426 resultados para natives


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This thesis discusses the contemporary construction of the lived worlds of indigenous Amazonian youths. Today’s native peoples are considerably affected by the processes of globalization and urbanization, which have led to new ways of relating to their cultural traditions. This work presents a case study of Manchineri youngsters aged between 14 and 24 years old living in Acre state in Brazilian Amazonia. The Arawak-speaking Manchineri number some 1,000 people; their legally demarcated reserve is situated next to the River Yaco. The research is based on ethnographic material collected in the Mamoadate reserve and in the state capital, Rio Branco. By comparing the youth in different physical and social environments (the reserve and the city), my attempt has been to search for the most typical elements maintained, altered and created in the current lived worlds of Manchineri youths. Fieldwork methods included interviews, participant observation, photographs, video recordings, and drawings. The material was analyzed within the multidisciplinary framework of the social and cultural construction of knowledge. The study applies the concepts of social field, symbolic capital, and habitus as they have been used by Pierre Bourdieu; perspective as developed recently in Amazonian ethnology; the sacred as a cultural category as understood in the study of religion; and individual and person as concepts central to anthropology and sociology. Additionally, the study can be contextualized within youth studies, Latin American studies, and urban studies. The results of the study show that the everyday lives of young Amazonian native people are formed by a complex mixture of ‘modernity’ and ‘tradition’, fragmentation, and transitions between different conceptual frameworks. Part II discusses the ethnographic material in depth and shows that indigenous adolescents act from a variety of social perspectives: the native youth’s own ethnic group, divided into sub-groups, especially into urban residents and those living in the reserve; ancestors, super-human agents and spirits; other indigenous groups and non-natives. Consequently, besides the traditional initiation ritual, we find various contemporary rites of passage to adulthood: state-education, learning traditional practices, shamanism, matrimony, and transitions between the reserve and urban areas. According to these results, new social roles, political organization, responsibilities, and in general the desire to be respected, require both ‘modern’ and ‘traditional’ abilities. In Part III, the study shows that the current power relations constituted by new social contacts, ethnic recognition, and cooperation with different institutions have resulted in the formation of new social fields: youth cultures, the ethnic group, shamanic practices, the ethnopolitical movement, and indigenous students. The capacity of young Amazonian Indians to act in contemporary social fields produces them as full persons. The study also argues that the elements of the lived worlds can be divided into these social fields. When focusing on these fields, it became evident that these comprise the strategies adopted by young Indians to break through social and cultural barriers.


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This paper is the first of a series which will describe the development of a synthetic plant volatile-based attracticide for noctuid moths. It discusses potential sources of volatiles attractive to the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), and an approach to the combination of these volatiles in synthetic blends. We screened a number of known host and non-host (for larval development) plants for attractiveness to unmated male and female moths of this species, using a two-choice olfactometer system. Out of 38 plants tested, 33 were significantly attractive to both sexes. There was a strong correlation between attractiveness of plants to males and females. The Australian natives, Angophora floribunda and several Eucalyptus species were the most attractive plants. These plants have not been recorded either as larval or oviposition hosts of Helicoverpa spp., suggesting that attraction in the olfactometer might have been as nectar foraging rather than as oviposition sources. To identify potential compounds that might be useful in developing moth attractants, especially for females, collections of volatiles were made from plants that were attractive to moths in the olfactometer. Green leaf volatiles, floral volatiles, aromatic compounds, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were found. We propose an approach to developing synthetic attractants, here termed 'super-blending', in which compounds from all these classes, which are in common between attractive plants, might be combined in blends which do not mimic any particular attractive plant.


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Do alien invasive species exhibit life history characteristics that are similar to those of native species that have become pests in their continent of origin? We compared eucalypt specialists that have become pests in Australian plantations (natives) to those that have established overseas (aliens) using 13 life history traits and found that although traits that support rapid population build-up were shared, overall, aliens and native colonisers differed significantly. Distance from source (New Zealand vs. other) had no significant effect, but species that established more than 50 years ago exhibited different life history traits from those that established within the last 50 years, possibly because of more effective quarantine. Native and alien eucalypt insect invaders differed predominantly in traits that facilitate long-distance movement (pathway traits), compared to traits that facilitate establishment and spread. Aliens had longer adult flight seasons, were smaller and more closely host-associated (cryptic eggs and larvae), had lower incidence of diapause (i.e. were more seasonally plastic) and more generations per year than natives. Thus, studies of species invasive within their country of origin can shed light on alien invasions.


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The Church in one s heart. The formation of religion and individuation in the lives of Ingrian Finns in the 20th century. Sinikka Haapaniemi University of Helsinki, Finland 302 pages The study falls within the sphere of religious views and the problematique of the life trajectory. The target group comprises those Finnish speakers (Ingrian Finns, Ingrians) living in what was historically Ingermanland and who in varying circumstances became scattered. These times were characterized by pressures for change due to societal reasons and reasons of war. In conditions of change external living conditions matters of religious conviction may assume new meaning and form. The examination focuses on sustaining personal faith in difficult life situations and on how crises affected religious views. Another level of scrutiny takes shape through the terminology of the analytic psychology of C.G. Jung. Individuation is deemed to occur as a cumulative process through the stages of life. The basic data for the study comprises interviews with twenty (20) natives of Ingria and their biographical narratives written in standard language. Many biographical accounts and memoirs serve as secondary data. The interviewees, who were largely selected at random, recounted their lives without questions formulated in advance. The study falls within the field of comparative religion and adheres to the principles of qualitative research practice and the case-study method. Effort was made to get to know each interviewee in the situation which his/her narrative presents. The aim is to pay attention to the interpretations given by the narrators of their various experiences and to understand their meanings on a personal level. The years during which the Ingrians were scattered, wandering and returning raise problems of survival. An individual s own initiative assumes individual forms and emphases. Religion was part of the narrators lives as one factor in the quality of life. Their religious thinking was influenced by both their home upbringing and the teaching of the Church. The interviewees took a serious attitude to the informative teaching of confirmation training. When there was no longer a church, it was claimed that the church travelled with them. Changed circumstances tested the validity of the teachings. The message of the Church institution persisted and helped them to preserve their traditions. A striving for unity and for the presence of a community emerged both in the form of ritual behaviour and in a predilection to sociability. Gradually, as they returned, the activity of the Church of Ingria began to revive. At the turn of the millennium the network of parishes was extensive and cultural activity flourished wherever the Ingrians settled in the postwar decades. Religion is part of the process of individuation. Examination of religion and individuation shows that religion remained an individual view, whose factual base was formed by Christianity and the tradition of the Church. Home upbringing served to orientate, but not to bind. With ageing the importance of independent thought is emphasized, for example in relation to confession, it did not pose a threat to individuality. Keywords: Life story, Religiosity, individuation, Ingrian, the Church of Ingria


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Resumen: El artículo analiza cuál es el rol de los medios de comunicación social a la hora de definir la agenda pública. El escenario de conformación de la opinión pública se caracteriza por la complejidad, producto de la fragmentación social y la transición de los medios desde lo analógico hacia lo digital. El trabajo toma como ejemplos dos variables: por un lado, el territorio, que apunta a diferenciar entre los medios del centro del cuerpo social y los periféricos y, por el otro, la variable generacional entre nativos e inmigrantes digitales. Las conclusiones del trabajo pretenden marcar algunos lineamientos que guiarán la conformación de la opinión pública de aquí a futuro y cómo poder influir en la agenda de temas.


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Resumen: La conmemoración de los cien años de la Revolución de Mayo halló un país emergente en todo aspecto, inclusive en el cultural. De este modo, todos los músicos, nativos o argentinos por adopción, y aun extranjeros de paso o venidos para la ocasión, quisieron estar presentes con su actuación. No sólo por amor a un país que recién parecía tomar conciencia de su cultura, sino, al menos, para no desperdiciar una ocasión única de hacerse ver y notar. Es así que se produjeron una gran cantidad de eventos musicales, dignos de ser estudiados y recordados en el presente, en que se celebra un nuevo centenario, de modo de poder establecer las diferencias que se manifiestan entre uno y otro.


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Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, June 2007, vol. 45, issue 2, pp. 257-284.


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Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa) from 1999 through 2004, we explore the role of regional employment opportunities in explaining the increasing immigrant flows of recent years despite the limited internal mobility on the part of natives. Subsequently, we investigate the policy question of whether immigration has helped reduced unemployment rate disparities across Spanish regions by attracting immigrant flows to regions offering better employment opportunities. Our results indicate that immigrants choose to reside in regions with larger employment rates and where their probability of finding a job is higher. In particular, and despite some differences depending on their origin, immigrants appear generally more responsive than their native counterparts to a higher likelihood of informal, self, or indefinite employment. More importantly, insofar the vast majority of immigrants locate in regions characterized by higher employment rates, immigration contributes to greasing the wheels of the Spanish labor market by narrowing regional unemployment rate disparities.


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Several local groups have come together for this project to addresses water quality concerns in the Gabilan Watershed – also known as the Reclamation Ditch Watershed (Fig. 1.1). These are Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML), the Resource Conservation District of Monterey County (RCDMC), Central Coast Watershed Studies (CCoWS), Return of the Natives (RON), Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), and Coastal Conservation and Research (CC&R). The primary goal is to reduce non-point source pollution – particularly suspended sediment, nutrients, and pesticides – and thereby improve near-shore coastal waters of Moss Landing Harbor and the Monterey Bay. (Document contains 33 pages)


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[ES]En este artículo se analizan las acciones de piratería y de corso sufridas o protagonizadas por naturales del País Vasco en el siglo XV. Igualmente se analiza la concesión de cartas de marca y represalia para resarcirse de las acciones piráticas. Y, por último, la persecución de la pirtaería por parte de las autoridades de la provincia de Guipúzcoa, a través de la institución de la Hermamdad, mediante el ejemplo de un buque inglés capturado por piratas vascos.


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[ES] El presente trabajo analiza la presencia de mercaderes extranjeros en Guipúzcoa durante los siglos XVI al XVIII. Comerciantes, procedentes de países como Portugal, Francia, Inglaterra, Flandes, Alemania, etc., que durante la Edad Moderna recalaron y se establecieron en los puertos guipuzcoanos, con la mirada puesta en el acceso a los mercados españoles y coloniales. Trata, por tanto, de analizar el método utilizado para asentarse y establecerse en los principales puertos guipuz- coanos, sobre todo en San Sebastián, y las dificultades experimentadas. En definitiva, se intenta profundizar en las estrategias utilizadas por cada uno de ellos para lograr la integración social y el disfrute de los privilegios a los que tienen acceso los naturales.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a trajetória escolar de jovens de origem popular e oriundos de um bairro de periferia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que ingressaram em cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu de importantes universidades públicas. Tais trajetórias serão aqui analisadas a partir das narrativas dos próprios atores sociais em questão, buscando evidenciar as marcas de sua socialização e formação escolar em um contexto social que, do ponto de vista de algumas análises no campo da sociologia da educação, não favoreceriam a aquisição do capital cultural e social necessários ao ingresso na carreira acadêmica. Desta perspectiva, além de não serem muito comuns nos meios populares, essas trajetórias também não seriam reconhecidas pelo grupo de origem que, na maioria das vezes, identifica a formação escolar como porta de entrada no mundo do trabalho, tendo no curso superior o ponto máximo de uma formação escolar bem sucedida. Busca-se aqui, a partir da análise do conjunto dessas trajetórias, apreender os elementos e experiências sociais que possibilitaram esse prolongamento na formação escolar, e, sobretudo, o impacto e o significado da inserção na carreira acadêmica, tanto do ponto de vista da mobilidade social quanto dos conflitos decorrentes dessa experiência subjetiva, quer em relação às expectativas familiares ou do grupo social de origem. O trabalho de campo de caráter etnográfico, baseado na observação participante e realização de entrevistas aprofundadas constituíram as ferramentas metodológicas básicas a partir das quais essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida. Com relação à discussão teórica aqui proposta tomou-se como referência os trabalhos de Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Passeron, Bernard Lahire, Jailson de Souza e Silva e Maria da Graça Jacintho Setton, entre outros


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a presença da Igreja Protestante e, a propagação da fé reformada entre os indígenas durante a ocupação holandesa no Nordeste brasileiro, nos de 1630 a 1654. É discutido ainda como se deu a relação dos nativos com os invasores neerlandeses. Como foi realizada a evangelização dos índios, que por sua vez, já haviam sido catequizados pelos portugueses católicos, principalmente os religiosos da Companhia de Jesus, e quais as dificuldades encontradas frente a uma (re)catequização. Aborda ainda o interesse econômico aliado ao religioso que compunha o quadro do século XVII, além de todo o processo de alfabetização o qual os brasilianos passaram, resultando assim em uma mudança da estrutura cultural e social no tempo e espaço supracitados.


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Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae) é uma espécie nativa da América do Sul com grande distribuição geográfica e muito comum em áreas de restinga. Sua grande plasticidade ecológica e boa interação biótica a torna espécie-chave na restauração de ambientes, porém, sua dominância pode estar relacionada à liberação de compostos alelopáticos. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o potencial alelopático dos extratos aquosos e óleos essenciais de folhas de Schinus terebinthifolius nas diferentes estações do ano sobre espécies-alvo nativas da restinga (Cereus fernambucensis, Erythroxylum ovalofolium, Pilosocereus arrabidae), uma espécie agrícola (Lactuca sativa) e nela própria (autoalelopatia). Para isso, suas folhas foram coletadas sazonalmente na restinga de Massambaba para o preparo dos extratos aquosos e extração dos óleos essenciais. Os extratos aquosos foram obtidos através da secagem das folhas a 60 C, trituração em liquidificador, diluição em água destilada e filtração, obtendo as concentrações de 5, 10, 15 e 20%. As extrações dos óleos foram realizadas através da hidrodestilação de 300 g de folhas frescas. A análise da composição dos óleos essenciais foi realizada através de cromatografia gasosa utilizando fibra SPME. O efeito fitotóxico foi avaliado nas espécies-alvo através da porcentagem de germinação, velocidade de germinação, crescimento aéreo e radicular, condutividade elétrica e massa seca. O efeito alelopático dos extratos aquosos foi observado em todas as espécies-alvo, principalmente sobre as espécies nativas. Esse efeito variou nas estações do ano de forma dose-dependente e espécie-específica. Os óleos essenciais de S. terebinthifolius também foram capazes de inibir a germinação e crescimento das espécies-alvo, e, da mesma forma que os extratos aquosos, esses efeitos variaram nas estações do ano e para cada espécie. Sugere-se que essas diferenças estejam relacionadas às fenofases de S. terebinthifolius e condições ambientais da restinga. Esse efeito fitotóxico, se comprovado em campo, pode restringir a utilização de S. terebinthifolius na restauração de ambientes.


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Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, represent a unique and isolated marine mammal population that has been hunted for a variety of purposes since prehistoric times. Archeological studies have shown that both Alutiiq Eskimos and Dena'ina Atabaskan Indians have long utilized many marine resources in Cook Inlet, including belugas. Over the past century, commercial whaling and sport hunting also occurred periodically in Cook Inlet prior to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). During the 1990's, the hunting mortality by Alaska Natives apparently increased to 40-70 whales per year, which led to the decling of this stock and its subsequent designation in 2000 as depleted under the MMPA. Concerns about the decline of the Cook Inlet stock resulted in a voluntary suspension of the subsistenc hunt by Alaska Natives in 1999. The difficulty in obtaining accurate estimates for the harvest of these whales is due to the inability to identify all of the hunters and, in turn, the size of the harvest. Attempts to reconstruct harvest records based on hunters' recollections and interviews from only a few households have been subject to a wide degree of speculation. To adequately monitor the beluga harvest, the National Marine Fisheries Service established marking and reporting regulations in October 1999. These rules require that Alaska Natives who hunt belugas in Cook Inlet must collect the lowere left jaw from harvested whales and complete a report that includes date and time of the harvest, coloration of the whale, harvest location, and method of harvest. The MMPA was amended in 2000 to require a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Native organizations before hunting could be resumed.