975 resultados para Verbal Learning


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En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos


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En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos.


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En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos.


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En este trabajo se comunican los resultados preliminares de una investigación más amplia sobre desempeño y autopercepción en lectura y escritura de alumnos universitarios. Se trata en este caso de los resultados en comprensión verbal, dadas las relaciones que guarda con la comprensión lectora. Esta última constituye un aspecto crítico, particularmente en la construcción del modelo de situación , que se logra vía integración de la información proporcionada por el texto con el conocimiento previo relevante. Para su estudio se seleccionó una muestra piloto aleatoria de 60 alumnos de tercer año, de ambos sexos, de 23 años de edad promedio, a los que se les aplicó colectivamente las pruebas Vocabulario, Información y Analogías del WAIS III. Los resultados en el Índice de Comprensión Verbal muestran medidas de tendencia central semejantes a los de la muestra de tipificación y una dispersión menor, con casos particulares con puntuaciones en el límite inferior del promedio. Se hacen observaciones respecto del desempeño en población universitaria y sobre algunas particularidades acerca del tipo de errores en las respuestas proporcionadas, que merecen consideraciones adicionales. En principio indican ausencia e insuficiencia de información, confusiones conceptuales en algunos términos de uso relativamente frecuente y dificultades en la formación de conceptos, situación a ser atendida por sus implicaciones en el aprendizaje exitoso a partir de los textos


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The effects of unconditional stimulus (US) valence (aversive electro-tactile stimulus vs. nonaversive imperative stimulus of a RT task) and conditioning paradigm (delay vs. trace) on affective learning as indexed by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus (CS) pleasantness and blink startle modulation and on relational learning as indexed by electrodermal responses were investigated. Affective learning was not affected by the conditioning paradigm; however, electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening indicated delayed learning in the trace procedure. Changes in rated CS pleasantness were found with the aversive US, but not with the non-aversive US. Differential conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responses and startle modulation was found regardless of US valence. The finding of significant differential blink modulation and electrodermal responding in the absence of a change in rated CS pleasantness as a result of conditioning with a non-aversive US was replicated in a second experiment. These results seem to indicate that startle modulation during conditioning is mediated by the arousal level of the anticipated US, rather than by the valence of the CS. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Attentional biases for threat were investigated using a computerised version of the emotional Stroop task. The study examined the influence of state and trait anxiety by employing a student sample assigned to high trait anxious (HTA; n = 32) or low trait anxious (LTA; n = 32) groups on the basis of questionnaire scores, and state anxiety was manipulated within participants through the threat of electric shock. Threatening words that were either unrelated (e.g., cancer, danger) or related to the threat of shock (e.g., electrocute, shock) were presented to participants both within and outside of awareness. In the latter condition a backward masking procedure was used to prevent awareness and exposure thresholds between the target and mask were individually set for each participant. For unmasked trials the HTA group showed significant interference in colour naming for all threat words relative to control words when performing under the threat of shock, but not in the shock safe condition. For the masked trials, despite chance performance in being able to identify the lexical status of the items, HTA participants showed facilitated colour naming for all threat words relative to control items when performing under threat of shock, but this effect was not evident in the shock safe condition. Neither valence of the items nor the threat of shock influenced colour naming latencies in either exposure mode for the LTA group.


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Affective learning, the acquisition of likes and dislikes, was investigated in two experiments using verbal ratings and affective priming as indices of affective change. In both experiments, neutral geometric shapes were paired with pleasant or unpleasant pictures in a picture-picture conditioning procedure to acquire positive and negative valence. Experiment 1 found the acquisition of positive valence; however, this valence change was lost after extinction training. Experiment 2 used more salient pictures as unconditioned stimuli. Positive and negative valence was acquired during paired presentations and retained across extinction training. The results of Experiment 2 are consistent with dual process accounts, which claim that evaluative conditioning is distinct from Pavlovian conditioning because it is resistant to extinction.


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Purpose: This cross-sectional study was designed to determine whether the academic performance of optometry undergraduates is influenced by enrolment status, learning style or gender. Methods: Three hundred and sixty undergraduates in all 3 years of the optometry degree course at Aston University during 2008–2009 were asked for their informed consent to participate in this study. Enrolment status was known from admissions records. An Index of Learning Styles (http://www4.nscu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Learning-Styles.html) determined learning style preference with respect to four different learning style axes; active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal and sequential-global. The influence of these factors on academic performance was investigated. Results: Two hundred and seventy students agreed to take part (75% of the cohort). 63% of the sample was female. There were 213 home non-graduates (entrants from the UK or European Union without a bachelor’s degree or higher), 14 home graduates (entrants from the UK or European Union with a bachelor’s degree or higher), 28 international non-graduates (entrants from outside the UK or European Union without a bachelor’s degree or higher) and 15 international graduates (entrants from outside the UK or European Union with a bachelor’s degree or higher). The majority of students were balanced learners (between 48% and 64% across four learning style axes). Any preferences were towards active, sensing, visual and sequential learning styles. Of the factors investigated in this study, learning styles were influenced by gender; females expressed a disproportionate preference for the reflective and visual learning styles. Academic performance was influenced by enrolment status; international graduates (95% confidence limits: 64–72%) outperformed all other student groups (home non graduates, 60–62%; international non graduates, 55–63%) apart from home graduates (57–69%). Conclusion: Our research has shown that the majority of optometry students have balanced learning styles and, from the factors studied, academic performance is only influenced by enrolment status. Although learning style questionnaires offer suggestions on how to improve learning efficacy, our findings indicate that current teaching methods do not need to be altered to suit varying learning style preferences as balanced learning styles can easily adapt to any teaching style (Learning Styles and Pedagogy in Post-16 Learning: A Systematic and Critical Review. London, UK: Learning and Skills Research Centre, 2004).


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There appears to be a missing dimension in OL literature to embrace the collective experience of emotion, both within groups and communities and also across the organization as a whole. The concept of OL efficacy- as a stimulus offering energy and direction for learning - remains unexplored. This research involved engaging with a company we have called ‘Electroco’ in depth to create a rich and nuanced representation of OL and members’ perceptions of OL over an extended time-frame (five years). We drew upon grounded theory research methodology (Locke, 2001), to elicit feedback from the organization, which was then used to inform future research plans and/ or refine emerging ideas. The concept of OL efficacy gradually emerged as a factor to be considered when exploring the relationship between individual learning and OL. . Bearing in mind Bandura’s (1982) conceptualization of self-efficacy (linked with mastery, modelling, verbal persuasion and emotional arousal), we developed a coding strategy encompassing these four factors as conceptualized at the organizational level. We added a fifth factor: ‘control of OL.’ We focused on feelings across the organization and the extent of consensus or otherwise around these five attributes. The construct has potential significance for how people are managed in many ways. Not only is OL efficacy is difficult for competitors to copy (arising as it does from the collective experience of working within a specific context); the self-efficacy concept suggests that success can be engineered with ‘small wins’ to reinforce mastery perceptions. Leaders can signal the importance of interaction with the external context, and encourage reflection on the strategies adopted by competitors or benchmark organizations (modelling). The theory also underlines the key role managers may play in persuading others about their organization’s propensity to learn (by focusing on success stories, for example). Research is set to continue within other sectors, including the high-performance financial service sector as well as the health-care technology sector.


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The aim of this paper is to explore the engineering lecturers' experiences of generic skills assessment within an active learning context in Malaysia. Using a case-study methodology, lecturers' assessment approaches were investigated regarding three generic skills; verbal communication, problem solving and team work. Because of the importance to learning of the assessment of such skills it is this assessment that is discussed. The findings show the lecturers' initial feedback to have been generally lacking in substance, since they have limited knowledge and experience of assessing generic skills. Typical barriers identified during the study included; generic skills not being well defined, inadequate alignment across the engineering curricula and teaching approaches, assessment practices that were too flexible, particular those to do with implementation; and a failure to keep up to date with industrial requirements. The emerging findings of the interviews reinforce the arguments that there is clearly much room for improvement in the present state of generic skills assessment.


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Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) have been proven to enhance learning abilities in children. This study will examine how the use of metaphor might affect the development of fourth graders’ verbal and written abilities at three schools in the Miami-Dade County Public School system.


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This study analyzes the qualitative and quantitative patterns of notetaking by learning disabled (LD) and nondisabled (ND) adolescents and the effectiveness of notetaking and review as measured by the subjects' ability to recall information presented during a lecture. The study also examines relationships between certain learner characteristics and notetaking. The following notetaking variables were investigated: note completeness, number of critical ideas recorded, levels of processing information, organizational strategies, fluency of notes, and legibility of notes. The learner characteristics examined pertained to measures on achievement, short-term memory, listening comprehension, and verbal ability.^ Students from the 11th and 12th grades were randomly selected from four senior high schools in Dade County, Florida. Seventy learning disabled and 79 nondisabled subjects were shown a video tape lecture and required to take notes. The lecture conditions controlled for presentation rate, prior knowledge, information density, and difficulty level. After 8 weeks, their notes were returned to the subjects for a review period, and a posttest was administered.^ Results of this study suggest significant differences (p $\le$.01) in the patterns of notetaking between LD and ND groups not due to differences in the learner characteristics listed above. In addition, certain notetaking variables such as process levels, number of critical ideas, and note completeness were found to be significantly correlated to learning outcome. Further, deficiencies in the spontaneous use of organizational strategies and abbreviations adversely affected the notetaking effectiveness of learning disabled students.^ Both LD and ND subjects recalled more information recorded in their notes than not recorded. This difference was significant only for the ND group. By contrast, LD subjects compensated for their poor notetaking skills and recalled significantly more information not recorded on their notes than did ND subjects. The major implications of these findings suggest that LD and ND subjects exhibit very different entry behaviors when asked to perform a notetaking task; hence, teaching approaches to notetaking must differ as well. ^


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This series of 5 single-subject studies used the operant conditioning paradigm to investigate, within the two-way influence process, how (a) contingent infant attention can reinforce maternal verbal behaviors during a period of mother-infant interaction and under subsequent experimental manipulation. Differential reinforcement was used to determine if it is possible that an infant attending to the mother (denoted by head-turns towards the image of the mother plus eye contact) increases (reinforces) the mother's verbal response (to a cue from the infant) upon which the infant behavior is contingent. There was also (b) an evaluation during the contrived parent-infant interaction for concurrent operant learning of infant vocal behavior via contingent verbal responding (reinforcement) implemented by the mother. Further, it was noted (c) whether or not the mother reported being aware that her responses were influenced by the infant's behavior. Findings showed: the operant conditioning of the maternal verbal behaviors were reinforced by contingent infant attention; and the operant conditioning of infant vocalizations was reinforced by contingent maternal verbal behaviors. No parent reported (1) being aware of the increase in their verbal response reinforced during operant conditioning of parental behavior nor a decrease in those responses during the DRA reversal phase, or (2) noticing a contingency between infant's and mother's response. By binomial 1-tail tests, the verbal-behavior patterns of the 5 mothers were conditioned by infant reinforcement (p < 0.02) and, concurrently, the vocal-response patterns of the 5 infants were conditioned by maternal reinforcement (p < 0.02). A program of systematic empirical research on the determinants of concurrent conditioning within mother-child interaction may provide a way to evaluate the differential effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving parent-child interactions. The work conducted in the present study is one step in this direction. ^


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College personnel are required to provide accommodations for students who are deaf and hard of hearing (D/HoH), but few empirical studies have been conducted on D/HoH students as they learn under the various accommodation conditions (sign language interpreting, SLI, real-time captioning, RTC, and both). Guided by the experiences of students who are D/HoH at Miami-Dade College (MDC) who requested RTC in addition to SLI as accommodations, the researcher adopted Merten’s transformative-emancipatory theoretical framework that values perceptions and voice of students who are D/HoH. A mixed methods design addressed two research questions: Did student learning differ for each accommodation? What did students experience while learning through accommodations? Participants included 30 students who were D/HoH (60% women). They represented MDC’s majority minority population: 10% White (non-Hispanic), 20% Black (non-Hispanic, including Haitian/Caribbean), 67% Hispanic, and 3% other. Hearing loss, ranged from severe-profound (70%) to mild-moderate (30%). All were able to communicate with American Sign Language: Learning was measured while students who were D/HoH viewed three lectures under three accommodation conditions (SLI, RTC, SLI+RTC). The learning measure was defined as the difference in pre- and post-test scores on tests of the content presented in the lectures. Using repeated measure ANOVA and ANCOVA, confounding variables of fluency in American Sign Language and literacy skills were treated as covariates. Perceptions were obtained through interviews and verbal protocol analysis that were signed, videotaped, transcribed, coded, and examined for common themes and metacognitive strategies. No statistically significant differences were found among the three accommodations on the learning measure. Students who were D/HoH expressed thoughts about five different aspects of their learning while they viewed lectures: (a) comprehending the information, (b) feeling a part of the classroom environment, (c) past experiences with an accommodation, (d) individual preferences for an accommodation, (e) suggestions for improving an accommodation. They exhibited three metacognitive strategies: (a) constructing knowledge, (b) monitoring comprehension, and (c) evaluating information. No patterns were found in the types of metacognitive strategies used for any particular accommodation. The researcher offers recommendations for flexible applications of the standard accommodations used with students who are D/HoH.