961 resultados para post-secondary graduates
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of participating in an integrated program at the secondary level on students’ lives based on their postsecondary perceptions. A basic interpretive qualitative design was employed in this study. Ten semistructured interviews were conducted with graduates of integrated program as the means of data collection. It was found that the integrated programs accomplished objectives in close alignment with the mandated curriculum expectations regarding integrated programs. Some of the most powerful impacts related to students' learning skills, such as collaboration and social skills, and how to create as well as participate in community. A strong connection between participating in integrated programs and vocational guidance was also identified. The results led to the recommendation that integrated programs be explored as a platform for delivering 21st century education as they closely paralleled the objectives prescribed by a number of authors who detailed the role of education in the 21st century.
Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen del autor también en inglés. Monográfico titulado: La REEC cumple 10 años. La Educación Comparada entre los siglos (1995-2005)
Background: Studies evaluating acceptability of simplified follow-up after medical abortion have focused on high-resource or urban settings where telephones, road connections, and modes of transport are available and where women have formal education. Objective: To investigate women's acceptability of home-assessment of abortion and whether acceptability of medical abortion differs by in-clinic or home-assessment of abortion outcome in a low-resource setting in India. Design: Secondary outcome of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial. Setting Outpatient primary health care clinics in rural and urban Rajasthan, India. Population: Women were eligible if they sought abortion with a gestation up to 9 weeks, lived within defined study area and agreed to follow-up. Women were ineligible if they had known contraindications to medical abortion, haemoglobin < 85mg/l and were below 18 years. Methods: Abortion outcome assessment through routine clinic follow-up by a doctor was compared with home-assessment using a low-sensitivity pregnancy test and a pictorial instruction sheet. A computerized random number generator generated the randomisation sequence (1: 1) in blocks of six. Research assistants randomly allocated eligible women who opted for medical abortion (mifepristone and misoprostol), using opaque sealed envelopes. Blinding during outcome assessment was not possible. Main outcome measures: Women's acceptability of home-assessment was measured as future preference of follow-up. Overall satisfaction, expectations, and comparison with previous abortion experiences were compared between study groups. Results: 731 women were randomized to the clinic follow-up group (n = 353) or home-assessment group (n = 378). 623 (85%) women were successfully followed up, of those 597 (96%) were satisfied and 592 (95%) found the abortion better or as expected, with no difference between study groups. The majority, 355 (57%) women, preferred home-assessment in the event of a future abortion. Significantly more women, 284 (82%), in the home-assessment group preferred home-assessment in the future, as compared with 188 (70%) of women in the clinic follow-up group, who preferred clinic follow-up in the future (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Home-assessment is highly acceptable among women in low-resource, and rural, settings. The choice to follow-up an early medical abortion according to women's preference should be offered to foster women's reproductive autonomy.
Obesity during pregnancy is a serious health concern which has been associated with many adverse health outcomes for both the mother and the infant. In addition, data on the prevalence of obesity and its effects on pregnant women living in the border region are limited. This goal of this study was to examine the prevalence of preconception obesity among women living on each side of the Brownsville-Matamoros border who have just given birth, the relationship between obesity and pregnancy complications for the total population, and these associations by location. Study participants were drawn from a sample (n=947) from the Brownsville-Matamoros Sister City Project which included women from 10 border region hospitals (6 in Matamoros, 4 in Cameron County) who were recruited based on hospital log records indicating they had given birth to a live infant. De-identified data from verbal questionnaires administered within twenty-four hours after birth were analyzed to determine prevalence of preconception obesity on both sides of the border, and associated pregnancy outcomes for women residing in the United States and those in Mexico. Participants with missing height or weight data were excluded from analyses in this study, resulting in a final sample of 727 women. Significant associations were found between pre-pregnancy obesity and adverse pregnancy outcomes (OR=1.85, CI=1.30–2.64), hypertensive conditions (OR=2.76, CI=1.72–4.43), and macrosomia (OR=6.77, CI=1.13–40.57) using the total sample. Comparisons between the United States and Mexico sides of the border showed differences; associations between preconception obesity and adverse pregnancy outcomes were marginally significant among women in the United States (p=0.05), but failed to reach significance within this group for each individual complication. However, significant associations were found between obesity and preeclampsia (OR=3.61, CI=2.14–6.10), as well as obesity and the presence of one or more adverse pregnancy outcome (OR=2.29, CI=1.30–4.02), among women in Mexico. The results from this analysis provide new information specific to women on the Texas and Mexico border, a region that had not previously been studied. These significant associations between preconception obesity and adverse birth outcomes indicate that efforts to prevent obesity should focus on women of childbearing age, especially in Mexico.^
We sought to determine the relative impact of myocardial scar and viability on post-infarct left ventricular (LV) remodeling in medically-treated patients with LV dysfunction. Forty patients with chronic ischemic heart disease (age 64±9, EF 40±11%) underwent rest-redistribution Tl201 SPECT (scar = 50% transmural extent), A global index of scarring for each patient (CMR scar score) was calculated as the sum of transmural extent scores in all segts. LV end diastolic volumes (LVEDV) and LV end systolic volumes (LVESV) were measured by real-time threedimensional echo at baseline and median of 12 months follow-up. There was a significant positive correlation between change in LVEDV with number of scar segts by all three imaging techniques (LVEDV: SPECT scar, r = 0.62, p < 0.001; DbE scar, r = 0.57, p < 0.001; CMR scar, r = 0.52, p < 0.001) but change in LV volumes did not the correlate with number of viable segments. ROC curve analysis showed that remodeling (LVEDV> 15%) was predicted bySPECTscars(AUC= 0.79),DbEscars(AUC= 0.76),CMR scars (AUC= 0.70), and CMR scar score (AUC 0.72). There were no significant differences between any of the ROC curves (Z score
Corruption in the post-Soviet workplace: the experiences of recent graduates in contemporary Ukraine
While Ukraine was bestowed market economy status by the European Union in 2005 its labour market still endures many structural problems. By exploring the experiences of young graduate employees this article highlights the difficultly in obtaining work within Ukraine's labour market and the problems they face once they have secured employment. Rather than seeing the development of a transparent labour market the collapse of the command economy has seen a relatively closed system develop. The article demonstrates how many jobs are secured through the use of connections or the demanding, and payment, of bribes.The situation does not improve once graduates obtain long-term employment. Interviewees discuss the lack of job security, the informal payment of wages and the lack of legal protection from corrupt employer practices. The article has broader resonance outside of the Ukrainian case study as the discussion of workplace corruption highlights how the issue is concerned with much more than simply cash based transactions and how those that endure it are likely to turn to the informal economy for employment.
According to Venezia, Kirst, and Antonio (2003) and Barth’s 2002 Thinking K16 Ticket to Nowhere report, the disconnect between K-12 and postsecondary education was a contributing factor to high attrition rates. Since mathematics emerged as a primary concern for college readiness, Barth (2002) called for improving student transitions from K-12 to postsecondary institutions through the use of state or local data. The purpose of the present study was to analyze mathematics course-taking patterns of secondary students in a local context and to evaluate high school characteristics in order to explore their relationships with Associate degree attainment or continuous enrollment at an urban community college. Also, this study extended a national study conducted by Clifford Adelman (The Toolbox Revisited, 2006) as it specifically focused on community college students that were not included his study. Furthermore, this study used the theoretical framework that human capital, social capital, and cultural capital influence habitus—an individual’s or a group’s learned inclination to behave within the parameters of the imposed prevailing culture and norms. Specifically, the school embedded culture as it relates to tracking worked as a reproduction tool of ultimate benefit for the privileged group (Oakes, 1994). ^ Using multilevel analysis, this ex post facto study examined non-causal relationships between math course-taking patterns and college persistence of public high school graduates who enrolled at the local community college for up to 6 years. One school-level variable (percent of racial/ethnic minorities) and 7 student-level variables (community college math proportion, remedial math attempts, race, gender, first-year credits earned, socioeconomic status, and summer credits earned) emerged as predictors for college persistence. Study results indicated that students who enter higher education at the community college may have had lower opportunities to learn and therefore needed higher levels of remediation, which was shown to detract students from degree completion. Community college leaders are called to partner with local high schools with high percentages of racial/ethnic minorities to design academic programs aimed at improving the academic preparation of high school students in mathematics and promote student engagement during the first year and summers of college. ^
The mandible has a mixed embryological origin, and its growth is associated with the secondary cartilage of the condyle process (CP). In this area, growth depends on an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence protein metabolism. In the present study, we used an adolescent rat model to evaluate the growth and development of the CP under conditions of pre- and postnatal protein deficiency, combined with or without the stress of severe burn injury (BI). We found that protein deficiency severely undermined the growth of the CP, by altering the thickness of its constituent layers. BI is also capable of affecting CP growth, although the effect is less severe than protein deficiency. Interestingly, the summed effect of protein deficiency and BI on the CP is less severe than protein deficiency alone. A possible explanation is that the increased carbohydrates in a hypoproteic diet stimulate the production of endogenous insulin and protein synthesis, which partially compensates for the loss of lean body mass caused by BI.
Secondary neurodegeneration takes place in the surrounding tissue of spinal cord trauma and modifies substantially the prognosis, considering the small diameter of its transversal axis. We analyzed neuronal and glial responses in rat spinal cord after different degree of contusion promoted by the NYU Impactor. Rats were submitted to vertebrae laminectomy and received moderate or severe contusions. Control animals were sham operated. After 7 and 30 days post surgery, stereological analysis of Nissl staining cellular profiles showed a time progression of the lesion volume after moderate injury, but not after severe injury. The number of neurons was not altered cranial to injury. However, same degree of diminution was seen in the caudal cord 30 days after both severe and moderate injuries. Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction in the white matter 30 days after a moderate contusion and showed a widespread astroglial reaction in the white and gray matters 7 days after both severities. Astroglial activation lasted close to lesion and in areas related to Wallerian degeneration. Data showed a more protracted secondary degeneration in rat spinal cord after mild contusion, which offered an opportunity for neuroprotective approaches. Temporal and regional glial responses corroborated to diverse glial cell function in lesioned spinal cord. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dynamic plastic response of a simply supported circular plate is analysed. Emphasis is given to the plate behaviour after it has broken free from the supports due to a local material failure. The theoretical rigid plastic analysis predicts various features of the response such as the time to failure, residual kinetic energy and the critical velocity at failure. The residual kinetic energy of the plate could be significant enough to cause secondary impact damage. It is shown that the shape of the plate changes after breaking free from the supports, which is important for forensic investigations. The solution for various cases were proven to be exact in the context of the upper and lower bounds theorems of the theory of plasticity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aims of this study were to evaluate whether air pollution during pre-natal and post-natal phases change habituation and short-term discriminative memories and if oxidants are involved in this process. As secondary objectives, it was to evaluate if the change of filtered to nonfiltered environment could protect the cortex of rats against oxidative stress as well as to modify the behavior of these animals. Wistar, male rats were divided into four groups (n = 12/group): pre and post-natal exposure until adulthood to filtered air (FA); pre-natal period to nonfiltered air (NFA-FA); until (21st post-natal day) and post-natal to filtered air until adulthood (PND21); prenatal to filtered air until PND21 and post-natal to nonfiltered air until adulthood (FA-NFA); pre and post-natal to nonfiltered air (NFA). After 150 days of air pollution exposure, animals were tested in the spontaneous object recognition test to evaluate short-term discriminative and habituation memories. Rats were euthanized; blood was collected for metal determination; cortex dissected for oxidative stress evaluation. There was a significant increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the NFA group when compared to other groups (FA: 1.730 +/- 0.217; NFA-FA: 1.101 +/- 0.217; FA-NFA: 1.014 +/- 0.300; NFA: 5.978 +/- 1.920 nmol MDA/mg total proteins; p = 0.007). NFA group presented a significant decrease in short-term discriminative (FA: 0.603 +/- 0.106; NFA-FA: 0.669 +/- 0.0666; FA-NFA: 0.374 +/- 0.178; NFA: -0.00631 +/- 0.106 sec; p = 0.006) and an improvement in habituation memories when compared to other groups. Therefore, exposure to air pollution during both those periods impairs short-term discriminative memory and cortical oxidative stress may mediate this process.
It has been claimed that the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be ameliorated by eye-movement desensitization-reprocessing therapy (EMD-R), a procedure that involves the individual making saccadic eye-movements while imagining the traumatic event. We hypothesized that these eye-movements reduce the vividness of distressing images by disrupting the function of the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory, and that by doing so they reduce the intensity of the emotion associated with the image. This hypothesis was tested by asking non-PTSD participants to form images of neutral and negative pictures under dual task conditions. Their images were less vivid with concurrent eye-movements and with a concurrent spatial tapping task that did not involve eye-movements. In the first three experiments, these secondary tasks did not consistently affect participants' emotional responses to the images. However, Expt 4 used personal recollections as stimuli for the imagery task, and demonstrated a significant reduction in emotional response under the same dual task conditions. These results suggest that, if EMD-R works, it does so by reducing the vividness and emotiveness of traumatic images via the VSSP of working memory. Other visuospatial tasks may also be of therapeutic value.