983 resultados para administração educacional


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This work focuses on the educational policies, on the necessity of adopting new models of administration of the education, as well as the implementation of reforms in this filed during the 1990 s. It analyzes the strategies of decentralization of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, disclosing practices conceived in the governmental plans and programs. It also aims to evidence the aspects of the decentralization proposed in the educational system management model, adopted by the Department of Education and Culture of Rio Grande do Norte from 1995 to 1999. Bibliographic researches and documental analysis were used as sources and semi-structured interviews were held in order to collect data. This work also highlights the concepts of participation, autonomy and democratic management intrinsic to the process of decentralization in the education field. It is clear that decentralization, as the vector of democracy, requires not only certain conditions that assure the universal access to the necessary information, but also that all segments of the institution have a voice in the collegiates and that the management and decision-making processes be transparent. This analysis reveals the importance of creating means to promote autonomy, participation and democratic management in order to consolidate a decentralized system. It is also clear that these mechanisms have been proposed in a vague way by the governmental guidelines, which makes it harder to consolidate a democratic management model. Having this perspective as a parameter, it is possible to realize that the adoption of a management model prompted by the law hasn t established effective means of participation that, consequently, should provide decision centralizers which opposed to the democratic actions


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The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices


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This research aims to focus on the education problem, since its source of development is the Research Base: Teachers Training and Qualification of UFRN. Therefore, we seek guidance in the beliefs in sustainability to propose plausible alternatives to promote the education process of UFRN administration undergraduates in order to meet the demands of a market-oriented society, since the market trend is to evolve from environmental guided activities, and future administrators should be trained to meet those conditions. The need to develop an instrument capable of understanding the beliefs of undergraduates on the sustainability problem becomes the object of analysis. This research aims to develop a normative questionnaire to study administration students beliefs in sustainability. The complexity and sensitivity of this research required the integration of various methodological procedures. These proposals were made as follows: analysis and selection of literature, expert validation procedures and psychometric methods and statistics. As for the literature, types of sustainability were identified and categorized, such as: political, social, economic and environmental sustainability. However, it is understood that the educational type, although included in all of those, needed to be converted into another type to fit the theme, since education is believed to be the best way to raise awareness about sustainability. Thus, it was required the categorization of the types, which was defined using criteria such as: contexts, objectives, goals, pathways and hypotheses. The normative questionnaire was the guiding instrument to investigate the role of administration students, regarding the level of knowledge established and regulated by social educational context, especially by becoming a basic condition for carrying out research on beliefs. The study confirmed that the types of sustainability - political, social, economic, environmental and educational - for having institutionalized literatures as sources, in international and national levels, are representative in the identification of future administrators. Therefore, it is believed that the types of sustainability categorized to provide a characterization of sustainability include the structuring of knowledge for undergraduates. The economic and political types, however, were not as representative with respect to their typicality and polarity indices as the educational, environmental and social ones. Although the beliefs of the undergraduates show how much they share ideas on all types, they present more identification with the educational and environmental types. Finally, it is expected that this instrument be subject to application in similar contexts so that it can ascertain whether such statements are part of the knowledge structure of future administrators from other institutions. Therefore, it is expected this strategy to strengthen the validation of the normative questionnaire


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O uso da tecnologia de informática é uma realidade em todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, nos dias atuais. A incorporação tecnológica se faz nos serviços e no ensino, nos diferentes processos de trabalho do enfermeiro. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar um site desenvolvido sobre o tema Escala de Pessoal de Enfermagem, relevante na gestão de recursos humanos em saúde. A metodologia envolveu pesquisa quantitativa com docentes da área de administração em enfermagem, e alunos das oito Universidades Públicas do estado de São Paulo que formam enfermeiros. Entre os principais resultados, apontamos que 85% dos avaliadores consideraram o site excelente ou satisfatório. Além disso, foram analisados os comentários enviados por e-mail e as autoras fazem uma auto-avaliação. O site foi considerado de utilidade tanto para a prática profissional (81,7% entre excelente e satisfatório) como para o ensino (84,6% entre excelente e satisfatório).


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ao abordar as principais estratégias e ações governamentais para a reconfiguração dos papéis a serem assumidos pelo Estado e pela educação superior, o presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir as políticas públicas para a educação enfatizando, nesse contexto mais amplo, a situação atual dos cursos de Pedagogia. Essa perspectiva requer uma incursão nas diretrizes im/pro - postas pelo Banco Mundial e seus reflexos no esforço oficial para a reforma do Aparelho de Estado, encetada pelo Ministério da Administração e Reforma do Estado (MARE). Desde a aprovação da LDB 9.394/96, de forma orgânica, novas políticas de formação de professores vão se delineando por meio da legislação correlata que a regulamenta. A análise desse arcabouço legal estará referenciada tanto nos documentos do MARE, quanto naqueles elaborados pelo Ministério da Educação visando o cotejo entre as medidas por eles propostas com as determinações expressas na LDB e na legislação complementar.


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Presence of the orthographic mistakes on the writting of the students with or without learning difficulties still is a concern. The focus of these study is the classification of orthographic mistakes on the writting of the students who had participated of the Educational Program of Resistance to the Drugs and the Violence (Proerd). Sixty four grade children from a public school were individually analyzed in this study. The aim of this study was to verify the frequency and characterization of the orthographic mistakes on the texts production these students. We had as base for this analysis the studies of Zorzi (1998). The most frequent mistakes made by students were: irregular phonographemic relation (24%), letters omission (18%), similar letters (13%) and hypo-segmentation and hyper-segmentation (11,0%), amongst others. The characterization of the mistakes writing makes possible the planning of the interventions, as well as, the use of the prevention strategies.


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This research has been conducted with the objective of identifying the similarities and the differences between the school management system proposed by the government and the school management system applied on a daily basis by the school management team. This management team is composed by the school principal, the coordinator teacher, and the educational supervisor of a school in the inner state of Sao Paulo. Data is being collected researching the references already existed about the school management system, documents and files of the school, and by an interview with the management team. It is expected that this research will identify the close and the distant aspects between the evaluation of the management team about itself and the evaluation conducted by the school in the process of educational evaluations. The data obtained through this research job is being analyzed considering its quality aspects.


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It was investigated how the conceptions of PT for the educational area defended in national meetings of the party have configured as policies in the City Hall of São Paulo during 1989-1992. It was made an analysis of official documents and measures adopted by the Municipal Education Secretariat. Then, it could be concluded that the priorities of implementation of the PT proposal entitled popular public school were based on four categories: Democratization of Management; New Quality of Teaching; Movement of Adult and Youth Literacy (MOVA) and Democratization Access.


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O texto analisa produções acadêmicas que exploram possíveis relações entre gestão escolar e avaliação, com base em dissertações e teses, artigos de periódicos e anais da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (Anped) e da Associação Nacional de Política e Administração da Educação (Anpae), totalizando 25 documentos. O foco aqui aprofundado originou-se de Estado da Arte sobre gestão, autonomia e o funcionamento de órgãos colegiados em escolas públicas, que abrangeu o período entre os anos de 2000 a 2008 e reuniu 753 fontes documentais. A partir da identificação de eixos temáticos aglutinadores da produção em pauta, o texto busca explicitar contribuições teórico-metodológicas das pesquisas para compreensão da referida temática, bem como apontar eventuais subsídios para gestores de escolas e de redes. Verificou-se que, embora ainda incipiente, investigações que se dedicam a analisar as relações entre avaliações em larga escala e gestão escolar tendem a aumentar em curto espaço de tempo, tendo em vista a centralidade que o tema vem conquistando nas diretrizes políticas da área da educação.