954 resultados para chemical synthesis
This paper focuses on the magnetoelectric coupling (ME) at room temperature in lanthanum modified bismuth ferrite thin film (BLFO) deposited on SrRuO 3-buffered Pt/TiO 2/SiO 2/Si(100) substrates by the soft chemical method. BLFO film was coherently grown at a temperature of 500 °C. The magnetoelectric coefficient measurement was performed to evidence magnetoelectric coupling behavior. Room temperature magnetic coercive field indicates that the film is magnetically soft. The maximum magnetoelectric coefficient in the longitudinal direction was close to 12 V/cmOe. Dielectric permittivity and dielectric loss demonstrated only slight dispersion with frequency due the less two-dimensional stress in the plane of the film. Polarization reversal was investigated by applying dc voltage through a conductive tip during the area scanning. We observed that various types of domain behavior such as 71 ° and 180° domain switching, and pinned domain formation occurred. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.
SrSnO3, a perovskite-type complex oxide, was synthesized by the modified Pechini method using two different precursors, tin chloride and metallic tin. The first one is already traditional in the literature and it claims about 30 days, only for the cleaning of tin citrate aiming at the elimination of the chloride. The second route was developed by our research group and saves time, taking 6 h to complete the synthesis of the resin. The results show that SrSnO3 obtained from the metallic tin show a higher short range order, leading to a band gap value higher than those reported in the literature, besides a meaningful reduction in the formation of SrCO 3, as compared to the one obtained from tin chloride.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of NiO-Ce1-XEuxO2-δ powders for fuel cell catalytic anodes
CeO2-based materials doped with rare earth (TR +3) can be used as alternative to traditional NiO-YSZ anodes in solid oxide fuel cells as they have higher ionic conductivity and lower ohmic losses compared to YSZ. Moreover, they allow fuel cell operation at lower temperatures (500-800°C). In the anode composition, the concentration of NiO acting as catalyst in YSZ provides high electrical conductivity and high electrochemical activity of reactions, promoting internal reform in the cell. In this work, NiO - Ce1-xEuxO2-δ compounds (x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) have been synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by TG, XRD, TPR and SEM-FEG techniques. The refinement of data obtained by X-ray diffraction showed the presence of ceria doped with europium crystallized in a cubic phase with fluorite structure, in addition to the presence of NiO. The microwave-assisted hydrothermal method showed significant reduction in the average particle size and good mass control of phase compositions compared to other chemical synthesis techniques.
Coordenação de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work addresses the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) by up-cycling common solid wastes. These feedstocks could supersede the use of costly and often toxic or highly flammable chemicals, such as hydrocarbon gases, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen, which are commonly used as feedstocks in current nanomanufacturing processes for CNMs. Agricultural sugar cane bagasse and corn residues, scrap tire chips, and postconsumer polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle shreddings were either thermally treated by sole pyrolysis or by sequential pyrolysis and partial oxidation. The resulting gaseous carbon-bearing effluents were then channeled into a heated reactor. CNMs, including carbon nanotubes, were catalytically synthesized therein on stainless steel meshes. This work revealed that the structure of the resulting CNMs is determined by the feedstock type, through the disparate mixtures of carbon-bearing gases generated when different feedstocks are pyrolyzed. CNM characterization was conducted by scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as by Raman spectroscopy and by thermogravimetric analysis. Gas chromatography was used to characterize the gases in the synthesis chamber. This work demonstrated an alternative method for efficient manufacturing of CNMs using both biodegradable and nonbiodegradable agricultural and municipal carbonaceous wastes.
CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) enriched with the stable isotope N-15 was synthesized based on a reaction involving CO, (NH3)-N-15, and S in the presence of CH3OH. The method differs from the industrial method; a stainless steel reactor internally lined with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used in a discontinuous process under low pressure and temperature. The yield of the synthesis was evaluated as a function of the parameters: the amount of reagents, reaction time, addition of H2S, liquid solution and reaction temperature. The results showed that under optimum conditions (1.36, 4.01, and 4.48 g of (NH3)-N-15, CO, and S, respectively, 40 ml CH3OH, 40 mg H2S, 100 degrees C and 120 min of reaction) 1.82 g (yield 76.5%) of the compound was obtained per batch. The synthesized CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) contained 46.2% N, 0.55% biuret, melting point of 132.55 degrees C and did not exhibit isotopic fractionation. The production cost of CO((NH2)-N-15)(2) with 90.0 at. % N-15 was US$ 238.60 per gram.
The potential use of alanine for the production of nanoparticles is presented here for the first time. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized using a simple green method, namely the thermal treatment of silver nitrate aqueous solutions with in-alanine. The latter compound was employed both as a reducing and a capping agent. Particles with average size equal to 7.5 nm, face-centered cubic crystalline structure, narrow size distribution, and spherical shape were obtained. Interaction between the silver ions present on the surface of the nanoparticles and the amine group of the DL-alanine molecule seems to be responsible for reduction of the silver ions and for the stability of the colloid. The bio-hybrid nanocomposite was used as an ESR dosimeter. The amount of silver nanoparticles in the nanocomposite was not sufficient to cause considerable loss of tissue equivalency. Moreover, the samples containing nanoparticles presented increased sensitivity and reduced energetic dependence as compared with pure DL-alanine, contributing to the construction of small-sized dosimeters. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heusler Materialien wurden bisher vor allem in Volumen- und Dünnfilmproben aufgrund ihrer technischen Bedeutung untersucht. In dieser Arbeit berichtet über die experimentellen Untersuchungen der chemischen Synthese, Struktur, und der magnetischen Eigenschaften von ternären Heusler-Nanopartikeln. Die grundlegenden Aspekte der Physik, Chemie und Materialwissenschaft bezüglich der Heusler Nanopartiikel wurden untersucht. Außerdem wurde eine silicatgestützte Herstellungsmethode für Karbon-ummantelte, ternäre intermetallische Co2FeGa Nanopartikel entwickelt. Die Bildung der L21 Co2FeGa Phase wurde mit Röntgenbeugung (XRD), Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spektroskopie (EXAFS), und 57Fe Mössbauer Spektroskopie bestätigt. Die Abhängigkeit der Phase und der der Größe der Co2FeGa Nanopartikel vom der Zusammensetzung der Precursor und des Silicats wurden untersucht. Durch das Koppeln der aus Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie (TEM) gewonnen Teilchengröße und der Mössbauerspektroskopie konnte die kritische Größe für den Übergang von superparamgnetischem zu ferromagnetischem Verhalten von Co2FeGa Nanopartikel ermittelt werden. Die silicatgestützte chemische Synthese von Co2FeGa Nanopartikeln besitzt großes Potential für eine generelle Herstellungsmethode für Co-basierte Heuser Nanopartikel. Des weiteren wurde auch eine chemische Herstellungsmethode von metallischen Nanopartikeln mit Synchrotronstrahlung untersucht, die so gewonnen Nanopartikel sind vielversprechende Materialien für die Nanobiotechnologie und die Nanomedizin.
Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung der photophysikalischen Prozesse, die in Mischungen von Elektronendonoren mit Elektronenakzeptoren zur Anwendung in organischen Solarzellen auftreten. Als Elektronendonoren werden das Copolymer PBDTTT-C, das aus Benzodithiophen- und Thienothiophene-Einheiten besteht, und das kleine Molekül p-DTS(FBTTh2)2, welches Silizium-überbrücktes Dithiophen, sowie fluoriertes Benzothiadiazol und Dithiophen beinhaltet, verwendet. Als Elektronenakzeptor finden ein planares 3,4:9,10-Perylentetracarbonsäurediimid-(PDI)-Derivat und verschiedene Fullerenderivate Anwendung. PDI-Derivate gelten als vielversprechende Alternativen zu Fullerenen aufgrund der durch chemische Synthese abstimmbaren strukturellen, optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften. Das gewichtigste Argument für PDI-Derivate ist deren Absorption im sichtbaren Bereich des Sonnenspektrums was den Photostrom verbessern kann. Fulleren-basierte Mischungen übertreffen jedoch für gewöhnlich die Effizienz von Donor-PDI-Mischungen.rnUm den Nachteil der PDI-basierten Mischungen im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Fulleren-basierten Mischungen zu identifizieren, werden die verschiedenen Donor-Akzeptor-Kombinationen auf ihre optischen, elektronischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zeitaufgelöste Spektroskopie, vor allem transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie (TA), wird zur Analyse der Ladungsgeneration angewendet und der Vergleich der Donor-PDI Mischfilme mit den Donor-Fulleren Mischfilmen zeigt, dass die Bildung von Ladungstransferzuständen einen der Hauptverlustkanäle darstellt.rnWeiterhin werden Mischungen aus PBDTTT-C und [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-buttersäuremethylesther (PC61BM) mittels TA-Spektroskopie auf einer Zeitskala von ps bis µs untersucht und es kann gezeigt werden, dass der Triplettzustand des Polymers über die nicht-geminale Rekombination freier Ladungen auf einer sub-ns Zeitskala bevölkert wird. Hochentwickelte Methoden zur Datenanalyse, wie multivariate curve resolution (MCR), werden angewendet um überlagernde Datensignale zu trennen. Zusätzlich kann die Regeneration von Ladungsträgern durch Triplett-Triplett-Annihilation auf einer ns-µs Zeitskala gezeigt werden. Darüber hinaus wird der Einfluss des Lösungsmitteladditivs 1,8-Diiodooctan (DIO) auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von p-DTS(FBTTh2)2:PDI Solarzellen untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse von morphologischen und photophysikalischen Experimenten werden kombiniert, um die strukturellen Eigenschaften und die Photophysik mit den relevanten Kenngrößen des Bauteils in Verbindung zu setzen. Zeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzmessungen (time-resolved photoluminescence, TRPL) zeigen, dass der Einsatz von DIO zu einer geringeren Reduzierung der Photolumineszenz führt, was auf eine größere Phasentrennung zurückgeführt werden kann. Außerdem kann mittels TA Spektroskopie gezeigt werden, dass die Verwendung von DIO zu einer verbesserten Kristallinität der aktiven Schicht führt und die Generation freier Ladungen fördert. Zur genauen Analyse des Signalzerfalls wird ein Modell angewendet, das den gleichzeitigen Zerfall gebundener CT-Zustände und freier Ladungen berücksichtigt und optimierte Donor-Akzeptor-Mischungen zeigen einen größeren Anteil an nicht-geminaler Rekombination freier Ladungsträger.rnIn einer weiteren Fallstudie wird der Einfluss des Fullerenderivats, namentlich IC60BA und PC71BM, auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und Photophysik der Solarzellen untersucht. Eine Kombination aus einer Untersuchung der Struktur des Dünnfilms sowie zeitaufgelöster Spektroskopie ergibt, dass Mischungen, die ICBA als Elektronenakzeptor verwenden, eine schlechtere Trennung von Ladungstransferzuständen zeigen und unter einer stärkeren geminalen Rekombination im Vergleich zu PCBM-basierten Mischungen leiden. Dies kann auf die kleinere Triebkraft zur Ladungstrennung sowie auf die höhere Unordnung der ICBA-basierten Mischungen, die die Ladungstrennung hemmen, zurückgeführt werden. Außerdem wird der Einfluss reiner Fullerendomänen auf die Funktionsfähigkeit organischer Solarzellen, die aus Mischungen des Thienothienophen-basierenden Polymers pBTTT-C14 und PC61BM bestehen, untersucht. Aus diesem Grund wird die Photophysik von Filmen mit einem Donor-Akzeptor-Mischungsverhältnis von 1:1 sowie 1:4 verglichen. Während 1:1-Mischungen lediglich eine co-kristalline Phase, in der Fullerene zwischen den Seitenketten von pBTTT interkalieren, zeigen, resultiert der Überschuss an Fulleren in den 1:4-Proben in der Ausbildung reiner Fullerendomänen zusätzlich zu der co kristallinen Phase. Transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie verdeutlicht, dass Ladungstransferzustände in 1:1-Mischungen hauptsächlich über geminale Rekombination zerfallen, während in 1:4 Mischungen ein beträchtlicher Anteil an Ladungen ihre wechselseitige Coulombanziehung überwinden und freie Ladungsträger bilden kann, die schließlich nicht-geminal rekombinieren.
One of the simplest questions that can be asked about molecular diversity is how many organic molecules are possible in total? To answer this question, my research group has computationally enumerated all possible organic molecules up to a certain size to gain an unbiased insight into the entire chemical space. Our latest database, GDB-17, contains 166.4 billion molecules of up to 17 atoms of C, N, O, S, and halogens, by far the largest small molecule database reported to date. Molecules allowed by valency rules but unstable or nonsynthesizable due to strained topologies or reactive functional groups were not considered, which reduced the enumeration by at least 10 orders of magnitude and was essential to arrive at a manageable database size. Despite these restrictions, GDB-17 is highly relevant with respect to known molecules. Beyond enumeration, understanding and exploiting GDBs (generated databases) led us to develop methods for virtual screening and visualization of very large databases in the form of a “periodic system of molecules” comprising six different fingerprint spaces, with web-browsers for nearest neighbor searches, and the MQN- and SMIfp-Mapplet application for exploring color-coded principal component maps of GDB and other large databases. Proof-of-concept applications of GDB for drug discovery were realized by combining virtual screening with chemical synthesis and activity testing for neurotransmitter receptor and transporter ligands. One surprising lesson from using GDB for drug analog searches is the incredible depth of chemical space, that is, the fact that millions of very close analogs of any molecule can be readily identified by nearest-neighbor searches in the MQN-space of the various GDBs. The chemical space project has opened an unprecedented door on chemical diversity. Ongoing and yet unmet challenges concern enumerating molecules beyond 17 atoms and synthesizing GDB molecules with innovative scaffolds and pharmacophores.
A simple method was used to synthesize poly(2-aminophenol), poly(2-aminophenol-co-Aniline) and polyaniline nanocomposites with sodium-montmorillonite (Na-M) using in situ intercalative oxidative polymerization. Morphology and thermal properties of the synthesized nanocomposites were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and thermogravimetric analysis. The thermal analysis shows an improved thermal stability of the nanocomposites in comparison with the pure poly(2-aminophenol). The intercalation of polymers into the clay layers was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies, TEM images and FTIR spectroscopy. In addition, the room temperature conductivity values of these nanocomposites varied between 8.21 × 10−5 and 6.76 × 10−4 S cm−1. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites, has been analyzed by cyclic voltammetry. Good electrochemical response has been observed for polymer films; the observed redox processes indicate that the polymerization into Na-M produces electroactive polymers.
We report an efficient synthetic route to obtaining a stable analogue of 5,6-dihydroxyindole. These analogues can be used to build controlled composition model melanin biopolymers for solid state and spectroscopic studies of this important biomolecule.
Relatively few cyclic peptides have reached the pharmaceutical marketplace during the past decade, most produced through fermentation rather than made synthetically. Generally, this class of compounds is synthesized for research purposes on milligram scales by solid-phase methods, but if the potential of macrocyclic peptidomimetics is to be realized, low-cost larger scale solution-phase syntheses need to be devised and optimized to provide sufficient quantities for preclinical, clinical, and commercial uses. Here, we describe a cheap, medium-scale, solution-phase synthesis of the first reported highly potent, selective, and orally active antagonist of the human C5a receptor. This compound, Ac-Phe[Orn-Pro-D-Cha-Trp-Arg], known as 3D53, is a macrocyclic peptidomimetic of the human plasma protein C5a and displays excellent antiinflammatory activity in numerous animal models of human disease. In a convergent approach, two tripeptide fragments Ac-Phe-Orn-(Boc)-Pro-OH and H-D-Cha-Trp(For)-Arg-OEt were first prepared by high-yielding solution-phase couplings using a mixed anhydride method before coupling them to give a linear hexapeptide which, after deprotection, was obtained in 38% overall yield from the commercially available amino acids. Cyclization in solution using BOP reagent gave the antagonist in 33% yield (13% overall) after HPLC purification. Significant features of the synthesis were that the Arg side chain was left unprotected throughout, the component Boe-D-Cha-OH was obtained very efficiently via hydrogenation Of D-Phe with PtO2 in TFA/water, the tripeptides were coupled at the Pro-Cha junction to minimize racemization via the oxazolone pathway, and the entire synthesis was carried out without purification of any intermediates. The target cyclic product was purified (>97%) by reversed-phase HPLC. This convergent synthesis with minimal use of protecting groups allowed batches of 50100 g to be prepared efficiently in high yield using standard laboratory equipment. This type of procedure should be useful for making even larger quantities of this and other macrocyclic peptidomimetic drugs.