1000 resultados para aperture-coupled-striplines


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Trichinella surveillance in wildlife relies on muscle digestion of large samples which are logistically difficult to store and transport in remote and tropical regions as well as labour-intensive to process. Serological methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) offer rapid, cost-effective alternatives for surveillance but should be paired with additional tests because of the high false-positive rates encountered in wildlife. We investigated the utility of ELISAs coupled with Western blot (WB) in providing evidence of Trichinella exposure or infection in wild boar. Serum samples were collected from 673 wild boar from a high- and low-risk region for Trichinella introduction within mainland Australia, which is considered Trichinella-free. Sera were examined using both an 'in-house' and a commercially available indirect-ELISA that used excretory secretory (E/S) antigens. Cut-off values for positive results were determined using sera from the low-risk population. All wild boar from the high-risk region (352) and 139/321 (43.3%) of the wild boar from the low-risk region were tested by artificial digestion. Testing by Western blot using E/S antigens, and a Trichinella-specific real-time PCR was also carried out on all ELISA-positive samples. The two ELISAs correctly classified all positive controls as well as one naturally infected wild boar from Gabba Island in the Torres Strait. In both the high- and low-risk populations, the ELISA results showed substantial agreement (k-value = 0.66) that increased to very good (k-value = 0.82) when WB-positive only samples were compared. The results of testing sera collected from the Australian mainland showed the Trichinella seroprevalence was 3.5% (95% C.I. 0.0-8.0) and 2.3% (95% C.I. 0.0-5.6) using the in-house and commercial ELISA coupled with WB respectively. These estimates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the artificial digestion estimate of 0.0% (95% C.I. 0.0-1.1). Real-time PCR testing of muscle from seropositive animals did not detect Trichinella DNA in any mainland animals, but did reveal the presence of a second larvae-positive wild boar on Gabba Island, supporting its utility as an alternative, highly sensitive method in muscle examination. The serology results suggest Australian wildlife may have been exposed to Trichinella parasites. However, because of the possibility of non-specific reactions with other parasitic infections, more work using well-defined cohorts of positive and negative samples is required. Even if the specificity of the ELISAs is proven to be low, their ability to correctly classify the small number of true positive sera in this study indicates utility in screening wild boar populations for reactive sera which can be followed up with additional testing. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crown ethers, 2,3-benzo-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa-cyclopentadeca-2-ene and 2,3, ll,12-dibenzo-l,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxscyclooctadeca-2,11-diene are incorporated into H,N'-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimino) nickel(II) and copper(II), phenol, and β-naphthol by diazo coupling reactions. The selective nature of the coupling reaction has-been demonstrated by the isolation of both asymmetric mono- and symmetric bis(glyoxalarylcrownhydrazoneimino) metal(II) complexes. An interesting binuclear complex containing two intramolecularly rearranged (glyoxal-hydrazonearylimino) metal(II) groups joined by 18-crown-6 result8 when bis(arenediazonium)-18-crown-6 is coupled with the metal(I1) Schiff bases. The substituted ethers form cationic salts with NaClO4, KCNS, NH4CNS, 14g(CNS)2 and Ca(CNS)2. All the synthesised ethers exhibit ion selectivity sequence as K+ > Na+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+.


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A monostable multivibrator configuration using a new technique of regenerative feedback is discussed. This circuit provides an elegant alternative in situations wherein several monostable multivibrators have to be connected in tandem.


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This paper deals with an approximate method of analysis of non-linear, non-conservative systems of two degrees of freedom. The approximate equations for amplitude and phase are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on the ultraspherical polynomial approximation. The method is illustrated by an example of a spring-mass-damper system.


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A study of the hyperfine interaction in the ESR of coupled Cu---Cu pairs in single crystals of copper diethyldithiocarbamate as a function of temperature has shown distinct differences in the hyperfine structure in the two fine-structure transitions at 20 K; the spectrum does not have the usual binomial hyperfine pattern for the fine-structure transition of the low field in contrast to that of the high field. The details of the structure of both fine-structure transitions in the 20-K spectrum can be explained by recognizing the fact that the mixing of the nuclear spin states caused by the anisotropic hyperfine interaction affects the electron spin states |+1 and |−1 differently. The anomalous hyperfine structure is found to become symmetric at 77 and 300 K. It is proposed that the reason for this lies in the dynamics of spin-lattice interaction, which limits the lifetime of the spin states in each of the electronic levels |−1 , |0 , and |+1 . The estimate of spin-lattice relaxation time in the temperature range where the changes are observed agrees with those indicated by other studies. The model proposed here for the hyperfine interaction of pairs in the electronic triplet state is of general validity.


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A study of the hyperfine interaction in the ESR of Cu-Cu pairs in single crystals of copper diethyldithiocarbamate as a function of temperature has shown distinct differences in the hyperfine structure in the two fine structure transitions at 20 K, the spectrum not having the same hyperfine intensity pattern in the low field fine structure transition in contrast to that of the high field transition. The details of the structure of both the fine structure transitions in the 20 K spectrum have now been explained by recognizing the fact that the mixing of the nuclear spin states caused by the anisotropic hyperfine interaction affects the electron spin states | + 1 > and | −> differently. This has incidentally led to a determination of the sign ofD confirming the earlier model. The anomalous hyperfine structure is found to become symmetric at 77 K and 300 K. It is proposed that the reason for this lies in the dynamics of spin-lattice interaction which limits the lifetime of the spin states in each of the electronic levels | − 1 >, | 0 > and | + 1 > The estimate of spin-lattice relaxation time agrees with those indicated from other studies. The model proposed here for the hyperfine interaction of pairs in the electronic triplet state is of general validity.


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The complexity of life is based on an effective energy transduction machinery, which has evolved during the last 3.5 billion years. In aerobic life, the utilization of the high oxidizing potential of molecular oxygen powers this machinery. Oxygen is safely reduced by a membrane bound enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), to produce an electrochemical proton gradient over the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. This gradient is used for energy-requiring reactions such as synthesis of ATP by F0F1-ATPase and active transport. In this thesis, the molecular mechanism by which CcO couples the oxygen reduction chemistry to proton-pumping has been studied by theoretical computer simulations. By building both classical and quantum mechanical model systems based on the X-ray structure of CcO from Bos taurus, the dynamics and energetics of the system were studied in different intermediate states of the enzyme. As a result of this work, a mechanism was suggested by which CcO can prevent protons from leaking backwards in proton-pumping. The use and activation of two proton conducting channels were also enlightened together with a mechanism by which CcO sorts the chemical protons from pumped protons. The latter problem is referred to as the gating mechanism of CcO, and has remained a challenge in the bioenergetics field for more than three decades. Furthermore, a new method for deriving charge parameters for classical simulations of complex metalloenzymes was developed.


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Terminal oxidases are the final proteins of the respiratory chain in eukaryotes and some bacteria. They catalyze most of the biological oxygen consumption on Earth done by aerobic organisms. During the catalytic reaction terminal oxidases reduce dioxygen to water and use the energy released in this process to maintain the electrochemical proton gradient by functioning as a redox-driven proton pump. This membrane gradient of protons is extremely important for cells as it is used for many cellular processes, such as transportation of substrates and ATP synthesis. Even though the structures of several terminal oxidases are known, they are not sufficient in themselves to explain the molecular mechanism of proton pumping. In this work we have applied a complex approach using a variety of different techniques to address the properties and the mechanism of proton translocation by the terminal oxidases. The combination of direct measurements of pH changes during catalytic turnover, time-resolved potentiometric electrometry and optical spectroscopy, made it possible to obtain valuable information about various aspects of oxidase functioning. We compared oxygen binding properties of terminal oxidases from the distinct heme-copper (CcO) and cytochrome bd families and found that cytochrome bd has a high affinity for oxygen, which is 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of CcO. Interestingly, the difference between CcO and cytochrome bd is not only in higher affinity of the latter to oxygen, but also in the way that each of these enzymes traps oxygen during catalysis. CcO traps oxygen kinetically - the molecule of bound dioxygen is rapidly reduced before it can dissociate. Alternatively, cytochrome bd employs an alternative mechanism of oxygen trapping - part of the redox energy is invested into tight oxygen binding, and the price paid for this is the lack of proton pumping. A single cycle of oxygen reduction to water is characterized by translocation of four protons across the membrane. Our results make it possible to assign the pumping steps to discrete transitions of the catalytic cycle and indicate that during in vivo turnover of the oxidase these four protons are transferred, one at a time, during the P→F, F→OH, Oh→Eh, and Eh→R transitions. At the same time, each individual proton translocation step in the catalytic cycle is not just a single reaction catalyzed by CcO, but rather a complicated sequence of interdependent electron and proton transfers. We assume that each single proton translocation cycle of CcO is assured by internal proton transfer from the conserved Glu-278 to an as yet unidentified pump site above the hemes. Delivery of a proton to the pump site serves as a driving reaction that forces the proton translocation cycle to continue.


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Analytical solutions for forced well recharge currently in use were initially developed for pumping scenarios and applied for recharge cases assuming that radial flow in the recharge well replicates a mirror image of that in to a pumping well. Moreover these solutions were not extended to multiaquifer systems. Well bore numerical solutions were generally not considering the effect of well bore interaction, which has a significant effect in the case of a recharge well. In the present paper, improved analytical solutions are developed for a well fully penetrating either single or multiaquifers in respect.to of well storage, well loss, and interactions between the individual aquifers through well bore. The solution developed for constant and variable rates of injection and well loss is applied to the experimental data of the Hansol well injection project near the city of Ahmedabad in the Gujarat state in India. The paper also discusses the difference in well hydraulics of recharge and recovery wells.


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Although various strategies have been developed for scheduling parallel applications with independent tasks, very little work exists for scheduling tightly coupled parallel applications on cluster environments. In this paper, we compare four different strategies based on performance models of tightly coupled parallel applications for scheduling the applications on clusters. In addition to algorithms based on existing popular optimization techniques, we also propose a new algorithm called Box Elimination that searches the space of performance model parameters to determine the best schedule of machines. By means of real and simulation experiments, we evaluated the algorithms on single cluster and multi-cluster setups. We show that our Box Elimination algorithm generates up to 80% more efficient schedule than other algorithms. We also show that the execution times of the schedules produced by our algorithm are more robust against the performance modeling errors.


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Using asymptotics, the coupled wavenumbers in an infinite fluid-filled flexible cylindrical shell vibrating in the beam mode (viz. circumferential wave order n = 1) are studied. Initially, the uncoupled wavenumbers of the acoustic fluid and the cylindrical shell structure are discussed. Simple closed form expressions for the structural wavenumbers (longitudinal, torsional and bending) are derived using asymptotic methods for low- and high-frequencies. It is found that at low frequencies the cylinder in the beam mode behaves like a Timoshenko beam. Next, the coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation of the structure and the acoustic fluid, with an added fluid-loading term involving a parameter mu due to the coupling. An asymptotic expansion involving mu is substituted in this equation. Analytical expressions are derived for the coupled wavenumbers (as modifications to the uncoupled wavenumbers) separately for low- and high-frequency ranges and further, within each frequency range, for large and small values of mu. Only the flexural wavenumber, the first rigid duct acoustic cut-on wavenumber and the first pressure-release acoustic cut-on wavenumber are considered. The general trend found is that for small mu, the coupled wavenumbers are close to the in vacuo structural wavenumber and the wavenumbers of the rigid-acoustic duct. With increasing mu, the perturbations increase, until the coupled wavenumbers are better identified as perturbations to the pressure-release wavenumbers. The systematic derivation for the separate cases of small and large mu gives more insight into the physics and helps to continuously track the wavenumber solutions as the fluid-loading parameter is varied from small to large values. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. This method of asymptotics is simple to implement using a symbolic computation package (like Maple). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analytical expressions are derived, using asymptotics, for the fluid-structure coupled wavenumbers in a one-dimensional (1-D) structural acoustic waveguide. The coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation with an added term due to the fluid-structure coupling. As a result of this coupling, the prior uncoupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers, now become coupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers. A fluid-loading parameter e, defined as the ratio of mass of fluid to mass of the structure per unit area, is introduced which when set to zero yields the uncoupled dispersion equation. The coupled wavenumber is then expressed in terms of an asymptotic series in e. Analytical expressions are found as e is varied from small to large values. Different asymptotic expansions are used for different frequency ranges with continuous transitions occurring between them. This systematic derivation helps to continuously track the wavenumber solutions as the fluid-loading parameter is varied from small to large values. Though the asymptotic expansion used is limited to the first-order correction factor, the results are close to the numerical results. A general trend is that a given wavenumber branch transits from a rigid-walled solution to a pressure-release solution with increasing E. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an-intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The coupled wavenumbers of a fluid-filled flexible cylindrical shell vibrating in the axisymmetric mode are studied. The coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation of the structure and the acoustic fluid, with an added fluid-loading term involving a parameter e due to the coupling. Using the smallness of Poisson's ratio (v), a double-asymptotic expansion involving e and v 2 is substituted in this equation. Analytical expressions are derived for the coupled wavenumbers (for large and small values of E). Different asymptotic expansions are used for different frequency ranges with continuous transitions occurring between them. The wavenumber solutions are continuously tracked as e varies from small to large values. A general trend observed is that a given wavenumber branch transits from a rigidwalled solution to a pressure-release solution with increasing E. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. Only the axisymmetric mode is considered. However, the method can be extended to the higher order modes.


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We consider diffusively coupled map lattices with P neighbors (where P is arbitrary) and study the stability of the synchronized state. We show that there exists a critical lattice size beyond which the synchronized state is unstable. This generalizes earlier results for nearest neighbor coupling. We confirm the analytical results by performing numerical simulations on coupled map lattices with logistic map at each node. The above analysis is also extended to two-dimensional P-neighbor diffusively coupled map lattices.