234 resultados para Socrates.


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Socrates' search is for direction in life, for how one should live. For him, an unexamined life is not worth living. The suggestion in this thesis is that Plato follows Socrates in asking the extremely relevant and practical question that seeks to discover the sort of life worthy of the human individual. For Plato, the answer involves the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, it is, in short, to do philosophy. Socrates regards genuine philosophy as active and dialectical. Plato accepts the challenge of conveying this through the written word. Implicit in his dialogues is the idea that human wisdom is a fusion of the spiritual and the rational. The philosophic life is realised in practice by following the three interdependent ways of the philosopher, these are the ways of dialectics, death and love. These identify the philosophic life with a critically detached, yet passionate attitude to the world. However, this practical teaching is guided and informed by Plato's metaphysics, in particular his idea of the Good. A major task of this thesis is to show how the idea of the Good is relevant to ordinary human conduct.


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Plato criticizes poetry in several of his dialogues, beginning with Apology, his first work, and ending with Laws, his last. In these dialogues, his criticism of poetry can be divided into two streams: poetry is criticized for either being divinely inspired, or because it is mimetic or imitative of reality. However, of the dialogues which criticize poetry in these ways, it is not until Laws that Plato mentions both inspiration and mimesis together, and then it is only in a few sentences. Furthermore, nowhere in the dialogues does Plato discuss their relationship. This situation has a parallel in the secondary literature. While much work has been done on inspiration or mimesis in Plato’s criticism of poetry, very little work exists which discusses the connection between them. This study examines Plato’s treatment - in the six relevant dialogues - of these two poetic elements, inspiration and mimesis, and shows that a relationship exists between them. Both can be seen to relate to two important Socratic-Platonic concerns: the care of the soul and the welfare of the state. These concerns represent a synthesis of Socratic moral philosophy with Platonic political beliefs. In the ‘inspiration’ dialogues, Ion, Apology, Meno, Phaedrus and Laws, poetic inspiration can affect the Socratic exhortation which considers the care of the individual soul. Further, as we are told in Apology, Crito and Gorgias, it is the good man, the virtuous man - the one who cares for his soul - who also cares for the welfare of the state. Therefore, in its effect on the individual soul, poetic inspiration can also indirectly affect the state. In the ‘mimesis’ dialogues, Republic and Laws, this same exhortation, on the care of the soul, is posed, but it is has now been rendered into a more Platonic form - as either the principle of specialization - the ‘one man, one job’ creed of Republic, which advances the harmony between the three elements of the soul, or as the concord between reason and emotion in Laws. While in Republic, mimesis can damage the tripartite soul's delicate balance, in Laws, mimesis in poetry is used to promote the concord. Further, in both these dialogues, poetic mimesis can affect the welfare of the state. In Republic, Socrates notes that states arc but a product of the individuals of which they are composed Therefore, by affecting the harmony of the individual soul, mimesis can then undermine the harmony of the state, and an imperfect political system, such as a timarchy, an oligarchy, a democracy, or a tyranny, can result. However, in Laws, when it is harnessed by the philosophical lawgivers, mimesis can assist in the concord between the rulers and the ruled, thus serving the welfare of the state. Inspiration and mimesis can thus be seen to be related in their effect on the education of both the individual, in the care of the soul, and the state, in its welfare. Plato's criticism of poetry, therefore, which is centred on these two features, addresses common Platonic concerns: in education, politics, ethics, epistemology and psychology.


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The sophists were itinerant professional teachers and intellectuals who frequented Athens and other Greek cities in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E. In return for a fee, the sophists offered young wealthy Greek men an education in aretē (virtue or excellence), thereby attaining wealth and fame while also arousing significant antipathy. Prior to the fifth century B.C.E., aretē was predominately associated with aristocratic warrior virtues such as courage and physical strength. In democratic Athens of the latter fifth century B.C.E., however, aretē was increasingly understood in terms of the ability to influence one’s fellow citizens in political gatherings through rhetorical persuasion; the sophistic education both grew out of and exploited this shift. The most famous representatives of the sophistic movement are Protagoras, Gorgias, Antiphon, Hippias, Prodicus and Thrasymachus.

The historical and philological difficulties confronting an interpretation of the sophists are significant. Only a handful of sophistic texts have survived and most of what we know of the sophists is drawn from second-hand testimony, fragments and the generally hostile depiction of them in Plato’s dialogues.

The philosophical problem of the nature of sophistry is arguably even more formidable. Due in large part to the influence of Plato and Aristotle, the term sophistry has come to signify the deliberate use of fallacious reasoning, intellectual charlatanism and moral unscrupulousness. It is, as the article explains, an oversimplification to think of the historical sophists in these terms because they made genuine and original contributions to Western thought. Plato and Aristotle nonetheless established their view of what constitutes legitimate philosophy in part by distinguishing their own activity – and that of Socrates – from the sophists. If one is so inclined, sophistry can thus be regarded, in a conceptual as well as historical sense, as the ‘other’ of philosophy.

Perhaps because of the interpretative difficulties mentioned above, the sophists have been many things to many people. For Hegel (1995/1840) the sophists were subjectivists whose sceptical reaction to the objective dogmatism of the presocratics was synthesised in the work of Plato and Aristotle. For the utilitarian English classicist George Grote (1904), the sophists were progressive thinkers who placed in question the prevailing morality of their time. More recent work by French theorists such as Jacques Derrida (1981) and Jean Francois-Lyotard (1985) suggests affinities between the sophists and postmodernism.

This article provides a broad overview of the sophists, and indicates some of the central philosophical issues raised by their work. Section 1 discusses the meaning of the term sophist. Section 2 surveys the individual contributions of the most famous sophists. Section 3 examines three themes that have often been taken as characteristic of sophistic thought: the distinction between nature and convention, relativism about knowledge and truth and the power of speech. Finally, section 4 analyses attempts by Plato and others to establish a clear demarcation between philosophy and sophistry.


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This article challenges the practice of encouraging teacher educators to strive and raise the levels of student satisfaction in their classes as if such a criterion provides a measure of good teaching. Such a practice involves what Giroux describes as ‘corporate pedagogy’ which conforms to the neoliberal inclination to meet the demands of the customer in the market. However it is argued in this paper that educative teaching, as especially described by Dewey, ought to challenge and re-evaluate the expectations and desires that students bring with them to class. Rather than aiming to satisfy customer expectations, teacher educators ought to lead the tertiary sector by challenging the notion of good quality teaching through educating the desires of students. Perhaps this may involve educators aiming to ‘dissatisfy’ students as per Mill’s ‘dissatisfied Socrates’.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to reflect on society's relationship with technology and particularly our increasing dependence on electronic technology – so-called eDependency. The paper argues that technology is not neutral and we must engage with the moral issues that arise from our relationship with it.

Design/methodology/approach –
Society's relationship with technology is examined through the lens of Socrates' consideration of the technology of writing. It identifies “technophilia” as a major theme in society and “neo-Luddism” as the Socrates-like examination of the benefits of technology.

Findings – While rejecting both technology determinism and technology presentism the paper argues technology is not neutral and does afford social change within a particular social ecology. The authors suggest that ultimately the use of all technology, including the technology underpinning eDependency, leads to important moral questions which deserve considered debate. The paper concludes by arguing that the Information Systems (IS) discipline should take the mantle of King Thamus and that the study of these issues should become a key concern for the discipline.

Originality/value – In an age of technophilia, this paper calls considered debate on the moral issues that arise from our relationship with technology, how it is appropriated, to whose benefit, and how we change it and will be changed by it.


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This essay undertakes a close analysis of Leo Strauss’s remarkable but undertreated Leo Strauss on Plato’s “Symposium,” reading it as opening a privileged purview of his own (and his students’) wider understandings of philosophy, poetry, and politics. The essay begins by drawing out Strauss’s three framing justifications for his manner of reading the Symposium as a document in the “ancient quarrel” of philosophy and poetry concerning which of the two should rightly shape the culture and ethical ideals of the Greeks (part 1). Then, following the course of Plato’s Symposium, the essay ascends through Strauss’s readings of the first five speeches in Plato’s dialogue (part 2) toward the highlight of Strauss’s reading, namely, his three remarkable sessions on Socrates’s speech. Part 3 analyses Strauss’s reading of this speech up to its climax, which Strauss argues involves the philosophical “demotion of poetry”: a criticism of poets as motivated by the Eros of fame and of tragic poetry as at its best creating captivating images of gods and heroes which reflect their creators’ self-love and patriotic love of “one’s own,”as against any transpolitical truth. Part 4 then looks at Strauss’s unusual reading of the culmination of Socrates’s great speech (Diotima on the “higher mysteries”) alongside Alkibiades’s speech in the Symposium as representing Plato’s “poetic presentation of philosophy.” The essay becomes more critical as it proceeds. Strauss’s reading of the Symposium, like his reading of the Republic, is remarkable for its own “demotion of metaphysics” in Plato, and in my concluding remarks, I will question this status, or disappearance, of metaphysics in Strauss’s Platonism and whether this disappearance compromises Strauss' ability to differentiate philosophy as he sees it from poetry.


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Inicia-se o trabalho, reconstituindo-se, sob um ponto de vista histórico, o problema do dualismo e do monismo, na Psicologia. A reconstituição é feita partindo-se de uma origem situada em Sócrates e, dai, desenvolvendo-se até os dias atuais, onde, demonstra-se, a questão permanece. A identificação daquela origem foi determinada pela circunstância de, alí, o problema ter merecido um estudo sistematizado e ter se caracterizado como metafísico. Entendendo-se, com isso, que a questão a resolver era a respeito do que existiria como entidade autônoma. Neste caso, então, se apenas o "corpo", se apenas a "mente" ou se os dois. As soluções que propunham a existência só da mente (monistas da mente), ou de mente e corpo, enquanto entidades distintas (dualistas) viriam a ser, portanto, decisivas para a própria concepção da Psicologia. Como se afirma ser, a partir de uma decisão referente ao problema anterior, que se deva desenvolver uma Psicologia cientifica, estabelece-se, no capítulo II, as concepções adotadas para Ciência, conhecimento científico e método científico. Ali, aproveita-se para justificar porque parte do estudo deve cair sob o domínio da Filosofia da Ciência, como um todo e da Filosofia da Psicologia, em particular. No capítulo III, volta-se a demonstrar com maior ênfase, que o problema "mente-corpo" é, ainda hoje, metafísico e requer uma tomada de decisão, naqueles termos. Mostra-se que a decisão é sempre tomada quando nada como pressuposto, senão explícito, pelo menos implícito. Uma vez tendo-se demonstrado que só o corpo pode ser afirmado como representando alguma coisa que exista, em termos reais, no sentido metafísico, parte-se para o estabelecimento daquele que seria o autêntico objeto de estudo da Psicologia. Fazendo-se, então, uso de uma Semântica Filosófica "crítico-realista", demonstra-se que ele termina sendo: o conjunto de propriedades do objeto real representado pelo corpo e responsáveis pelas manifestações pelas quais a Psicologia, por uma tradição de investigação, sempre se interessou. Finalmente, no capítulo IV, concebe-se um modelo sistêmico para representar a Natureza. Nele vige a 'lei' da transformação, que resulta da' interação entre os subsistemas. Entre os subsistemas existem aqueles que representam objetos reais e são designados como "Corpo Humano". Estes estão sujeitos à mesma 'lei'. A partir da transformação do U23592 em Pb20782, constrói-se duas funções matemáticas, com base na teoria dos conjuntos, para demonstrar-se como funciona a lei da transformação ou a função transformação, aplicável a todos os subsistemas, que são elementos do Sistema que representa a Natureza. Dessas construções e mais algumas, ao serem aplicadas aos subsistemas que representam os objetos reais denotados como Corpo Humano, extrai-se um grande número de consequências para a Psicologia. Termina-se apresentando um modelo específico para representar o objeto real denotado por Corpo Humano. Este, como subsistema, também é um sistema e composto de quatro subsistemas: Motor, Emocional, Perceptivo e Cognitivo. O todo e as partes passam a funcionar regidos pela lei da Transformação.


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The allegory of the divided line presents one structure that divides itself into four levels of reality. Two of them move in the world of appearances or opinion, and the others into the world of being or intelligibility: eikasia and pistis, and dianoia and noesis. The difficulty is the following: if there are four levels of reality each with their respective objects that are apprehended according to a type of knowledge involved, is there an interpretation of the justice according to each level? Accordingly, our intention, after presenting the types of knowledge in the allegory of the divided line, is to demonstrate how the justice is comprehended at each level of reality. We understand that Plato uses the characters to represent levels involving different types of knowledge. The characters are Cephalus, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus, Glaucon, Adimantus and Socrates, and the comprehension about what is the justice at each level follows what these characters understand justice to be


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The human solar exposition at UVA and UVB radiation is a subject strongly studied in the pharmaceutical and dermocosmetical field. The dermal protection became, therefore, a main subject of study because of its importance on the health of cutaneous tissue. This review deals with such problem. First, the theoretical aspects related with solar irradiation will be discussed. Then, the technological approach about the development of sunscreen products is mentioned. Finally, the viability of microemulsified systems as carriers for sunscreen agents is studied. After a discussion about the theoretical potentialities of such systems, its applicability as nano-carriers for dermocosmetic products is briefly pointed out. Concluding, an approach about the perspectives of such new products is made, revealing their potentialities in the market of sunscreen products.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introduction: Rheumatic fever (RF), a systemic illness that may occur following Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) pharyngitis in children, is a major problem in countries with limited resources. Because of its long track record and low cost, an injection of benzathine penicillin G (BPG) suspension every 3 or 4 weeks has been used as secondary prophylaxis. Despite its excellent in vitro efficacy, the inability of BPG to eradicate GABHS has been frequently reported.Areas covered: This work reviews the possible causes of failure, as well as the inconvenience of the current prophylactic treatment of acute RF and suggests a new pharmacotherapeutic system that could replace the current one.Expert opinion: RF is a major problem concerning only countries with limited resources and could be considered as a neglected disease. The dose regimen using BPG suspension results in failures, which could be avoided by the use of nanocarrier-based systems. To meet this ultimate goal, the research should be transposed from the laboratory scale to an industrial and clinical application level. This research should be conducted to produce a pharmaceutical dosage form that will be commercially available, consumed by and affordable for patients. However, health, environmental and socioeconomic hazards should be considered.