144 resultados para benzodiazepine
Abstract Background Cannabis intoxication is related to a number of physical and mental health risks with ensuing social costs. However, little attention has been given to the investigation of possible pharmacological interactions in this condition. Objective To review the available scientific literature concerning pharmacological interventions for the treatment of the acute effects of cannabis. Methods A search was performed on the Pubmed, Lilacs, and Scielo online databases by combining the terms cannabis, intoxication, psychosis, anxiety, and treatment. The articles selected from this search had their reference lists checked for additional publications related to the topic of the review. Results The reviewed articles consisted of case reports and controlled clinical trials and are presented according to interventions targeting the physiological, psychiatric, and cognitive symptoms provoked by cannabis. The pharmacological interventions reported in these studies include: beta-blockers, antiarrhythmic agents, antagonists of CB-1 and GABA-benzodiazepine receptors, antipsychotics, and cannabidiol. Conclusion Although scarce, the evidence on pharmacological interventions for the management of cannabis intoxication suggests that propanolol and rimonabant are the most effective compounds currently available to treat the physiological and subjective effects of the drug. Further studies are necessary to establish the real effectiveness of these two medications, as well as the effectiveness of other candidate compounds to counteract the effects of cannabis intoxication, such as cannabidiol and flumazenil.
The submitted work concentrated on the study of mRNA expression of two distinct GABA transporters, GAT-1 and GAT-3, in the rat brain. For the detection and quantification of the chosen mRNAs, appropriate methods had to be established. Two methods, ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) and competitive RT-PCR were emloyed in the present study. Competitive RT-PCR worked out to be 20 times more sensitive as RPA. Unlike the sensitivity, the fidelity of both techniques was comparable with respect to their intra- and inter-assay variability.The basal mRNA levels of GAT-1 and GAT-3 were measured in various brain regions. Messenger RNAs for both transporters were detected in all tested brain regions. Depending on the region, the observed mRNA level for GAT-1 was 100-300 higher than for GAT-3. The GAT-1 mRNA levels were similar in all tested regions. The distribution of GAT-3 mRNA seemed to be more region specific. The strongest GAT-3 mRNA expression was detected in striatum, medulla oblongata and thalamus. The lowest levels of GAT-3 were in cortex frontalis and cerebellum.Furthermore, the mRNA expression for GAT-1 and GAT-3 was analysed under altered physiological conditions; in kindling model of epilepsy and also after long-term treatment drugs modulating GABAergic transmission. In kindling model of epilepsy, altered GABA transporter function was hypothesised by During and coworkers (During et al., 1995) after observed decrease in binding of nipecotic acid, a GAT ligand, in hippocampus of kindled animals. In the present work, the mRNA levels were measured in hippocampus and whole brain samples. Neither GAT-1 nor GAT-3 showed altered transcription in any tested region of kindled animals compared to controls. This leads to conclusion that an altered functionality of GABA transporters is involved in epilepsy rather than a change in their expression.The levels of GAT-1 and GAT-3 mRNAs were also measured in the brain of rats chronically treated with diazepam or zolpidem, GABAA receptor agonists. Prior to the molecular biology tests, behavioural analysis was carried out with chronically and acutely treated animals. In two tests, open field and elevated plus-maze, the basal activity exploration and anxiety-like behaviour were analysed. Zolpidem treatment increased exploratory activity. There were observed no differencies between chronically and acutely treated animals. Diazepam increased exploratory activity and decresed anxiety-like behaviour when applied acutely. This effect disappeard after chronic administration of diazepam. The loss of effect suggested a development of tolerance to effects of diazepam following long-term administration. Double treatment, acute injection of diazepam after chronic diazepam treatment, confirmed development of a tolerance to effects of diazepam. Also, the mRNAs for GAT-1 and GAT-3 were analysed in cortex frontalis, hippocampus, cerebellum and whole brain samples of chronically treated animals. The mRNA levels for any of tested GABA transporters did not show significant changes in any of tested region neither after diazepam nor zolpidem treatment. Therefore, changes in GAT-1 and GAT-3 transcription are probably not involved in adaptation of GABAergic system to long-term benzodiazepine administration and so in development of tolerance to benzodiazepines.
Für diese Arbeit wurden sechs neue Benzodiazepinderivate, TC07, TC08, TC09, TC10, TC11 und TC12, hergestellt. Diese wurden mittels Radioligandenbindungsassay sowohl auf ihre Bindungseigenschaften für Membranen des Cerebellum, des Hippo-campus und des Cortex der Ratte hin untersucht, als auch für Membranen von HEK293 Zellen, die transient rekombinante GABAA Rezeptoren exprimierten. Zusätz-lich wurden kompetitive in situ Rezeptorautoradiographien an Rattenhirnschnitten mit den Liganden [3H]Ro15-4513 und [3H]R015-1788 durchgeführt. Zusammen ergaben sich aus diesen Experimenten deutliche Hinweise auf eine Selektivität der Verbindun-gen TC07, TC11 und TC12 für a5-Untereinheiten enthaltende GABAA Rezeptoren mit a5-Affinitäten im niedrigen nanomolaren Bereich. In vivo Bindungsexperimente in Ratten, mit [3H]Ro15-1788 als Tracer und TC07 als Kompetitor, ergaben, dass TC07 mehr [3H]Ro15-1788 im Vorderhirn als im Cerebellum verdrängt. Bezog man die regionale Verteilung der a5-Untereinheit des GABAA Rezep-tors im Rattenhirn mit ein – sehr wenige a5-Untereinheiten im Cerebellum, etwa 20 % der GABAA Rezeptor-Untereinheiten im Hippocampus – untermauerten diese Ergeb-nisse die Vermutung, TC07 könne a5-selektiv sein. Diese Daten bestätigten darü-berhinaus, dass TC07 die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Für elektrophysiologische Messungen mit TC07 und TC12 wurden die oben erwähnten transient transfizierten HEK293 Zellen verwendet, welche die GABAA Rezeptor Unte-reinheitenkombination a5b3g2 exprimierten. Das Dosis-Antwort Verhalten ergab keinen signifikanten Effekt für TC12. Die Daten von TC07 dagegen lassen auf einen schwach negativ modulatorischen Effekt schließen, was, zumindest theoretisch, die Möglichkeit eröffnet, TC07 auch als sogenannten cognitive enhancer einzusetzen. Der errechnete Ki-Wert lag in derselben Größenordnung wie der Ki-Wert, der anhand der Bindungsas-saydaten errechnet wurde. Insgesamt rechtfertigen die bisherigen Ergebnisse die radiochemische Markierung mit 18F von drei der sechs getesteten Verbindungen in der Reihenfolge TC07, TC12 und TC11. Des Weiteren wurde [18F]MHMZ, ein potentiell 5-HT2A selektiver Ligand und PET-Tracer einschließlich Vorläufer und Referenzverbindungen, mit hohen Ausbeuten syn-thetisiert (Herth, Debus et al. 2008). Autoradiographieexperimente mit Rattenhirn-schnitten zeigten hervorragende in situ Bindungseigenschaften der neuen Verbindung. Die Daten wiesen eine hohe Selektivität für 5-HT2A Rezeptoren in Verbindung mit einer niedrigen unspezifischen Bindung auf. [18F]MHMZ erfährt in vivo eine schnelle Metabo-lisierung, wobei ein polarer aktiver Metabolit entsteht, welcher vermutlich nicht die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren kann. Transversale, sagittale und coronale Kleintier-PET-Bilder des Rattenhirns zeigten eine hohe Anreicherung im frontalen Cortex und im Striatum, während im Cerebellum so gut wie keine Anreicherung festzustellen war. Diese Verteilung deckt sich mit der bekann-ten Verteilung der 5-HT2A Rezeptoren. Die in vivo Anreicherung scheint sich ebenfalls gut mit der Verteilung der in den Autoradiographieexperimenten gemessenen Bindung zu decken. Nach Berechnungen mit dem 4-Parameter Referenzgewebe Modell beträgt das Bindungspotential (BP) für den frontalen Cortex 1,45. Das Cortex zu Cerebellum Verhältnis wurde auf 2,7 nach 30 Minuten Messzeit bestimmt, was bemerkenswert nah an den von Lundkvist et al. für [11C]MDL 100907 publizierten Daten liegt. Abgesehen von der etwas niedrigeren Affinität waren die gemessenen in vitro, in situ und in vivo Daten denen von [3H]MDL 100907 und [11C]MDL 100907 sehr ähnlich, so dass wir ein [18F]Analogon in der Hand haben, das die bessere Selektivität von MDL 100907 verglichen mit Altanserin mit der längeren Halbwertszeit und den besse-ren Eigenschaften für die klinische Routine von 18F verglichen mit 11C verbindet. Die Ergebnisse von [18F]MHMZ rechtfertigenden weitere Experimente, um diesen Liganden für die klinische Routine am Menschen nutzbar zu machen.
γ-Aminobuttersäure (GABA) ist der wichtigste inhibitorische Neurotransmitter im zentralen Nervensystem und bindet vorrangig an ionotrope GABAA-Rezeptoren. Diese sind an fast allen neuronalen Prozessen beteiligt und werden darüber hinaus mit neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Epilepsie, Angstzuständen, Schlafstörungen und Schizophrenie in Verbindung gebracht. Die PET bietet als molekulares bildgebendes Verfahren die Möglichkeit einzelne Stoffwechselvorgänge des GABAergen Systems zu visualisieren und zu quantifizieren. Durch den Einsatz eines 18F-markierten Radioliganden an die GABA-Bindungsstelle könnten so die Rezeptorverfügbarkeit des GABAA-Rezeptors gemessen und die Ausschüttung des Neurotransmitters GABA quantifiziert werden.rn4-(2-Naphthylmethyl)-5-(piperidin-4-yl)isothiazolole und -isoxazolole stellen aufgrund ihrer hohen Affinität gegenüber der GABA-Bindungsstelle und ihrer lipophilen Struktur vielversprechende Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung eines PET-Tracers zur Visualisierung der GABA-Bindungsstelle dar. Daher wurden zunächst 19F-substituierte Referenzverbindungen synthetisiert, um diese hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Radioligand in in vitro-Studien zu evaluieren. Dazu wurde Fluor direkt sowie über eine Fluorethoxygruppe an Position 1 des Naphthalinrings eingeführt. Zusätzlich wurde ein Fluorethylether eines Isothiazolols als Referenz-verbindung synthetisiert. In anschließenden Verdrängungsstudien wurden die Affinitäten der synthetisierten Verbindungen mit [3H]Muscimol an Membranpräparaten aus Rattenhirnen, sowie transfizierten HEK293-Zellen bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden die entsprechenden Log D-Werte bestimmt. Die Verbindung 5-(piperidin-4-yl)-4-(1-fluornaphth-2-ylmethyl)-isothiazol-3-ol VK5 zeigte in den in vitro-Studien die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse (IC50 = 10 nM; Log D = 1,7) und wurde im Folgenden in einer dreistufigen Radiosynthese als 18F-Verbindung synthetisiert.rnZu diesem Zweck wurde ein geeigneter Markierungsvorläufer dargestellt und über eine n.c.a. SNAr-Markierung mit [18F]F- umgesetzt. Die Reaktionsparameter wurden hinsichtlich Reaktionszeit, -temperatur, Basenkonzentration und Lösungsmittel optimiert. Die zur Aktivierung einer SNAr ein-geführte Carbonylfunktion wurde in einem zweiten Schritt mit Triethylsilan/Trifluoressigsäure reduziert. Im finalen Schritt wurden zwei Schutzgruppen mit Bortrichlorid in DCM abgespaltet und [18F]VK5 als injektionsfertige Lösung in isotoner NaCl-Lösung erhalten. Es wurden radiochemische Ausbeuten von 0,7-1 % (EOS) nach einer durchschnittlichen Synthesedauer von 275 Minuten erhalten.rnDer Radioligand [18F]VK5 wurde anschließend in Autoradiographie-Versuchen an Hirnschnitten der Ratte hinsichtlich seiner Spezifität für die GABA-Bindungsstelle untersucht. Die unspezifische Bindung wurde durch die Zugabe von GABA bestimmt wonach kein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt werden konnte. Die hohe unspezifische Bindung kann möglicherweise auf die niedrigen spezifischen Aktivitäten zurückgeführt werden. Diese lagen, bedingt durch die drei Schritte der Radiosynthese, in einem Bereich von 0,1-0,6 GBq/μmol. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse lassen für zukünftige Versuche noch einige Optimierungsmöglichkeiten offen. Aufgrund der bisher erhaltenen Daten lässt sich daher keine definitive Aussage über die Eignung des Liganden [18F]VK5 als PET-Tracer treffen.rn
Benzodiazepines act at the major isoforms of GABA type A receptors where they potentiate the current evoked by the agonist GABA. The underlying mechanism of this potentiation is poorly understood, but hypothesized to be related to the mechanism that links agonist binding to channel opening in these ligand activated ion channels. The loop F of the ?(1) and the ?(2) subunit have been implicated in channel gating, and loop F of the ?(2) subunit in the modulation by benzodiazepines. We have identified the conservative point mutation Y168F located N-terminally of loop F in the ?(1) subunit that fails to affect agonist properties. Interestingly, it disrupts modulation by benzodiazepines, but leaves high affinity binding to the benzodiazepine binding site intact. Modulation by barbiturates and neurosteroids is also unaffected. Residue ?(1) Y168 is not located either near the binding pockets for GABA, or for benzodiazepines, or close to the loop F of the ?(2) subunit. Our results support the fact, that broader regions of ligand gated receptors are conformationally affected by the binding of benzodiazepines. We infer that also broader regions could contribute to signaling from GABA agonist binding to channel opening.
Lorazepam (LOR) is a 3-hydroxy-1,4-benzodiazepine that is chiral and undergoes enantiomerization at room temperature. In humans, about 75% of the administered dose of LOR is excreted in the urine as its 30-glucuronide. CE-MS with negative ESI was used to confirm the presence of LOR-30-glucuronide in urines that stemmed from a healthy individual who ingested 1 or 2 mg LOR, whereas free LOR could be detected in extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines. As the 30-glucuronidation reaction occurs at the chiral center of the molecule, two diastereoisomers can theoretically be formed, molecules that can no longer interconvert. The stereoselective formation of LOR glucuronides in humans and in vitro was investigated. MEKC analysis of extracts of the nonhydrolyzed urines suggested the presence of the two different LOR glucuronides in the urine. The formation of the same two diastereoisomers was also observed in vitro employing incubations of LOR with human liver microsomes in the presence of uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronic acid as coenzyme. The absence of other coenzymes excluded the formation of phase I or other phase II metabolites of LOR. Both results revealed a stereoselectivity, one diastereoisomer being formed in a higher amount than the other. After enzymatic hydrolysis using beta-glucuronidase, these peaks could not be detected any more. Instead, LOR was monitored. Analysis of the extracts prepared from enzymatically hydrolyzed urines by MEKC in the presence of 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-CD revealed the enantiomerization process of LOR (observation of two peaks of equal magnitude connected with a plateau zone). The data presented provide for the first time the evidence of the stereoselectivity of the LOR glucuronidation in humans.
BACKGROUND: Dysphagia is seldom caused by tetanus; however, it is a common symptom of tetanus. Treating patients with tetanus is a rare event in industrialized countries and awareness is needed to recognize early signs of this serious disease. In Switzerland, the most recently reported tetanus cases occurred in elderly women with insufficient seroprotection. PATIENTS: We report on three elderly women presenting with dysphagia as an initial symptom of tetanus. RESULTS: Generalized tetanus was diagnosed in two patients upon admission, the third presented with cephalic tetanus with secondary generalization. All three patients had undetectable levels of tetanus antibodies and had no documented prior tetanus immunizations. Cultures of wound swabs grew Clostridium tetani in all cases. Electromyography was highly suggestive for tetanus in two patients. Treatment involved mechanical ventilation, intravenous benzodiazepine and metronidazole therapy, and active and passive tetanus immunization. The disease had a favorable outcome in two cases and was fatal in one. CONCLUSION: Tetanus remains a threat in patients with insufficient seroprotection and efforts are needed to improve tetanus immunization in these individuals. Tetanus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dysphagia.
Zolpidem is a positive allosteric modulator of GABA(A) receptors with sensitivity to subunit composition. While it acts with high affinity and efficacy at GABA(A) receptors containing the alpha(1) subunit, it has a lower affinity to GABA(A) receptors containing alpha(2), alpha(3), or alpha(5) subunits and has a very weak efficacy at receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. Here, we show that replacing histidine in position 105 in the alpha(5) subunit by cysteine strongly stimulates the effect of zolpidem in receptors containing the alpha(5) subunit. The side chain volume of the amino acid residue in this position does not correlate with the modulation by zolpidem. Interestingly, serine is not able to promote the potentiation by zolpidem. The homologous residues to alpha(5)H105 in alpha(1), alpha(2), and alpha(3) are well-known determinants of the action of classical benzodiazepines. Other studies have shown that replacement of these histidines alpha(1)H101, alpha(2)H101, and alpha(3)H126 by arginine, as naturally present in alpha(4) and alpha(6), leads to benzodiazepine insensitivity of these receptors. Thus, the nature of the amino acid residue in this position is not only crucial for the action of classical benzodiazepines but in alpha(5) containing receptors also for the action of zolpidem.
Many membrane proteins, including the GABA(A) [GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) type A] receptors, are oligomers often built from different subunits. As an example, the major adult isoform of the GABA(A) receptor is a pentamer built from three different subunits. Theoretically, co-expression of three subunits may result in many different receptor pentamers. Subunit concatenation allows us to pre-define the relative arrangement of the subunits. This method may thus be used to study receptor architecture, but also the nature of binding sites. Indeed, it made possible the discovery of a novel benzodiazepine site. We use here subunit concatenation to study delta-subunit-containing GABA(A) receptors. We provide evidence for the formation of different functional subunit arrangements in recombinant alpha(1)beta(3)delta and alpha(6)beta(3)delta receptors. As with all valuable techniques, subunit concatenation has also some pitfalls. Most of these can be avoided by carefully titrating and minimizing the length of the linker sequences joining the two linked subunits and avoiding inclusion of the signal sequence of all but the N-terminal subunit of a multi-subunit construct. Maybe the most common error found in the literature is that low expression can be overcome by simply overloading the expression system with genetic information. As some concatenated constructs result by themselves in a low level of expression, this erroneous assembly leading to receptor function may be promoted by overloading the expression system and leads to wrong conclusions.
The task of encoding and processing complex sensory input requires many types of transsynaptic signals. This requirement is served in part by an extensive group of neurotransmitter substances which may include thirty or more different compounds. At the next level of information processing, the existence of multiple receptors for a given neurotransmitter appears to be a widely used mechanism to generate multiple responses to a given first messenger (Snyder and Goodman, 1980). Despite the wealth of published data on GABA receptors, the existence of more than one GABA receptor was in doubt until the mid 1980's. Presently there is still disagreement on the number of types of GABA receptors, estimates for which range from two to four (DeFeudis, 1983; Johnston, 1985). Part of the problem in evaluating data concerning multiple receptor types is the lack of information on the number of gene products and their subsequent supramolecular organization in different neurons. In order to evaluate the question concerning the diversity of GABA receptors in the nervous system, we must rely on indirect information derived from a wide variety of experimental techniques. These include pharmacological binding studies to membrane fractions, electrophysiological studies, localization studies, purification studies, and functional assays. Almost all parts of the central and peripheral nervous system use GABA as a neurotransmitter, and these experimental techniques have therefore been applied to many different parts of the nervous system for the analysis of GABA receptor characteristics. We are left with a large amount of data from a wide variety of techniques derived from many parts of the nervous system. When this project was initiated in 1983, there were only a handful of pharmacological tools to assess the question of multiple GABA receptors. The approach adopted was to focus on a single model system, using a variety of experimental techniques, in order to evaluate the existence of multiple forms of GABA receptors. Using the in vitro rabbit retina, a combination of pharmacological binding studies, functional release studies and partial purification studies were undertaken to examine the GABA receptor composition of this tissue. Three types of GABA receptors were observed: Al receptors coupled to benzodiazepine and barbiturate modulation, and A2 or uncoupled GABA-A receptors, and GABA-B receptors. These results are evaluated and discussed in light of recent findings by others concerning the number and subtypes of GABA receptors in the nervous system. ^
(gamma)-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, influences neuronal activity by interacting with at least two pharmacologically and functionally distinct receptors. GABA(,A) receptors are sensitive to blockade by bicuculline, are associated with benzodiazepine and barbiturate binding sites, and mediate chloride flux. The biochemical and pharmacolocal properties of GABA(,B) receptors, which are stereoselectively activated by (beta)-p-chlorophenyl GABA (baclofen), are less well understood. The aim of this study was to define these features of GABA(,B) receptors, with particular emphasis on their possible relationship to the adenylate cyclase system in brain.^ By themselves, GABA agonists have no effect on cAMP accumulation in rat brain slices. However, some GABA agonists markedly enhance the cAMP accumulation that results from exposure to norepinephrine, adenosine, VIP, and cholera toxin. Evidence that this response is mediated by the GABA(,B) system is provided by the finding that it is bicuculline-insensitive, and by the fact that only those agents that interact with GABA(,B) binding sites are active in this regard. GABA(,B) agonists are able to enhance neurotransmitter-stimulated cAMP accumulation in only certain brain regions, and the response is not influenced by phosphodiesterase inhibitors, although is totally dependent on the availability of extracellular calcium. Furthermore, data suggest that inhibition of phospholipase A(,2), a calcium-dependent enzyme, decreases the augmenting response to baclofen, although inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism are without effect. These findings indicate that either arachidonic acid or lysophospholipid, products of PLA(,2)-mediated degradation of phospholipids, mediates the augmentation. Moreover, phorbol esters, compounds which directly activate protein kinase C, were also found to enhance neurotransmitter-stimulated cAMP accumulation in rat brain slices. Since this enzyme is known to be stimulated by unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonate, it is proposed that GABA(,B) agonists enhance cAMP accumulation by fostering the production of arachidonic acid which stimulates protein kinase C, leading to the phosphorylation of some component of the adenylate cyclase system. Thus, GABA, through an interaction with GABA(,B) receptors, modulates neurotransmitter receptor responsiveness in brain. The pharmocological manipulation of this response could lead to the development of therapeutic agents having a more subtle influence than current drugs on central nervous system function. ^
GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain. Benzodiazepine exert their action via a high affinity-binding site at the α/γ subunit interface on some of these receptors. Diazepam has sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effects. It acts by potentiating the current evoked by the agonist GABA. Understanding specific interaction of benzodiazepines in the binding pocket of different GABAA receptor isoforms might help to separate these divergent effects. As a first step, we characterized the interaction between diazepam and the major GABAA receptor isoform α1β2γ2. We mutated several amino acid residues on the γ2-subunit assumed to be located near or in the benzodiazepine binding pocket individually to cysteine and studied the interaction with three ligands that are modified with a cysteine-reactive isothiocyanate group (-NCS). When the reactive NCS group is in apposition to the cysteine residue this leads to a covalent reaction. In this way, three amino acid residues, γ2Tyr58, γ2Asn60, and γ2Val190 were located relative to classical benzodiazepines in their binding pocket on GABAA receptors.
BACKGROUND Low bispectral index values frequently reflect EEG suppression and have been associated with postoperative mortality. This study investigated whether intraoperative EEG suppression was an independent predictor of 90 day postoperative mortality and explored risk factors for EEG suppression. METHODS This observational study included 2662 adults enrolled in the B-Unaware or BAG-RECALL trials. A cohort was defined with >5 cumulative minutes of EEG suppression, and 1:2 propensity-matched to a non-suppressed cohort (≤5 min suppression). We evaluated the association between EEG suppression and mortality using multivariable logistic regression, and examined risk factors for EEG suppression using zero-inflated mixed effects analysis. RESULTS Ninety day postoperative mortality was 3.9% overall, 6.3% in the suppressed cohort, and 3.0% in the non-suppressed cohort {odds ratio (OR) [95% confidence interval (CI)]=2.19 (1.48-3.26)}. After matching and multivariable adjustment, EEG suppression was not associated with mortality [OR (95% CI)=0.83 (0.55-1.25)]; however, the interaction between EEG suppression and mean arterial pressure (MAP) <55 mm Hg was [OR (95% CI)=2.96 (1.34-6.52)]. Risk factors for EEG suppression were older age, number of comorbidities, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and higher intraoperative doses of benzodiazepines, opioids, or volatile anaesthetics. EEG suppression was less likely in patients with cancer, preoperative alcohol, opioid or benzodiazepine consumption, and intraoperative nitrous oxide exposure. CONCLUSIONS Although EEG suppression was associated with increasing anaesthetic administration and comorbidities, the hypothesis that intraoperative EEG suppression is a predictor of postoperative mortality was only supported if it was coincident with low MAP. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT00281489 and NCT00682825.
Aggressive behavior can be divided into the subtypes: reactive and proactive. Reactive aggressive acts occur in response to a stimulus or provocation. Proactive aggressive acts occur without provocation and are goal-directed. A number of findings have suggested that individuals displaying proactive aggression may be discerned from individuals not displaying proactive aggression on measures of personality, psychopathology and psychopathy, as well as on aggressive histories and type and severity of aggressive behaviors committed. The current study was conducted in two phases; phase 1 and 2. This was because phase 1 compared proactive aggressive, reactive aggressive and non-aggressive subjects on questionnaire measures, while phase 2 observed the acute effects of the benzodiazepine alprazolam on only proactive aggressive subjects. The phase 1 hypotheses were that proactive aggressive subjects would show greater numbers of personality disorders and have greater psychopathy relative to reactive and non-aggressive subjects. To verify these hypotheses subjects were recruited from the community and classified as proactive (n = 20), reactive (n = 20) or non-aggressive (n = 10) via laboratory behavioral testing. Classified subjects were administered a battery of questionnaires pertaining to personality disorders (SCID-II, OMNI-IV), psychopathy (PCL-R) and aggression history. The results of these questionnaire measures were subjected to statistical analyses, which confirmed the hypotheses. In the second phase, the acute effects of three doses of the benzodiazepine alprazolam were evaluated in proactive aggressive subjects on proactive aggressive responding in the computer-based Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). In phase 2 it was hypothesized that alprazolam would produce dose dependent decreases in aggressive responding. Subjects were never provoked in this phase, and aggressive responding was classified as proactive. Studies of drugs acting on the GABA system have frequently found decreases in aggression in animals and humans, although there have also been findings of increased (paradoxical) aggression. The hypothesis was tested by statistical analysis of proactive aggressive responding under placebo vs. under alprazolam. The hypothesis was supported by six of seven subjects. Aggressive responding was significantly, decreased under alprazolam relative to placebo in six subjects. One subject showed increases in aggressive responding.^
Lindane, or γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, is a chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide that was banned from U.S. production in 1976, but until recently continued to be imported and applied for occupational and domestic purposes. Lindane is known to cause central nervous system (CNS), immune, cardiovascular, reproductive, liver, and kidney toxicity. The mechanism for which lindane interacts with the CNS has been elucidated, and involves antagonism of the γ-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine (GABAA/BZD) receptor. Antagonism of this receptor results in the inhibition of Cl- channel flux, with subsequent convulsions, seizures, and paralysis. This response makes lindane a desirable defense against arthropod pests in agriculture and the home. However, formulation and application of this compound can contribute to human toxicity. In conjunction with this exposure scenario, workers may be subject to both heat and physical stress that may increase their susceptibility to pesticide toxicity by altering their cellular stress response. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining osmotic homeostasis, and are exposed to agents that undergo urinary excretion. The mechanistic action of lindane on the kidneys is not well understood. Lindane, in other organ systems, has been shown to cause cellular damage by generation of free radicals and oxidative stress. Previous research in our laboratory has shown that lindane causes apoptosis in distal tubule cells, and delays renal stress response under hypertonic stress. Characterizing the mechanism of action of lindane under conditions of physiologic stress is necessary to understand the potential hazard cyclodiene pesticides and other organochlorine compounds pose to exposed individuals under baseline conditions, as well as under conditions of physiologic stress. We demonstrated that exposure to lindane results in oxidative damage and dysregulation of glutathione response in renal distal tubule (MDCK) cells. We showed that under conditions of hypertonic stress, lindane-induced oxidative stress resulted in early onset apoptosis and corresponding down-regulated expression of the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-xL. Thus, the interaction of lindane with renal peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) is associated with attenuation of cellular protective proteins, making the cell more susceptible to injury or death. ^