252 resultados para aineeton pääoma
p. 214-239: Solomon Ibn Gabirol's Keter malkhut ; Hebrew text and Latin translation.
This paper explores how the concept of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is constructed through Spanish media and documentary films and how it is represented. The article analyses three documentary films and the cultural and social contexts in and from which they emerged: Solé´s Bucarest: la memòria perduda [Bucharest: Memory Lost] (2007), Bosch´s Bicicleta, cullera, poma [Bicycle, Spoon, Apple] (2010) , and Frabra’s Las voces de la memoria [Memory´s Voices] (2011). The three documentary films approach AD from different perspectives, creating well-structured discourses of what AD represents for contemporary Spanish society, from medicalisation of AD to issues of personhood and citizenship. These three films are studied from an interdisciplinary perspective, in an effort to strengthen the links between ageing and dementia studies and cultural studies. Examining documentary film representations of AD from these perspectives enables semiotic analyses beyond the aesthetic perspectives of film studies, and the exploration of the articulation of knowledge and power in discourses about AD in contemporary Spain
Sekä inhimillinen pääoma että henkilöstövähennykset ovat ajankohtaisia teemoja tällä hetkellä, erityisesti nopeasti muuttuvalla finanssialalla. Esimerkiksi automaation ja digitalisoitumisen vuoksi rutiininomaiset työtehtävät vähenevät, ja taloussuhdanteiden ja asiakaskäyttäytymisen muutosten vuoksi työn tarve yleisesti vaihtelee. Samalla kuitenkin monimutkaiset palvelu- ja asiantuntijatehtävät lisääntyvät, ja henkilöstön inhimillisestä pääomasta ja sen tuomasta arvosta puhutaan paljon. Teoreettinen tutkimus mieltää henkilöstövähennykset yleisesti huonoksi menettelytavaksi, joka vaikuttaa negatiivisesti yritysten suoriutumiseen. Käytännön liiketoiminnassa irtisanomiset ovat kuitenkin yleisiä, kun muuttuvassa ympäristössä tarvitaan nopeita ratkaisuja. Henkilöstöä vähentämällä yritys voi karsia kustannuksia sekä muokata inhimillistä pääomaansa, kilpailukykyänsä ja strategiaansa. Irtisanomisprosessi voi kuitenkin aiheuttaa piileviä ja välillisiä negatiivisia vaikutuksia, kuten työntekijöiden motivaation ja luottamuksen heikentymistä tai organisaatiosidonnaisten erityistaitojen menettämistä. Tämä heikentää inhimillisestä pääomasta saatavaa hyötyä, mikä taas näkyy koko organisaation arvonluontikyvyssä. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään inhimillisen pääoman merkitystä yritysten henkilöstövähennysprosesseissa. Tavoitteena on tutkia, miten yrityksen toiminnanjohtamisessa ja talousohjauksessa inhimillinen pääoma huomioidaan henkilöstövähennysprosessissa, sekä miten henkilöstövähennykset vaikuttavat inhimilliseen pääomaan ja sen tulontuottamiskykyyn. Tutkimus on toteutettu toiminta-analyyttisella tutkimusotteella. Empiirisen osion case-tapauksena toimii finanssialan yritys, jonka liiketoiminta keskittyy asiantuntijapalveluiden ympärille, ja joka on muutama vuosi sitten käynyt läpi organisaatiomuutoksen ja sen yhteydessä vähentänyt henkilöstöään sekä esimies- että työntekijätasolta. Yrityksestä haastateltiin henkilöstöjohtajaa, kahta liiketoiminnasta vastaavaa johtajaa, talouspäällikköä sekä luottamushenkilöä teemahaastattelumetodia käyttäen. Vastoin teoreettisia tutkimuksia henkilöstövähennysprosessi miellettiin case-yrityksessä onnistuneeksi, sillä kustannuksia on saatu karsituksi, organisaatiota rationalisoiduksi, työtehtäviä järkeistetyksi ja henkilöstön motivaatiota kasvatetuksi. Organisaation strategiaa ja toimintatapoja on muutosten myötä saatu uudistetuksi ja henkilöstövähennysten kautta organisaatiosta on karsittu yrityksen tulevaisuuden liiketoimintaan sopimattomia ja ei-motivoituneita henkilöitä. Inhimillisestä pääomasta käsitteenä ei puhuta käytännön liiketoiminnassa, vaikka siihen liittyvät tekijät mielletäänkin merkittäviksi yrityksen menestymisen kannalta. Case-yrityksessä inhimilliseen pääomaan luettavat tekijät olivat ratkaisevassa asemassa irtisanomispäätöksiä tehdessä, mutta henkilöstövähennysprosessi ei ole tuonut erityisiä muutoksia inhimillisen pääoman hallinnointiin ja ohjaukseen prosessin jälkeen, vaan muutokset tulevat vähittäin liiketoimintaympäristön muuttuessa
The present study aims to compare two modern authors - Luigi Pirandello and Fernando Pessoa - from different cultural environments - Italy / Brazil - pointing to a common theme: the various levels of the individual's expression. The arguments to support the proposed analysis are based on the shifting literary genres, specifically on the non-dramatic characters by Pirandello and on the drama in people by Pessoa.
Objectivo: Pretendeu-se avaliar as modificações no comportamento neuro-motor a nível da funcionalidade do membro superior predominantemente afectado e a sua influência no ciclo da marcha de dois indivíduos com Acidente Vascular Cerebral, face a um programa de intervenção em fisioterapia, segundo uma abordagem baseada no Conceito de Bobath. Foi também objectivo averiguar o impacto qualitativo nos componentes e estados de saúde. Metodologia: A avaliação foi realizada em dois indivíduos com sequelas de Acidente Vascular Cerebral, antes e após o plano de intervenção segundo o Conceito de Bobath, através do registo observacional, da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, da Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment POMA I, da Time Up and Go Test, da Motor Assessement Scale e da Motor Evaluation Scale for Upper Extremity in Patients. Resultados: Obteve-se um incremento da funcionalidade do membro superior predominantemente afectado, com uma atribuição na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde de qualificadores correspondentes a dificuldade ligeira a moderada ao nível da mobilidade e dos auto cuidado após o plano de intervenção, repercutindo-se assim numa diminuição da restrição na participação e limitação da actividade. Houve um aumento de score total em todos os instrumentos e escalas de medidas de avaliação utilizadas, tendo os indivíduos alcançado uma maior funcionalidade do membro superior e um padrão de marcha mais eficiente, com uma menor necessidade de recorrer a estratégias compensatórias de movimento. Conclusão: O plano de intervenção, baseado numa abordagem segundo o Conceito de Bobath, essencialmente dirigido para a obtenção de ganhos funcionais ao nível do membro superior predominantemente afectado nos indivíduos em estudo, parece ter contribuído para induzir mudanças no comportamento neuro-motor, verificando-se uma influência no ciclo de marcha ao nível da qualidade e eficiência do movimento.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física, especialidade de Engenharia de Superfícies, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde
La qualitat del fruit és un concepte multidisciplinari i complex de determinar amb claredat i precisió degut a que intervenen factors lligats a la varietat, al mercat, al consumidor final o factors de seguretat agroalimentària. En el cas de poma Golden, la fruita de primera categoria està definida per criteris com calibre de més de 70 mm i sense russeting, malgrat això hi ha mercats del nord d’Espanya que aprecien més la presencia de russeting. Un altre exemple seria el cas de préssec o nectarina, es considera com a criteri de qualitat la coloració homogènia i vermella-fosca, però al mercat nacional s’aprecien els calibres grans, mentre que certs mercats europeus prefereixen els calibres més petits. En el cas de pera Conference hi ha una sèrie de criteris que la seva importància ve condicionada pel mercat o pel consumidor, com són el calibre, la forma, el color de la pell o el russeting. De tots aquests factors, probablement la presencia de russeting sigui un dels criteris que està més estès en la majoria dels mercats o consumidors que coneixen la pera Conference, la qual cosa implica la necessitat de produir Conference amb russeting. Des del punt de vista comercial el russeting presenta una altre avantatge com es una major rusticitat de la pell, la qual cosa redueix els problemes de manipulació i les pèrdues degudes a l’escaldat que apareix quan la fruita està a l’expositor dels supermercats. El russeting és una alteració de l’epidermis dels fruits, degut a la cicatrització de petites lesions que es produeixen a les primeres etapes de la formació dels fruits. L’aparició s’afavoreix per humitats altes i temperatures baixes durant les primeres setmanes posteriors a la floració. Els anys que no es donen aquestes condicions es fa necessari realitzar tractaments amb productes que afavoreixen l’aparició del russeting. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi es determinar quines son els productes i el calendari d’aplicació més eficaces per afavorir l’aparició de russeting en pera Conference, així com el seu efecte sobre els paràmetres productius.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the psychometric properties of an adapted version of the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) in older rehabilitation patients. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Postacute rehabilitation facility in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Seventy elderly persons aged 65 years and older receiving postacute, inpatient rehabilitation. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: FES questions asked about subject's confidence (range, 0 [none]-10 [full]) in performing 12 activities of daily living (ADLs) without falling. Construct validity was assessed using correlation with measures of physical (basic ADLs [BADLs]), cognitive (Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]), affective (15-item Geriatric Depression Scale [GDS]), and mobility (Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment [POMA]) performance. Predictive validity was assessed using the length of rehabilitation stay as the outcome. To determine test-retest reliability, FES administration was repeated in a random subsample (n=20) within 72 hours. RESULTS: FES scores ranged from 10 to 120 (mean, 88.7+/-26.5). Internal consistency was optimal (Cronbach alpha=.90), and item-to-total correlations were all significant, ranging from .56 (toilet use) to .82 (reaching into closets). Test-retest reliability was high (intraclass correlation coefficient, .97; 95% confidence interval, .95-.99; P<.001). Subjects reporting a fall in the previous year had lower FES scores than nonfallers (85.0+/-25.2 vs 94.4+/-27.9, P=.054). The FES correlated with POMA (Spearman rho=.40, P<.001), MMSE (rho=.37, P=.001), BADL (rho=.43, P<.001), and GDS (rho=-.53, P<.001) scores. These relationships remained significant in multivariable analysis for BADLs and GDS, confirming FES construct validity. There was a significant inverse relationship between FES score and the length of rehabilitation stay, independent of sociodemographic, functional, cognitive, and fall status. CONCLUSIONS: This adapted FES is reliable and valid in older patients undergoing postacute rehabilitation. The independent association between poor falls efficacy and increased length of stay has not been previously described and needs further investigations.
L’objectiu del projecte és la construcció d’una nau industrial al terme municipal de Gualta,Baix Empordà (Girona), amb la finalitat de conservar i comercialitzar fruita dolça ( poma i pera). La nau disposarà de tres cambres d’atmosfera controlada, la capacitat de les quals serà de tres-centes tones de fruita l’any. L’edifici, de 1.000 m2, s’utilitzarà per emmagatzemar, manipular i comercialitzar la fruita però també hi haurà una part important de l’edifici destinat a ser utilitzat com a magatzem de les eines del camp i de diferents productes fitosanitaris i adobs
The aim of this study was to extract multi-parametric measures characterizing different features of sit-to-stand (Si-St) and stand-to-sit (St-Si) transitions in older persons, using a single inertial sensor attached to the chest. Investigated parameters were transition's duration, range of trunk tilt, smoothness of transition pattern assessed by its fractal dimension, and trunk movement's dynamic described by local wavelet energy. A measurement protocol with a Si-St followed by a St-Si postural transition was performed by two groups of participants: the first group (N=79) included Frail Elderly subjects admitted to a post-acute rehabilitation facility and the second group (N=27) were healthy community-dwelling elderly persons. Subjects were also evaluated with Tinetti's POMA scale. Compared to Healthy Elderly persons, frail group at baseline had significantly longer Si-St (3.85±1.04 vs. 2.60±0.32, p=0.001) and St-Si (4.08±1.21 vs. 2.81±0.36, p=0.001) transition's duration. Frail older persons also had significantly decreased smoothness of Si-St transition pattern (1.36±0.07 vs. 1.21±0.05, p=0.001) and dynamic of trunk movement. Measurements after three weeks of rehabilitation in frail older persons showed that smoothness of transition pattern had the highest improvement effect size (0.4) and discriminative performance. These results demonstrate the potential interest of such parameters to distinguish older subjects with different functional and health conditions.
Decline in gait stability has been associated with increased fall risk in older adults. Reliable and clinically feasible methods of gait instability assessment are needed. This study evaluated the relative and absolute reliability and concurrent validity of the testing procedure of the clinical version of the Narrow Path Walking Test (NPWT) under single task (ST) and dual task (DT) conditions. Thirty independent community-dwelling older adults (65-87 years) were tested twice. Participants were instructed to walk within the 6-m narrow path without stepping out. Trial time, number of steps, trial velocity, number of step errors, and number of cognitive task errors were determined. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated as indices of agreement, and a graphic approach called "mountain plot" was applied to help interpret the direction and magnitude of disagreements between testing procedures. Smallest detectable change and smallest real difference (SRD) were computed to determine clinically relevant improvement at group and individual levels, respectively. Concurrent validity was assessed using Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment Tool (POMA) and the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Test-retest agreement (ICC1,2) varied from 0.77 to 0.92 in ST and from 0.78 to 0.92 in DT conditions, with no apparent systematic differences between testing procedures demonstrated by the mountain plot graphs. Smallest detectable change and smallest real change were small for motor task performance and larger for cognitive errors. Significant correlations were observed for trial velocity and trial time with POMA and SPPB. The present results indicate that the NPWT testing procedure is highly reliable and reproducible.
Describe la investigación realizada por el Crucero bio-oceanográfico 6605 del B.A.P. Unanue, correspondiente a la estación Otoño del año 1966, efectuada en dos etapas. El estudio obtuvo información sobre el desove de la anchoveta y otros peces mediante la recolección del plancton con red Hensen, así como se investigó la presencia de cardúmenes de peces por medio de ecosonda y sonar, se efectuaron también observaciones de aves y mamíferos marinos.
Describe las acciones desplegadas por el crucero del B.A.P. Unanue, correspondiente al invierno de 1967, en el que se investigó el área entre el 04º00´s y 17º35´S ocupándose de 168 estaciones de rutina distribuidas en 20 perfiles. Durante todo el recorrido se investigó la presencia de cardúmenes de peces por medio de los equipos de ecosonda y radar y se realizaron observaciones sobre presencia de aves y mamíferos marinos.
Informe del crucero de primavera 6711 a bordo del Unanue, que formó parte del programa de cruceros del Instituto del Mar del Perú para 1967. El mar fue explorado de Cabo Blanco a Ilo, mediante 19 perfiles perpendiculares a la costa que incluyeron 137 estaciones de observación, con un recorrido de 4870 millas.