481 resultados para seridó potiguar


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This study presents new stress orientations and magnitudes from the Potiguar basin in the continental margin of Brazil. We analyzed breakout and drilled induced fractures derived from resistivity image logs run in ten oil wells. We also used direct Shmin measurements determined from hydraulic fractures and rock strength laboratory analysis. In addition, we compared these results with 19 earthquake focal mechanisms located in the crystalline basement. We observed that stress directions and magnitudes change across the basin and its basement. In the basin, the SHmax gradient of 20.0 MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.154 indicate a normal stress regime from 0.5 to 2.0 km, whereas the SHmax gradient of 24.5MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.396 indicate a strike slip stress regime from 2.5 to 4.0 km. The deeper strike-slip stress regime in the basin is similar to the regime in the basement at 1-12 km deep. This stress regime transition is consistent with an incipient tectonic inversion process in the basin. We also noted that the SHmax direction rotates from NW SE in the western part of the Potiguar basin to E W in its central and eastern part, following roughly the shoreline geometry. It indicates that local factors, as density contrast between continental and oceanic crust and sediment loading at the continental shelf influence the stress field. The concentration of fluid pressure in faults of the lowpermeability crystalline basement and its implications to establish a critically stressed fault regime in the basement is also discussed


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The 3D gravity modeling of the Potiguar rift basin consisted of a digital processing of gravity and aeromagnetic data, subsidized by the results of Euler deconvolution of gravity and magnetic data and the interpretation of seismic lines and wells descriptions. The gravity database is a compilation of independent geophysical surveys conducted by several universities, research institutions and governmental agencies. The aeromagnetic data are from the Bacia Potiguar and Plataforma Continental do Nordeste projects, obtained from the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP). The solutions of the Euler Deconvolution allowed the analysis of the behavior of the rift main limits. While the integrated interpretation of seismic lines provided the delimitating horizons of the sedimentary formations and the basement top. The integration of these data allowed a 3D gravity modeling of basement topography, allowing the identification of a series of internal structures of the Potiguar rift, as well intra-basement structures without the gravity effect of the rift. The proposed inversion procedure of the gravity data allowed to identify the main structural features of the Potiguar rift, elongated in the NE-SW direction, and its southern and eastern faulted edges, where the sedimentary infill reachs thicknesses up to 5500 m. The southern boundary is marked by the Apodi and Baixa Grande faults. These faults seem to be a single NW-SE oriented fault with a strong bend to NE-SW direction. In addition, the eastern boundary of the rift is conditioned by the NE-SW trending Carnaubais fault system. It was also observed NW-SE oriented faults, which acted as transfer faults to the extensional efforts during the basin formation. In the central part of the residual anomaly map without the gravity effect of the rift stands out a NW-SE trending gravity high, corresponding to the Orós-Jaguaribe belt lithotypes. We also observe a gravity maximum parallel to the Carnaubais fault system. This anomaly is aligned to the eastern limit of the rift and reflects the contact of different crustal blocks, limited by the eastern ward counterpart of the Portalegre Shear Zone


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Pyrometamorphism results from conditions of high temperatures and very low pressures provoked by the intrusion of hypabyssal basic bodies into sedimentary or metassedimentary hosting rocks. The onshore portion of the Potiguar Basin in NE Brazil offers examples of this type of metamorphism nearby the contacts of Paleogene to Neogene plugs, sills and dikes of diabases and basalts crosscutting sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Açu Formation (Albian-Cenomanian). The thermal effects over these rocks are reflected on textures and minerals assemblages that characterize the sanidinite facies of metamorphism, often with partial melting of the feldspathic and mica-rich matrix. The liquid formed is potassic and peraluminous, with variably colored rhyolitic glass (colorless, yellow, brown) comprising microcrystals of tridymite, sanidine and clinoenstatite, besides residual detrital clasts of quartz and rarely zircon, staurolite and garnet. Lenses of shale intercalated within the sandstones display crystallites of Fe-cordierite (sekaninaite), mullite, sanidine, armalcolite (Fe-Ti oxide) and brown spinel. The rocks formed due to the thermal effect of the intrusions are called buchites for which two types are herein described: a light one derived from feldspathic sandstone and siltstone protoliths; and a dark one derived from black shale protoliths. Textures indicating partial melting and minerals such as sanidine, mullite, tridymite and armalcolite strongly demonstrate that during the intrusion of the basic bodies the temperature reached 1,000-1,150°C, and was followed by quenching. Cooling of the interstitial melts has as consequences the closure of pores and decrease of the permeability of the protolith, which varies from about 17-11% in the unaffected rocks to zero in the thermally modified types. Although observed only at contacts and over small distances, the number of basic intrusions hosted within the Potiguar Basin in both onshore and offshore portions leaves opened the possibility of important implications of the thermal effects over the hydrocarbon exploration in this area as well in other Cretaceous and Paleozoic basins in Brazil


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This work presents the results of the first imaging of continental slope adjacent to Potiguar Basin, in the equatorial Brazilian margin (NE Brazil). Swath bathymetry provided a complete coverage of seafloor between the upper and middle slope (100-1,300 m). Fifteen submarine canyons were mapped. The shape of the slope reflects in distinct spatial distribution of the canyons. The western area displays convex profiles which implied a greater amount of incisions by canyons. Some of them have gradient walls higher than 35°. They were classified according to location and morphology. The canyons with heads indenting shelf edge, association with a incised valley and a large fluvial system, high sinuosities, V shape, terraces along margins, further erosive features such as landslide and gullies allow to deduce a sandy-gravelly sedimentation. These canyons are associated with deposition of submarine fan systems that have been considered permeable hydrocarbon reservoirs. The presence of gullies, furrows and dunes demonstrates the role of bottom currents in the shaping of the slope. The enlargement of canyons and the change in the course when they cross the border fault imply that tectonic has also influenced in the morphology of deep waters environments of Potiguar Basin. The current sedimentation of continental slope is considered mixed because the sediments are composed of siliciclastics and bioclasts. Predominant siliciclastics are calcite, dolomite, quartz, and clay minerals. The presence of stable minerals (zircon, tourmaline and rutile), and fragmented bioclasts implies the contributions of Rivers Açu and Apodi


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El turismo en el Estado de Rio Grande do Norte (RN) se presenta constantemente por los medios de comunicación de massa como fuente de desarrollo regional y local , delante de las inversiones generadas y la posibilidad verdadera/potencial de trabajos en sus diversos sectores. Las políticas públicas del sector fueran y son responsables por la captación de inversiones privadas y su generación consiguiente de puestos de trabajo. En los años 90, el gobierno del RN puso el Programa de Desarrollo del Turismo en Rio Grande do Norte PRODETUR/RN I, con vistas a la competitividad local como destinación regional y nacional. El programa relacionado fue responsable por las inversiones diversas en infraestructura en los espacios implicados, aunque de forma asimétrica. Tales inversiones han contribuido para consolidar los discursos positivos con respecto al binomio turismo y trabajo . Con respecto a los discursos acríticos relacionados a este tema, mientras generador de trabajos y del desarrollo local es que se ha planteado esta investigación, puesto que la calidad de los trabajos generados por la actividad turística no se questiona y, de forma análoga, los costes sociales de la política pública, es decir, la importancia de su modelo de desarrollo , tampoco es questionado. Desde la problematica que se ha delineado arriba las questones que han norteado la investigación fueran: ¿de que forma la política pública del turismo llamada de PRODETUR/RN fue eficaz para generar empleo y renta a las ciudades en que se ha llavado a cabo? ¿Cuales son las características de estos trabajos? ¿ como estos trabajos se dividen en el espacio de las ciudades? Así el área delimitada para el estudio englobou las seis ciudades apoyadas por este Programa: Natal, Parnamirim, Ceará-Mirim, Nísia Floresta, Extremoz y Tibau do Sul. El recorte temporal de la pesquisa corresponde a la implantación de este programa (1996) hasta los dias actuales. La investigación de campo fue basada en el uso de 186 encuestas con los trabajadores en la actividad del turismo de litoral sur de Rio Grande do Norte, más allá de la realización (secundaria) de ocho entrevistas con agentes sociales que tienen relación con el tema. Como consideraciones finales de la investigación, se creer que hay una asimetría en el espacio turístico potiguar, donde Natal es la zona que más ha recibido las ventajas más grandes proporcionadas por la actividad, mientras que el restante de las ciudades son el eje para la sustentación de la actividad turística de Natal. De esta forma, las ciudades periféricas (todas, excepto Natal) incluidas en PRODETUR/RN ejercen el papel del subproducto de la ciudad capital, donde la precarización de las relaciones de trabajo se evidencian, todavía más en estas ciudades secundarias . La política pública en vez de intentar ecualizar las ventajas de la actividad en las seis ciudades, contribuye más, todavía para consolidar el nivel de centralizad de Natal. El PRODETUR/RN I fue capaz de generar, indirectamente, trabajos significativos, sin embargo la mayoría de éstos si presentan en los niveles operacionales de la actividad, con las características puestas en esta investigación (baja escolaridad, bajas rentas, falta de formalidad, levantadas horas de trabajo, bajo grado de sindicación y otros más); los puestos de trabajos creados si hallan sobretodo en Natal; y las demás ciudades sirven como elementos de apoyo para la capital mientras producto central de las decisiones sobre el turismo en el Estado del RN


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Landscape one of the main concepts in Geography can be understood as social practice and also as a form of spatial representation. In any case, it is necessary to understand it not only by it s visual instance though its visual instance is an important part of its own identity , but also as a signifying system that produces meaning through many forms of representation. Within this framework, the photographic image is an alternative field for the building, elaboration, re-elaboration and perception of the landscape. Within this context, the main objective of this work is to produce an understanding of Jardim do Seridó s landscape through the reading of its simbolic text built through the photographs taken by José Modesto de Azevedo, a photographer well known as Zé Boinho , in the period from 1950 to 1980. The way in which a specific representation of a particular geography works within the photographic paradigm, considering the narrative construction of urban space and landscape, constitutes the framework from which the concept of landscape is built. So, this work has taken into consideration the writings of authors such as Aumont (1993), Dondis (1997), Cosgrove (1998), Duncan (2004) e Shama (1996), Castoriadis (1982), etc. Thus, this work aimed to highlight that the urban space photographs narrative built by Zé Boinho is an important alternative field for the understanding of how Jardim do Seridó s landscape became a symbolic representation for the collective imaginary of the city


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This research focuses on raise the discussion of existance tourism policies in Rio Grande do Norte and its contributions to the integration of local communities in the coastal tourist activity. Guided by the background of the neoliberalism and its influence on the model of tourism development adopted in Rio Grande do Norte. For that, were surveyed the concrete realities of coastal localities of the municipalities of Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta covered by Prodetur-RN I and II, by being part of the tourist portion of the state that have received domestic and international investment and, because are located in the geographical area of the Potiguar capital, Natal. We interviewed the municipal managers and the residents of local communities who live in municipalities more than ten years. Also, was raised a discussion on the role of the state as the main agent of public policies and hegemonic facilitator in the attraction of domestic and foreign investments, with the main scenario the neoliberal model of economic development. Here discuss ways and strategies of socio-political organization of local communities, with regard to the inclusion in the tourist and, pointing to the critical development model in question and signaling other concepts of development model, such as local basis, for example. By the ending of the research, was concluded that the model of development of the tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte is reflected of the way of life of the society, that the communities live in precarious conditions and that the way of inclusion in the tourism is almost incipient. Also, it was possible to detect the inexistence of public politics of tourism that promoted the planning of the tourist activity, as well as, the inclusion of the communities in the decision processes and that, searched the development on the basis of the principles of sustainable and local autonomy


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El Agreste Potiguar es el territorio de Rio Grande do Norte en que más se produce yuca. La formación de ese territorio asociase a la ganadería y al cultivo de algodón y de cultivos de autoconsumo, de entre los cuales, la yuca. En lo concerniente, específicamente al cultivo de la yuca, esa planta siempre ha sido sumamente importante para la subsistencia de los agrestinos , sobre todo, de los pobres. Hasta la década de 1980, la yuca era cultivada en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y era destinada a la fabricación de harina, que juntamente con el frijol, era la base de la alimentación de los trabajadores agrestinos. Además, era bastante útil para la producción de ración para el ganado. A partir de esa década, la actividad mandioquera (cultivo de la yuca con la transformación de ésta en harina y en otros derivados) desencadenada en el Agreste Potiguar empieza a pasar por un proceso de modernización, siendo implementadas transformaciones técnicas y en las relaciones de trabajo, bajo la lógica capitalista. Dentro de esa lógica, el cultivo de la yuca pasa a ser hecho con el uso de máquinas y de abonos químicos; la transformación en harina es actualmente realizada en manufacturas y en industrias de harina, que vienen siendo, cada vez más, marcadas por instrumentos técnicos movidos a electricidad, disminuyendo la necesidad de mano de obra; y la yuca no es más cultivada por los productores con el objetivo primordial de garantizar su subsistencia, pero sí con el de atender a la demanda por materia prima de las manufacturas y de las industrias de harina. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo es comprender la dinámica de la actividad mandioquera en el Agreste Potiguar, considerando el uso pasado y actual del territorio, la modernización de esa actividad y su contribución al desarrollo del territorio en cuestión. Como procedimientos metodológicos, adoptamos la realización de investigaciones bibliográficas, empíricas (entrevistas y conversaciones) y el análisis de datos secundarios. Finalmente, sabiéndose que el proceso de modernización estudiado sigue la lógica capitalista, concluimos el trabajo afirmando que la modernización de la actividad mandioquera no viene contribuyendo al desarrollo territorial del Agreste Potiguar.


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It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform


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In view of the diversity and the heterogeneity of the existing cities in Brazil, our approach refers to the urban and non-metropolitan areas. Aiming to foment the studies on small cities e to apprehend the sociospatial configuration of the urban environment in such cities, this piece of work elaborates and analyzes the urban profile of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, using as a theoretical reference landmark the production of the urban and regional space, from the decade of 1970 to 2000. Starting from this reference, this piece of work presents an urban sociospatial characterization of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, with emphasis on the economic framework, on the population dynamics, on the main social data, culminating in the main characteristics of the local daily life. The study of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region makes it possible the comprehension of the problems that involve the cities of this size, above all, those inserted in economically fragile regions. In the analyzed period, the changes occurred in the productive structure of the State of Rio Grande do Norte triggered a great crisis in the economy of the Agreste Potiguar region. This aspect, allied to the insufficient performance of the public power, contributed to the sprouting of some sociospatial problems, amongst which may be distinguished: the economic fragility, the generalized unemployment, the lack of security and the urban infrastructure absence sufficient to take care of the social demand. Even facing the existing problems, the small cities must be seen as potential spaces, capable to promote the regional development. To do so, it is necessary a process of democratization of the public administration, an ample popular participation and the establishment of a new urban policy, that aims at the social promotion of the individuals, the guarantee of basic necessities and the access to the necessary services to a dignified life


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Considering that tourism tends to reproduce itself privatizing the areas where it installs, the secondary residence has been an urban element responsible for the private appropriation of the public spaces of coastal of Nísia Floresta. The private appropriation of these accesses, for secondary residences, constitute in an issue-problem of the research. The principal goal is to analyze the relationship of the consumers/users of secondary residences with the public space; and, specifically, identify how the government has been acting and manifesting itself about the occupation of the coastal of Nísia Floresta; as also to verify how the secondary residence has been appropriating privately of the public access of the coastal. On account of the scarce literature about secondary residences and the importance of the public access to beaches for the inhabitant, the present work aims to contribute to the discussion of this theme. The secondary residences in Rio Grande do Norte began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more common in the 90s, when the coast south of Natal is appropriated from local vacationers. In 2000, foreign investment began to be applied in real state and tourism, producing closed developments, served in leisure infrastructure, trade, and hospitality, mainly to external demands. The methodology included a bibliographic survey, data collection and in lócus observation. Applied questionnaires and interviews were performed with consumers/users of the secondary residences, permanent residents and government, respectively. To the legal grounding, taken as a reference the article. 10, of the law 7.661/88 to establish that the beaches are goods of common use . Considering the conclusive analysis of the research, can be said that the right of free access and use of the beach is committed for the benefit of the consumers/users of secondary residences, due to the negligence and omission of the government


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This thesis analyzes another side of Potiguar tourism , the unplanned side, neglected and kept out of touristic activities: excursionism, a leisure practice enjoyed by tourists with low consumer power, and who are commonly referred by the pejorative term farofeiros (picnic lovers). The geographic research sites considered for this study include Arituba, Boágua and Carcará lakes in Nísia Florest, Rio Grande do Norte, where on Sundays and holidays the arrival of hundreds of excursionists, from around the metropolitan region of Natal, from surrounding municipalities, and neighboring States, such as Paraíba and Pernambuco, can be observed. The objective of this study is to analyze the appropriation of the physical site by the practice of excursionism, focusing on its relation to other social agents that also appropriate a designated touristic area. The theoretical discussion considers the use of the space by the touristic leisure practice and the appropriation by distinct social agents, using categories of analysis, such as, production of the space, territory and leisure. The field work was completed with interviews and questionnaires administered to excursionists, excursion organizers, local merchants, representatives of the public setor from the municipalities, and professional dune buggy drivers; besides this, photos, informal dialogue and field observations were important methodological instruments used. From the data, statistical analysis and the development of thematic maps demonstrating the established flux between excursionists and the segregated activity were done. With this research, one can affirm that the practice of excursionism is neglected by the public sector, contrary to the intention of the hegemonic agent‟s intentionality present in this touristic territory which aim at the development of a lucrative activity, geared toward tourists with greater spending power. This ignored and neglected faction of Potiguar tourism is considered poor or dirty , and generate conflicts among the distinct social agents: tourists, the market and the public sector, simultaneously peaking interest, which is then appropriated by the informal sector and formal economy. Excursionism is an expressive phenomenon, a socially relevant practice, enjoyed by citizens of the working class who, in order to have a day of leisure, use alternative consumer practices and subvert various strategies of segregation that are imposed within these tourist areas, behavior that, in part, justifies the nickname, picnic lovers , given to these tourists


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In the norte-rio-grandense backwoods is possible to join to the power forms both political and economical ones, religious groups keeping under your control areas, people and flow of them, as well as settling new places of acts. That control refers to a field of power delimited by space, in other words, it refers to a territory marked and planned to reproductive intentions on the space. In relation to the religious pluralism, the Assembly of God church, in your territorial dynamics, has been standing out by the strategies of delimitation and space increase which by a constant territorial division process (1943-2010) managed to widen material and symbolic scale of its power for all cities of the Rio Grande do Norte backwoods. The Assembly of God church as the greatest Pentecostal denomination of Brazil was formed in the Rio Grande do Norte Seridó, following a ecclesiastical and governmental model divided into three ecclesiastical fields hosted in those following cities: Caicó, Currais Novos and Parelhas. Those headquarters interlink a limited number of churches through normative codes, which they express a functional dimension (bureaucratic) and in another symbolic one (charismatic) in an only field of territorial control. In this manner, the maintenance of the territorial power in the Assembly of God church is done by a charismatic-bureaucratic administration, expressed in the interdependent of material and abstract mechanisms. The believers permanent contact toward those mechanisms of institutional control revealed territorial identities which causes a feeling of property of the believer as much to the Pentecostal belief system as to community of the Assembly of God church. Considering new possibilities of articulation of the Rio Grande do Norte backwoods towards others territories more multiple, culturally, noticed cultural adjustments and revaluation at themselves. In relation to the territory of the Assembly of God church this one has exposed itself defensive faced with that cultural hybridization tendency, resisting a closer dialogue to new symbolic elements, mainly those came from the multifaceted neo-pentecostal movement. Unlike more open and flexible churches towards others significant systems, The Assembly of God church tries to reinforce the boundaries of its territory considering by the orthodoxy of its routine and customs


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This work aims to analyze the local cuisine as an element of territorial identity from Seridó Rio Grande do Norte State in the contemporaneousness - XXI century, where it takes place one motion, seemly contradictory, yet dialogical, in the way of eating locally is modified by food diversity and yet is lauded as an element of resistance, that is, of identification. Based on the perspective that groups go over time outlining on the territory their eating cultural characteristics, we have noticed that the spatiality from the local cuisine has happened during the territorial structuring process, being susceptible to the social, economical and technological changes, that hover over this space. On the unfolding days it was created a whole semiology around the cookery , incorporating to its territory of living, symbols, images, knowledge, tastes, feelings and smells that legitimate a way of being, better saying, of eating. But not all of the plates that congregate these aspects, only the oldest, the most emblematic. Within the diverse intercrossing of culture at Seridó region, they are the ones that maintain the vinculum from the group with its culture and with its territory, reminding what they are, or at least what they were, conferring them a legitimacy before those to whom they relate. The cookery from the Seridó region, this way is a cultural geo-symbol that turn this space significant and visible, for ordering the inside characteristics from the group before the new socio-cultural models present in the territory


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There are many applications coming from geomorphological studies and their different constitutive and inter related elements, to the implementation of public politics of planning and environmental management. This search presents an analysis of the environmental fragility of the watershed of Seridó River, situated between the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including the identification of possible unstable areas. It is based on the methodological approach of Ecodynamics of the French researcher J. Tricart (1977) and on the operalisation proposal advocated by the Brazilian J. Ross (1994), related to the Potential and Emerging Ecodynamic Units, grounded in the Relief s Dissection Index or the topographic roughness, soil, rainfall and land use/vegetal cover. Under a quantitative perspective, the results obtained from the analysis of the watershed can be divided into classes of potential fragility: around 2.613,0 km² of low intensity, 5.188,4 km² of medium intensity and 2.585,5 km² of high intensity. Concerning the emerging fragility, the results are close to 2.212,0 km² of low intensity, 6.191,23 km² of medium intensity and 2.062,34 km² of high intensity. In the case of the watershed in question, the environmental degradation is particularly effective in the areas more dissected, where the ecological conditions, in synergy the environmental degradation, prevent the regeneration of vegetation when arises an opportunity for the (re)establishment of its equilibrium tenuous. The collected data is relevant for the territorial and environmental planning of the watershed, once we can still verify a close association of the cities on the central area of desertification with the areas of high environmental instability/fragility. This is an important tool to the understanding of the potential susceptibility of the natural and anthropic environments related to the advance and/or intensification of the erosion process, rock falls, mass movements, among other phenomena inside the potential unstable areas. From this perspective, the continuity of this research becomes extremely important to the understanding and arrangement of the process, together with the engendering and sustainability of the system in its totality; in narrow correlation because their potentialities, constraints and alternatives on Seridó River watershed, and in all the semi-arid region with similar characteristics