805 resultados para consulta pré-natal
A feminização é uma das características atuais da epidemia da Aids e atinge principalmente mulheres em idade fértil, o que vem desencadeando um aumento de gestantes portadoras de HIV/Aids. O Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/Aids, que integro como enfermeira, vem desenvolvendo o Grupo de Gestantes Soropositivas para o HIV. Conhecer a opinião das mães HIV+ egressas desses grupos sobre esta atividade, tornou-se, então, o objetivo deste estudo. O interesse pelo tema surgiu da experiência de ter cuidado mulheres que vivenciaram esta trajetória no período gestacional e por entender que, ao escutá-las, têm-se subsídios para qualificar o grupo de gestantes soropositivas para o HIV. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa. As participantes do estudo, utilizando o critério de saturação, foram 10 mulheres HIV+ egressas do programa de pré-natal de um Serviço de Assistência Especializada em DST/Aids do município de Porto Alegre. A coleta de dados, realizada no terceiro trimestre de 2004, foi obtida por meio de entrevista, após a leitura e assinatura, pelas entrevistadas, do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido com aprovação do Comitê de Ética em pesquisa da Instituição. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo (MORAES,1999) A complexidade dos resultados aponta várias considerações relacionadas a: perplexidade das mulheres ao conhecerem seu diagnóstico de HIV e conseqüentes desinformações relativas ao processo gravídico puerperal acompanhado de HIV, dilema quanto à clandestinidade do diagnóstico, desamparo familiar e social, impossibilidade de amamentar somado ao despreparo de profissionais de enfermagem na maternidade, à condução de outras alternativas substitutivas do aleitamento materno e a preocupação pela responsabilidade de ser ela a fonte transmissora do HIV para seu filho. Para este mundo singular vivido por estas mulheres, pode-se afirmar ser o Grupo de Gestantes Sororpositivas para o HIV, um espaço coletivo de cuidado especial e humanizado e que independente das experiências de vida pessoal, gestacional e familiar e de diferenças de cada participante, resulta num movimento capaz de imprimir grandes mudanças de atitudes, tornando-se evidente para a autora a necessidade de se oportunizarem cada vez mais, espaços de Educação para Saúde como disponibilizados neste grupo. As mães como atoras sociais trouxeram ao aprimoramento do grupo valiosas sugestões referentes à manutenção dos grupos, à ampliação dos participantes oportunizando que outros membros da família participem e à continuação do grupo após o parto. Entre as recomendações advindas desse estudo destaca-se a de construção de trabalhos interdisciplinares em espaços institucionais, familiares e sociais que contemplem o amplo conjunto de necessidades referido pelas mulheres e as apóiem na busca da qualidade de vida para si e seus bebês.
A Síndrome do Álcool Fetal (SAF) se refere a um conjunto de malformações que podem estar presentes em crianças, filhas de mães que consumiram bebida alcoólica durante a gestação. Esta síndrome apresenta um conjunto distinto de anomalias onde as mais freqüentes são fissura palpebral estreita, lábio superior fino, filtro liso, restrição de crescimento e anomalias do sistema nervoso central. A exposição pré-natal ao álcool pode trazer sérias conseqüências que permanecem a vida toda. Sua incidência, nos Estados Unidos, chega a 1 em cada 100 nascimentos, mas esta estimativa varia de país para país devido a diferenças culturais, genéticas e do método de avaliação. O cérebro é o órgão mais vulnerável do corpo aos efeitos da exposição pré-natal ao álcool. O dano causado ao sistema nervoso central por tal exposição resulta em danos neurológicos permanentes, incluindo anomalias de comportamento e atraso de desenvolvimento. A redução no intelecto é a manifestação comportamental mais comum observada do dano causado ao sistema nervoso central. Apesar disto, o déficit de comportamento social está se tornando uma seqüela frequentemente encontrada em indivíduos expostos. Recentemente, vários estudos têm sugerido que crianças com SAF apresentam dificuldades emocionais e comportamentais que podem levar a uma série de problemas secundários. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o consumo de álcool materno durante a gestação e verificar a presença de sinais relacionados à SAF em adolescente e jovem adultos, de escolas públicas, e comparar com uma amostra de indivíduos institucionalizados. Também, analisar fatores de risco ambiental que possam estar relacionados com o comportamento antisocial observado nestes adolescentes. Cento e quarenta e cinco estudantes (controles) e 262 adolescentes da Fundação de Atendimento Sócio-Edudativo - FASE (probandos) foram avaliados em relação a características maternas, história familiar, consumo materno de álcool durante a gestação, exame físico e teste de QI. Quase 40% dos controles e 49% dos probandos tiveram exposição pré-natal ao álcool. Todas as análises estatísticas foram feitas comparando as variáveis previamente citadas com a quantidade de ingesta materna de álcool durante a gestação: nenhuma, esporádica e muita. Entre os estudantes, não encontramos diferenças significantes nas características gestacionais e de ambiente familiar quando comparadas entre os padrões de consumo materno de álcool. No que diz respeito aos sinais físicos da SAF, as seguintes medidas foram estatisticamente diferentes: perímetro cefálico e fissura palpebral. Em relação aos adolescentes institucionalizados, diferenças foram encontradas entre as características de ambiente familiar: não amamentar é mais comum entre as mulheres que bebem, bem como ter um membro da família condenado ou preso. A violência doméstica, criminalidade familiar, abuso infantil e alcoolismo familiar são as quatro variáveis que predizem o uso de álcool durante a gestação. Quando comparamos ambos os grupos juntos como uma única amostra constatou-se que algumas características do ambiente familiar eram muito importantes, como criminalidade familiar e abuso infantil; as medidas antropométricas não foram diferiram entre expostos e não expostos, exceto pelo perímetro cefálico. Estas particularidades do ambiente familiar estão influenciando o comportamento anti-social de modo a tornar os efeitos do consumo materno de álcool menos evidente entre os caracteres físicos. Mesmo assim, todos os indivíduos com sinais de SAF mostraram características similares: crescimento e desenvolvimento pobre, algumas dismorfias faciais e baixo escore no teste de QI.
Foi investigada a associação entre a utilização pré-natal de medicamentos com finalidade profilática, terapêutica e não-terapêutica e desfechos adversos da gravidez. Foram analisadas as evidências sobre o potencial teratogênico do misoprostol, por meio de revisão sistemática e metanálise de estudos de caso-controle. A partir da base de dados do Estudo Brasileiro de Diabetes Gestacional (EBDG), uma coorte multicêntrica de gestantes atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em seis capitais brasileiras, foi analisada a associação entre o uso referido de medicamentos para induzir a menstruação e desfechos adversos perinatais, incluindo anomalias congênitas, morte intra-uterina e nascimento pré-termo. O uso referido e prescrito de sais de ferro, isolado ou associado a vitaminas, foi analisado quanto aos riscos e benefícios da utilização profilática ou terapêutica em relação a nascimento pré-termo e baixo peso ao nascer. Quatro estudos envolvendo 4899 casos de anomalias congênitas e 5742 controles foram incluídos na revisão sistemática de acordo com os critérios de seleção. Nenhum estudo analisou outros efeitos adversos do misoprostol no resultado da gestação. Foi estimado um risco aumentado de anomalia congênita associada ao uso de misoprostol para qualquer defeito congênito (RC= 3,56; IC 95% 0,98 – 12,98), seqüência de Moebius (RC= 25,31; IC 95%11,11 – 57,66) e redução transversa de membros (RC=11,86; IC 95% 4,86 – 28,90). Entre as 4856 gestantes estudadas a partir da base de dados do EBDG, 707 (14,6%) relataram o uso de substâncias para induzir a menstruação, das quais as mais citadas foram chás, hormônios sexuais e misoprostol. Foi verificada associação positiva entre misoprostol e anomalias congênitas ajustado para centro de realização da pesquisa (RC 2,64: IC 95% 1,03 – 6,75). Foi detectada associação positiva entre o uso de hormônios sexuais e anomalias congênitas (RC 2,24; IC 95% 1,06 – 4,74), independente do centro de realização da pesquisa. Para os desfechos morte intra-uterina e nascimento pré-termo, não foi verificada qualquer associação com o uso de misoprostol, hormônios sexuais ou chás. Entre as 3865 gestantes estudadas quanto ao uso de sais de ferro durante a gestação, 805 (20,8%) referiram o uso de sais de ferro isolado e 1136 (29,4%) ferro associado a vitaminas. O uso prescrito de sais de ferro isolado foi verificado para 1973 gestantes (51,0%) e de ferro vi associado a vitaminas prescrito para 890 (23%). A prevalência de anemia foi de 31,3%. Entre as gestantes anêmicas, 70,9% utilizavam sais de ferro e entre as não-anêmicas, o percentual foi de 51,5%. Após ajustamento para potenciais confundidores, o uso prescrito de sais de ferro isolado apresentou associação negativa para nascimento pré-termo em gestantes anêmicas (RC 0,57 IC 95% 0,40 – 0,80) mas não em gestantes não-anêmicas. Para as demais exposições analisadas, não foi verificado qualquer associação. Não foi detectada associação entre o uso de sais de ferro e/ou vitaminas e baixo peso ao nascer. Os resultados apresentados indicam que o uso de misoprostol em gestações que não se perdem está associado a um maior risco de anomalias congênitas, em geral, e de Seqüência de Moebius e redução transversa de membros, em particular. O uso terapêutico de sais de ferro em gestantes anêmicas mostrou associação negativa para nascimento pré-termo. Entretanto, o uso de sais de ferro em gestantes não anêmicas não mostrou relação com os desfechos analisados.
Objetivo: relatar a evolução de uma série de casos de gestação em mulheres previamente submetidas à cirurgia de bypass gástrico para tratamento de obesidade grave. Métodos: cinco casos consecutivos de gravidez após gastroplastia ocorridos entre 2001 e 2004 foram avaliados. As pacientes tinham idade entre 30 e 34 anos e todas haviam sido submetidas à cirurgia de Capella. Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e do acompanhamento materno e fetal foram considerados, durante o período gestacional e após o parto. Foi realizada revisão da literatura internacional, por meio das bases de dados MEDLINE e Web of Science, utilizando os seguintes unitermos: gastroplasty, gastric bypass surgery, bariatric surgery e pregnancy. Resultados: todas as gestações observadas foram únicas e não ocorreram complicações obstétricas, durante o seguimento pré-natal e parto. Também não houve registro de recém-nascidos prematuros ou de baixo peso ao nascimento. Conclusão: nossos dados sugerem que a gravidez após gastroplastia é segura para a mãe e feto. Entretanto, em virtude do limitado volume de informação disponível sobre o tema, investigações adicionais são necessárias para estabelecer recomendações apropriadas com relação ao seguimento dessas gestações _________________________________________________ABSTRACT Purpose: we report a small series of pregnant women who underwent gastric bypass surgery for severe obesity, with a review of the literature on this topic. Methods: five consecutive cases of pregnancy after gastroplasty between 2001 and 2004 were evaluated, and clinical, laboratory and therapeutic features were considered. Patients were 30 to 34 years old and all had been submitted to gastroplasty by the Capella technique. The outcomes for both the pregnant woman and the fetus were evaluated. A search of the English language literature was done through MEDLINE and Web of Science databases with the following terms: gastroplasty, gastric bypass surgery, bariatric surgery, and pregnancy. Results: all 5 pregnancies were singleton. No major obstetric complications were observed and there were no premature or lowbirth weight infants. Conclusion: our data suggest that pregnancy following gastroplasty is safe for mother and fetus. However, since information about this topic is limited, further investigations are required to establish appropriate recommendations concerning the follow-up of these pregnancies
relatar a evolução de uma série de casos de gestação em mulheres previamente submetidas à cirurgia de bypass gástrico para tratamento de obesidade grave. Métodos: cinco casos consecutivos de gravidez após gastroplastia ocorridos entre 2001 e 2004 foram avaliados. As pacientes tinham idade entre 30 e 34 anos e todas haviam sido submetidas à cirurgia de Capella. Aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e do acompanhamento materno e fetal foram considerados, durante o período gestacional e após o parto. Foi realizada revisão da literatura internacional, por meio das bases de dados MEDLINE e Web of Science, utilizando os seguintes unitermos: gastroplasty, gastric bypass surgery, bariatric surgery e pregnancy. Resultados: todas as gestações observadas foram únicas e não ocorreram complicações obstétricas, durante o seguimento pré-natal e parto. Também não houve registro de recém-nascidos prematuros ou de baixo peso ao nascimento. Conclusão: nossos dados sugerem que a gravidez após gastroplastia é segura para a mãe e feto. Entretanto, em virtude do limitado volume de informação disponível sobre o tema, investigações adicionais são necessárias para estabelecer recomendações apropriadas com relação ao seguimento dessas gestações
The preeclampsia is a disease that evolves to high death rate for the mother and for the fetus. The incidence of this disease in the world is variable and there are no data of this disturb in the Brazilian population. This paper had the objective to determine the incidence and risk factors for development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a neighborhood in Natal, RN, Brazil, taking place a prospective study, cohort type, with the objective of evaluating the entire pregnancy of 242 women that got pregnant between 2004-2007. The incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 17%, while the incidence of preeclampsia was of 13.8%. The age average of women that developed the hypertensive disorders was of 27.4 years (SD±.9), whilst those that developed preeclampsia was of 26.6 (SD ±7.8) years and the normotensive was of 23.9 (SD±5.8) (p=0.002). It is noted a significant increase of the hypertensive disorder with age (p=0.0265). The gestational age for those who developed preeclampsia was lower than the women that developed normotensive pregnancy (p=0.0002). The body mass index (BMI) of the group of women that developed the hypertensive disorder was of 25.8 (SD±3.9), significantly higher than the group of normotensive women with 23.5 (SD±3.7) (p=0.02). The levels of triglycerides and cholesterol tended to be higher on women with preeclampsia than on normotensive, p=0.0502 and p=0.0566, respectively. Six (6) women presented with severe preeclampsia and one (1) developed HELLP Syndrome. The resolution of the pregnancy was performed by cesarean section in 70% of women that developed hypertensive disorders, whilst the normotensive was of 23.6% (p<0.0001). A subgroup of the studied subjects was reassessed one year after labor, revealing that 50% of the patients were still hypertensive. There were no larger complications nor mother death during labor. The incidence of hypertensive disorders are above the levels noted in other studies and 30% of the women were within the poles of greater risk for the hypertensive disorders; the elevated BMI in the beginning of the pregnancy is a risk factor for hypertensive disorder. The risk of severe complication in preeclampsia is high, with imminence of eclampsia occurring in 20.1% of women who developed hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The adequate prenatal care and the opportune labor assistance may minimize the complications of the pregnancy hypertension and avoid mother death, although the risk of women remaining hypertensive is elevated
The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care
The Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in pregnancy is important as a consequence of the high incidence during the gestation. It is the third most common clinical complication in pregnancy affecting 10-12% of women whether prevalence is increasing in the first trimester of pregnancy, it may also contribute to maternal and infant mortality. Due the relevance for the results of obstetric and neonatal complications from UTI, these complications must be prevented, because it can lead to health hazards to pregnant women and newborns, producing a direct effect on morbidity and perinatal mortality. On this basis, it was defined as objectives of this research the identification of the profile of nurses from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the East and West Health Districts from the city of Natal / RN before the women with UTI and to verify the nurse performance during prenatal consultations. This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach using a sample of 40 nurses active workers during this survey, it was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Protocol n0 232/10 P-CEP/UFRN and opinion n0 080/2011. The tool for data collection was a structured interview. The data collected were organized into an electronic database application Microsoft ® Excel 2007, exported and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0, and coded, tabulated and presented through tables and charts into their respective percentage distributions, using the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, chi-square test and significance level of 5% (distribution in relative and absolute frequencies) in the independent variables. Therefore, it was observed from these results that the longer action of nurses in the FHS from the East and Weast health districts of the city of Natal/RN contributed to the development of a greater number of activities to control the incidence of UTI in women who are attended in the prenatal care service, proven by significance in statistics
The gradual increase of violence in Brazilian society has being resulting in a growing of the prison population over last years, as well as the proportion of women than men. The participation of women in crime and responsibilities within her family makes this phenomenon a growing social problem. Women prisoners are mostly young, in reproductive age, making pregnancy a recurrent situation while they are serving a sentence. The studies about female criminality are poor and not helpful about its real dimension, especially when targeted to women who experienced pregnancy in this environment. Given these considerations, this research had as its object of study the experience of women in prison during pregnancy: analyze the experience of women in prison during the gestational period. This is a descriptive and qualitative study. The data were sourced through a semi-structured interview with nine incarcerated women, between August and September 2011, who met the inclusion criteria previously established, and organized according to the precepts of content analysis according to Bardin. Through this coding and classification process became a central thematic: the experience of women in prison during pregnancy, resulting in three categories: category 1 interpersonal relationships; category 2 - feelings that permeate the pregnant woman in prison; and category 3 absence of health care to incarcerated pregnant. The data were analyzed according to the available literature and the study revealed that interpersonal relationships, maintained by these women in prison, were marked by distance from family members, primarily due to socioeconomic factors, being a challenge for addressing of pregnancy in prison and reports of abuse of power by employees working in the institution. The women, who experience pregnancy in prison are more likely to experience feelings of worry, doubts, sadness and fear for baby s health due to lack of antenatal care and about the prison environment structure to meet your needs. The health care aimed at these women is poor and often does not occur, endangering the baby s life and his own mother, this is being a troubling reality in public health system. Finally, it is expected that this study can give visibility to an issue rarely discussed in the literature and contribute to the construction of specific public policies for this reality, in order to minimize the effects of incarceration during pregnancy
Tradução e adaptação transcultural do instrumento de avaliação prenatal selfevaluation questionnaire
Introduction: The human gestation period is 40 weeks. This is the essential time for maternal psychosocial adaptation, in which there is the intense transformation of a life without offspring into a life with one or more children. The Pregnancy Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (PSEQ) has 79 items, subdivided into seven subcategories: acceptance of pregnancy, identification with the maternal role, well-being of mother and baby, preparing for labor, control in labor, relationship with the mother and the relationship with the partner. Objective: To translate and cross-culturally adapt the instrument PSEQ to be used with Brazilian women. Methods: It is a cross-sectional observational study. We followed some methodological steps to achieve the cross-cultural adaptation of this measuring instrument. They are: translation, synthesis, back translation, analysis of the committee of specialists and pre-test. Another questionnaire was applied to characterize the socio-demographic and clinical status of the pregnant women (n = 36). The descriptive statistics was gotten through the average, standard deviation (SD), absolute and relative frequency. The statistical test used for the analysis of the internal consistency was Cronbach's alpha coefficient, using SPSS version 17.0. Results: The volunteers had low socioeconomic status, average age of 25.1 years (± 5.52), and average gestational age of 25.9 weeks (± 8.11). 58.3% of these volunteers had not planned their current pregnancy. The pretest showed that 75% of pregnant women found the questionnaire easy to understand. There was an average of 76.9 (± 3.23) answered items among the participants. Regarding the instrument PSEQ, the identification with the maternal role was the subcategory which showed the highest average 24.8 (± 5.6), while the relationship with the mother had the lowest average 15.4 (± 7.7). The internal consistency ranged from 0.52-0.89. Conclusion: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the PSEQ to Portuguese language were carried out with methodological rigor and can be considered an instrument with good internal consistency
Autism comprises a heterogeneous group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affects the brain maturation and produces sensorial, motor, language and social interaction deficits in early childhood. Several studies have shown a major involvement of genetic factors leading to a predisposition to autism, which are possibly affected by environmental modulators during embryonic and post-natal life. Recent studies in animal models indicate that alterations in epigenetic control during development can generate neuronal maturation disturbances and produce a hyper-excitable circuit, resulting in typical symptoms of autism. In the animal model of autism induced by valproic acid (VPA) during rat pregnancy, behavioral, electrophysiological and cellular alterations have been reported which can also be observed in patients with autism. However, only a few studies have correlated behavioral alterations with the supposed neuronal hyper-excitability in this model. The aim of this project was to generate an animal model of autism by pre-natal exposure to VPA and evaluate the early post-natal development and pre-puberal (PND30) behavior in the offspring. Furthermore, we quantified the parvalbumin-positive neuronal distribution in the medial prefrontal cortex and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of VPA animals. Our results show that VPA treatment induced developmental alterations, which were observed in behavioral changes as compared to vehicle-treated controls. VPA animals showed clear behavioral abnormalities such as hyperlocomotion, prolonged stereotipies and reduced social interaction with an unfamiliar mate. Cellular quantification revealed a decrease in the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex and in the prelimbic cortex of the mPFC, suggesting an excitatory/inhibitory unbalance in this animal model of autism. Moreover, we also observed that the neuronal reduction occurred mainly in the cortical layers II/III and V/VI. We did not detect any change in the density of Purkinje neurons in the Crus I region of the cerebellar cortex. Together, our results strengthens the face validity of the VPA model in rats and shed light on specific changes in the inhibitory circuitry of the prefrontal cortex in this autism model. Further studies should address the challenges to clarify particular electrophysiological correlates of the cellular alterations in order to better understand the behavioral dysfunctions
Considering the constant environmental changes, the ability to introduce new food items in the diet is crucial to omnivore animal survival. For optimal nourishment and lessening of intoxication risks, the animals must detect signs that indicate which items are adequate for their intake. We investigate some factors that interfere in the responses to non familiar food, modulating their neophobic behavior, of marmosets Callithrix jacchus, an omnivore and generalist primate, native to Northeast Brazil, known for being cautious in ingesting not known food. We analyzed the influence of food taste (sweet or salty), pregnancy and sex in feeding behavior and neophobic responses in these animals. 10 captive females were first selected, 5 of them being then pregnant. The females, pregnant or not, ate more when presented to the sweet items than to the salty ones. Pregnant females, however, themselves were less neophobic to both tastes, being also strongly neophilic to the sweets. We verified then the influence of nourishment during pregnancy on young males and females post natal feeding behavior. We observed 10 young divided in two groups, one whose mother ate that food item during pregnancy and one whose mother had no contact to it. In the first group that food was more easily accepted by the young, suggesting that neofobia and feeding behavior had a pre natal influence. Female young also ingested more food and were less neophobic than males, a difference already observed in behavior of adults of these specie. These results suggest that the low neophobic behavior to sweet food showed by females can be adaptive, and might have bestowed more fitness to those who presented it
From evidence of an existing divergence of opinion among professionals and adolescents using the prenatal and delivery services at a Public Health Unit, aimed to study meanings and consequences of adolescent motherhood among 26 adolescent mothers living in Felipe Camarão, low income district of Natal, capital do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Living in a peripheral neighbourhood with a high rate of adolescent mothers in relation to the total new-born, those girls, with offspring among 8 and 12 months age, during interview and focus groups, expressed a different appreciation of their experience than the hegemonic idea among professionals that considers pregnancy and motherhood as unwanted or undesired. With age among 15 and 20 years old, having 53,8% initiated sexual activity before being 15 years old, revealed that the pregnancy was desired in 73,1% of cases, but showing at the same time a social context marked by strong gender oppression and lack of opportunities as consequence of social class deprivation. Life projects, almost always limited to the constitution of a traditional nuclear family, with a purveyor father and care giver mother, appears with very limited possibilities: 46,2% already lived with her partner before becoming pregnant and for 50% of the participants, the birth of the child did not provoke changes in plans and projects. Lack of economical recourses and precarious public services available, together with an idealized maternity role seems to produce extra apprehension among those girls, resulting in frustration and disillusion. As a fact, 92,3% of those adolescents would recommend other adolescent to postpone the maternity project