861 resultados para experience-based knowledge
Aim. The aim of this study was to understand the heart transplantation experience based on patients` descriptions. Background. To patients with heart failure, heart transplantation represents a possibility to survive and improve their quality of life. Studies have shown that more quality of life is related to patients` increasing awareness and participation in the work of the healthcare team in the post-transplantation period. Deficient relationships between patients and healthcare providers result in lower compliance with the postoperative regimen. Method. A phenomenological approach was used to interview 26 patients who were heart transplant recipients. Patients were interviewed individually and asked this single question: What does the experience of being heart transplanted mean? Participants` descriptions were analysed using phenomenological reduction, analysis and interpretation. Results. Three categories emerged from data analysis: (i) the time lived by the heart recipient; (ii) donors, family and caregivers and (iii) reflections on the experience lived. Living after heart transplant means living in a complex situation: recipients are confronted with lifelong immunosuppressive therapy associated with many side-effects. Some felt healthy whereas others reported persistence of complications as well as the onset of other pathologies. However, all participants celebrated an improvement in quality of life. Health caregivers, their social and family support had been essential for their struggle. Participants realised that life after heart transplantation was a continuing process demanding support and structured follow-up for the rest of their lives. Conclusion. The findings suggest that each individual has unique experiences of the heart transplantation process. To go on living participants had to accept changes and adapt: to the organ change, to complications resulting from rejection of the organ, to lots of pills and food restrictions. Relevance to clinical practice. Stimulating a heart transplant patients spontaneous expression about what they are experiencing and granting them the actual status of the main character in their own story is important to their care.
Background The epidemiology of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in the community is largely unknown. Aims To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of rapid cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in a large cross-national community sample. Method The Composite International Diagnostic interview (CIDI version 3.0) was used to examine the prevalence, severity, comorbidity, impairment, suicidality, sociodemographics, childhood adversity and treatment of rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in ten countries (n=54257). Results The 12-month prevalence of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was 0.3%. Roughly a third and two-fifths of participants with lifetime and 12-month bipolar disorder respectively met criteria for rapid cycling. Compared with the non-rapid-cycling, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder was associated with younger age at onset, higher persistence, more severe depressive symptoms, greater impairment from depressive symptoms, more out-of-role days from mania/hypomania, more anxiety disorders and an increased likelihood of using health services. Associations regarding childhood, family and other sociodemographic correlates were less clear cut. Conclusions The community epidemiological profile of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder confirms most but not all current clinically based knowledge about the illness. Declaration of interest R.C.K. has been a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline Inc, Kaiser Permanente, Pfizer Inc, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth-Ayerst; has served on advisory boards for Eli Lilly & Company and Wyeth-Ayerst, and has had research support for his epidemiological studies from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly & Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals Inc, Pfizer Inc and Sanofi-Avertis.
Este estudo analisa o modo como se desenvolve a aprendizagem do conceito de volume nos alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade, no quadro de uma proposta pedagógica que dá ênfase a actividades que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O seu objectivo principal foi o de compreender as ideias que os alunos do 6.º ano têm sobre volume e perceber como se desenvolvem quando são envolvidos numa experiência de ensino, tendo por base uma cadeia de tarefas que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa baseada em estudos de caso. A proposta pedagógica foi desenvolvida em quatro aulas; três de noventa minutos e uma de quarenta e cinco minutos, durante os 2º e 3º períodos do ano lectivo de 2009/2010. A recolha de dados envolveu a realização de gravações áudio, em ambiente de sala de aula, dos alunos que constituíram os estudos de caso, registo de observações do desempenho dos alunos e os documentos produzidos por estes. Os resultados mostram que, ao longo da proposta pedagógica, os alunos adquiriram estratégias de contagem que lhes permitiram criar estruturas, para compreender a organização dos paralelepípedos e desenvolver o conceito de volume. iii ABSTRACT This study examines how 6th graders’ students develop the concept of volume in a learning experience context which emphasizes the visualization and spatial reasoning. The main objective of this study is to understand the ideas of 6th grade students about volume and see how they develop them when they are involved in a learning experience, based on a sequence of tasks that call for visualization and spatial reasoning. The study followed a qualitative research methodology based on case studies. The learning experience was developed in four classes, three ninety minutes period and one forty-five minutes, during the 2nd and 3rd terms of the school year 2009/2010. Data collection involved the use of audio recordings in the classroom environment, recording observations of student performance and the documents produced by them. The results showed that, over the learning experience, students acquired counting strategies that allowed them to create structures for understanding the organization of cubes arrays and develop the concept of volume.
23rd SPACE AGM and Conference from 9 to 12 May 2012 Conference theme: The Role of Professional Higher Education: Responsibility and Reflection Venue: Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Design de Cena.
O desenvolvimento de recursos multilingues robustos para fazer face às exigências crescentes na complexidade dos processos intra e inter-organizacionais é um processo complexo que obriga a um aumento da qualidade nos modos de interacção e partilha dos recursos das organizações, através, por exemplo, de um maior envolvimento dos diferentes interlocutores em formas eficazes e inovadoras de colaboração. É um processo em que se identificam vários problemas e dificuldades, como sendo, no caso da criação de bases de dados lexicais multilingues, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitectura capaz de dar resposta a um conjunto vasto de questões linguísticas, como a polissemia, os padrões lexicais ou os equivalentes de tradução. Estas questões colocam-se na construção quer dos recursos terminológicos, quer de ontologias multilingues. No caso da construção de uma ontologia em diferentes línguas, processo no qual focalizaremos a nossa atenção, as questões e a complexidade aumentam, dado o tipo e propósitos do artefacto semântico, os elementos a localizar (conceitos e relações conceptuais) e o contexto em que o processo de localização ocorre. Pretendemos, assim, com este artigo, analisar o conceito e o processo de localização no contexto dos sistemas de gestão do conhecimento baseados em ontologias, tendo em atenção o papel central da terminologia no processo de localização, as diferentes abordagens e modelos propostos, bem como as ferramentas de base linguística que apoiam a implementação do processo. Procuraremos, finalmente, estabelecer alguns paralelismos entre o processo tradicional de localização e o processo de localização de ontologias, para melhor o situar e definir.
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering(Industrial Information Systems)
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e Estratégia
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia
Hepatology is an ever - changing field. The editors and authors of Hepatology − A Clinical Textbook have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of thedate of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this book may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. Readers are advised to check the product information currently provided by the manufacturer of each drug to be administered to verify the recommen ded dose, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the treating physician who relies on experience and knowledge about the patient to determine dosages and the best treatment for the patient. The informa tion contained herein is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The editors and Flying Publisher & Kamps disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein.
Neurocritical care is an ever-changing field. The publishers and author of The Flying Publisher Guide to Critical Care in Neurology have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of the date of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this site may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. It is the responsibility of the reading physician who must rely on experience and knowledge about the patient to determine the best treatment and care pathway. The information contained herein is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. The contributors to this book, including Flying Publisher & Kamps, disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein.