa Clifford Geerzin määritelmään uskonnosta symbolijärjestelmänä, joka osaltaan muokkaa yhteiskunnallista järjestystä sekä yhteiskunnan jäsenten syvimpiä arvoja ja asenteita. Näin nähtynä uskonnolla on tärkeä asema myös luontodiskurssien muodostamisessa ja ylläpitämisessä, eikä sitä näin ollen ole syytä jättää ekofeministisen tarkastelun ulkopuolelle. Ekofeminismi on 1970-luvulla syntynyt feminismin haara, jonka perustana on ajatus, että kaikki alistamisen muodot ovat verkkomaisessa suhteessa toisiinsa ja niiden taustalla toimivat samat mekanismit, oli kyseessä sitten rotuun, luokkaan, sukupuoleen tai lajiin perustuva sortaminen. Sorron taustalla toimivan ideologian ydin on käsitys järjen vallasta luonnon yli, jolloin alistetut ryhmät sekä naisellistetaan että naturalisoidaan. Tämän käsityksen perustan muodostavat länsimaista ajattelua jäsentävät dualismit kuten järki/tunne, mies/nainen, mieli/ruumis, yhteiskunta/luonto. Myös ympäristökriisin katsotaan nousevan näistä dualismeista, joten niiden tarkastelu, esiinkaivaminen ja purkaminen ovat yksi tärkeä osa ekofeminististä projektia. Näin ollen myös tässä tutkielmassa on kiinnitetty erityishuomio dualismeihin käyttäen apuna Val Plumwoodin teoriaa dualistisista mekanismeista ja toisaalta Karen Warrenin teoriaa dualismeihin nojaavasta herruuden logiikasta. Tutkielmassa luodaan myös katsaus länsimaisen, dualismeille pohjaavan luontosuhteen syntyyn niin filosofiassa, tieteessä kuin kristinuskossakin siten, kuin se ekofeminismin parissa yleisesti käsitetään. Tutkielmassa keskitytään kahteen ekofeministiseen pääsuuntaukseen, materiaaliseen ja kulttuuriseen ekofeminismiin. Näistä ensimmäisen taustalla ovat erilaiset sosialistiset ja marxilaiset teoriat: painotus on biologisesti ja sosiaalisesti sukupuolittuneessa työn jakautumisessa sekä naisen asemassa uusintavan työn tekijänä ja välittäjänä kulttuurin ja luonnon välissä. Kulttuurinen ekofeminismi puolestaan näkee ongelmien juuret enempi kulttuurisina, jolloin pääpaino on patriarkaalisen kulttuurin tavassa väheksyä kaikkea feminiiniseksi luokiteltua ja siten sekä naisia että luontoa. Tutkielmassa nämä kaksi näkökulmaa yhdistetään, sillä symbolis-materiaalisen sortokäsityksen mukaisesti huomio tulee kiinnittää yhtä lailla sorron materiaaliseen kuin kulttuuriseenkin puoleen. Tämän yhdistämisen tuloksena muodostuu uudenlainen näkökulma: ekofeministinen holismi. Ekofeministisen holismin teorian juuret ovat paitsi yllä mainituissa ekofeminismin muodoissa, niin myös pyrkimyksessä ylittää ekofeministisen ajattelun sisäiset dualismit. Teoria nojaa yhtäältä ns. ekologiseen hoivaetiikkaan ja toisaalta ajatukseen ekologisesta holismista: kokonaisuus hahmotetaan osiensa kautta, ja pääpaino on erilaisten suhteiden verkkomaisessa ymmärtämisessä. Huomio kiinnitetään yhtä lailla materiaaliseen kuin diskursiiviseenkin todellisuuteen, sillä valtarakenteet muotoutuvat näiden kahden vuorovaikutuksesta. Ekofeministinen holismi tarjoaakin uskonnollisten luontodiskurssien kriittiseen tarkasteluun monipuolisen näkökulman, jonka avulla on mahdollista paljastaa näiden diskurssien taustalla vaikuttavia dualistisia rakenteita samalla, kun huomioidaan myös näiden rakenteiden materiaaliset ja sosiaaliset vaikutukset. Kasaantuvien ekologisten ja sosiaalisten ongelmien edessä tällainen näkökulma puoltaa paikkaansa myös uskontotieteessä. Avainsanat: ekofeministiset teoriat - länsimainen luontosuhde - dualismit - ekologinen holismi - ekologinen hoivaetiikka - uskonnollinen luontodiskurssi


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan katolista kirkkoa Suomessa vuosina 1989-1998. Tutkimus alkaa paavi Johannes Paavali II:n Pohjoismaiden-vierailusta kesällä 1989 ja päättyy Suomen katolisen kirkon pitkäaikaisen piispan Paul Verschurenin eroon tehtävästään vuonna 1998. Tutkimuksen kolme pääkysymystä ovat kirkon hallinnon ja rakenteen muutokset, katolisen kirkon identiteetti Suomessa ja ekumeeniset suhteet erityisesti Suomen evankelis-luterilaiseen kirkkoon. Lähteinä olen käyttänyt Helsingin katolisen hiippakunnan lehteä Fidesiä, muuta lehdistömateriaalia ja haastatteluja. Paavin-vierailulla oli merkittävät seuraukset niin Suomen katoliselle paikalliskirkolle kuin luterilaiselle kirkollekin. Vierailun myötä pieni katolinen vähemmistö tuli tunnetummaksi Suomessa. Vierailu muutti Vatikaanin käsityksiä Suomesta, millä oli kauaskantoiset vaikutukset kirkkojen ekumeenisiin suhteisiin. Pyhän Birgitan 600-vuotismuistojuhlien yhteydessä Suomen ja Ruotsin luterilaisten ja katolisten piispojen yhdessä paavin kanssa toimittama jumalanpalvelus, paavin ekumeniaa käsitellyt kiertokirje Ut unum sint ja Pohjoismaiden luterilaisten ja katolisten kirkkojen aloittamat neuvottelut kirkko- ja virkakäsityksistä olivat 1990-luvun merkittäviä ekumeenisia hetkiä, joihin paavin vierailulla oli vaikutusta. Kirkon hallinto ja rakenne olivat monelta osin jo vakiintuneet 1990-luvulle tultaessa, mutta muutamia merkittäviä muutoksia tapahtui. Kirkon jäsenmäärä kasvoi lähinnä maahanmuuton johdosta koko tutkitun ajanjakson ajan. Jäsenmäärän kasvu synnytti uusia seurakuntia ja kappeleita hiippakuntaan. Halu kappelin rakentamiseen ei aina kuitenkaan lähtenyt hiippakunnan tarpeesta vaan yksittäisten ihmisten tai liikkeiden. Esimerkiksi neokatekumenaalinen maallikkoliike rakennutti 1990-luvun alussa Ouluun kappelin, mutta hiippakunta ei ollut täysin hankkeen takana. Ongelmat kappeleiden rakentamisessa ja monet muutkin haasteet, johtuivat pitkälti kirkon taloudellisesta tilanteesta. Kirkolla ei ollut verotusoikeutta eikä jäsenten maksamat avustukset riittäneet kattamaan kuluja. Katolinen kirkko yritti 1990-luvun alkupuolella miettiä keinoja taloudellisen tilanteen parantamiseksi. Piispa Verschuren piti monessa yhteydessä myös esillä vähemmistöjen juridista asemaa koskevia ongelmia ja uskontolainsäädännön epäkohtia. Kolmas merkittävä rakenteellinen muutos kirkossa oli papiston puolalaistuminen. Katolisen kirkon identiteettiä Suomessa on vaikea erottaa omaksi kokonaisuudekseen koskien vain 1990-lukua. Olenkin pyrkinyt tarkastelemaan identiteettiä niistä haasteista käsin, joita kirkko 1990-luvulla kohtasi. Suomessa käytiin keskustelua muun muassa eronneiden tilanteesta ja naisen asemasta. Kirkko kannusti jäseniään keskusteluun ja myös piispa ja papisto olivat usein toivottujen uudistusten kannalla. Suomessa katolinen kirkko eli pienenä vähemmistönä, joten monet kirkon oppiin liittyvät kysymykset olivat haasteellisia. Esimerkiksi perhe- ja seksuaalieettiset kysymykset ja naisen asema olivat vaikeita tilanteessa, jossa suurin osa katolilaisista oli naimisissa ei-katolilaisen kanssa. Vaikka Suomessakin toivottiin muutoksia, joihinkin kirkon oppiin liittyviin kysymyksiin, Keski-Euroopasta alkanut protestiliikehdintä kirkon uudistumiseksi ei näkynyt täällä voimakkaasti. Suomessa kirkon tilanne oli hyvin erilainen kuin niissä Euroopan maissa, joissa liikehdintä sai kannatusta. Suomessa arvostettiin kirkon perinteistä liturgiaa ja pyrittiin rakentamaan yhtenäistä, identiteetiltään suomalaista katolista kirkkoa.


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This doctoral thesis addresses the macroeconomic effects of real shocks in open economies in flexible exchange rate regimes. The first study of this thesis analyses the welfare effects of fiscal policy in a small open economy, where private and government consumption are substitutes in terms of private utility. The main findings are as follows: fiscal policy raises output, bringing it closer to its efficient level, but is not welfare-improving even though government spending directly affects private utility. The main reason for this is that the introduction of useful government spending implies a larger crowding-out effect on private consumption, when compared with the `pure waste' case. Utility decreases since one unit of government consumption yields less utility than one unit of private consumption. The second study of this thesis analyses the question of how the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in a small open economy depend on optimal intertemporal behaviour. The key result is that the effects of fiscal policy depend on the size of the elasticity of substitution between traded and nontraded goods. In particular, the sign of the current account response to fiscal policy depends on the interplay between the intertemporal elasticity of aggregate consumption and the elasticity of substitution between traded and nontraded goods. The third study analyses the consequences of productive government spending on the international transmission of fiscal policy. A standard result in the New Open Economy Macroeconomics literature is that a fiscal shock depreciates the exchange rate. I demonstrate that the response of the exchange rate depends on the productivity of government spending. If productivity is sufficiently high, a fiscal shock appreciates the exchange rate. It is also shown that the introduction of productive government spending increases both domestic and foreign welfare, when compared with the case where government spending is wasted. The fourth study analyses the question of how the international transmission of technology shocks depends on the specification of nominal rigidities. A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that a positive technology shock leads to a temporary decline in employment. In this study, I demonstrate that the open economy dimension can enhance the ability of sticky price models to account for the evidence. The reasoning is as follows. An improvement in technology appreciates the nominal exchange rate. Under producer-currency pricing, the exchange rate appreciation shifts global demand toward foreign goods away from domestic goods. This causes a temporary decline in domestic employment.


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This dissertation consists of an introductory section and three essays investigating the effects of economic integration on labour demand by using theoretical models and by empirical analysis. The essays adopt an intra-industry trade approach to specify a theoretical framework of estimation for determining the effects of economic integration on employment. In all the essays the empirical aim is to explore the labour demand consequences of European integration. The first essay analyzes how labour-demand elasticities with own price have changed during the process of economic integration. As a theoretical result, intensified trade competition increases labour-demand elasticity, whereas better advantage of economies of scale decreases labour-demand elasticity by decreasing the elasticity of substitution between differentiated products. Furthermore, if integration gives rise to an increase in input-substitutability and/or outsourcing activities, labour demand will become more elastic. Using data from the manufacturing sector from 1975 to 2002, the empirical results provide support for the hypothesis that European integration has contributed to increased elasticities of total labour demand in Finland. The second essay analyzes how economic integration affects the impact of welfare poli-cies on employment. The essay considers the viability of financing the public sector, i.e. public consumption and social security expenses, by general labour taxation in an economy which has become more integrated into international product markets. The theoretical results of the second essay indicate that, as increased trade competition crowds out better economies of scale, it becomes more costly to maintain welfare systems financed by labour taxation. Using data from European countries for the years 1975 to 2004, the empirical results provide inconsistent evidence for the hypothesis that economic integration has contributed to the distortion effects of welfare policies on employment. The third essay analyzes the impact of profit sharing on employment as a way to introduce wage flexibility into the process of economic integration. The results of the essay suggest that, in theory, the effects of economic integration on the impact of profit sharing on employment clearly depend on a trade-off between intensified competition and better advantage of economies of scale. If product market competition increases, the ability of profit sharing to improve employment through economic integration increases with moderated wages. While, the economic integration associating with market power in turn decrease the possibilities of profit sharing with higher wages to improve employment. Using data from the manufacturing sector for the years 1996 to 2004, the empirical results show that profit-sharing has a positive impact on employment during the process of European integration, but can have ambiguous effects on the stability of employment in Finland.


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This thesis is a collection of three essays on Bangladeshi microcredit. One of the essays examines the effect of microcredit on the cost of crime. The other two analyze the functioning mechanism of microcredit programs, i.e. credit allocation rules and credit recovery policy. In Essay 1, the demand for microcredit and its allocation rules is studied. Microcredit is claimed to be the most effective means of supplying credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh. This fact has not yet been examined among households who demand microcredit. The results of this essay show that educated households are more likely to demand microcredit and its demand does not differ by sex. The results also show that microcredit programs follow different credit allocation rules for male and female applicants. Education is an essential characteristic for both sexes that credit programs consider in allocating credit. In Essay 2, the focus is to establish a link between microcredit and the incidence of rural crime in Bangladesh. The basic hypothesis is that microcredit programs jointly hold the group responsibility which provides an incentive for group members to protect each other from criminal gang in order to safeguard their own economic interests. The key finding of this essay is that the average cost of crime for non-borrowers is higher than that for borrowers. In particular, 10% increase in the credit reduces the costs of crime by 4.2%. The third essay analyzes the reasons of high repayment rate amid Bangladeshi microcredit programs. The existing literature argues that credit applicants are able to screen out the high risk applicants in the group formulation stage using their superior local information. In addition, due to the joint liability mechanism of the programs, group members monitor each others economic activities to ensure the minimal misuse of credit. The arguments in the literature are based on the assumption that once the credit is provided, credit programs have no further role in ensuring that repayments are honored by the group. In contrast, using survey data this essay documents that credit programs use in addition organizational pressures such as humiliation and harassment the non-payer to recover the unpaid installments. The results also show that the group mechanisms do not have a significant effect in recovering default dues.


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A vast amount of public services and goods are contracted through procurement auctions. Therefore it is very important to design these auctions in an optimal way. Typically, we are interested in two different objectives. The first objective is efficiency. Efficiency means that the contract is awarded to the bidder that values it the most, which in the procurement setting means the bidder that has the lowest cost of providing a service with a given quality. The second objective is to maximize public revenue. Maximizing public revenue means minimizing the costs of procurement. Both of these goals are important from the welfare point of view. In this thesis, I analyze field data from procurement auctions and show how empirical analysis can be used to help design the auctions to maximize public revenue. In particular, I concentrate on how competition, which means the number of bidders, should be taken into account in the design of auctions. In the first chapter, the main policy question is whether the auctioneer should spend resources to induce more competition. The information paradigm is essential in analyzing the effects of competition. We talk of a private values information paradigm when the bidders know their valuations exactly. In a common value information paradigm, the information about the value of the object is dispersed among the bidders. With private values more competition always increases the public revenue but with common values the effect of competition is uncertain. I study the effects of competition in the City of Helsinki bus transit market by conducting tests for common values. I also extend an existing test by allowing bidder asymmetry. The information paradigm seems to be that of common values. The bus companies that have garages close to the contracted routes are influenced more by the common value elements than those whose garages are further away. Therefore, attracting more bidders does not necessarily lower procurement costs, and thus the City should not implement costly policies to induce more competition. In the second chapter, I ask how the auctioneer can increase its revenue by changing contract characteristics like contract sizes and durations. I find that the City of Helsinki should shorten the contract duration in the bus transit auctions because that would decrease the importance of common value components and cheaply increase entry which now would have a more beneficial impact on the public revenue. Typically, cartels decrease the public revenue in a significant way. In the third chapter, I propose a new statistical method for detecting collusion and compare it with an existing test. I argue that my test is robust to unobserved heterogeneity unlike the existing test. I apply both methods to procurement auctions that contract snow removal in schools of Helsinki. According to these tests, the bidding behavior of two of the bidders seems consistent with a contract allocation scheme.


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This study explores the decline of terrorism by conducting source-based case studies on two left-wing terrorist campaigns in the 1970s, those of the Rode Jeugd in the Netherlands and the Symbionese Liberation Army in the United States. The purpose of the case studies is to bring more light into the interplay of different external and internal factors in the development of terrorist campaigns. This is done by presenting the history of the two chosen campaigns as narratives from the participants’ points of view, based on interviews with participants and extensive archival material. Organizational resources and dynamics clearly influenced the course of the two campaigns, but in different ways. This divergence derives at least partly from dissimilarities in organizational design and the incentive structure. Comparison of even these two cases shows that organizations using terrorism as a strategy can differ significantly, even when they share ideological orientation, are of the same size and operate in the same time period. Theories on the dynamics of terrorist campaigns would benefit from being more sensitive to this. The study also highlights that the demise of a terrorist organization does not necessarily lead to the decline of the terrorist campaign. Therefore, research should look at the development of terrorist activity beyond the lifespan of a single organization. The collective ideological beliefs and goals functioned primarily as a sustaining force, a lens through which the participants interpreted all developments. On the other hand, it appears that the role of ideology should not be overstated. Namely, not all participants in the campaigns under study fully internalized the radical ideology. Rather, their participation was mainly based on their friendship with other participants. Instead of ideology per se, it is more instructive to look at how those involved described their organization, themselves and their role in the revolutionary struggle. In both cases under study, the choice of the terrorist strategy was not merely a result of a cost-benefit calculation, but an important part of the participants’ self-image. Indeed, the way the groups portrayed themselves corresponded closely with the forms of action that they got involved in. Countermeasures and the lack of support were major reasons for the decline of the campaigns. However, what is noteworthy is that the countermeasures would not have had the same kind of impact had it not been for certain weaknesses of the groups themselves. Moreover, besides the direct impact the countermeasures had on the campaign, equally important was how they affected the attitudes of the larger left-wing community and the public in general. In this context, both the attitudes towards the terrorist campaign and the authorities were relevant to the outcome of the campaigns.


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Knowledge-sharing in a teamwork The study examines the link between knowledge-sharing that takes place in a team and the dimensions and objectives of the team s activities. The question the study poses is: How does knowledge-sharing in a team relate to the team s activities? The exchange of knowledge is examined using knowledge-sharing networks and the conversion model, which describes the process of knowledge formation. The answer to the question is sought through four empirical articles describing the activities of a team from the viewpoint of quality, fairness, power related to knowledge management, and performance. One of the articles used in the study describes the role of networks in work life more generally. It attempts to shed light on the manner in which team-related networks operate as part of a more extensive structure of organizational networks. Finland is one of the most eager users of teamwork, if numbers are used as a yardstick. About half of all Finnish wage earners worked in teams in 2009, and comparisons show that the use of teams in Finland is above the EU average. This study focuses on so-called semi-autonomous teams, which carry out permanent work tasks. In such teams, tasks are interdependent, and teams are jointly responsible for ensuring that the work is done. Team members may also, at least to some extent, agree between themselves on how the tasks are carried out and are able to take part in the decision-making process. Such teamwork makes knowledge-sharing an important element for the team s activities. Knowledge and knowledge-sharing have become a major resource, allowing organizations to operate and even compete in today s increasingly competitive markets. A single team or a single organization cannot, however, possess all the knowledge required for carrying out the tasks assigned to it. Although it is difficult to copy the knowledge generated in an organization, it is important to share the knowledge within and between organizations. External links supply teams and organizations with important knowledge that allows them to keep their operations up-to-date and their structures well-functioning. In fact, knowledge provides teams and organizations with an intangible resource that improves their capacity to interact with their environment and to adjust to it. For this reason, it is important to examine both the internal and external knowledge-sharing taking place in a team. The findings of the study show that in terms of quality, fairness, performance and the knowledge management issues concerning a team, its social network structure is both internally and externally connected with its activities. A team structure that is internally coherent and at the same time open to external contacts, is, with certain restrictions, connected with the quality, fairness, and performance of the team. The restrictions concern differences between procedural and interactional justice, public and private sectors, and the team leaders and ordinary team members. The role of the team leader is closely connected with the management of networks that are considered valuable. The results of the study indicate that teamwork is supervisor-dominated. Thus, teamwork does not substantially strengthen the influence of individual employees as players in knowledge-transfer networks. However, ordinary team members possess important peer contacts inside the organization. Teamwork clearly allows employees to interact in a democratic manner, and here the transfer of tacit knowledge plays an important role. Keywords: teamwork, knowledge-sharing, social networks, organization


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The dissertation consists of an introductory chapter and three essays that apply search-matching theory to study the interaction of labor market frictions, technological change and macroeconomic fluctuations. The first essay studies the impact of capital-embodied growth on equilibrium unemployment by extending a vintage capital/search model to incorporate vintage human capital. In addition to the capital obsolescence (or creative destruction) effect that tends to raise unemployment, vintage human capital introduces a skill obsolescence effect of faster growth that has the opposite sign. Faster skill obsolescence reduces the value of unemployment, hence wages and leads to more job creation and less job destruction, unambiguously reducing unemployment. The second essay studies the effect of skill biased technological change on skill mismatch and the allocation of workers and firms in the labor market. By allowing workers to invest in education, we extend a matching model with two-sided heterogeneity to incorporate an endogenous distribution of high and low skill workers. We consider various possibilities for the cost of acquiring skills and show that while unemployment increases in most scenarios, the effect on the distribution of vacancy and worker types varies according to the structure of skill costs. When the model is extended to incorporate endogenous labor market participation, we show that the unemployment rate becomes less informative of the state of the labor market as the participation margin absorbs employment effects. The third essay studies the effects of labor taxes on equilibrium labor market outcomes and macroeconomic dynamics in a New Keynesian model with matching frictions. Three policy instruments are considered: a marginal tax and a tax subsidy to produce tax progression schemes, and a replacement ratio to account for variability in outside options. In equilibrium, the marginal tax rate and replacement ratio dampen economic activity whereas tax subsidies boost the economy. The marginal tax rate and replacement ratio amplify shock responses whereas employment subsidies weaken them. The tax instruments affect the degree to which the wage absorbs shocks. We show that increasing tax progression when taxation is initially progressive is harmful for steady state employment and output, and amplifies the sensitivity of macroeconomic variables to shocks. When taxation is initially proportional, increasing progression is beneficial for output and employment and dampens shock responses.