835 resultados para chronic health conditions


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Recent studies have demonstrated that angiogenesis and suppressed cell- mediated immunity (CMI) play a central role in the pathogenesis of malignant disease facilitating tumour growth, invasion and metastasis. In the majority of tumours, the malignant process is preceded by a pathological condition or exposure to an irritant which itself is associated with the induction of angiogenesis and/or suppressed CMI. These include: cigarette smoking, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer; chronic oesophagitis and oesophageal cancer; chronic viral infections such as human papilloma virus and ano-genital cancers, chronic hepatitis B and C and hepatocellular carcinoma, and Epstein- Barr virus (EBV) and lymphomas; chronic inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer; asbestos exposure and mesothelioma and excessive sunlight exposure/sunburn and malignant melanoma. Chronic exposure to growth factors (insulin-like growth factor-I in acromegaly), mutations in tumour suppressor genes (TP53 in Li Fraumeni syndrome) and long-term exposure to immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporin A) may also give rise to similar environments and are associated with the development of a range of solid tumours. The increased blood supply would facilitate the development and proliferation of an abnormal clone or clones of cells arising as the result of: (a) an inherited genetic abnormality; and/or (b) acquired somatic mutations, the latter due to local production and/or enhanced delivery of carcinogens and mutagenic growth factors. With progressive detrimental mutations and growth-induced tumour hypoxia, the transformed cell, to a lesser or greater extent, may amplify the angiogenic process and CMI suppression, thereby facilitating further tumour growth and metastasis. There is accumulating evidence that long-term treatment with cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors (aspirin and indomethacin), cytokines such as interferon-α, anti-oestrogens (tamoxifen and raloxifene) and captopril significantly reduces the incidence of solid tumours such as breast and colorectal cancer. These agents are anti-angiogenic and, in the case of aspirin, indomethacin and interferon-α have proven immunomodulatory effects. Collectively these observations indicate that angiogenesis and suppressed CMI play a central role in the development and progression of malignant disease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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This paper will identify and discuss the major occupational health and safety (OHS) hazards and risks for clean-up and recovery workers. The lessons learned from previous disasters including; the Exxon Valdez oil spill, World Trade Centre (WTC) terrorist attack, Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico oil spill will be discussed. The case for an increased level of preparation and planning to mitigate the health risks for clean-up and recovery workers will be presented, based on recurring themes identified in the peer reviewed literature. There are a number of important issues pertaining to the occupational health and safety of workers who are engaged in clean-up and recovery operations following natural and technological disasters. These workers are often exposed to a wide range of occupational health and safety hazards, some of which may be unknown at the time. It is well established that clean-up and recovery operations involve risks of physical injury, for example, from manual handling, mechanical equipment, extreme temperatures, slips, trips and falls. In addition to these well established physical injury risks there are now an increasing number of studies which highlight the risks of longer term or chronic health effects arising from clean-up and recovery work. In particular, follow up studies from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Hurricane Katrina and the World Trade Centre (WTC) terrorism attack have documented the longer term health consequences of these events. These health effects include respiratory symptoms and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In large scale operations many of those workers and supervisors involved have not had any specific occupational health and safety (OHS) training and may not have access to the necessary instruction, personal protective equipment or other appropriate equipment, this is especially true when volunteers are used to form part of the clean-up and recovery workforce. In general, first responders are better equipped and trained than clean-up and recovery workers and some of the training approaches used for the traditional first responders would be relevant for clean-up and recovery workers.


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SMA members Neville Owen, Adrian Bauman, Wendy Brown and Stewart Trost have recently been awarded two NHMRC grants for research which will focus on understanding and influencing physical activity to improve population health outcomes. They were awarded under the Capital Building for Population Health scheme and the Program Grants scheme. The total value of the grants is 86.5 million over five years. The new grants will allow the researchers to conduct rigorous behavioural and epidemiological research which will inform the development of innovative primary and secondary prevention initiatives and determine their effectiveness. This is important, because physical activity is significantly implicated in the prevention and management of established chronic health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some forms of cancer. It also has a key role to play in addressing the growing epidemic of childhood and adult obesity, and in the maintenance of functional well-being with age. However, in recent years, physical activity levels in Australia have declined, indicating that the net sum of all our efforts to encourage physical activity participation require renewed and innovative efforts. The proposed research programs will be based on the researchers' cross-disciplinary backgrounds in exercise physiology, psychology, health promotion and epidemiology, and will be integrated across four main domains:..


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Objectives Shift workers are prone to obesity and associated co-morbidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Sleep restriction associated with shift work results in dramatic endocrine and metabolic effects that predispose shift workers to these adverse health consequences. While sleep restriction has been associated with increased caloric intake, food preference may also play a key role in weight gain associated with shift work. This study examined the impact of an overnight simulated night shift on food preference. Methods Sixteen participants [mean 20.1, standard deviation (SD) 1.4 years; 8 women] underwent a simulated night shift and control condition in a counterbalanced order. On the following morning, participants were provided an opportunity for breakfast that included high- and low-fat food options (mean 64.8% and 6.4% fat, respectively). Results Participants ate significantly more high-fat breakfast items after the simulated night shift than after the control condition [167.3, standard error of the mean (SEM 28.7) g versus 211.4 (SEM 35.6) g; P=0.012]. The preference for high-fat food was apparent among the majority of individuals following the simulated night shift (81%), but not for the control condition (31%). Shift work and control conditions did not differ, however, in the total amount of food or calories consumed. Conclusions A simulated night shift leads to preference for high-fat food during a subsequent breakfast opportunity. These results suggest that food choice may contribute to weight-related chronic health problems commonly seen among night shift workers.


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The National Health Interview Survey - Disability supplement (NHIS-D) provides information that can be used to understand myriad topics related to health and disability. The survey provides comprehensive information on multiple disability conceptualizations that can be identified using information about health conditions (both physical and mental), activity limitations, and service receipt (e.g. SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation). This provides flexibility for researchers in defining populations of interest. This paper provides a description of the data available in the NHIS-D and information on how the data can be used to better understand the lives of people with disabilities.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of pneumonia, meningitis and bacteremia worldwide. The 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) is recommended for adults less than 65 years old with certain chronic medical conditions and for all elderly persons because of high rates of invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI) and increased risk of death. This study provides a comprehensive picture of the epidemiology of pneumococcal infections in Finland before the introduction of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, focusing on disease rates, risk factors, clinical outcome, and healthcare associated infections. This study was based on national, population-based laboratory surveillance for IPI. Information on all episodes of IPI was collected from the primary diagnostic laboratory. A case with IPI was defined as the isolation of S. pneumoniae from blood or cerebrospinal fluid during 1995-2002. Information on comorbidities and underlying conditions for IPI patients was obtained by linking the IPI surveillance database to other national, population-based health registries using each patient’s unique national identity code. In total, 4357 cases of IPI were identified. The overall annualized IPI incidence increased by 35% during the study period and was 10.6 per 100 000 population. The temporal increase in disease rates was associated with higher blood culturing rates over time. In working age adults, two-thirds of severe infections and one half of fatal cases occurred in persons with no recognized PPV23 indication. Persons with asthma were at increased risk for IPI and this new risk factor accounted for 5% of the overall disease burden. One tenth of pneumococcal bacteremias were healthcare-associated, and mortality among these patients was over twice as high as among patients with community-associated bacteremia. Most patients with nosocomial infections had underlying conditions for which PPV23 is recommended. The incidence of IPI in Finland has increased and the overall disease burden is higher than previously reported. The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for improved prevention efforts against pneumococcal infections in Finland through increased use of PPV23 in adult risk groups and introduction of childhood immunization with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.


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Globally, the main contributors to morbidity and mortality are chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Chronic disease is costly and partially avoidable, with around 60% of deaths and nearly 50% of the global disease burden attributable to these conditions. By 2020, chronic illnesses will likely be the leading cause of disability worldwide. Existing healthcare systems that focus on acute episodic health conditions, both national and international, cannot address the worldwide transition to chronic illness; nor are they appropriate for the ongoing care and management of those already dealing with chronic diseases. As such, chronic disease management requires integrated approaches that incorporate interventions targeted at both individuals and populations, and emphasise the shared risk factors of different conditions. International and Australian strategic planning documents articulate similar elements to manage chronic disease, including the need for aligning sectoral policies for health, forming partnerships, and engaging communities in decision-making. Infectious diseases are also a common and significant contributor to ill health throughout the world. In many countries, this impact has been minimised by the combined efforts of preventative health measures and improved treatment methods. However, in low-income countries, infectious diseases remain the dominant cause of death and disability. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that infectious diseases (including respiratory infections) still account for around 23% (or around 14 million) of all deaths each year, and result in over 4.6 billion episodes of diarrhoeal disease and 243 million cases of malaria each year (Lozano et al. 2012, WHO 2009). In addition to the high level of mortality, infectious diseases disable many hundreds of millions of people each year, mainly in developing countries, with the global burden of disease from infectious diseases estimated to be around 300 million DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) (WHO 2012). The aim of this chapter is to outline the impact that infectious diseases and chronic diseases have on the health of the community, describe the public health strategies used to reduce the burden of those diseases, and discuss the historic and emerging disease risks to public health. This chapter examines the comprehensive approaches implemented to prevent both chronic and infectious diseases, and to manage and care for communities with these conditions.


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Acute pain has substantial survival value because of its protective function in the everyday environment. Instead, chronic pain lacks survival and adaptive function, causes great amount of individual suffering, and consumes the resources of the society due to the treatment costs and loss of production. The treatment of chronic pain has remained challenging because of inadequate understanding of mechanisms working at different levels of the nervous system in the development, modulation, and maintenance of chronic pain. Especially in unclear chronic pain conditions the treatment may be suboptimal because it can not be targeted to the underlying mechanisms. Noninvasive neuroimaging techniques have greatly contributed to our understanding of brain activity associated with pain in healthy individuals. Many previous studies, focusing on brain activations to acute experimental pain in healthy individuals, have consistently demonstrated a widely-distributed network of brain regions that participate in the processing of acute pain. The aim of the present thesis was to employ non-invasive brain imaging to better understand the brain mechanisms in patients suffering from chronic pain. In Study I, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure cortical responses to painful laser stimulation in healthy individuals for optimization of the stimulus parameters for patient studies. In Studies II and III, we monitored with MEG the cortical processing of touch and acute pain in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). We found persisting plastic changes in the hand representation area of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortex, suggesting that chronic pain causes cortical reorganization. Responses in the posterior parietal cortex to both tactile and painful laser stimulation were attenuated, which could be associated with neglect-like symptoms of the patients. The primary motor cortex reactivity to acute pain was reduced in patients who had stronger spontaneous pain and weaker grip strength in the painful hand. The tight coupling between spontaneous pain and motor dysfunction supports the idea that motor rehabilitation is important in CRPS. In Studies IV and V we used MEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the central processing of touch and acute pain in patients who suffered from recurrent herpes simplex virus infections and from chronic widespread pain in one side of the body. With MEG, we found plastic changes in the SI cortex, suggesting that many different types of chronic pain may be associated with similar cortical reorganization. With fMRI, we found functional and morphological changes in the central pain circuitry, as an indication of central contribution for the pain. These results show that chronic pain is associated with morphological and functional changes in the brain, and that such changes can be measured with functional imaging.


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Väitöskirjassa selvitettiin ikäihmisten laitoshoitoon siirtymisen todennäköisyyttä ja sen taustoja kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen rekisteriaineiston avulla. Selvitettäviä asioita olivat eri sairauksien, sosioekonomisten tekijöiden, puolison olemassaolon ja leskeksi jäämisen yhteys laitoshoitoon siirtymiseen yli 65-vuotiailla suomalaisilla. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että dementia, Parkinsonin tauti, aivohalvaus, masennusoireet ja muut mielenterveysongelmat, lonkkamurtuma sekä diabetes lisäsivät ikäihmisten todennäköisyyttä siirtyä laitoshoitoon yli 50 prosentilla, kun muut sairaudet ja sosiodemografiset tekijät oli otettu huomioon. Korkeat tulot vähensivät laitoshoidon todennäköisyyttä, kun taas puutteellinen asuminen (ilman peseytymistiloja tai keskus- tai sähkölämmitystä) sekä erittäin puutteellinen asuminen (ilman lämmintä vettä, vesijohtoa, viemäriä tai vesivessaa) lisäsivät todennäkösyyttä, kun muut sosiodemografiset tekijät, sairaudet ja asuinalue oli huomioitu. Kerrostalon hissittömyys ei ollut yhteydessä laitoshoidon todennäköisyyteen. Todennäköisyys siirtyä laitoshoitoon oli jostain syystä korkeampaa niillä ikäihmisillä, jotka asuivat vuokralla ja matalampaa omakotitalossa asuvilla ja niillä, joilla oli auto. Puolison olemassaolo vähensi ja leskeksi jääminen lisäsi laitoshoidon todennäköisyyttä huomattavasti. Todennäköisyys oli erityisen suuri, yli kolminkertainen, kun puolison kuolemasta oli kulunut enintään kuukausi verrattuna niihin, joiden puoliso oli elossa. Todennäköisyys laski, kun puolison kuolemasta kului aikaa. Miesten ja naisten tulokset olivat samansuuntaisia. Korkeat tulot tai koulutus eivät suojanneet riskiltä joutua laitoshoitoon puolison kuoltua. Puolison kuolema näyttää lisäävän hoidon tarvetta, kun kotona ei ole enää puolisoa tukemassa ja huolehtimassa kodin askareista. Laitoshoidon tarve vähenee, jos ja kun lesket ajan kuluessa oppivat elämään yksin. Toisaalta tutkimustulokset saattavat viitata myös siihen, että kaikkein huonokuntoisimmat lesket, jotka eivät pärjää yksin asuessaan, siirtyvät laitoshoitoon hyvin nopeasti puolison kuoltua. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä yli 280 000 yli 65-vuotiasta henkilöä, joiden pitkäaikaiseen laitoshoitoon siirtymistä seurattiin tammikuusta 1998 syyskuuhun 2003. Laitoshoidoksi määriteltiin terveyskeskuksissa, sairaaloissa ja vanhainkodeissa tai vastaavissa yksiköissä tapahtuva pitkäaikainen hoito, joka kesti yli 90 vuorokautta tai oli vahvistettu pitkäaikaishoidon päätöksellä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto koottiin väestörekistereistä, sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon rekistereistä ja lääkerekistereistä.


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There is substantial evidence of the decreased functional capacity, especially everyday functioning, of people with psychotic disorder in clinical settings, but little research about it in the general population. The aim of the present study was to provide information on the magnitude of functional capacity problems in persons with psychotic disorder compared with the general population. It estimated the prevalence and severity of limitations in vision, mobility, everyday functioning and quality of life of persons with psychotic disorder in the Finnish population and determined the factors affecting them. This study is based on the Health 2000 Survey, which is a nationally representative survey of 8028 Finns aged 30 and older. The psychotic diagnoses of the participants were assessed in the Psychoses of Finland survey, a substudy of Health 2000. The everyday functioning of people with schizophrenia is studied widely, but one important factor, mobility has been neglected. Persons with schizophrenia and other non-affective psychotic disorders, but not affective psychoses had a significantly increased risk of having both self-reported and test-based mobility limitations as well as weak handgrip strength. Schizophrenia was associated independently with mobility limitations even after controlling for lifestyle-related factors and chronic medical conditions. Another significant factor associated with problems in everyday functioning in participants with schizophrenia was reduced visual acuity. Their vision was examined significantly less often during the five years before the visual acuity measurement than the general population. In general, persons with schizophrenia and other non-affective psychotic disorder had significantly more limitations in everyday functioning, deficits in verbal fluency and in memory than the general population. More severe negative symptoms, depression, older age, verbal memory deficits, worse expressive speech and reduced distance vision were associated with limitations in everyday functioning. Of all the psychotic disorders, schizoaffective disorder was associated with the largest losses of quality of life, and bipolar I disorder with equal or smaller losses than schizophrenia. However, the subjective loss of qualify of life associated with psychotic disorders may be smaller than objective disability, which warrants attention. Depressive symptoms were the most important determinant of poor quality of life in all psychotic disorders. In conclusion, subjects with psychotic disorders need regular somatic health monitoring. Also, health care workers should evaluate the overall quality of life and depression of subjects with psychotic disorders in order to provide them with the basic necessities of life.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects people of all ages and is a cause of long-term disability. In recent years, the epidemiological patterns of TBI have been changing. TBI is a heterogeneous disorder with different forms of presentation and highly individual outcome regarding functioning and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The meaning of disability differs from person to person based on the individual s personality, value system, past experience, and the purpose he or she sees in life. Understanding of all these viewpoints is needed in comprehensive rehabilitation. This study examines the epidemiology of TBI in Finland as well as functioning and HRQoL after TBI, and compares the subjective and objective assessments of outcome. The frame of reference is the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The subjects of Study I represent the population of Finnish TBI patients who experienced their first TBI between 1991 and 2005. The 55 Finnish subjects of Studies II and IV participated in the first wave of the international Quality of life after brain injury (QOLIBRI) validation study. The 795 subjects from six language areas of Study III formed the second wave of the QOLIBRI validation study. The average annual incidence of Finnish hospitalised TBI patients during the years 1991-2005 was 101:100 000 in patients who had TBI as the primary diagnosis and did not have a previous TBI in their medical history. Males (59.2%) were at considerably higher risk of getting a TBI than females. The most common external cause of the injury was falls in all age groups. The number of TBI patients ≥ 70 years of age increased by 59.4% while the number of inhabitants older than 70 years increased by 30.3% in the population of Finland during the same time period. The functioning of a sample of 55 persons with TBI was assessed by extracting information from the patients medical documents using the ICF checklist. The most common problems were found in the ICF components of Body Functions (b) and Activities and Participation (d). HRQoL was assessed with the QOLIBRI which showed the highest level of satisfaction on the Emotions, Physical Problems and Daily Life and Autonomy scales. The highest scores were obtained by the youngest participants and participants living independently without the help of other people, and by people who were working. The relationship between the functional outcome and HRQoL was not straightforward. The procedure of linking the QOLIBRI and the GOSE to the ICF showed that these two outcome measures cover the relevant domains of TBI patients functioning. The QOLIBRI provides the patients subjective view, while the GOSE summarises the objective elements of functioning. Our study indicates that there are certain domains of functioning that are not traditionally sufficiently documented but are important for the HRQoL of persons with TBI. This was the finding especially in the domains of interpersonal relationships, social and leisure activities, self, and the environment. Rehabilitation aims to optimize functioning and to minimize the experience of disability among people with health conditions, and it needs to be based on a comprehensive understanding of human functioning. As an integrative model, the ICF may serve as a frame of reference in achieving such an understanding.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto o presenteísmo em trabalhadores de enfermagem e as repercussões para a saúde do trabalhador e para a organização do trabalho. Considerando a natureza do objeto e as questões norteadoras, elaboraram-se os seguintes objetivos: Identificar a visão dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral sobre o presenteísmo na enfermagem; descrever os fatores que contribuem para o presenteísmo em trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital geral; e analisar as repercussões do presenteísmo para a saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem e para o processo de trabalho hospitalar. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e protocolado com o número 419.673. Optou-se pelo método qualitativo do tipo exploratório e descritivo. O campo foi um hospital universitário situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram do estudo 39 trabalhadores de enfermagem (vinte e cinco técnicos de enfermagem e quatorze enfermeiros) lotados nas unidades de internação clínica. Na coleta dos dados, trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista do tipo semiestruturada mediante um roteiro, sendo os dados obtidos no mês de dezembro de 2013. Na caracterização dos entrevistados, utilizou-se um instrumento autoaplicado. No tratamento dos depoimentos recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo do tipo temática, que apontou os seguintes resultados: os participantes do estudo identificaram o presenteísmo no ambiente laboral, pelo fato de terem vários trabalhadores que comparecem ao serviço com problemas de saúde crônicos e agudos, que afetam a dinâmica e a qualidade do serviço ofertado. Diante desta realidade laboral, os trabalhadores se posicionam no sentido de manter a coesão grupal e acolher o trabalhador. No entanto, existe insatisfação por parte do grupo por se sentir sobrecarregado diante das demandas dos pacientes e demais atividades, sendo a qualidade do serviço afetada. Sobre os fatores que contribuem para o presenteísmo, identificou-se a precarização da força de trabalho, o comprometimento profissional com a instituição e os aspectos psicossociais; ou seja, fatores externos ao trabalho. Quanto às repercussões do presenteísmo para a saúde do trabalhador e o processo de trabalho, evidenciou-se que o presenteísmo é um fator que piora o estado de saúde do trabalhador, com necessidade de afastamento temporário do posto de trabalho e procura por atendimento médico durante o expediente. Como não há substituição de pessoal, a equipe tem de se reorganizar para atender as demandas de cunho técnico e assistencial, gerando conflitos no grupo. Conclui-se que, na visão dos trabalhadores o presenteísmo além de contribuir para a piora do estado de saúde do trabalhador, afeta negativamente o relacionamento interpessoal e a qualidade do serviço ofertado. Há necessidade de se diagnosticar e monitorar as condições de saúde dos trabalhadores por parte do Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional, através de exames admissionais e periódicos, de modo que sejam garantidos tratamento e acompanhamento adequados ao estado de saúde. Ratifica-se a relevância de condições de trabalho adequadas e que não exponham ainda mais os trabalhadores aos riscos presentes no ambiente laboral. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos sobre o presenteísmo tendo em vista o atual modelo neoliberal e o processo de precarização da força de trabalho no setor saúde.


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This study investigates the effect of serious health events including new diagnoses of heart attacks, strokes, cancers, chronic lung disease, chronic heart failure, diabetes, and heart disease on future smoking status up to 6 years postevent. Data come from the Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative longitudinal survey of Americans aged 51-61 in 1991, followed every 2 years from 1992 to 1998. Smoking status is evaluated at each of three follow-ups, (1994, 1996, and 1998) as a function of health events between each of the four waves. Acute and chronic health events are associated with much lower likelihood of smoking both in the wave immediately following the event and up to 6 years later. However, future events do not retrospectively predict past cessation. In sum, serious health events have substantial impacts on cessation rates of older smokers. Notably, these effects persist for as much as 6 years after a health event.


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BACKGROUND: As the world population ages, the requirement for cost-effective methods of treating chronic disease conditions increases. In terms of oral health, there is a rapidly increasing number of dentate elderly with a high burden of maintenance. Population surveys indicate that older individuals are keeping their teeth for longer and are a higher caries risk group. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) could be suitable for patients in nursing homes or house-bound elderly, but very little research has been done on its use in adults.

OBJECTIVES: To compare the cost-effectiveness of ART and a conventional technique (CT) for restoring carious lesions as part of a preventive and restorative programme for older adults.

METHODS: In this randomized clinical trial, 82 patients with carious lesions were randomly allocated to receive either ART or conventional restorations. Treatment costs were measured based on treatment time, materials and labour. For the ART group, the cost of care provided by a dentist was also compared to the cost of having a hygienist to provide treatment. Effectiveness was measured using percentage of restorations that survived after a year.

RESULTS: Eighty-two patients received 260 restorations, that is, 128 ART and 132 conventional restorations. 91.1% of the restorations were on one surface only. After a year, 252 restorations were assessed in 80 patients. The average cost for ART and conventional restorations was €16.86 and €28.71 respectively; the restoration survival percentages were 91.1% and 97.7%, respectively. This resulted in a cost-effectiveness ratio of 0.18 (ART) and 0.29 (CT). When the cost of a hygienist to provide ART was inserted in the analysis, the resulting ratio was 0.14.

CONCLUSIONS: Atraumatic restorative treatment was found to be a more cost-effective alternative to treat older adults after 1 year, compared to conventional restorations, especially in out of surgery facilities and using alternative workforce such as hygienists. Atraumatic restorative treatment can be a useful tool to provide dental care for frail and fearful individuals who might not access dental treatment routinely.


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The ageing of population challenges communities to adapt and evolve to accommodate the needs of people that live longer (mostly out of work, either healthy, fragile or with chronic disease). Population ageing in the Algarve is higher than in overall Portugal. Studies on health conditions, frailty risk factors and elderly specific needs are undeveloped in Portugal and unknown in the Algarve. Objective To prepare a tool for Global Geriatric Evaluation, to be used in the “Survey of Health and Ageing in the Region of Algarve - SHARA”, a commitment to “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”. Methods A preliminary version of the screening tool, which includes well-known instruments to measure health condition (EASY-care), risk of fall (Tinetty), physical activity (Baecke’s modified questionnaire), nutritional condition (MNA), cognitive and depressive status (MMSE, Yesavage geriatric depression scale), together with socio-demographic characteristics, was applied to an independent sample of subjects from an elderly community centre - ARPI (“Associação de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos do Concelho de Faro”), with ages between 55 and 89. Results ARPI is mostly frequented by women, who either have risk of malnutrition or malnutrition incidence, a relevant risk of fall or are physically active. Those who live alone, show a higher risk of fall. Conclusions ARPI members are active, but with risk of malnutrition and fall, suggesting the relevance and importance of future interventions in these areas. The proposed screening tool showed to be adequate for the SHARA study, suitable to provide wider information on frailty.