913 resultados para morphology of genitalia


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A set of high-resolution radar observations of convective storms has been collected to evaluate such storms in the UK Met Office Unified Model during the DYMECS project (Dynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms). The 3-GHz Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar was set up with a scan-scheduling algorithm to automatically track convective storms identified in real-time from the operational rainfall radar network. More than 1,000 storm observations gathered over fifteen days in 2011 and 2012 are used to evaluate the model under various synoptic conditions supporting convection. In terms of the detailed three-dimensional morphology, storms in the 1500-m grid-length simulations are shown to produce horizontal structures a factor 1.5–2 wider compared to radar observations. A set of nested model runs at grid lengths down to 100m show that the models converge in terms of storm width, but the storm structures in the simulations with the smallest grid lengths are too narrow and too intense compared to the radar observations. The modelled storms were surrounded by a region of drizzle without ice reflectivities above 0 dBZ aloft, which was related to the dominance of ice crystals and was improved by allowing only aggregates as an ice particle habit. Simulations with graupel outperformed the standard configuration for heavy-rain profiles, but the storm structures were a factor 2 too wide and the convective cores 2 km too deep.


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We introduced photo-polymer networks into the various liquid crystalline phases of the antiferroelectric liquid crystal AS612 and studied the effects of these networks by measuring the temperature dependence of the Bragg wavelengths selectively reflected. After polymerization, the decrease in Bragg wavelengths with respect to the original values is consistent with a shorter helical pitch due to polymer network shrinkage. Also, by removing the liquid crystalline material, we are able to image the residual polymer network using scanning electron microscopy and polarized light microscopy. The polymer strands are a few microns thick and the networks show both chiral and non-chiral features.


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Previous anatomical studies have been restricted to the foliar aspects of Pilocarpus. However, no anatomical studies analyzing the foliar aspects of Pilocarpus in relation to related genera have been carried out. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify characters for future taxonomic and phylogenetic studies in Rutaceae, particularly in Pilocarpus, and to discuss the characteristics associated with the simple or compound leaf condition for the group. The petiole and the leaf blade of 14 neotropical Rutaceae species were analyzed, and the following characteristics were observed in all leaves studied: stomata on both surfaces; secretory cavities, including mesophyll type; camptodromous-brochidodromous venation pattern; and free vascular cylinder in the basal region of the petiole. Additional promising characters were identified for future taxonomic and phylogenetic studies in the Rutaceae family, especially for the Pilocarpus genera.


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The morphology of terebelliform polychaetes was investigated for a phylogenetic study focused on Terebellidae. For this study, specimens belonging to 147 taxa, preferably type material or specimens from type localities or areas close to them, were examined under stereo, light and scanning electron microscopes. The taxa examined were 1 Pectinariidae, 2 Ampharetidae, 2 Alvinellidae, 8 Trichobranchidae, and 134 Terebellidae, which included 8 Polycirrinae, 15 Thelepodinae, and 111 Terebellinae. A comparison of the morphology, including prostomium, peristomium, anterior segments and lobes, branchiae, glandular venter, nephridial and genital papillae, notopodia and notochaetae, neuropodia and neurochaetae, and posterior end, was made of all the currently recognized families of terebelliform polychaetes, with special emphasis on Terebellidae. A discussion of the characters useful to distinguish between genera is given. This character set will be used in a subsequent phylogenetic study (Nogueira & Hutchings in prep.)


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of regular physical activity on the morphology of the myenteric plexus of the duodenum in rats during the ageing process. To this end, 45 Wistar rats were divided into three groups: C (sedentary - 6 months old), S (sedentary - 12 months old) and T (trained - 12 months old). The animals of group S were given with a physical activity programme consisting of a 10-min-treadmill workout once a week. The animals of group T were submitted to the physical activity programme five times a week. Their duodenums were collected and submitted to the techniques of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-diaphorase enzyme histochemistry for whole-mount preparations and transmission electron microscopy. No differences in the constitution of the myenteric plexuses were found when the sedentary and trained groups were compared with the control group. The ultrastructural features were similar for the three groups. However, it was verified that the physical activity of the trained animals resulted in a similar myenteric neuron morphology to that of the adult animals (6 months old), thereby confirming its beneficial effect, as the sedentary animals had larger alterations in the collagen fibrils and the basal membrane that occur through ageing. The quantitative analysis showed that the NADH-diaphorase positive neurons decreased with ageing and increased with physical activity (P > 0.05). No significant alteration (P > 0.05) in the neuronal profile area of the NADH-diaphorase positive neurons has been observed with ageing.


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Two series of lanthanide oxides with different morphologies were synthesized through calcinations of two types of citrate polymeric precursors. These oxides were characterized by XRD patterns, SEM electronic microscopy, and N(2) adsorption isotherms. SEM microscopy analysis showed that the calcination of crystalline fibrous precursors [Ln(2)(LH)(3)center dot 2H(2)O] (L = citrate) originated fibrous shaped particles. On the other hand, the calcination of irregular shaped particles of precursors [LnL center dot xH(2)O] originated irregular shaped particles of oxide, pointing out a morphological template effect of precursors on the formation of the respective oxides.


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In this work, we have studied the surface morphology of photo-irradiated poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) thin films by using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We have analyzed the first-order statistical parameters, the height distribution and the distance between selected peaks. The second-order statistical analysis was introduced calculating the auto-covariance function to determine the correlation length between heights. We have observed that the photo-irradiation process produces a surface topology more homogeneous and isotropic such as a normal surface. In addition, the polymer surface irradiation can be used as a new methodology to obtain materials optically modified. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fabrication of controlled molecular architectures is essential for organic devices, as is the case of emission of polarized light for the information industry. In this study, we show that optimized conditions can be established to allow layer-by-layer (LbL) films of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV)+dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBS) to be obtained with anisotropic properties. Films with five layers and converted at 110 degrees C had a dichroic ratio delta = 2.3 and order parameter r = 34%, as indicated in optical spectroscopy and emission ellipsometry data. This anisotropy was decreased with the number of layers deposited, with delta = 1.0 for a 75-layer LbL PPV + DBS film. The analysis with atomic force microscopy showed the formation of polymer clusters in a random growth process with the normalized height distribution being represented by a Gaussian function. In spite of this randomness in film growth, the self-covariance function pointed to a correlation between clusters, especially for thick films. In summary, the LbL method may be exploited to obtain both anisotropic films with polarized emission and regular, nanostructured surfaces. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 49: 206-213, 2011


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The presence of anatase and rutile domains on nanocrystalline films of P25 TiO(2), as well as the distinct coordination modes of carboxylates on those phases, were revealed by confocal Raman microscopy, a technique that showed to be suitable for imaging the chemical morphology down to submicrometric size.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The immatures of Polybia paulista Ihering were described using light and scanning electron microscopy and the results are compared with previous descriptions within the same or related wasps. This study is based on 2 whole nests collected in the municipality of Rio Claro, São Paulo, in Brazil. We have detected the existence of 5 larval instars. The main morphological alterations over development occur in the relative size of structures, yet certain structures appear with subsequent instars and become more evident later in development: increasing density in the number of body spines and papillae; the appearance of body setae in fifth-instar larvae; opening of spiracles upon second-instar larvae; 2 body shapes in fifth-instar larvae; the appearance of a lateral tooth on the mandibles of fourth instar; presence of spines on the maxillae of fifth-instar larvae; altered shape of galea and palps upon third-instar larvae from a cluster of sensilla to a conical elevation; and the appearance of spines on postmentum upon fourth-instar larvae. This way, the present study presents a detailed description of the immatures of P. paulista, and we hope the presented information can be useful to morphological, taxonomic, and phylogenetic studies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens adultas foram utilizadas para estudo morfológico do proventrículo e ventrículo gástricos da perdiz Rhynchotus rufescens. Os materiais foram coletados e os comprimentos do proventrículo e do ventrículo gástricos foram avaliados. Para o estudo histológico, fragmentos dos estômagos foram corados pelas técnicas de ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson. O proventrículo gástrico é alongado, com formato fusiforme direcionado no sentido craniocaudalmente e para a esquerda, e apresenta um comprimento médio 3,20cm nas fêmeas e 3,65cm nos machos. Histologicamente, o proventrículo gástrico é composto por vários lobos e glândulas. A mucosa é formada por epitélio cúbico, sendo bastante pregueada. O ventrículo gástrico tem o formato de uma lente biconvexa, com comprimento médio de 4,30cm nas fêmeas e 4,35cm nos machos. A mucosa é formada por pregas revestidas por células cilíndricas e pelo muco formador da cutícula. Há criptas na base das pregas. em seguida, há uma lâmina própria e uma espessa camada muscular lisa, que se encontra direcionada de acordo com o formato do ventrículo gástrico. A serosa é constituída por uma densa porção de tecido conjuntivo, entremeado por algumas células musculares lisas.


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens foram utilizadas para estudar a morfologia do bico e da língua. Os comprimentos do bico e da língua foram avaliados, e secções histológicas foram coradas com Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson, posteriormente analisadas e descritas. O bico da perdiz em ambos os sexos são curvos, duros e com uma extremidade pontiaguda tendo em média de 4,90cm de comprimento para as fêmeas e 4,80 para os machos. A língua é caracterizada por um formato triangular e possui em média 1cm de comprimento para ambos os sexos, sendo sua extremidade pontiaguda. A organização histológica da língua apresenta epitélio estratificado queratinizado com papilas filiformes em toda a superfície, glândulas mucosas com ductos que se projetam na superfície epitelial e cartilagem hialina em todo o comprimento, localizada sobre a musculatura esquelética, a qual é orientada em várias direções.