676 resultados para WE 344
Dengue, a disease caused by any of the four serotypes of dengue viruses, is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease in the world in terms of both morbidity and mortality. The infection by these viruses induces a plethora of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe diseases with involvement of several organs. Severe forms of the disease are more frequent in secondary infections by distinct serotypes and, consequently, a dengue vaccine must be tetravalent. Although several approaches have been used on the vaccine development, no vaccine is available against these viruses, especially because of problems on the development of a tetravalent vaccine. Here, we describe briefly the vaccine candidates available and their ability to elicit a protective immune response. We also discuss the problems and possibilities of any of the vaccines in final development stage reaching the market for human use.
Etnográfica, Vol. IX, N.1, pp. 171-193
Social responsibility arises as a measure of the corporate policy that goes beyond the production activity, thus covering also the social and environmental activities. This issue has been gaining importance over time. The number of companies that are implementing socially responsible actions has been growing steadily even though it is still centered on large and medium sized companies. Social responsibility is an accessible theme to any company of any size, once the social and environmental issues are resolved through concrete actions, but in the small and micro-sized companies there are factors that inhibit such actions. Some of these factors are: reduced investment capacity; minimal expectations of medium to long term returns; or even the short-term management focus that is aimed at survival. Such facts can be verified in the case of Portuguese companies, where out of the 41 companies certified by SA 8000 only 5 are micro-sized or small and even these are linked to large organizations.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Discussions under this title were held during a special session in frames of the International Conference “Fractional Differentiation and Applications” (ICFDA ’14) held in Catania (Italy), 23-25 June 2014, see details at http://www.icfda14.dieei.unict.it/. Along with the presentations made during this session, we include here some contributions by the participants sent afterwards and also by few colleagues planning but failed to attend. The intention of this special session was to continue the useful traditions from the first conferences on the Fractional Calculus (FC) topics, to pose open problems, challenging hypotheses and questions “where to go”, to discuss them and try to find ways to resolve.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Filosofia-Estética
An 80 years old man suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after arrival to his local health department. Basic Life Support was started promptly and nine minutes later, on evaluation by an Advanced Life Support team, the victim was defibrillated with a 200J shock. When orotracheal intubation was attempted, masseter muscle contraction was noticed: on reevaluation, the victim had pulse and spontaneous breathing.Thirty minutes later, the patient had been transferred to an emergency department. As he complained of chest pain, the ECG showed a ST segment depression in leads V4 to V6 and laboratory tests showed cardiac troponine I slightly elevated. A coronary angiography was performed urgently: significant left main plus three vessel coronary artery disease was disclosed.Eighteen hours after the cardiac arrest, a quadruple coronary artery bypass grafting operation was undertaken. During surgery, a fresh thrombus was removed from the middle left anterior descendent artery. Post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged seven days after the procedure. Twenty four months later, he remains asymptomatic.In this case, the immediate call for the Advanced Life Support team, prompt basic life support and the successful defibrillation, altogether, contributed for the full recovery. Furthermore, the swiftness in the detection and treatment of the acute reversible cause (myocardial ischemia in this case) was crucial for long-term prognosis.
A lesão renal aguda é uma complicação comum nas unidades de cuidados intensivos. A mortalidade do doente crítico que requer diálise é extremamente elevada, apesar dos avanços significativos dos cuidados prestados a estes doentes. Há várias décadas que se discute o tipo de modalidade dialítica a oferecer a estes doentes (continua ou intermitente) e os principais fatores que pesam na decisão clínica são os meios e a experiência do centro, bem como a condição clínica do doente. Vários estudos tentaram estabelecer a melhor abordagem ao doente crítico com lesão renal aguda e necessidade dialítica, em termos de sobrevida do doente e recuperação renal. Nesta revisão tentarei resumir as evidências disponíveis sobre este tema.
SUMMARY Leptospirosis is a febrile disease with a typically underestimated global incidence, especially in regions where dengue is endemic. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately determine the number of leptospirosis cases in these areas, which contributes to significant under-reporting this disease. In this study, we estimated the number of possible leptospirosis cases among dengue-like cases that were reported during 2008, 2010, and 2012 in the city of Fortaleza, northeast Brazil. Patients were evaluated for dengue and leptospirosis using immunoenzymatic tests for IgM antibodies that were specific to each pathogen. Among the suspected cases of dengue that resulted as negative in laboratory tests, 10.8% (2008), 19.2% (2010), and 30.8% (2012) were confirmed to be leptospirosis. Considering the cases reported by the surveillance authority as dengue that were subsequently discarded based on the laboratory test results, we estimate that the number of actual leptospirosis cases may be 26 to 49 times higher than those diagnosed and reported by the Health Services. Furthermore, we believe that approximately 20% of dengue-like cases may be leptospirosis cases in areas where the two diseases are endemic.
RESUMO - Objetivo: Quantificar a variação da procura ocorrida no Serviço de Urgência Hospitalar (SUH) de um hospital na zona de Lisboa face ao aumento de preço da taxa moderadora da urgência em janeiro de 2012. Metodologia: O presente trabalho recorre à análise de micro dados sobre a utilização do Serviço de Urgência do Hospital Garcia de Orta (HGO) em dois períodos: 1 de janeiro de 2011 a 30 de junho de 2011 e 1 de janeiro de 2012 a 30 de junho de 2012. A amostra é constituída por 156.654 idas ao SUH do HGO. Aferiu-se ainda a elasticidade da procura face ao preço por sexo, escalão etário, proveniência, local e causa da admissão e destino dos utentes. Resultados: Existiram 80.344 episódios de urgência em 2011 e 76.310 em 2012 (-5%).Em relação aos utentes não isentos, houve uma redução de 12% no total de episódios de urgência (26.168 em 2011 e 23.037 em 2012). O preço da urgência aumentou 108% para os indivíduos não isentos (€9,6 para €20). Os valores obtidos para a elasticidade da procura face ao preço são próximos de zero para o total da procura bem como para as restantes variáveis. Conclusões: Conclui-se que a procura de cuidados de urgência é inelástica face ao aumento do preço no hospital analisado. Embora se tenha verificado uma redução dos cuidados procurados (12%), esta foi muito inferior ao aumento ocorrido no preço (108%).
Part of the objects that anthropologists can now find in Lisbon result from the existence of networks with rather diverse historical, social and cultural origins, linking Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Brazil and Portugal, as well as the countries which have attracted all these countries’ diasporas. The publishing of papers by Portuguese and Brazilian anthropologists in this dossier dedicated to consumption might come to generate a productive collaboration between researchers from both countries, which for over five centuries have seen arriving from the other side of the Atlantic strange objects that, in turn, have taken the routes of the diasporas mentioned above, from luxurious and whimsical items as the indigenous leaders’ feathers and the carriages of the Portuguese royalty, to common and irreplaceable goods as the havaianas.
Tomando como ponto de partida a célebre confissão do Bispo Hurd em Letters on Chivalry and Romance (1762), o nosso texto procurará reflectir, enquadrando-os culturalmente, sobre os processos de (re)descoberta, reavaliação e revalorização setecentistas da literatura medieval, mercê das histórias literárias pioneiras de Hugh Blair (1718-1800), Thomas Warton (1728-1790) e do próprio Richard Hurd (1720-1808).