975 resultados para plasma applications


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In the fields of organic electronics and biotechnology, applications for organic polymer thin films fabricated using low-temperature non-equilibrium plasma techniques are gaining significant attention because of the physical and chemical stability of thin films and the low cost of production. Polymer thin films were fabricated from non-synthetic terpinen-4-ol using radiofrequency polymerization (13.56 MHz) on low loss dielectric substrates and their permittivity properties were ascertained to determine potential applications for these organic films. Real and imaginary parts of permittivity as a function of frequency were measured using the variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometer. The real part of permittivity (k) was found to be between 2.34 and 2.65 in the wavelength region of 400–1100 nm, indicating a potential low-k material. These permittivity values were confirmed at microwave frequencies. Dielectric properties of polyterpenol films were measured by means of split post dielectric resonators (SPDRs) operating at frequencies of 10 GHz and 20 GHz. Permittivity increased for samples deposited at higher RF energy – from 2.65 (25 W) to 2.83 (75 W) measured by a 20-GHz SPDR and from 2.32 (25 W) to 2.53 (100 W) obtained using a 10-GHz SPDR. The error in permittivity measurement was predominantly attributed to the uncertainty in film thickness measurement.


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Recent advancements in the area of organic polymer applications demand novel and advanced materials with desirable surface, optical and electrical properties to employ in emerging technologies. This study examines the fabrication and characterization of polymer thin films from non-synthetic Terpinen-4-ol monomer using radio frequency plasma polymerization. The optical properties, thickness and roughness of the thin films were studied in the wavelength range 200–1000 nm using ellipsometry. The polymer thin films of thickness from 100 nm to 1000 nm were fabricated and the films exhibited smooth and defect-free surfaces. At 500 nm wavelength, the refractive index and extinction coefficient were found to be 1.55 and 0.0007 respectively. The energy gap was estimated to be 2.67 eV, the value falling into the semiconducting Eg region. The obtained optical and surface properties of Terpinen-4-ol based films substantiate their candidacy as a promising low-cost material with potential applications in electronics, optics, and biomedical industries.


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The research reported in this thesis dealt with single crystals of thallium bromide grown for gamma-ray detector applications. The crystals were used to fabricate room temperature gamma-ray detectors. Routinely produced TlBr detectors often are poor quality. Therefore, this study concentrated on developing the manufacturing processes for TlBr detectors and methods of characterisation that can be used for optimisation of TlBr purity and crystal quality. The processes under concern were TlBr raw material purification, crystal growth, annealing and detector fabrication. The study focused on single crystals of TlBr grown from material purified by a hydrothermal recrystallisation method. In addition, hydrothermal conditions for synthesis, recrystallisation, crystal growth and annealing of TlBr crystals were examined. The final manufacturing process presented in this thesis deals with TlBr material purified by the Bridgman method. Then, material is hydrothermally recrystallised in pure water. A travelling molten zone (TMZ) method is used for additional purification of the recrystallised product and then for the final crystal growth. Subsequent processing is similar to that described in the literature. In this thesis, literature on improving quality of TlBr material/crystal and detector performance is reviewed. Aging aspects as well as the influence of different factors (temperature, time, electrode material and so on) on detector stability are considered and examined. The results of the process development are summarised and discussed. This thesis shows the considerable improvement in the charge carrier properties of a detector due to additional purification by hydrothermal recrystallisation. As an example, a thick (4 mm) TlBr detector produced by the process was fabricated and found to operate successfully in gamma-ray detection, confirming the validity of the proposed purification and technological steps. However, for the complete improvement of detector performance, further developments in crystal growth are required. The detector manufacturing process was optimized by characterisation of material and crystals using methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), polarisation microscopy, high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass (HR-ICPM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), ultraviolet and visual (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), current-voltage (I-V) and capacity voltage (CV) characterisation, and photoconductivity, as well direct detector examination.


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Purity of the glow-discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure for surface modification applications is always debatable, since it works at ambient atmosphere. We have demonstrated on the use of optical emission spectroscopy to test the purity of this kind of plasma. The effect of gas flow pattern, nature of gas, and its flow rate on the plasma chemistry was studied. The importance of proper system design in maintaining a uniform flow of heavy and inert gases as carrier gas in atmospheric glow-discharge plasma was confirmed. The surface of a plasma-treated PET sample was analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to verify the studies on plasma purity done using emission spectrum.


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An attempt has been made to generalise a method developed earlier for the qualitative assessment of crossover frequencies (existence and behaviour) in multicomponent plasmas with one negative ion species to plasmas with any number of positive and negative ion species. It is shown that a great deal of qualitative information can be obtained regarding the crossover frequencies for any given plasma model without recourse to cumbersome numerical study. Possible applications of the study in the interpretation of frequency time spectrograms for the detection of negative ion whistlers and in the measurement of concentrations and masses of negative ions are noted.


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When heated to high temperatures, the behavior of matter changes dramatically. The standard model fields go through phase transitions, where the strongly interacting quarks and gluons are liberated from their confinement to hadrons, and the Higgs field condensate melts, restoring the electroweak symmetry. The theoretical framework for describing matter at these extreme conditions is thermal field theory, combining relativistic field theory and quantum statistical mechanics. For static observables the physics is simplified at very high temperatures, and an effective three-dimensional theory can be used instead of the full four-dimensional one via a method called dimensional reduction. In this thesis dimensional reduction is applied to two distinct problems, the pressure of electroweak theory and the screening masses of mesonic operators in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The introductory part contains a brief review of finite-temperature field theory, dimensional reduction and the central results, while the details of the computations are contained in the original research papers. The electroweak pressure is shown to converge well to a value slightly below the ideal gas result, whereas the pressure of the full standard model is dominated by the QCD pressure with worse convergence properties. For the mesonic screening masses a small positive perturbative correction is found, and the interpretation of dimensional reduction on the fermionic sector is discussed.


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A compact, high brightness 13.56 MHz inductively coupled plasma ion source without any axial or radial multicusp magnetic fields is designed for the production of a focused ion beam. Argon ion current of density more than 30 mA/cm(2) at 4 kV potential is extracted from this ion source and is characterized by measuring the ion energy spread and brightness. Ion energy spread is measured by a variable-focusing retarding field energy analyzer that minimizes the errors due t divergence of ion beam inside the analyzer. Brightness of the ion beam is determined from the emittance measured by a fully automated and locally developed electrostatic sweep scanner. By optimizing various ion source parameters such as RF power, gas pressure and Faraday shield, ion beams with energy spread of less than 5 eV and brightness of 7100 Am(-2)sr(-1)eV(-1) have been produced. Here, we briefly report the details of the ion source, measurement and optimization of energy spread and brightness of the ion beam. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a compact electric discharge plasma source for controlling NOX emission in diesel engine exhaust. An automobile ignition coil was used to generate the high voltage pulse using flyback topology. This design is aimed at retrofitting the existing catalytic converters with pulse assisted cleaning technique. In this paper we bring out a relative comparison of discharge plasma and plasma-adsorbent process at different gas flow rates. Activated alumina was used as adsorbent. The main emphasis is laid on the development of a compact pulse source from a DC supply for the removal of NOX from the filtered diesel engine exhaust.


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Plasma-sprayable powders of calcia, magnesia and yttria-stabilized zirconia have been prepared by using polyvinyl alcohol binders. The powders have been characterized for sprayability by spray coating on steer plates previously coated with an NiAl bond coat. The suitability of these coatings for thermal barrier applications have been examined. Thermal barrier and related properties, along with phase stability and mechanical properties, have been found to be good. Failure of the thermal barrier coating has been observed to occur at the interface between the bond coat and the substrate, due to the formation of a pile-up layer consisting of Fe-Zr-Al-O compound.


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Graded alternate layers of Al2O3 and 8% Y2O3-ZrO2 and their admixtures were plasma sprayed onto bond-coated mild steel. They were evaluated for thermal-shock resistance, thermal-barrier characteristics, hot corrosion resistance (molten NaCl corrodant) and depth of attack, adhesion strength and the presence of phases. Although front-back temperature drops of 423-623 K were observed, some of the coatings showed good adherence even after 100 thermal shack cycles. In the sequence of the graded layers, the oxide which is directly in contact with the bond coat appears to influence the properties especially in coatings of 150 and 300 mu m thickness. Molten NaCl readily attacks the films at high hot-face temperatures (1273 K for 1 h) and the adhesive strength falls significantly by 50-60%. Diffusion of alkaline elements is also found to depend on the chemical composition of the outer coating directly facing the molten corrodant. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Limited.


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The discharge plasma-chemical hybrid process for NOinfinity removal from the flue gas emissions is an extremely effective and economical approach in comparison with the conventional selective catalytic reduction system. In this paper we bring out a relative comparison of several discharge plasma reactors from the point of NO removal efficiency. The reactors were either energized by ac or by repetitive pulses. Ferroelectric pellets were used to study the effect of pellet assisted discharges on gas cleaning. Diesel engine exhaust, at different loads; is used to approximately simulate the flue gas composition. Investigations were carried out at room temperature with respect to the variation of reaction products against the discharge power. Main emphasis is laid on the oxidation of NO to NO2, without reducing NOx concentration (i.e., minimum reaction byproducts), with least power consumption. The produced NO2 will be totally converted to N-2 and Na-2 SO4 using Na-2 SO3. The ac packed-bed reactor and pelletless pulsed corona reactor showed better performance, with minimum reaction products for a given power, when the NO concentration was low (similar to 100 ppm). When the engine load exceeds 50% (NO > 300 ppm) there was not much decrease in NO reduction and more or less all the reactors performed equally. The total operating cost of the plasma-chemical hybrid system becomes $4010/ton of NO, which is 1/3-1/5 of the conventional selective catalytic process.


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pplication of pulsed plasma for gas cleaning is gaining prominence in recent years mainly from the energy consideration point of view. Normally, gas treatment is carried out, at or above room temperature, by a conventional dry type corona reactor. However, this treatment is still inadequate in the removal of certain stable gases present in the exhaust/flue gas mixture. The authors report some interesting results of the treatment of such stable gases with pulsed plasma at very low ambient temperature. Also reported in the paper is an improvement in DeNO/DeNOx efficiency using unconventional wet-type reactors, designed and fabricated by the authors, operating at different ambient temperatures. Apart from laboratory tests on simulated gas mixtures, field tests were also carried out on the exhaust gas of a 8 kW diesel engine. Further, an attempt was made to test the feasibility of a helical wire as a corona electrode in place of the conventional straight wire electrode. A comparative analysis of the various tests is presented together with a note on the energy consideration


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Direct methanol synthesis from CH4 and O2 has been experimentally studied using pulsed discharge plasma in concentric-cylinder-type reactors. The methanol production becomes efficient with an increase in the average electric field strength of the reactor. A combination of the pulsed discharge and catalysts was tested and was proved to be effective in increasing both the production and selectivity of methanol. In the present stage, about 2% of CH4 can be converted into other hydrocarbons, and a methanol yield of around 0.5% and selectivity of 38% can be obtained when a catalyst of V2O5+SiO2 is combined with the pulsed discharge plasma


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A detailed study on the removal of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine was carried out using nonthermal-plasma (pulsed electrical-discharge plasma)-promoted catalytic process. In this paper, the filtered exhaust from the diesel engine is made to pass through a combination of nonthermal plasma reactor and a catalytic reactor connected in series. This combination is referred to as cascade. Two types of cascaded systems were studied. In one type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with a reduction catalyst V2O5/TiO2 using ammonia as reducing agent, and in the other type, the plasma treating filtered exhaust was cascaded with activated-alumina catalyst without any additive. Improved NOx-removal performance of both the cascaded processes and the role of nonthermal plasma in promoting catalysis are explained. Along with the NOx, total hydrocarbon and aldehydes were also removed. Furthermore, experiments were conducted at different temperatures and engine-loading conditions.


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Synthesis of methanol using pulsed discharge plasma process is gaining significance. We report the production of methanol from methane and CO2/H2O, using pulsed discharge. Experiments were conducted at very low temperature (-192°C) in addition to normal room temperature. Two types of plasma reactors, cylindrical and rectangular, were tested for methanol production with different corona electrodes (straight wire, helical wire and barbed plate). Gas analysis was carried out by GC-MS and the yield of methanol at various operating conditions was compared and discussed. Experiments were carefully conducted laboratory environment