916 resultados para industrial data


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos do trabalho por turnos, incluindo o turno noturno, a nível da saúde, vida familiar e social, numa empresa do sector da indústria. Foi construído um questionário que abordava questões relativas aos dados sociodemográficos, organização temporal do trabalho, qualidade do sono, exigências da tarefa e envolvimento, saúde, vida familiar e social, e posteriormente foi aplicado a uma amostra de 24 trabalhadores com idades entre os 29 e os 52 anos (41,58±5,79 anos). Os resultados mostram uma tendência para doenças como a obesidade, colesterol elevado e manifestação de sintomas relacionados com problemas digestivos nos trabalhadores que trabalham por turnos à [sic] mais anos. Antes do primeiro turno noturno o tempo de sono é bastante reduzido e fica aquém do tempo que os trabalhadores sentem que necessitam dormir para se sentirem bem. O turno da tarde é o que permite os trabalhadores ficarem com um tempo de sono mais próximo desse “ideal”. Em relação à idade, todos os trabalhadores do grupo etário mais velho manifestam interrupções do sono diurno. Também se verifica um maior descontentamento destes trabalhadores com o tempo livre para realizar atividades que tragam bem-estar. Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento da realidade do trabalho por turnos na indústria e espera-se que desperte a procura de soluções que otimizem a vida destes trabalhadores.


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TUTKIMUKSEN TAVOITTEET Tutkielman tavoitteena oli luoda ensin yleiskäsitys tuotemerkkimarkkinoinnin roolista teollisilla markkinoilla, sekä suhdemarkkinoinnin merkityksestä teollisessa merkkituotemarkkinoinnissa. Toisena oleellisena tavoitteena oli kuvata teoreettisesti merkkituoteidentiteetin rakenne teollisessa yrityksessä ja sen vaikutukset myyntihenkilöstöön, ja lisäksi haluttiin tutkia tuotemerkkien lisäarvoa sekä asiakkaalle että myyjälle. Identiteetti ja sen vaikutukset, erityisesti imago haluttiin tutkia myös empiirisesti. LÄHDEAINEISTO JA TUTKIMUSMENETELMÄT Tämän tutkielman teoreettinen osuus perustuu kirjallisuuteen, akateemisiin julkaisuihin ja aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin; keskittyen merkkituotteiden markkinointiin, identiteettiin ja imagoon, sekä suhdemarkkinointiin osana merkkituotemarkkinointia. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on kuvaileva eli deskriptiivinen ja sekä kvalitatiivinen että kvantitatiivinen. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, jossa caseyritykseksi valittiin kansainvälinen pakkauskartonki-teollisuuden yritys. Empiirisen osuuden toteuttamiseen käytettiin www-pohjaista surveytä, jonka avulla tietoja kerättiin myyntihenkilöstöltä case-yrityksessä. Lisäksi empiiristä osuutta laajennettiin tutkimalla sekundäärilähteitä kuten yrityksen sisäisiä kirjallisia dokumentteja ja tutkimuksia. TULOKSET. Teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tuloksena luotiin malli jota voidaan hyödyntää merkkituotemarkkinoinnin päätöksenteon tukena pakkauskartonki-teollisuudessa. Teollisen brandinhallinnan tulee keskittyä erityisesti asiakas-suhteiden brandaukseen – tätä voisi kutsua teolliseksi suhdebrandaukseksi. Tuote-elementit ja –arvot, differointi ja positiointi, sisäinen yrityskuva ja viestintä ovat teollisen brandi-identiteetin peruskiviä, jotka luovat brandi-imagon. Case-yrityksen myyntihenkilöstön tuote- ja yritysmielikuvat osoittautuivat kokonaisuudessaan hyviksi. Paras imago on CKB tuotteilla, kun taas heikoin on WLC tuotteilla. Teolliset brandit voivat luoda monenlaisia lisäarvoja sekä asiakas- että myyjäyritykselle.


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The thesis aims to understand how CSR and stakeholder engagement can contribute to the development of industrial symbiosis. Theory suggests that corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement theories have many similar aspects that correlate with the development of industrial symbiosis. This study is qualitative and empirical suggestions are derived from integrative analysis of literature, secondary data and case study analysis. The empirical findings from the interviews support the framework that is created from the findings of the literature review. The results discovered throughout the thesis research suggest that CSR functions as a theoretical background for industrial symbiosis and stakeholder engagement helps develop more thorough understandings of it from the management viewpoint. Empirical findings and literature review also suggest that in the developing of industrial symbiosis the key aspect are the social characteristics such as a robust management structure, trust between partners and long-term commitment to the common goals that support the development of these symbioses. Also, communication and transparency supports the development of industrial symbiosis. For managerial contribution, this thesis presents organizational practices that can help managers to understand how they can engage in effective engagement with stakeholders in the development of industrial symbiosis.


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The hazards associated with major accident hazard (MAH) industries are fire, explosion and toxic gas releases. Of these, toxic gas release is the worst as it has the potential to cause extensive fatalities. Qualitative and quantitative hazard analyses are essential for the identitication and quantification of the hazards associated with chemical industries. This research work presents the results of a consequence analysis carried out to assess the damage potential of the hazardous material storages in an industrial area of central Kerala, India. A survey carried out in the major accident hazard (MAH) units in the industrial belt revealed that the major hazardous chemicals stored by the various industrial units are ammonia, chlorine, benzene, naphtha, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and LPG. The damage potential of the above chemicals is assessed using consequence modelling. Modelling of pool fires for naphtha, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone, benzene and ammonia are carried out using TNO model. Vapor cloud explosion (VCE) modelling of LPG, cyclohexane and benzene are carried out using TNT equivalent model. Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) modelling of LPG is also carried out. Dispersion modelling of toxic chemicals like chlorine, ammonia and benzene is carried out using the ALOHA air quality model. Threat zones for different hazardous storages are estimated based on the consequence modelling. The distance covered by the threat zone was found to be maximum for chlorine release from a chlor-alkali industry located in the area. The results of consequence modelling are useful for the estimation of individual risk and societal risk in the above industrial area.Vulnerability assessment is carried out using probit functions for toxic, thermal and pressure loads. Individual and societal risks are also estimated at different locations. Mapping of threat zones due to different incident outcome cases from different MAH industries is done with the help of Are GIS.Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is an established technique for hazard evaluation. This technique has the advantage of being both qualitative and quantitative, if the probabilities and frequencies of the basic events are known. However it is often difficult to estimate precisely the failure probability of the components due to insufficient data or vague characteristics of the basic event. It has been reported that availability of the failure probability data pertaining to local conditions is surprisingly limited in India. This thesis outlines the generation of failure probability values of the basic events that lead to the release of chlorine from the storage and filling facility of a major chlor-alkali industry located in the area using expert elicitation and proven fuzzy logic. Sensitivity analysis has been done to evaluate the percentage contribution of each basic event that could lead to chlorine release. Two dimensional fuzzy fault tree analysis (TDFFTA) has been proposed for balancing the hesitation factor invo1ved in expert elicitation .


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The thesis entitled Growth Response of Phytoplankton Exposed to Industrial Effluents in River Periyar. The present investigation has been conducted in two phases: field observation and algal assays. The monthly distribution of hydrographic features is represented graphically. The sampling year has been divided into three seasons: monsoon (June to September), postmonsoon (October to January) and premonsoon (February to May). The data were analysed using Student's t-test to find whether there was any significant difference between surface and bottom samples. The spatial variation of the variables was assessed by Page's L (trend) test (Ray Meddis, 1975). The standard procedure for algal toxicity test (Ward and Parrish, 1982) was followed throughout the study. Statistical analysis (Page's L (trend) test) showed that there was no significant difference in Secchi disc transparency between the stations. The field observations as well as the laboratory assays confirm that the rate of discharge in river Periyar during premonsoon is insufficient to effect dilution of wastewater received in the industrial zone.


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El reciclaje se ha caracterizado por ser un tema importante en la última década, por el desarrollo económico, social y tecnológico que tiene consigo. Evidentemente, el sector de reciclaje se ha convertido en un sector con visión para poder conseguir un nuevo sector. Por este motivo lo que se ha querido con este trabajo de investigación es buscar nuevas manera de ver los recursos que se encuentran en cualquier lugar de las ciudades. La tesis cuenta con un sin número de argumentos que ayudarán a que las personas que lean el documento se interesen cada vez más en reutilizar los materiales que día a día encuentran. De esta manera, se puede ver una cadena de suministro, que llevará a que la materia prima que se haya mejorado sirva para realizar otro tipo de productos y genere un sostenimiento significativo a miles de personas que pueden sacarle provecho a estos materiales. Nuestros hábitos más cotidianos tienen mucho que ver con la degradación global del planeta. Actos tan rutinarios como tirar la basura sin separarla, comprar utensilios de usar y tirar o adquirir los alimentos envasados en materiales anti ecológicos o no reciclables contribuyen en gran medida a la contaminación medioambiental (Inzillo, 2000).


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Introducción: La minería subterránea es considerada de alto riesgo afectando la salud de trabajadores expuestos a factores de riesgo y condiciones de trabajo, sin que exista información sobre concentración de material particulado y niveles de riesgo. Objetivo: Determinar la exposición ambiental a polvo de carbón y su relación con las condiciones de higiene y seguridad industrial en los trabajadores que laboran en minas subterráneas de la región de Boyacá. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal donde se emplearon cuestionarios para recolectar datos sobre condiciones de trabajo y se realizaron muestreos ambientales de material particulado mediante método de análisis gravimétrico y metodología 0600 de NIOSH. Resultados: Estudio realizado en 19 empresas con 232 trabajadores, con edades entre 20 y 73 años. La concentración promedio de material particulado en los 209 monitoreos realizados fue de 3,4 +3,4mg/m3. El nivel de riesgo alto por exposición a polvo de carbón se encontró en el 70,8% (148) de los monitoreos y el 20,6% (43) en nivel severo, con promedio de 4,9 +4,9 mg/m3. Asociaciones significativas se reportaron entre trabajadores que no usaban protección respiratoria y nivel de riesgo medio y alto (p=0,033); uso mascarilla sin cartucho y nivel de riesgo bajo y medio (p=0,013); el no uso de protección auditiva y niveles medio y alto (p=0,010) y consumo de cigarrillo en el trabajo y niveles medio, alto y severo (p=0,008). Conclusiones: Se determinó vinculación y relación significativa entre los niveles de riesgo alto y severo por exposición a polvo de carbón con concentraciones por encima de niveles permisibles y las condiciones de seguridad industrial de trabajadores


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Este trabajo hace parte de los proyectos de investigación que se encuentran dentro del Grupo de Investigación en Perdurabilidad Empresarial y la Línea de Realidad Empresarial, los cuales se enfocan en las relaciones de las organizaciones con los diferentes agentes que las afectan. La presente investigación se desarrolla dentro de un programa concreto llamado Epidemiología empresarial y tiene como propósito identificar el comportamiento del Thanatos empresarial en el sector industrial en Colombia, desde 2007 hasta 2013. Sin embargo, dentro del estudio se nombran algunos resultados encontrados de la liquidación obligatoria previos al año 2007. Inicialmente, el trabajo contiene una recolección de información de diferentes expertos y académicos que se han encargado de estudiar la perdurabilidad de las empresas y los factores que la afectan. Así mismo, en el trabajo se realiza una aproximación teórica al fenómeno de morbilidad empresarial y se lleva a cabo un análisis a partir de cifras reales que permiten identificar el efecto que tiene dicho fenómeno en la economía colombiana y el bienestar de sus habitantes. Así mismo, se desarrolla un concepto general de la situación del sector industrial en Colombia y de su impacto en la economía del país. Por otro lado, se analizan las oportunidades y retos que ofrece el reciente tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos y se hace una aproximación a las teorías de internacionalización de Dunning, Johanson, Vahlne y Mattson, y la relación que se establece a partir de ellas. Así mismo, se identifican factores que amenazan la durabilidad de las empresas y la creación de las mismas. Para el desarrollo del estudio se tomaron datos otorgados por la Superintendencia de Sociedades , a partir de los cuales se identificaron las empresas que han venido entrando a procesos de liquidación y reorganización. Teniendo el cuenta que pueden presentarse dos tipos de liquidación en Colombia, la investigación se divide en dos capítulos: liquidación obligatoria y liquidación judicial. En cada uno de estos capítulos se presentan el número de empresas que entraron en liquidación y las ciudades que presentaron más liquidaciones de las empresas en el sector industrial. Finalmente, a partir del análisis la información encontrada, se presenta una serie de recomendaciones a los principales problemas encontrados relacionados con el cierre de las empresas en el País.


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Los objetivos de la tesis son en primer lugar, el análisis del alcance de los datos disponibles y su grado de validez para proporcionar una visión de la realidad del comportamiento innovador de las empresas españolas. En segundo lugar la definición de un modelo de análisis que pueda ser de interés para la sistematización de los estudios y la posible definición de política de apoyo a la I+D. Finalmente evaluar el potencial que tiene el tratamiento regionalizado de los datos de la encuesta de innovación a partir del estudio del caso de Cataluña y su comparación con los resultados agregados no regionales.


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Essa pesquisa teve como preocupação central conhecer a avaliação que os estudantes do 3° ano do ensino médio da educação básica acerca da educação fornecida pela rede estadual de ensino no estado de Pernambuco quanto à preparação para o mercado de trabalho, especialmente na região do Complexo Industrial de Suape em Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 130 alunos que estudavam em duas escolas do município de Ipojuca - onde se localiza o referido Complexo Industrial -, e com 07 autoridades ligadas a educação – responsáveis pelas políticas públicas nessa região e em todo estado – em Pernambuco e nas cidades do Cabo de Santo Agostinho e Ipojuca. Foram aplicados um questionário validado aos alunos e uma entrevista semi-estruturada as autoridades (secretários de estado, gerentes regionais) em educação. Na análise quantitativa fizemos uso do programa SPSS; enquanto que na análise qualitativa utilizamos a análise de discurso. A partir dos dados obtidos conseguimos como resultado que os alunos acreditam que a escola não os prepara adequadamente para o ingresso e permanência no mercado de trabalho, e acreditam ainda, que para que essa constatação possa ser modificada é preciso que haja um investimento maior na qualidade da educação como prioridade em nosso estado e em nosso país. Nesse sentido, analisamos que mesmo com todos os avanços que estão ocorrendo no Brasil, com programas e leis de incentivo a educação básica e profissional, a sociedade globalizada exige cada vez mais investimentos em educação, e que ela deixe de ser dual e torne-se integrada e onilateral, fazendo com que os alunos consigam acreditar na educação e, a partir dela se tornem sujeitos críticos e com oportunidades de ingresso no mercado com as competências que lhe são exigidas para tal fim.


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At present developing countries have found it necessary to set up integration mechanisms to remove barriers in order to promote trade. For this reason, countries have made efforts to encourage and develop local industries in order to offer attractive products to foreign markets and boost economic growth. In Latin America, the Andean Community (CAN) is one of the oldest integration process in Latin America. Ecuador, like other members of CAN, has had good results as a member of the CAN. Based on survey data this paper overviews some of the experiences, processes implemented, and commercialization efforts undertaken by manufacturing export companies in the manufacturing industrial sector (plastic, food and beverages) in the city of Guayaquil.


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Annual loss of nests by industrial (nonwoodlot) forest harvesting in Canada was estimated using two avian point-count data sources: (1) the Boreal Avian Monitoring Project (BAM) dataset for provinces operating in this biome and (2) available data summarized for the major (nonboreal) forest regions of British Columbia. Accounting for uncertainty in the proportion of harvest occurring during the breeding season and in avian nesting densities, our estimate ranges from 616 thousand to 2.09 million nests. Estimates of the impact on numbers of individuals recruited into the adult breeding population were made based on the application of survivorship estimates at various stages of the life cycle. Future improvements to this estimate are expected as better and more extensive avian breeding pair density estimates become available and as provincial forestry statistics become more refined, spatially and temporally. The effect of incidental take due to forestry is not uniform and is disproportionately centered in the southern boreal. Those species whose ranges occur primarily in these regions are most at risk for industrial forestry in general and for incidental take in particular. Refinements to the nest loss estimate for industrial forestry in Canada will be achieved primarily through the provision of more accurate estimates of the area of forest harvested annually during the breeding season stratified by forest type and Bird Conservation Region (BCR). A better understanding of survivorship among life-history stages for forest birds would also allow for better modeling of the effect of nest loss on adult recruitment. Finally, models are needed to project legacy effects of forest harvesting on avian populations that take into account forest succession and accompanying cumulative effects of landscape change.


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We suggest that climate variability in Europe for the “pre-industrial” period 1500–1900 is fundamentally a consequence of internal fluctuations of the climate system. This is because a model simulation, using fixed pre-industrial forcing, in several important aspects is consistent with recent observational reconstructions at high temporal resolution. This includes extreme warm and cold seasonal events as well as different measures of the decadal to multi-decadal variance. Significant trends of 50-year duration can be seen in the model simulation. While the global temperature is highly correlated with ENSO (El Nino- Southern Oscillation), European seasonal temperature is only weakly correlated with the global temperature broadly consistent with data from ERA-40 reanalyses. Seasonal temperature anomalies of the European land area are largely controlled by the position of the North Atlantic storm tracks. We believe the result is highly relevant for the interpretation of past observational records suggesting that the effect of external forcing appears to be of secondary importance. That variations in the solar irradiation could have been a credible cause of climate variations during the last centuries, as suggested in some previous studies, is presumably due to the fact that the models used in these studies may have underestimated the internal variability of the climate. The general interpretation from this study is that the past climate is just one of many possible realizations and thus in many respects not reproducible in its time evolution with a general circulation model but only reproducible in a statistical sense.


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A regional overview of the water quality and ecology of the River Lee catchment is presented. Specifically, data describing the chemical, microbiological and macrobiological water quality and fisheries communities have been analysed, based on a division into river, sewage treatment works, fish-farm, lake and industrial samples. Nutrient enrichment and the highest concentrations of metals and micro-organics were found in the urbanised, lower reaches of the Lee and in the Lee Navigation. Average annual concentrations of metals were generally within environmental quality standards although, oil many occasions, concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc were in excess of the standards. Various organic substances (used as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, chlorination by-products and industrial solvents) were widely detected in the Lee system. Concentrations of ten micro-organic substances were observed in excess of their environmental quality standards, though not in terms of annual averages. Sewage treatment works were the principal point source input of nutrients. metals and micro-organic determinands to the catchment. Diffuse nitrogen sources contributed approximately 60% and 27% of the in-stream load in the upper and lower Lee respectively, whereas approximately 60% and 20% of the in-stream phosphorus load was derived from diffuse sources in the upper and lower Lee. For metals, the most significant source was the urban runoff from North London. In reaches less affected by effluent discharges, diffuse runoff from urban and agricultural areas dominated trends. Flig-h microbiological content, observed in the River Lee particularly in urbanised reaches, was far in excess of the EC Bathing Water Directive standards. Water quality issues and degraded habitat in the lower reaches of the Lee have led to impoverished aquatic fauna but, within the mid-catchment reaches and upper agricultural tributaries, less nutrient enrichment and channel alteration has permitted more diverse aquatic fauna.


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Consider the statement "this project should cost X and has risk of Y". Such statements are used daily in industry as the basis for making decisions. The work reported here is part of a study aimed at providing a rational and pragmatic basis for such statements. Of particular interest are predictions made in the requirements and early phases of projects. A preliminary model has been constructed using Bayesian Belief Networks and in support of this, a programme to collect and study data during the execution of various software development projects commenced in May 2002. The data collection programme is undertaken under the constraints of a commercial industrial regime of multiple concurrent small to medium scale software development projects. Guided by pragmatism, the work is predicated on the use of data that can be collected readily by project managers; including expert judgements, effort, elapsed times and metrics collected within each project.