560 resultados para fpga, usb


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This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. The subject of this thesis regards important channel estimation aspects in wideband wireless communication systems, such as echo cancellation in digital video broadcasting systems and pilot aided channel estimation through an innovative pilot design in Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO-OFDM network. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter-University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to May 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DOCOMO - Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DOCOMO Euro-Labs) in Munich, Germany, in the Wireless Technologies Research Group. Some important scientific papers, submitted and/or published on IEEE journals and conferences have been produced by the author.


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In molti settori della ricerca in campo biologico e biomedico si fa ricorso a tecniche di High Throughput Screening (HTS), tra cui studio dei canali ionici. In questo campo si studia la conduzione di ioni attraverso una membrana cellulare durante fenomeni che durano solo alcuni millisecondi. Allo scopo sono solitamente usati sensori e convertitori A/D ad elevata velocità insieme ad opportune interfacce di comunicazione, ad elevato bit-rate e latenza ridotta. In questa tesi viene descritta l'implementazione di un modulo VHDL per la trasmissione di dati digitali provenienti da un sistema HTS attraverso un controller di rete integrato dotato di un'interfaccia di tipo Ethernet, individuando le possibili ottimizzazioni specifiche per l'applicazione di interesse.


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The PhD activity described in the document is part of the Microsatellite and Microsystem Laboratory of the II Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna. The main objective is the design and development of a GNSS receiver for the orbit determination of microsatellites in low earth orbit. The development starts from the electronic design and goes up to the implementation of the navigation algorithms, covering all the aspects that are involved in this type of applications. The use of GPS receivers for orbit determination is a consolidated application used in many space missions, but the development of the new GNSS system within few years, such as the European Galileo, the Chinese COMPASS and the Russian modernized GLONASS, proposes new challenges and offers new opportunities to increase the orbit determination performances. The evaluation of improvements coming from the new systems together with the implementation of a receiver that is compatible with at least one of the new systems, are the main activities of the PhD. The activities can be divided in three section: receiver requirements definition and prototype implementation, design and analysis of the GNSS signal tracking algorithms, and design and analysis of the navigation algorithms. The receiver prototype is based on a Virtex FPGA by Xilinx, and includes a PowerPC processor. The architecture follows the software defined radio paradigm, so most of signal processing is performed in software while only what is strictly necessary is done in hardware. The tracking algorithms are implemented as a combination of Phase Locked Loop and Frequency Locked Loop for the carrier, and Delay Locked Loop with variable bandwidth for the code. The navigation algorithm is based on the extended Kalman filter and includes an accurate LEO orbit model.


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Questa tesi si prefissa l’obiettivo di analizzare l'evoluzione dei sistemi FPGA nel corso degli ultimi anni, evidenziando le novità e gli aspetti tecnici più significativi che ogni famiglia ha introdotto. Il primo capitolo avrà il compito di mostrare l’architettura ed il funzionamento generale di un FPGA, cercando di illustrarne le principali caratteristiche. Il secondo capitolo introdurrà i dispositivi FPGA Xilinx e mostrerà le caratteristiche tecniche dei principali dispositivi prodotto dall'azienda. Il terzo capitolo mostrerà invece le caratteristiche tecniche degli FPGA più recenti prodotti da Altera. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo, invece, metterà a confronto alcuni parametri fondamentali dei dispositivi descritti nell'elaborato.


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We have realized a Data Acquisition chain for the use and characterization of APSEL4D, a 32 x 128 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, developed as a prototype for frontier experiments in high energy particle physics. In particular a transition board was realized for the conversion between the chip and the FPGA voltage levels and for the signal quality enhancing. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA was used for real time data processing, for the chip control and the communication with a Personal Computer through a 2.0 USB port. For this purpose a firmware code, developed in VHDL language, was written. Finally a Graphical User Interface for the online system monitoring, hit display and chip control, based on windows and widgets, was realized developing a C++ code and using Qt and Qwt dedicated libraries. APSEL4D and the full acquisition chain were characterized for the first time with the electron beam of the transmission electron microscope and with 55Fe and 90Sr radioactive sources. In addition, a beam test was performed at the T9 station of the CERN PS, where hadrons of momentum of 12 GeV/c are available. The very high time resolution of APSEL4D (up to 2.5 Mfps, but used at 6 kfps) was fundamental in realizing a single electron Young experiment using nanometric double slits obtained by a FIB technique. On high statistical samples, it was possible to observe the interference and diffractions of single isolated electrons traveling inside a transmission electron microscope. For the first time, the information on the distribution of the arrival time of the single electrons has been extracted.


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È impossibile implementare sorgenti autenticamente casuali su hardware digitale. Quindi, storicamente, si è fatto ampio uso di generatori di numeri pseudo-casuali, evitando così i costi necessari per la progettazione di hardware analogico dedicato. Tuttavia, le sorgenti pseudo-casuali hanno proprietà (riproducibilità e periodicità) che si trasformano in vulnerabilità, nel caso in cui vengano adottate in sistemi di sicurezza informatica e all’interno di algoritmi crittografici. Oggi la richiesta di generatori di numeri autenticamente casuali è ai suoi massimi storici. Alcuni importanti attori dell’ICT sviluppato proprie soluzioni dedicate, ma queste sono disponibili solo sui sistemi moderni e di fascia elevata. È quindi di grande attualità rendere fruibili generatori autenticamente casuali per sistemi già esistenti o a basso costo. Per garantire sicurezza e al tempo stesso contenere i costi di progetto è opportuno pensare ad architetture che consentano di riusare parti analogiche già disponibili. Particolarmente interessanti risultano alcune architetture che, grazie all’utilizzo di dinamiche caotiche, consentono di basare buona parte della catena analogica di elaborazione su ADC. Infatti, tali blocchi sono ampiamente fruibili in forma integrata su architetture programmabili e microcontrollori. In questo lavoro, si propone un’implementazione a basso costo ed elevata flessibilità di un architettura basata su un ADC, inizialmente concepita all’Università di Bologna. La riduzione di costo viene ottenuta sfruttando il convertitore già presente all’interno di un microcontrollore. L’elevata flessibilità deriva dal fatto che il microcontrollore prescelto mette a disposizione una varietà di interfacce di comunicazione, tra cui quella USB, con la quale è possibile rendere facilmente fruibili i numeri casuali generati. Quindi, l’intero apparato comprende solo un microcontrollore e una minima catena analogica di elaborazione esterna e può essere interfacciato con estrema facilità ad elaboratori elettronici o sistemi embedded. La qualità della proposta, in termini di statistica delle sequenze casuali generate, è stata validata sfruttando i test standardizzati dall’U.S. NIST.


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The development of next generation microwave technology for backhauling systems is driven by an increasing capacity demand. In order to provide higher data rates and throughputs over a point-to-point link, a cost-effective performance improvement is enabled by an enhanced energy-efficiency of the transmit power amplification stage, whereas a combination of spectrally efficient modulation formats and wider bandwidths is supported by amplifiers that fulfil strict constraints in terms of linearity. An optimal trade-off between these conflicting requirements can be achieved by resorting to flexible digital signal processing techniques at baseband. In such a scenario, the adaptive digital pre-distortion is a well-known linearization method, that comes up to be a potentially widely-used solution since it can be easily integrated into base stations. Its operation can effectively compensate for the inter-modulation distortion introduced by the power amplifier, keeping up with the frequency-dependent time-varying behaviour of the relative nonlinear characteristic. In particular, the impact of the memory effects become more relevant and their equalisation become more challenging as the input discrete signal feature a wider bandwidth and a faster envelope to pre-distort. This thesis project involves the research, design and simulation a pre-distorter implementation at RTL based on a novel polyphase architecture, which makes it capable of operating over very wideband signals at a sampling rate that complies with the actual available clock speed of current digital devices. The motivation behind this structure is to carry out a feasible pre-distortion for the multi-band spectrally efficient complex signals carrying multiple channels that are going to be transmitted in near future high capacity and reliability microwave backhaul links.


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L’esperimento ATLAS al CERN di Ginevra ha un complesso sistema di rivelatori che permettono l’acquisizione e il salvataggio di dati generati dalle collisioni di particelle fondamentali. Il rivelatore per cui trova una naturale applicazione il lavoro di questa tesi è il Pixel Detector. Esso è il più vicino alla beam pipe e si compone di più strati, il più interno dei quali, l’Insertable B-Layer (IBL), aggiunto in seguito allo shut down dell’LHC avvenuto nel 2013, ha apportato diverse innovazioni per migliorare la risoluzione spaziale delle tracce e la velocità di acquisizione dei dati. E’ stato infatti necessario modificare il sistema di acquisizione dati dell’esperimento aggiungendo nuove schede chiamate ROD, ReadOut Driver, e BOC, Back Of Crate. Entrambe le due tipologie di schede sono montate su un apparato di supporto, chiamato Crate, che le gestisce. E’ evidente che avere un sistema remoto che possa mostrare in ogni momento il regime di funzionamento del crate e che dia la possibilità di pilotarlo anche a distanza risulta estremamente utile. Così, tramite il linguaggio di programmazione LabVIEW è stato possibile progettare un sistema multipiattaforma che permette di comunicare con il crate in modo da impostare e ricevere svariati parametri di controllo del sistema di acquisizione dati, come ad esempio la temperatura, la velocità delle ventole di raffreddamento e le correnti assorbite dalle varie tensioni di alimentazione. Al momento il software viene utilizzato all’interno dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) di Bologna dove è montato un crate W-Ie-Ne-R, speculare a quello presente al CERN di Ginevra, contenente delle schede ROD e BOC in fase di test. Il progetto ed il programma sviluppato e presentato in questa tesi ha ulteriori possibilità di miglioramento e di utilizzo, dal momento che anche per altri esperimenti dell’LHC le schede di acquisizione vengono montate sullo stesso modello di crate.


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This thesis explores system performance for reconfigurable distributed systems and provides an analytical model for determining throughput of theoretical systems based on the OpenSPARC FPGA Board and the SIRC Communication Framework. This model was developed by studying a small set of variables that together determine a system¿s throughput. The importance of this model is in assisting system designers to make decisions as to whether or not to commit to designing a reconfigurable distributed system based on the estimated performance and hardware costs. Because custom hardware design and distributed system design are both time consuming and costly, it is important for designers to make decisions regarding system feasibility early in the development cycle. Based on experimental data the model presented in this paper shows a close fit with less than 10% experimental error on average. The model is limited to a certain range of problems, but it can still be used given those limitations and also provides a foundation for further development of modeling reconfigurable distributed systems.


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In the past few decades, integrated circuits have become a major part of everyday life. Every circuit that is created needs to be tested for faults so faulty circuits are not sent to end-users. The creation of these tests is time consuming, costly and difficult to perform on larger circuits. This research presents a novel method for fault detection and test pattern reduction in integrated circuitry under test. By leveraging the FPGA's reconfigurability and parallel processing capabilities, a speed up in fault detection can be achieved over previous computer simulation techniques. This work presents the following contributions to the field of Stuck-At-Fault detection: We present a new method for inserting faults into a circuit net list. Given any circuit netlist, our tool can insert multiplexers into a circuit at correct internal nodes to aid in fault emulation on reconfigurable hardware. We present a parallel method of fault emulation. The benefit of the FPGA is not only its ability to implement any circuit, but its ability to process data in parallel. This research utilizes this to create a more efficient emulation method that implements numerous copies of the same circuit in the FPGA. A new method to organize the most efficient faults. Most methods for determinin the minimum number of inputs to cover the most faults require sophisticated softwareprograms that use heuristics. By utilizing hardware, this research is able to process data faster and use a simpler method for an efficient way of minimizing inputs.


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This thesis presents two frameworks- a software framework and a hardware core manager framework- which, together, can be used to develop a processing platform using a distributed system of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) boards. The software framework providesusers with the ability to easily develop applications that exploit the processing power of FPGAs while the hardware core manager framework gives users the ability to configure and interact with multiple FPGA boards and/or hardware cores. This thesis describes the design and development of these frameworks and analyzes the performance of a system that was constructed using the frameworks. The performance analysis included measuring the effect of incorporating additional hardware components into the system and comparing the system to a software-only implementation. This work draws conclusions based on the provided results of the performance analysis and offers suggestions for future work.


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With the development and capabilities of the Smart Home system, people today are entering an era in which household appliances are no longer just controlled by people, but also operated by a Smart System. This results in a more efficient, convenient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly living environment. A critical part of the Smart Home system is Home Automation, which means that there is a Micro-Controller Unit (MCU) to control all the household appliances and schedule their operating times. This reduces electricity bills by shifting amounts of power consumption from the on-peak hour consumption to the off-peak hour consumption, in terms of different “hour price”. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for scheduling multi-user power consumption and implement it on an FPGA board, using it as the MCU. This algorithm for discrete power level tasks scheduling is based on dynamic programming, which could find a scheduling solution close to the optimal one. We chose FPGA as our system’s controller because FPGA has low complexity, parallel processing capability, a large amount of I/O interface for further development and is programmable on both software and hardware. In conclusion, it costs little time running on FPGA board and the solution obtained is good enough for the consumers.