944 resultados para human embryonic brain
Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting from supply voltage fluctuation, which, in turn can be caused by disturbances introduced during power generation, transmission or distribution. The standard EN 61000-4-15 which has been recently adopted also by the IEEE as IEEE Standard 1453 relies on the analysis of the supply voltage which is processed according to a suitable model of the lamp – human eye – brain chain. As for the lamp, an incandescent 60 W, 230 V, 50 Hz source is assumed. As far as the human eye – brain model is concerned, it is represented by the so-called flicker curve. Such a curve was determined several years ago by statistically analyzing the results of tests where people were subjected to flicker with different combinations of magnitude and frequency. The limitations of this standard approach to flicker evaluation are essentially two. First, the provided index of annoyance Pst can be related to an actual tiredness of the human visual system only if such an incandescent lamp is used. Moreover, the implemented response to flicker is “subjective” given that it relies on the people answers about their feelings. In the last 15 years, many scientific contributions have tackled these issues by investigating the possibility to develop a novel model of the eye-brain response to flicker and overcome the strict dependence of the standard on the kind of the light source. In this light of fact, this thesis is aimed at presenting an important contribution for a new Flickermeter. An improved visual system model using a physiological parameter that is the mean value of the pupil diameter, has been presented, thus allowing to get a more “objective” representation of the response to flicker. The system used to both generate flicker and measure the pupil diameter has been illustrated along with all the results of several experiments performed on the volunteers. The intent has been to demonstrate that the measurement of that geometrical parameter can give reliable information about the feeling of the human visual system to light flicker.
Legislation influences the availability of embryos for research. The law in Switzerland, and in some other European countries, is restrictive concerning medically assisted reproduction and stem cell research. Swiss law prohibits the creation of embryos for research purposes. It permits the derivation of human embryonic stem cells for research from surplus embryos but prohibits research with intact surplus embryos and embryo donation to other couples. Swiss law defines all embryos generated during a reproductive cycle and not used for reproduction as surplus embryos. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surplus embryos generated in Switzerland in 2003. A detailed questionnaire was sent to all registered IVF units in Switzerland (n = 22). 11727 embryos were generated during 2003. Of these, 93.5% were transferred into the uterus and 0.4% were cryopreserved. The remaining 6.1% (n = 711) became surplus. Of these, 2.7% were transferred intravaginally and the rest discarded due to poor quality (1.6%), development arrest (1.5%), renunciation by the couple (0.2%) or for other reasons (0.1%). The number of surplus embryos in Switzerland in 2003 was evaluated. Most surplus embryos became so during a therapeutic cycle. The restrictive legal regulation decreases the availability of human embryos for research.
There is a lot of excitement about the potential use of multipotent neural stem cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the strategy is compromised by the general loss of multipotency and ability to generate neurons after long-term in vitro propagation. In the present study, human embryonic (5 weeks post-conception) ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursor cells were propagated as neural tissue-spheres (NTS) in epidermal growth factor (EGF; 20 ng/ml) and fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2; 20 ng/ml). After more than 325 days, the NTS were transferred to media containing either EGF+FGF2, EGF+FGF2+heparin or leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF; 10 ng/ml)+FGF2+heparin. Cultures were subsequently propagated for more than 180 days with NTS analyzed at various time-points. Our data show for the first time that human VM neural precursor cells can be long-term propagated as NTS in the presence of EGF and FGF2. A positive effect of heparin was found only after 150 days of treatment. After switching into different media, only NTS exposed to LIF contained numerous cells positive for markers of newly formed neurons. Besides of demonstrating the ability of human VM NTS to be long-term propagated, our study also suggests that LIF favours neurogenic differentiation of human VM precursor cells.
Computational network analysis provides new methods to analyze the human connectome. Brain structural networks can be characterized by global and local metrics that recently gave promising insights for diagnosis and further understanding of neurological, psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. In order to ensure the validity of results in clinical settings the precision and repeatability of the networks and the associated metrics must be evaluated. In the present study, nineteen healthy subjects underwent two consecutive measurements enabling us to test reproducibility of the brain network and its global and local metrics. As it is known that the network topology depends on the network density, the effects of setting a common density threshold for all networks were also assessed. Results showed good to excellent repeatability for global metrics, while for local metrics it was more variable and some metrics were found to have locally poor repeatability. Moreover, between subjects differences were slightly inflated when the density was not fixed. At the global level, these findings confirm previous results on the validity of global network metrics as clinical biomarkers. However, the new results in our work indicate that the remaining variability at the local level as well as the effect of methodological characteristics on the network topology should be considered in the analysis of brain structural networks and especially in networks comparisons.
Deep brain stimulation of different targets has been shown to drastically improve symptoms of a variety of neurological conditions. However, the occurrence of disabling side effects may limit the ability to deliver adequate amounts of current necessary to reach the maximal benefit. Computed models have suggested that reduction in electrode size and the ability to provide directional stimulation could increase the efficacy of such therapies. This has never been demonstrated in humans. In the present study, we assess the effect of directional stimulation compared to omnidirectional stimulation.
Brain metastasis, which occurs in 40%-60% of patients with advanced melanoma, has led directly to death in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the biological and molecular basis of melanoma brain metastases. In our previous study, we developed a model to study human melanoma brain metastasis and found that Stat3 activity was increased in human brain metastatic melanoma cells when compared with that in cutaneous melanoma cells. The increased activation of Stat3 is also responsible for affecting melanoma angiogenesis in vivo and melanoma cell invasion in vitro and significantly affecting the expression of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-2 in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, a member of a new family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signal transduction, termed suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) was found to negatively regulate the Janus kinase signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling cascade. Here we report that restoration of SOCS1 expression by transfecting of SOCS1-expressing vector effectively inhibited melanoma brain metastasis through inhibiting Stat3 activation and further affecting melanoma angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion in vitro, and significantly affected the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we used cDNA array to compare mRNA expression in the SOCS1-transfected and vector-transfected cell lines and found some genes are tightly correlated to the restoration of SOCS1. One of them is Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Cav-1 was reported to function as a tumor suppressor gene by several groups. Finally, the Cav-1 expression is up-regulated in SOCS1-overexpressing cell line. Further study found the regulation of Cav-1 by SOCS1 occurs through inhibiting Stat3 activation. Activated Stat3 binds directly to Cav-1 promoter and the Cav-1 promoter within -575bp is essential for active Stat3 binding. My studies reveal that Stat3 activation and SOCS1 expression play important roles in melanoma metastases. Moreover, the expression between SOCS1, Stat3 and Cav-1 forms a feedback regulation loop. ^
Germline defects in the tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) tumor suppressor gene predispose humans and rats to benign and malignant lesions in a variety of tissues. The brain is among the most profoundly affected organs in tuberous sclerosis (TSC) patients and is the site of development of the cortical tubers for which the hereditary syndrome is named. A spontaneous germline inactivation of the Tsc2 locus has been described in an animal model, the Eker rat. We report that the homozygous state of this mutation (Tsc2Ek/Ek) was lethal in mid-gestation (the equivalent of mouse E9.5–E13.5), when Tsc2 mRNA was highly expressed in embryonic neuroepithelium. During this period homozygous mutant Eker embryos lacking functional Tsc2 gene product, tuberin, displayed dysraphia and papillary overgrowth of the neuroepithelium, indicating that loss of tuberin disrupted the normal development of this tissue. Interestingly, there was significant intraspecies variability in the penetrance of cranial abnormalities in mutant embryos: the Long–Evans strain Tsc2Ek/Ek embryos displayed these defects whereas the Fisher 344 homozygous mutant embryos had normal-appearing neuroepithelium. Taken together, our data indicate that the Tsc2 gene participates in normal brain development and suggest the inactivation of this gene may have similar functional consequences in both mature and embryonic brain.
Prostaglandin E2 receptors (EP) were detected by radioligand binding in nuclear fractions isolated from porcine brain and myometrium. Intracellular localization by immunocytofluorescence revealed perinuclear localization of EPs in porcine cerebral microvascular endothelial cells. Nuclear association of EP1 was also found in fibroblast Swiss 3T3 cells stably overexpressing EP1 and in human embryonic kidney 293 (Epstein–Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen) cells expressing EP1 fused to green fluorescent protein. High-resolution immunostaining of EP1 revealed their presence in the nuclear envelope of isolated (cultured) endothelial cells and in situ in brain (cortex) endothelial cells and neurons. Stimulation of these nuclear receptors modulate nuclear calcium and gene transcription.
Suppression of cardiac voltage-gated Na+ currents is probably one of the important factors for the cardioprotective effects of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against lethal arrhythmias. The α subunit of the human cardiac Na+ channel (hH1α) and its mutants were expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK293t) cells. The effects of single amino acid point mutations on fatty acid-induced inhibition of the hH1α Na+ current (INa) were assessed. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3) significantly reduced INa in HEK293t cells expressing the wild type, Y1767K, and F1760K of hH1α Na+ channels. The inhibition was voltage and concentration-dependent with a significant hyperpolarizing shift of the steady state of INa. In contrast, the mutant N406K was significantly less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of EPA. The values of the shift at 1, 5, and 10 μM EPA were significantly smaller for N406K than for the wild type. Coexpression of the β1 subunit and N406K further decreased the inhibitory effects of EPA on INa in HEK293t cells. In addition, EPA produced a smaller hyperpolarizing shift of the V1/2 of the steady-state inactivation in HEK293t cells coexpressing the β1 subunit and N406K. These results demonstrate that substitution of asparagine with lysine at the site of 406 in the domain-1-segment-6 region (D1-S6) significantly decreased the inhibitory effect of PUFAs on INa, and coexpression with β1 decreased this effect even more. Therefore, asparagine at the 406 site in hH1α may be important for the inhibition by the PUFAs of cardiac voltage-gated Na+ currents, which play a significant role in the antiarrhythmic actions of PUFAs.
A novel photoactivatable analog of ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (ovine photoCRF) has been synthesized and characterized. A diazirine group, the 4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzoyl residue, was covalently bound to the amino terminus of ovine CRF (oCRF), which was N-terminally extended by a tyrosyl residue for radioactive labeling with 125I. Under mild conditions, photolysis yielded highly reactive carbenes, responsible for the formation of covalent bonds to the CRF receptor. Ovine photoCRF was shown to bind to the high-affinity site of the CRF receptor with a similar Kd value as oCRF. When radioactively iodinated ovine photoCRF (ovine 125I-photoCRF) was covalently linked to rat CRF receptor, type 1 (rCRFR1), permanently transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, a highly glycosylated 75-kDa protein was identified with SDS/PAGE. The specificity of ovine 125I-photoCRF was demonstrated by the finding that this analog could be displaced from the receptor by oCRF, but not other unrelated peptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide. The observed size of the 75-kDa cross-link was in agreement with the molecular weight reported earlier for native CRFR1 from rat brain. Deglycosylation of the 75-kDa cross-link with peptide:N-glycosidase (PNGase) yielded a 46-kDa protein, in agreement with the molecular weight estimated from cDNA coding for rat CRFR1. The developed CRF analog, photoCRF, is expected to facilitate future biochemical and physiological analysis of CRF receptors and--by analogous strategies--of other peptide receptors.
The gene encoding human myosin VIIA is responsible for Usher syndrome type III (USH1B), a disease which associates profound congenital sensorineural deafness, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa. The reconstituted cDNA sequence presented here predicts a 2215 amino acid protein with a typical unconventional myosin structure. This protein is expected to dimerize into a two-headed molecule. The C terminus of its tail shares homology with the membrane-binding domain of the band 4.1 protein superfamily. The gene consists of 48 coding exons. It encodes several alternatively spliced forms. In situ hybridization analysis in human embryos demonstrates that the myosin VIIA gene is expressed in the pigment epithelium and the photoreceptor cells of the retina, thus indicating that both cell types may be involved in the USH1B retinal degenerative process. In addition, the gene is expressed in the human embryonic cochlear and vestibular neuroepithelia. We suggest that deafness and vestibular dysfunction in USH1B patients result from a defect in the morphogenesis of the inner ear sensory cell stereocilia.
The hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the JC and BK polyoma viruses (JCV and BKV, respectively) are significantly elevated in individuals exhibiting "rogue" cells among their cultured lymphocytes. However, the elevation is so much greater with respect to JCV that the BKV elevation could readily be explained by cross reactivity to the capsid protein of these two closely related viruses. The JCV exhibits high sequence homology with the simian papovavirus, simian virus 40 (SV40), and inoculation of human fetal brain cells with JCV produces polyploidy and chromosomal damage very similar to that produced by SV40. We suggest, by analogy with the effects of SV40, that these changes are due to the action of the viral large tumor antigen, a pluripotent DNA binding protein that acts in both transcription and replication. The implications of these findings for oncogenesis are briefly discussed.
The developmental stage- and erythroid lineage-specific activation of the human embryonic zeta- and fetal/adult alpha-globin genes is controlled by an upstream regulatory element [hypersensitive site (HS)-40] with locus control region properties, a process mediated by multiple nuclear factor-DNA complexes. In vitro DNase I protection experiments of the two G+C-rich, adult alpha-globin promoters have revealed a number of binding sites for nuclear factors that are common to HeLa and K-562 extracts. However, genomic footprinting analysis has demonstrated that only a subset of these sites, clustered between -130 and +1, is occupied in an erythroid tissue-specific manner. The function of these in vivo-occupied motifs of the alpha-globin promoters, as well as those previously mapped in the HS-40 region, is assayed by site-directed mutagenesis and transient expression in embryonic/fetal erythroid K-562 cells. These studies, together with our expression data on the human embryonic zeta-globin promoter, provide a comprehensive view of the functional roles of individual nuclear factor-DNA complexes in the final stages of transcriptional activation of the human alpha-like globin promoters by the HS-40 element.
Alcohol dependence may result from neuroadaptation involving alteration of gene expression after long-term alcohol exposure. The systematic study of gene expression profiles of the human alcoholic brain was initiated using the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-differential display and was followed by DNA microarray. To date, more than 100 alcohol-responsive genes have been identified from the frontal cortex, motor cortex and nucleus accumbens of the human brain. These genes have a wide range of functions in the brain and indicate diverse actions of alcohol on neuronal function. This review discusses the current information on the genetic basis of alcoholism and the induction and characterization of these alcohol-responsive genes.
The omega-conotoxins from fish-hunting cone snails are potent inhibitors of voltage-gated calcium channels. The omega-conotoxins MVIIA and CVID are selective N-type calcium channel inhibitors with potential in the treatment of chronic pain. The beta and alpha(2)delta-1 auxiliary subunits influence the expression and characteristics of the alpha(1B) subunit of N-type channels and are differentially regulated in disease states, including pain. In this study, we examined the influence of these auxiliary subunits on the ability of the omega-conotoxins GVIA, MVIIA, CVID and analogues to inhibit peripheral and central forms of the rat N-type channels. Although the beta3 subunit had little influence on the on- and off-rates of omega-conotoxins, coexpression of alpha(2)delta with alpha(1B) significantly reduced on- rates and equilibrium inhibition at both the central and peripheral isoforms of the N-type channels. The alpha(2)delta also enhanced the selectivity of MVIIA, but not CVID, for the central isoform. Similar but less pronounced trends were also observed for N-type channels expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. The influence of alpha(2)delta was not affected by oocyte deglycosylation. The extent of recovery from the omega-conotoxin block was least for GVIA, intermediate for MVIIA, and almost complete for CVID. Application of a hyperpolarizing holding potential ( - 120 mV) did not significantly enhance the extent of CVID recovery. Interestingly, [R10K] MVIIA and [O10K] GVIA had greater recovery from the block, whereas [K10R] CVID had reduced recovery from the block, indicating that position 10 had an important influence on the extent of omega-conotoxin reversibility. Recovery from CVID block was reduced in the presence of alpha(2)delta in human embryonic kidney cells and in oocytes expressing alpha(1B-b). These results may have implications for the antinociceptive properties of omega-conotoxins, given that the alpha(2)delta subunit is up-regulated in certain pain states.