919 resultados para neural networks (computer science)


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In rapid parallel magnetic resonance imaging, the problem of image reconstruction is challenging. Here, a novel image reconstruction technique for data acquired along any general trajectory in neural network framework, called ``Composite Reconstruction And Unaliasing using Neural Networks'' (CRAUNN), is proposed. CRAUNN is based on the observation that the nature of aliasing remains unchanged whether the undersampled acquisition contains only low frequencies or includes high frequencies too. Here, the transformation needed to reconstruct the alias-free image from the aliased coil images is learnt, using acquisitions consisting of densely sampled low frequencies. Neural networks are made use of as machine learning tools to learn the transformation, in order to obtain the desired alias-free image for actual acquisitions containing sparsely sampled low as well as high frequencies. CRAUNN operates in the image domain and does not require explicit coil sensitivity estimation. It is also independent of the sampling trajectory used, and could be applied to arbitrary trajectories as well. As a pilot trial, the technique is first applied to Cartesian trajectory-sampled data. Experiments performed using radial and spiral trajectories on real and synthetic data, illustrate the performance of the method. The reconstruction errors depend on the acceleration factor as well as the sampling trajectory. It is found that higher acceleration factors can be obtained when radial trajectories are used. Comparisons against existing techniques are presented. CRAUNN has been found to perform on par with the state-of-the-art techniques. Acceleration factors of up to 4, 6 and 4 are achieved in Cartesian, radial and spiral cases, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The basic concepts and techniques involved in the development and analysis of mathematical models for individual neurons and networks of neurons are reviewed. Some of the interesting results obtained from recent work in this field are described. The current status of research in this field in India is discussed


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This paper elucidates the methodology of applying artificial neural network model (ANNM) to predict the percent swell of calcitic soil in sulphuric acid solutions, a complex phenomenon involving many parameters. Swell data required for modelling is experimentally obtained using conventional oedometer tests under nominal surcharge. The phases in ANN include optimal design of architecture, operation and training of architecture. The designed optimal neural model (3-5-1) is a fully connected three layer feed forward network with symmetric sigmoid activation function and trained by the back propagation algorithm to minimize a quadratic error criterion.The used model requires parameters such as duration of interaction, calcite mineral content and acid concentration for prediction of swell. The observed strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9979) between the values determined by the experiment and predicted using the developed model demonstrates that the network can provide answers to complex problems in geotechnical engineering.


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The applicability of Artificial Neural Networks for predicting the stress-strain response of jointed rocks at varied confining pressures, strength properties and joint properties (frequency, orientation and strength of joints) has been studied in the present paper. The database is formed from the triaxial compression tests on different jointed rocks with different confining pressures and different joint properties reported by various researchers. This input data covers a wide range of rock strengths, varying from very soft to very hard. The network was trained using a 3 layered network with feed forward back propagation algorithm. About 85% of the data was used for training and remaining15% for testing the predicting capabilities of the network. Results from the analyses were very encouraging and demonstrated that the neural network approach is efficient in capturing the complex stress-strain behaviour of jointed rocks. A single neural network is demonstrated to be capable of predicting the stress-strain response of different rocks, whose intact strength vary from 11.32 MPa to 123 MPa and spacing of joints vary from 10 cm to 100 cm for confining pressures ranging from 0 to 13.8 MPa.


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A novel approach is proposed for the simultaneous optimization of mobile phase pH and gradient steepness in RP-HPLC using artificial neural networks. By presetting the initial and final concentration of the organic solvent, a limited number of experiments with different gradient time and pH value of mobile phase are arranged in the two-dimensional space of mobile phase parameters. The retention behavior of each solute is modeled using an individual artificial neural network. An "early stopping" strategy is adopted to ensure the predicting capability of neural networks. The trained neural networks can be used to predict the retention time of solutes under arbitrary mobile phase conditions in the optimization region. Finally, the optimal separation conditions can be found according to a global resolution function. The effectiveness of this method is validated by optimization of separation conditions for amino acids derivatised by a new fluorescent reagent.


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A slab optical waveguide (SOWG) has been used for study of adsorption of both methylene blue (MB) and new methylene blue (NMB) in liquid-solid interface. Adsorption characteristics of MB and NMB on both bare SOWG and silanized SOWG by octadecyltrichlorosilane (ODS) were compared. The simultaneous determinations of both MB and NMB were explored by flow injection SOWG spectrophotometric analysis and artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the first time. Concentrations of MB and NMB were estimated simultaneously with the ANNs. Results obtained with SOWG were compared with those got by conventional UV-visible spectrophotometry. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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The investigations of classification on the valence changes from RE3+ to RE2+ (RE = Eu, Sm, Yb, Tm) in host compounds of alkaline earth berate were performed using artificial neural networks (ANNs). For comparison, the common methods of pattern recognition, such as SIMCA, KNN, Fisher discriminant analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis were adopted. A learning set consisting of 24 host compounds and a test set consisting of 12 host compounds were characterized by eight crystal structure parameters. These parameters were reduced from 8 to 4 by leaps and bounds algorithm. The recognition rates from 87.5 to 95.8% and prediction capabilities from 75.0 to 91.7% were obtained. The results provided by ANN method were better than that achieved by the other four methods. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects from sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors woring at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when eveidence variously suggests that and object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described her address a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among classes are assumed to be unknown to the autonomated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system uses distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierachical knowlege structures. The fusion system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships. The procedure is illustrated with two image examples, but is not limited to image domain.


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Financial time series convey the decisions and actions of a population of human actors over time. Econometric and regressive models have been developed in the past decades for analyzing these time series. More recently, biologically inspired artificial neural network models have been shown to overcome some of the main challenges of traditional techniques by better exploiting the non-linear, non-stationary, and oscillatory nature of noisy, chaotic human interactions. This review paper explores the options, benefits, and weaknesses of the various forms of artificial neural networks as compared with regression techniques in the field of financial time series analysis.


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This article describes two neural network modules that form part of an emerging theory of how adaptive control of goal-directed sensory-motor skills is achieved by humans and other animals. The Vector-Integration-To-Endpoint (VITE) model suggests how synchronous multi-joint trajectories are generated and performed at variable speeds. The Factorization-of-LEngth-and-TEnsion (FLETE) model suggests how outflow movement commands from a VITE model may be performed at variable force levels without a loss of positional accuracy. The invariance of positional control under speed and force rescaling sheds new light upon a familiar strategy of motor skill development: Skill learning begins with performance at low speed and low limb compliance and proceeds to higher speeds and compliances. The VITE model helps to explain many neural and behavioral data about trajectory formation, including data about neural coding within the posterior parietal cortex, motor cortex, and globus pallidus, and behavioral properties such as Woodworth's Law, Fitts Law, peak acceleration as a function of movement amplitude and duration, isotonic arm movement properties before and after arm-deafferentation, central error correction properties of isometric contractions, motor priming without overt action, velocity amplification during target switching, velocity profile invariance across different movement distances, changes in velocity profile asymmetry across different movement durations, staggered onset times for controlling linear trajectories with synchronous offset times, changes in the ratio of maximum to average velocity during discrete versus serial movements, and shared properties of arm and speech articulator movements. The FLETE model provides new insights into how spina-muscular circuits process variable forces without a loss of positional control. These results explicate the size principle of motor neuron recruitment, descending co-contractive compliance signals, Renshaw cells, Ia interneurons, fast automatic reactive control by ascending feedback from muscle spindles, slow adaptive predictive control via cerebellar learning using muscle spindle error signals to train adaptive movement gains, fractured somatotopy in the opponent organization of cerebellar learning, adaptive compensation for variable moment-arms, and force feedback from Golgi tendon organs. More generally, the models provide a computational rationale for the use of nonspecific control signals in volitional control, or "acts of will", and of efference copies and opponent processing in both reactive and adaptive motor control tasks.


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This paper attempts a rational, step-by-step reconstruction of many aspects of the mammalian neural circuitry known to be involved in the spinal cord's regulation of opposing muscles acting on skeletal segments. Mathematical analyses and local circuit simulations based on neural membrane equations are used to clarify the behavioral function of five fundamental cell types, their complex connectivities, and their physiological actions. These cell types are: α-MNs, γ-MNs, IaINs, IbINs, and Renshaw cells. It is shown that many of the complexities of spinal circuitry are necessary to ensure near invariant realization of motor intentions when descending signals of two basic types independently vary over large ranges of magnitude and rate of change. Because these two types of signal afford independent control, or Factorization, of muscle LEngth and muscle TEnsion, our construction was named the FLETE model (Bullock and Grossberg, 1988b, 1989). The present paper significantly extends the range of experimental data encompassed by this evolving model.


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How do separate neural networks interact to support complex cognitive processes such as remembrance of the personal past? Autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval recruits a consistent pattern of activation that potentially comprises multiple neural networks. However, it is unclear how such large-scale neural networks interact and are modulated by properties of the memory retrieval process. In the present functional MRI (fMRI) study, we combined independent component analysis (ICA) and dynamic causal modeling (DCM) to understand the neural networks supporting AM retrieval. ICA revealed four task-related components consistent with the previous literature: 1) medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) network, associated with self-referential processes, 2) medial temporal lobe (MTL) network, associated with memory, 3) frontoparietal network, associated with strategic search, and 4) cingulooperculum network, associated with goal maintenance. DCM analysis revealed that the medial PFC network drove activation within the system, consistent with the importance of this network to AM retrieval. Additionally, memory accessibility and recollection uniquely altered connectivity between these neural networks. Recollection modulated the influence of the medial PFC on the MTL network during elaboration, suggesting that greater connectivity among subsystems of the default network supports greater re-experience. In contrast, memory accessibility modulated the influence of frontoparietal and MTL networks on the medial PFC network, suggesting that ease of retrieval involves greater fluency among the multiple networks contributing to AM. These results show the integration between neural networks supporting AM retrieval and the modulation of network connectivity by behavior.


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A novel methodology is proposed for the development of neural network models for complex engineering systems exhibiting nonlinearity. This method performs neural network modeling by first establishing some fundamental nonlinear functions from a priori engineering knowledge, which are then constructed and coded into appropriate chromosome representations. Given a suitable fitness function, using evolutionary approaches such as genetic algorithms, a population of chromosomes evolves for a certain number of generations to finally produce a neural network model best fitting the system data. The objective is to improve the transparency of the neural networks, i.e. to produce physically meaningful