957 resultados para Specific Learning Disabilities


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Este trabajo, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia, está destinado a examinar la disponibilidad y utilización de instrumentos de evaluación del desempeño de alumnos a lo largo del trayecto formativo, respecto del aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito . Surge de la consideración de niveles de rendimiento críticos en el dominio de la lectura y escritura en diferentes niveles educativos, señalados reiteradamente en la literatura especializada del país y del exterior. Con ese propósito se revisan las habilidades y conocimientos implicados a partir de la evidencia empírica surgida de múltiples investigaciones. En el estado actual de la investigación en curso es posible identificar la insuficiencia de disponibilidad y uso de instrumentos de evaluación en nuestro medio. Se desprenden de ello, por un lado, las dificultades para detectar la oportunidad y naturaleza de los problemas que presentan los lectores con dificultades y con trastornos específicos de aprendizaje, y por el otro, la insuficiencia de información sobre indicadores específicos que permitan diseñar las estrategias para optimizar el desempeño en lectura y escritura


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Este trabajo, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia, está destinado a examinar la disponibilidad y utilización de instrumentos de evaluación del desempeño de alumnos a lo largo del trayecto formativo, respecto del aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito . Surge de la consideración de niveles de rendimiento críticos en el dominio de la lectura y escritura en diferentes niveles educativos, señalados reiteradamente en la literatura especializada del país y del exterior. Con ese propósito se revisan las habilidades y conocimientos implicados a partir de la evidencia empírica surgida de múltiples investigaciones. En el estado actual de la investigación en curso es posible identificar la insuficiencia de disponibilidad y uso de instrumentos de evaluación en nuestro medio. Se desprenden de ello, por un lado, las dificultades para detectar la oportunidad y naturaleza de los problemas que presentan los lectores con dificultades y con trastornos específicos de aprendizaje, y por el otro, la insuficiencia de información sobre indicadores específicos que permitan diseñar las estrategias para optimizar el desempeño en lectura y escritura


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Com este estudo, pretendeu-se realizar uma reflexão sobre a problemática dos alunos com Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas (DAE) e sua inclusão na comunidade educativa. Para isso, procurou-se resposta à pergunta inicial “Qual o contributo da Arte/Expressão Plástica, na inclusão de alunos com Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas”. A intervenção, passou por trabalhar a Expressão Artística com sete alunos do segundo ciclo, com DAE, integrados numa Oficina de Artes, denominada “Oficina SentirArte”, com recurso a estratégias de intervenção diversificadas e motivadoras. Atendendo à problemática proposta a estudo, e à questão de partida à qual se pretendeu responder, recorreu-se a um estudo quase-experimental, com pré-teste e pós-teste, numa perspetiva de Investigação-Ação, em que a Expressão Plástica, proporcionou a estes alunos a exploração das suas capacidades e o seu desenvolvimento, servindo para descobrir a emoção estética que reside, justamente, na satisfação que todos experimentam ao sentir-se capazes de explorar ao máximo as próprias capacidades de perceção e expressão. Concluiu-se, através de observação direta, da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário e de uma entrevista aos alunos, que a Expressão Artística e nomeadamente a Expressão Plástica teve um papel primordial, quer na promoção de competências como a de comunicação, a criatividade e a socialização, quer na da autoestima, da autoconfiança e do autoconceito, quer na inclusão destas crianças na escola e até na sociedade.


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O presente estudo partiu de preocupações da prática relacionadas com o papel do PCT no desenvolvimento pedagógico e curricular sobretudo de alunos com dislexia. No sentido de se responder à pergunta de partida: “de que forma a diferenciação pedagógica e curricular dos alunos com DEA/Dislexia, é contemplada no PCT?” elaborou-se um quadro teórico onde se começou por discutir o papel da escola recorrendo inclusivamente à sua perspectivação histórica. Esta permitiu perceber a escola actual nomeadamente nas tensões entre os processos de massificação escolar conducentes a uma hegemonia do currículo e os processos de flexibilização curricular. O nosso interesse principal situou-se nestes últimos pela sua importância para a diferenciação curricular e pedagógica na sala de aula necessária para os alunos com dislexia. A formação dos professores desempenha neste contexto uma grande relevância, pelo que lhe atribuímos elevada importância. Utilizando como instrumentos de recolha inquéritos por questionário articulados com a análise dos PCTs inquirimos uma amostra de vinte e oito professores de um agrupamento de escolas do distrito de Santarém sobre a sua percepção face à dislexia e à importância dada à utilização do PCT. Os dados recolhidos e tratados permitiram verificar que nem os PCT são encarados como um instrumento de diferenciação curricular e pedagógica, resultando em algumas contradições entre o que se diz fazer e o que se faz efectivamente, nem a DEA/Dislexia é encarada como um problema, que apesar de real não se vê contemplada, de forma explícita nos PCT. Desta forma, consideramos que o estudo realizado (embora limitado no tempo e espaço) permite desvendar algumas das suas representações mostrando uma forte relação entre a ausência de formação e o impacto que esta lacuna tem nas práticas docentes.


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O presente relatório descreve a prática profissional desenvolvida no Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Infantil (CADIn), no âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais (RACP), enquadrado no 2º Ano do 2º Ciclo de Reabilitação Psicomotora, correspondente ao ano letivo 2014/2015. O trabalho desenvolvido no CADIn foi realizado, principalmente, junto de crianças e jovens com Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas (DAE). As DAE, de origem neurobiológica e intrínsecas ao indivíduo, caracterizam-se por um conjunto de traços heterogéneos que se manifestam na aquisição e uso das competências auditivas, da fala, da leitura, da escrita, do raciocínio e/ou matemáticas. Podem coexistir com outras perturbações, como é o caso da Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA). A heterogeneidade dos perfis de aprendizagem de crianças com DAE torna o processo de intervenção um desafio permanente. Neste sentido, a intervenção psicomotora surge como uma resposta que permite o desenvolvimento holístico do indivíduo, viabilizando a apropriação dos processos simbólicos. O relatório está organizado em Enquadramento da Prática Profissional, que inclui o Enquadramento Teórico e o Enquadramento Institucional, e Realização da Prática Profissional, onde são abordados dois estudos de caso, de uma forma mais detalhada.


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The administration of psychotropic and psychoactive medication for persons with learning disability and accompanying mental illness and/or challenging behaviour has undergone much critical review over the past two decades. Assessment and diagnosis of mental illness in this population continues to be psychopharmacological treatment include polypharmacy, irrational prescription procedures and frequent over-prescription. It is clear that all forms of treatment including non-pharmacological interventions need to be driven by accurate and appropriate diagnoses. Where a psychiatric diagnosis has been identified, it greatly aides the selection of appropriate medication, although a specific medication for each diagnosis, as was once hoped, is simply no longer a reality in practice. Part one of the present thesis seeks to address many of the current issues in mental health problems and pharmacological treatment to date. The author undertook a drug prevalence study within both residential and community facilities for persons with learning disability within the Mid-West region of Ireland in order to ascertain the current level of prescribing of psychotropic and psychoactive medications for this population. While many attempts have been made to account for the variation in prescribing, little systematic and empirical research has been undertaken to investigate the factors thought to influence such prescribing. While studies investigating the prescribing behaviours of General Practitioners (GP's) have illustrated the complex nature of the decision making process in the context of general practice, no similar efforts have yet been directed at examining the prescribing behaviours of Consultant Psychiatrists. Using The Critical Incident Technique, the author interviewed Consultant Psychiatrists in the Republic of Ireland to gather information relating not only to their patterns of prescribing for learning disabled populations, but also to examine reasons influencing their prescribing in addition to several related factors. Part two of this thesis presents the findings from this study and a number of issues are raised, not only in relation to attempting to account for the findings from part one of the thesis, but also with respect to implications for improved management and clinical practice.


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This research attempted to address the question of the role of explicit algorithms and episodic contexts in the acquisition of computational procedures for regrouping in subtraction. Three groups of students having difficulty learning to subtract with regrouping were taught procedures for doing so through either an explicit algorithm, an episodic content or an examples approach. It was hypothesized that the use of an explicit algorithm represented in a flow chart format would facilitate the acquisition and retention of specific procedural steps relative to the other two conditions. On the other hand, the use of paragraph stories to create episodic content was expected to facilitate the retrieval of algorithms, particularly in a mixed presentation format. The subjects were tested on similar, near, and far transfer questions over a four-day period. Near and far transfer algorithms were also introduced on Day Two. The results suggested that both explicit and episodic context facilitate performance on questions requiring subtraction with regrouping. However, the differential effects of these two approaches on near and far transfer questions were not as easy to identify. Explicit algorithms may facilitate the acquisition of specific procedural steps while at the same time inhibiting the application of such steps to transfer questions. Similarly, the value of episodic context in cuing the retrieval of an algorithm may be limited by the ability of a subject to identify and classify a new question as an exemplar of a particular episodically deflned problem type or category. The implications of these findings in relation to the procedures employed in the teaching of Mathematics to students with learning problems are discussed in detail.


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This study was designed to compare the writing motivation of students with specific language impairments with their non-disabled peers. Due to the cognitive and linguistic demands of the writing process, students with language impairments face unique difficulties during the writing process. It was hypothesized that students with specific language impairments will be more likely to report lower levels of perceived writing competence and be less autonomously motivated to write. Students in grades 3-5 in 11 schools (33 with specific language impairments, 242 non-disabled peers) completed self-report measures, designed from a Self-Determination Theory perspective, which measured the degree that students are intrinsically motivated to write as well as their perceived writing competence. Statistical analyses showed that (1) students with specific language impairments reported lower levels of perceived writing competence and autonomous writing motivation; (2) SLI status was a significant predictor of perceived writing competence after spelling, grade, and gender were controlled; and (3) when spelling, grade, and gender were controlled, perceived writing competence was a significant predictor of autonomous writing motivation, but SLI status was not. The results of this study are expected to inform the current understanding of the relationship between language ability and writing motivation in students with specific language impairments, as well as the design of future writing interventions.


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Within an action research framework, this paper describes the conceptual basis for developing a crossdisciplinary pedagogical model of higher education/industry engagement for the built environment design disciplines including architecture, interior design, industrial design and landscape architecture. Aiming to holistically acknowledge and capitalize on the work environment as a place of authentic learning, problems arising in practice are understood as the impetus, focus and ‘space’ for a process of inquiry and discovery that, in the spirit of Boyer’s ‘Scholarship of Integration’, provides for generic as well as discipline-specific learning.


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Despite the rhetoric that students with learning difficulties are adequately supported within schools, the evidence suggests that they continue to experience school failure with devastating consequences. Students with learning difficulties are disproportionately represented as juvenile delinquents, as the unemployed and in mental health statistics. However, the defining of this group remains confused and imprecise and has not been a national priority. This has repercussions for both secondary schools and for the students themselves. This paper highlights research related to teaching practices, policies and school structure and their effects on the academic outcomes and emotional well being of students with learning difficulties. Finally, it makes a number of recommendations to change the status quo for these students.


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Attributions of laziness, reflected in teacher comments such as “just try harder and you will shine” may mask specific cognitive, learning, attentional or emotional problems that could explain low motivation in some children. This paper reports findings from an investigation of 20 children, aged 7 to 10 years, who were regarded as lazy by their parents and teachers. Questionnaire measures provided evidence of low levels of motivation and classroom engagement. Psychometric assessments revealed the presence of a range of difficulties including phonologically-based learning disabilities and significant problems with attention in 17 of the 20 children. The paper concludes that the special needs of an unknown number of children may be overlooked because they are simply presumed to be lazy.


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A Nonverbal Learning Disability is believed to be caused by damage, disorder or destruction of neuronal white matter in the brain’s right hemisphere and may be seen in persons experiencing a wide range of neurological diseases such as hydrocephalus and other types of brain injury (Harnadek & Rourke 1994). This article probes the relationship between shunted hydrocephalus and Nonverbal Learning Disability. Description of hydrocephalus and intelligence associated with hydrocephalus concludes with explication of the ‘final common pathway’ that links residual damage caused by the hydrocephalic condition to a Nonverbal Learning Disability (Rourke & Del Dotto 1994, p. 37). The paper seeks to assist teachers, teacher aides, psychologists, guidance officers, support workers, parents and disability service providers whose role is to understand and advocate for individuals with shunted hydrocephalus and spina bifida.


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This paper investigates learning environments from the view of the key users - students. Recent literature on designing Learning Landscapes indicates a near absence of the student voice, assuming that the majority of students are either uninterested or unable to express what they want or need, in a learning environment. The focus of this research is to reveal Architecture and Fashion Design students’ perceptions of their learning environments. Furthermore, this study questions the appropriateness of usual design of learning spaces for Design students, or if the environment needs to be specifically catered for the learning of different disciplines of Design, such as Architecture and Fashion Design. Senior Architecture and Fashion Design students were invited to participate in a qualitative mixed method study, including investigation into existing literature, questionnaires, focus groups and spontaneous participatory research. Through the analysis of data it was found that students’ perceptions validate discipline specific learning environments and contribute towards the development of a framework for the design of future Learning Landscapes, for Design education.


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In many different spatial discrimination tasks, such as in determining the sign of the offset in a vernier stimulus, the human visual system exhibits hyperacuity-level performance by evaluating spatial relations with the precision of a fraction of a photoreceptor"s diameter. We propose that this impressive performance depends in part on a fast learning process that uses relatively few examples and occurs at an early processing stage in the visual pathway. We show that this hypothesis is plausible by demonstrating that it is possible to synthesize, from a small number of examples of a given task, a simple (HyperBF) network that attains the required performance level. We then verify with psychophysical experiments some of the key predictions of our conjecture. In particular, we show that fast timulus-specific learning indeed takes place in the human visual system and that this learning does not transfer between two slightly different hyperacuity tasks.


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Brusilovsky and Millan (2007) state that learning styles are typically defined as the way people prefer to learn. Learning styles and how we learn is a vast research area and many research projects (SMILE, INSPIRE, iWeaver amongst others) attempt to incorporate these learning styles into e-Learning systems. This paper describes commonly used learning styles and how they are currently being used within the area of adaptive e-Learning. This work also builds upon current research and evaluates learning styles using criteria proposed by Sampson and Karagiannidis (2004) in order to select a suitable learning methodology for the iLearn e-Learning platform. The Sampson and Karagiannidis (2004) criteria is adapted for the purpose of the research and describes the measurability, time effectiveness and descriptiveness and prescriptiveness of the specific learning style. A suitable learning style for the iLearn e-Learning platform is then proposed within the paper and finally the research briefly introduces how the chosen learning style will be used for the proposed e-Learning platform.