291 resultados para Shooting
BACKGROUND: Supervised injection services (SISs) have been developed to promote safer drug injection practices, enhance health-related behaviors among people who inject drugs (PWID), and connect PWID with external health and social services. Nevertheless, SISs have also been accused of fostering drug use and drug trafficking. AIMS: To systematically collect and synthesize the currently available evidence regarding SIS-induced benefits and harm. METHODS: A systematic review was performed via the PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect databases using the keyword algorithm [("supervised" or "safer") and ("injection" or "injecting" or "shooting" or "consumption") and ("facility" or "facilities" or "room" or "gallery" or "centre" or "site")]. RESULTS: Seventy-five relevant articles were found. All studies converged to find that SISs were efficacious in attracting the most marginalized PWID, promoting safer injection conditions, enhancing access to primary health care, and reducing the overdose frequency. SISs were not found to increase drug injecting, drug trafficking or crime in the surrounding environments. SISs were found to be associated with reduced levels of public drug injections and dropped syringes. Of the articles, 85% originated from Vancouver or Sydney. CONCLUSION: SISs have largely fulfilled their initial objectives without enhancing drug use or drug trafficking. Almost all of the studies found in this review were performed in Canada or Australia, whereas the majority of SISs are located in Europe. The implementation of new SISs in places with high rates of injection drug use and associated harms appears to be supported by evidence.
RESUME L'Institut de Géophysique de l'Université de Lausanne a développé au cours de ces dernières années un système d'acquisition de sismique réflexion multitrace à haute résolution 2D et 3D. L'objectif de cette thèse était de poursuivre ce développement tout améliorant les connaissances de la géologie sous le lac Léman, en étudiant en particulier la configuration des grands accidents sous-lacustres dans la Molasse (Tertiaire) qui forme l'essentiel du substratum des formations quaternaires. En configuration 2D, notre système permet d'acquérir des profils sismiques avec une distance inter-CDP de 1,25 m. La couverture varie entre 6 et 18 selon le nombre de traces et la distance inter-tir. Le canon à air (15/15 eu. in.), offre une résolution verticale de 1,25 ni et une pénétration maximale de 300 m sous le fond de l'eau. Nous avons acquis au total plus de 400 km de sections 2D dans le Grand Lac et le Haut Lac entre octobre 2000 et juillet 2004. Une campagne de sismique 3D a fourni des données au large d'Evian sur une surface de 442,5 m sur 1450 m, soit 0,64 km2. La navigation ainsi que le positionnement des hydrophones et de la source ont été réalisés avec des GPS différentiels. Nous avons utilisé un traitement sismique conventionnel, sans appliquer d'AGC et en utilisant une migration post-stack. L'interprétation du substratum antéquaternaire est basée sur l'identification des sismofaciès, sur leurs relations avec les unités géologiques adjacentes au lac, ainsi que sur quelques données de forages. Nous obtenons ainsi une carte des unités géologiques dans le Grand Lac. Nous précisons la position du chevauchement subalpin entre la ville de Lausanne, sur la rive nord, et le bassin de Sciez, sur la rive sud. Dans la Molasse de Plateau, nous avons identifié les décrochements de Pontarlier et de St. Cergue ainsi que plusieurs failles non reconnues jusqu'ici. Nous avons cartographié les accidents qui affectent la Molasse subalpine ainsi que le plan de chevauchement du flysch sur la Molasse près de la rive sud du lac. Une nouvelle carte tectonique de la région lémanique a ainsi pu être dressée. L'analyse du substratum ne montre pas de failles suggérant une origine tectonique de la cuvette lémanique. Par contre, nous suggérons que la forme du creusement glaciaire, donc de la forme du lac Léman, a été influencée par la présence de failles dans le substratum antéquaternaire. L'analyse des sédiments quaternaires nous a permis de tracer des cartes des différentes interfaces ou unités qui les composent. La carte du toit du substratum antéquaternaire montre la présence de chenaux d'origine glaciaire dont la profondeur maximale atteint la cote -200 ni. Leur pente est dirigée vers le nord-est, à l'inverse du sens d'écoulement actuel des eaux. Nous expliquons cette observation par l'existence de circulations sous-glaciaires d'eau artésienne. Les sédiments glaciaires dont l'épaisseur maximale atteint 150 ni au centre du lac ont enregistré les différentes récurrences glaciaires. Dans la zone d'Evian, nous mettons en évidence la présence de lentilles de sédiments glaciolacustres perchées sur le flanc de la cuvette lémanique. Nous avons corrélé ces unités avec des données de forage et concluons qu'il s'agit du complexe inférieur de la pile sédimentaire d'Evian. Celui-ci, âgé de plus de 30 000 ans, serait un dépôt de Kame associé à un lac périglaciaire. La sismique réflexion 3D permet de préciser l'orientation de l'alimentation en matériel détritique de l'unité. La finesse des images obtenues nous permet également d'établir quels types d'érosion ont affecté certaines unités. Les sédiments lacustres, dont l'épaisseur maximale imagée atteint plus de 225 m et sans doute 400 ni sous le delta du Rhône, indiquent plusieurs mécanismes de dépôts. A la base, une mégaturbidite, épaisse d'une trentaine de mètres en moyenne, s'étend entre l'embouchure de la Dranse et le delta du Rhône. Au-dessus, la décantation des particules en suspension d'origine biologique et détritique fournit l'essentiel des sédiments. Dans la partie orientale du lac, les apports détritiques du Rhône forment un delta qui prograde vers l'ouest en s'imbriquant avec les sédiments déposés par décantation. La structure superficielle du delta a brutalement évolué, probablement à la suite de l'évènement catastrophique du Tauredunum (563 A.D.). Sa trace probable se marque par la présence d'une surface érosive que nous avons cartographiée. Le delta a ensuite changé de géométrie, avec notamment un déplacement des chenaux sous-lacustres. Sur l'ensemble de nos sections sismiques, nous n'observons aucune faille dans les sédiments quaternaires qui attesterait d'une tectonique postglaciaire du substratum. ABSTRACT During the last few years the institute of Geophysics of the University of Lausanne cleveloped a 2D and 3D high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection acquisition system. The objective of the present work was to carry on this development white improving our knowledge of the geology under Lake Geneva, in particular by studying the configuration of the large accidents affecting the Tertiary Molasse that makes up the basement of most Quaternary deposits. In its 2D configuration, our system makes it possible to acquire seismic profiles with a CDP interval of 1.25 m. The fold varies from 6 to 18 depending on the number of traces and the shooting interval. Our air gun (15/15 cu. in.) provides a vertical resolution of 1.25 m and a maximum penetration depth of approximately 300 m under water bottom. We acquired more than 400 km of 2D sections in the Grand Lac and the Haut Lac between October 2000 and July 2004. A 3D seismic survey off the city of Evian provided data on a surface of 442.5 m x 1450 m (0.64 km2). Ship's navigation as well as hydrophone- and source positioning were carried out with differential GPS. The seismic data were processed following a conventional sequence without .applying AGC and using post-stack migration. The interpretation of the pre-Quaternary substratum is based on sismofacies, on their relationships with terrestrial geological units and on some borehole data. We thus obtained a map of the geological units in the Grand Lac. We defined the location of the subalpine thrust from Lausanne, on the north shore, to the Sciez Basin, on the south shore. Within the Molasse de Plateau, we identified the already know Pontarlier and St Cergue transforms Fault as well as faults. We mapped faults that affect subalpine Molasse as well as the thrust fault plane between alpine flysch and Molasse near the lake's south shore. A new tectonic map of the Lake Geneva region could thus be drawn up. The substratum does not show faults indicating a tectonic origin for the Lake Geneva Basin. However, we suggest that the orientation of glacial erosion, and thus the shape of Lake Geneva, vas influenced by the presence of faults in the pre-Quaternary basement. The analysis of Quaternary sediments enabled us to draw up maps of various discontinuities or internal units. The top pre-Quaternary basement map shows channels of glacial origin, the deepest of them reaching an altitude of 200 m a.s.l. The channel's slopes are directed to the North-East, in opposite direction of the present water flow. We explain this observation by the presence of artesian subglacial water circulation. Glacial sediments, the maximum thickness of which reaches 150 m in the central part of the lake, record several glacial recurrences. In the Evian area, we found lenses of glacio-lacustrine sediments set high up on the flank of the Lake Geneva Bassin. We correlated these units with on-land borehole data and concluded that they represent the lower complex of the Evian sedimentary pile. The lower complex is aider than 30 000 years, and it could be a Kame deposit associated with a periglacial lake. Our 3D seismic reflexion survey enables us to specify the supply direction of detrital material in this unit. With detailed seismic images we established how some units were affected by different erosion types. The lacustrine sediments we imaged in Lake Geneva are thicker than 225 m and 400 m or more Linder the Rhone Delta. They indicate several depositional mechanisms. Their base is a major turbidite, thirty meters thick on average, that spreads between the Dranse mouth and the Rhone delta. Above this unit, settling of suspended biological and detrital particles provides most of the sediments. In the eastern part of the lake, detrital contribution from the Rhone builds a delta that progrades to the west and imbricates with the settling sediments. The shallow structure of the Rhone delta abruptly evolved, probably after the catastrophic Tauredunum event (563 A.D.). It probably coincides with an erosive surface that we mapped. As a result, the delta geometry changed, in particular associated with a displacement of water bottom channels. In all our seismic sections, we do not observe fault in the Quaternary sediments that would attest postglacial tectonic activity in the basement.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi ha estat comprovar quin nombre de contactes amb la pilota és més efectiu a l’hora d’executar l’acció del remat dins la zona de finalització. S’ha utilitzat la metodologia observacional, investigant en un context d’elit com són els partits realitzats per les quatre seleccions millor classificades a l’Eurocopa 2012. La investigació ha tingut en compte diferents variables del remat com el gol, el nombre de contactes amb la pilota abans del remat, l’orientació corporal del jugador que remata i la última acció abans que la pilota entri dins la zona de finalització per ser rematada. Els resultats obtinguts ens donen informació sobre com les seleccions de Portugal, Alemanya, Itàlia i Espanya finalitzaren les seves accions ofensives i permeten al lector fer-se una idea general de com hauria de realitzar-se un remat en la zona de finalització.
Aktiivinen melunvaimennus (active noise control, ANC) onkauan tunnettu ja sovellettu tekniikka. Kuitenkaan sitä ei ole aiemmin sovellettu impulssimaiseen satunnaiseen meluun. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan aktiivisenmelunvaimennuksen soveltuvuutta ampumaradan melunvaimennukseen. Ampumarata äärimmäisenä tapauksena asettaa korkean vaatimustason laitteistolle ja sen komponenteille. Suurin haaste on etsiä sopivat laitteiston komponentit, jotka tuottavat ja kestävät suurta äänenpainetasoa. Myös muuttuvat sääolosuhteet asettavat vaatimuksensa laitteiden mekaaniselle kestävyydelle sekä säänkestävyydelle. Työssä paneuduttiin erityisesti selvittämään, mitä kaupallisesti saatavilla olevia komponentteja voidaan hyödyntää aktiiviseen impulssimelunvaimennusjärjestelmään. Kaupallisten komponenttien soveltuvuutta aktiiviseen impulssimelunvaimennukseen analysoitiin laboratorio- ja kenttämittauksin. Työssä esitetään myös tulokset yksinkertaisella koelaitteistolla saavutetusta vaimennuksesta kenttäolosuhteissa.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuinka kaasukuplat jakautuvat sellususpensioon, kun prosessiolosuhteita muutetaan. Kuplien kokojakauman avulla pyritään kartoittamaan kuinka kaasukuplat pilkkoutuvat ja onko olemassa raja-arvoa, milloin tehon lisäys ei enää pilko sellususpensiossa olevia kuplia pienemmiksi. Jakaumien avulla voidaan mahdollisesti kehittää kaasunpoistoa. Työssä selvitettiin voidaanko kameratekniikkaa käyttää kuplakokojen määrittämiseen sellusulpusta. Läpinäkymätön sellumassa tarjoaa kuvaukselle haasteellisen ympäristön. Myöskään kirjallisuudessa ei vastaavaa menetelmää aikaisemmin oltu käytetty. Kuvatusta materiaalista laskettiin kuplien halkaisijat, joita pyrittiin tarkastelemaan tilastollisesti. Tilastollinen tarkastelu toi eroja mittauspisteiden välille. Kuplien halkaisijoiden perusteella mallinnettiin kuplakokoon vaikuttavat prosessisuureet lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Mallinnuksen perusteella saatiinvasteisiin vaikuttavat riippumattomat muuttujat ja niiden matemaattiset malliyhtälöt. Tuloksina saatiin selville, että kuplien kokojakaumissa on eroja sekoitussäiliön eri puolilla. Sekoitussäiliössä suurten kuplien suhteellinen osuus kasvaa kaasupitoisuuden ja sakeuden noustessa. Mallinnuksen tärkeimpänä tuloksena voidaan todeta, että sakeus ja kaasutilavuus vaikuttavat kuplakokoon kasvattavasti. Kierrosnopeuden kasvattaminen pienentää kuplakokoa. Visuaalisen informaation avulla on helpompi ymmärtää kuinka kuplat käyttäytyvät.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia kilpa- ja harjoitusammuntaan käytettävällä haulikkoradalla käytettäväksi soveltuvia passiivisia meluntorjuntamenetelmiä ja suunnitella niistä toimiva kokonaisuus kohderadoille siten, että rata-alueen läheisillä asuinalueilla alitetaan 50 dB LAIMax-taso sekä muilla alueilla ampumaratamelun ohjearvot. Aluksi tarkasteltiin kohderatojen vanhoja menetelmiä ja radan meluntorjunnan kannalta olennaiset suunnat selvitettiin mittauksilla. Myös laukausmelun spektriä tutkittiin mittauksilla. Olemassa oleville menetelmille etsittiin korvaavia ja täydentäviä menetelmiä. Radan sijoittaminen maastoon on tärkeä osa meluntorjuntaa uutta rataa suunniteltaessa, mutta kohteena olleiden ratojen sijoittamista ei voitu enää muuttaa. Koska haulikkoammunnan säännöt eivät mahdollista aliääniammusten tai äänenvaimentimien käyttöä, ei varsinaista melupäästöä pystytä pienentämään. Melulle altistuvan kohteen sisätilojen suojaaminenkin on käytännössä hyödytöntä, koska ampumamelun ohjearvot ovat ulkoalueille. Ainoastaan melun absorptio, etenemisen estäminen ja ohjaaminen ovat kelvollisia menetelmiä kohderadoilla. Rata-alueelle suunniteltiin uudet ratojen väliset meluseinät, joiden ääneneristävyys ja -absorptio on vanhoja seiniä parempi. Taustavallille suunniteltiin jatkamista maavallina ja korottamista meluaitana, joka toimii myös haulienkierrätysjärjestelmän runkona. Alueen maaperä suunniteltiin muutettavaksi akustisesti pehmeämmäksi. Käytettävien menetelmien suunnittelussa tehtiin eri vaihtoehdoille laskennallisia arvioita, tietokonemallinnuksia ja laboratoriokokeita. Myös uusia menetelmiä haulikkoradan meluntorjunnassa tutkittiin. Tutkimusten perusteella näitä menetelmiä tutkitaan jatkossa käytännössä.
This study aimed at comparing the efficiency of various sampling materials for the collection and subsequent analysis of organic gunshot residues (OGSR). To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that sampling devices were investigated in detail for further quantitation of OGSR by LC-MS. Seven sampling materials, namely two "swab"-type and five "stub"-type collection materials, were tested. The investigation started with the development of a simple and robust LC-MS method able to separate and quantify molecules typically found in gunpowders, such as diphenylamine or ethylcentralite. The evaluation of sampling materials was then systematically carried out by first analysing blank extracts of the materials to check for potential interferences and determining matrix effects. Based on these results, the best four materials, namely cotton buds, polyester swabs, a tape from 3M and PTFE were compared in terms of collection efficiency during shooting experiments using a set of 9 mm Luger ammunition. It was found that the tape was capable of recovering the highest amounts of OGSR. As tape-lifting is the technique currently used in routine for inorganic GSR, OGSR analysis might be implemented without modifying IGSR sampling and analysis procedure.
The violence derived from crimes involving firearms represents one of the main concerns of society. For this reason modern techniques have emerged in forensic science to identify suspects at crime scenes. This work describes a methodology to identify residues present in the hands of suspect by using a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and collection procedure based on ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent in moistened swabs. In order to distinguish real gunshot residues from others types of residues present in the hand of suspect, ternary ratio per cent diagrams were developed for antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) detected on the hands of volunteers, before and immediately after shooting tests, revealing a remarkable difference in both situations.
Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of multispecies weed competition on wheat grain yield and to determine their economic threshold on the crop. The experiments were conducted in 2002, on two sites in Iran: at the Agricultural Research Station on Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (E1) and on the fields of Shirvan's Agricultural College (E2). A 15 x 50 m area of a 15 ha wheat field in E1 and a 15 x 50 m area of a 28 ha wheat field in E2 were selected as experimental sites. These areas were managed like other parts of the fields, except for the use of herbicides. At the beginning of the shooting stage, 30 points were randomly selected by dropping a 50 x 50 cm square marker on each site. The weeds present in E1 were: Avena ludoviciana, Chenopodium album, Solanum nigrum, Stellaria holostea, Convolvulus spp., Fumaria spp., Sonchus spp., and Polygonum aviculare. In E2 the weeds were A. ludoviciana, Erysimum sp., P. aviculare, Rapistrum rugosum, C. album, Salsola kali, and Sonchus sp. The data obtained within the sampled squares were submitted to regression equations and weeds densities were calculated in terms of TCL (Total Competitive Load). The regression analysis model indicated that only A. ludoviciana, Convolvulus spp. and C. album, in E1; and A. ludoviciana, S. kali, and R. rugosum, in E2 had a significant effect on the wheat yield reduction. Weed economic thresholds were 5.23 TCL in E1 and 6.16 TCL in E2; which were equivalent to 5 plants m-2 of A. ludoviciana or 12 plants m-2 of Convolvulus spp. or 19 plants m-2 of C. album in E1; and 6 plants m-2 A. ludoviciana, 13 plants m-2 S. kali and 27 plants m-2 R. rugosum in E2. Simulations of economic weed thresholds using several wheat grain prices and weed control costs allowed a better comparison of the experiments, suggesting that a more competitive crop at location E1 than at E2 was the cause of a lower weed competitive ability at the first location.
The objective of this work was to evaluate characteristics associated with the photosynthetic activity of cassava plants in competition with weeds or not. The trial was performed on open environment conditions, with experimental units consisting of fiber glass vases with 150 dm³ filled with Red Yellow Latosol, previously fertilized. Treatments consisted in the cultivation of cassava plants isolated and associated to three weed species (Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis and Brachiaria plantaginea). After cassava shooting, 15 days after planting, a removal of the weeds excess was performed, sown at the time of cassava planting, leaving six plants m-2 of B. pilosa and four plants m-2 of C. benghalensis and B. plantaginea. At 60 days after emergence (DAE), stomatal conductance (Gs), vapor pressure in the substomatal cavity (Ean), temperature gradient between leaf and air (ΔT), transpiration rate (E) and water use efficiency (WUE) were evaluated. B. pilosa showed greater capacity to affect growth of cassava plants. B. plantaginea is very efficient in using water, especially by presenting C4 metabolism, and remains competitive with cassava even under temporarily low water status. C. benghalensis, in turn, is not a good competitor for light and apparently is not the primary cause of water depletion in the soil. The effects of weeds, in this case, were more associated with the competition. However, they were found between moderate to low. This implies that the competition established at experimental level was low.
Työssä tutkittiin anturointimahdollisuuksia havaita ammutun luodin osuminen maalitauluun ja mitata helposti saatavilla olevia passiivisia antureita. Luodin osuminen maalitauluun luo muutoksia maalilaitteessa ja maalitaulussa. Nämä voidaan havaita kiihtyvyytenä, äänenä tai muutoksena maalitaulussa.
This study examines the aftermath of mass violence in local communities. Two rampage school shootings that occurred in Finland are analyzed and compared to examine the ways in which communities experience, make sense of, and recover from sudden acts of mass violence. The studied cases took place at Jokela High School, in southern Finland, and at a polytechnic university in Kauhajoki, in western Finland, in 2007 and 2008 respectively. Including the perpetrators, 20 people lost their lives in these shootings. These incidents are part of the global school shooting phenomenon with increasing numbers of incidents occurring in the last two decades, mostly in North America and Europe. The dynamic of solidarity and conflict is one of the main themes of this study. It builds upon previous research on mass violence and disasters which suggests that solidarity increases after a crisis, and that this increase is often followed by conflict in the affected communities. This dissertation also draws from theoretical discussions on remembering, narrating, and commemorating traumatic incidents, as well as the idea of a cultural trauma process in which the origins and consequences of traumas are negotiated alongside collective identities. Memorialization practices and narratives about what happened are vital parts of the social memory of crises and disasters, and their inclusive and exclusive characteristics are discussed in this study. The data include two types of qualitative interviews; focused interviews with 11 crisis workers, and focused, narrative interviews with 21 residents of Jokela and 22 residents of Kauhajoki. A quantitative mail survey of the Jokela population (N=330) provided data used in one of the research articles. The results indicate that both communities experienced a process of simultaneous solidarity and conflict after the shootings. In Jokela, the community was constructed as a victim, and public expressions of solidarity and memorialization were promoted as part of the recovery process. In Kauhajoki, the community was portrayed as an incidental site of mass violence, and public expressions of solidarity by distant witnesses were labeled as unnecessary and often criticized. However, after the shooting, the community was somewhat united in its desire to avoid victimization and a prolonged liminal period. This can be understood as a more modest and invisible process of “silent solidarity”. The processes of enforced solidarity were partly made possible by exclusion. In some accounts, the family of the perpetrator in Jokela was excluded from the community. In Kauhajoki, the whole incident was externalized. In both communities, this exclusion included associating the shooting events, certain places, and certain individuals with the concept of evil, which helped to understand and explain the inconceivable incidents. Differences concerning appropriate emotional orientations, memorialization practices and the pace of the recovery created conflict in both communities. In Jokela, attitudes towards the perpetrator and his family were also a source of friction. Traditional gender roles regarding the expression of emotions remained fairly stable after the school shootings, but in an exceptional situation, conflicting interpretations arose concerning how men and women should express emotion. The results from the Jokela community also suggest that while increased solidarity was seen as important part of the recovery process, some negative effects such as collective guilt, group divisions, and stigmatization also emerged. Based on the results, two simultaneous strategies that took place after mass violence were identified; one was a process of fast-paced normalization, and the other was that of memorialization. Both strategies are ways to restore the feeling of security shattered by violent incidents. The Jokela community emphasized remembering while the Kauhajoki community turned more to the normalization strategy. Both strategies have positive and negative consequences. It is important to note that the tendency to memorialize is not the only way of expressing solidarity, as fast normalization includes its own kind of solidarity and helps prevent the negative consequences of intense solidarity.
Suomessa arvioidaan olevan kaikkiaan 2000 - 2500 ampumarataa joista aktiivisessa käytössä on noin 1000 kpl. Useimmat ulkoradat on perustettu paljon ennen nykyisten ympäristölakien voimaantuloa. Tästä syystä ammunnan ympäristövaikutukset melua lukuun ottamatta, eivät varmaan ole olleet tarkasteltavien asioiden listan kärjessä ampumaratoja suunniteltaessa. Sopivan maa alueen saatavuus sopivalla paikalla rakennuskustannusten minimoimiseksi on täytynyt olla yksi tärkeimmistä kriteereistä. Joissakin tapauksissa tämä valitettavasti on johtanut siihen, että ratojen paikoiksi on valittu sellaisia, mitä tämän päivän tietämyksellä ei suositeltaisi, kuten esimerkiksi pohjaveden muodostumisalueet. Ampumaratojen, etenkin haulikkoratojen, on todettu aiheuttaneen paikallisesti varsin laajaa maaperän pilaantumista. Toiminnan jatkuessa, runsaasti raskasmetalleja kertyy maahan ja taustapenkkoihin josta se rapautuu ja kulkeutuu alueelta pohjavesiin. Pohjaveden mukana haitta-aineet saattavat kulkeutua vedenpuhdistamoihin muodostaen riskiä paikallisasukkaiden terveydelle sekä jossain määrin alueen kasvillisuudelle ja faunalle. Vuoden 2007 valtioneuvoston PIMA-asetus muutti joitakin ohje-arvoja, joten näitä uusia arvoja on otettavaa huomioon niin riskiarvioinnissa kuin alueen käyttömahdollisuuksien kannalta tulevaisuudessa. Asetuksen voimaantulo edellyttää tapauskohtaisten riskiarviointien tekemistä ampumarata-alueiden kunnostuksen yhteydessä jolloin saavutetaan mahdollisemman tehokasta hyöty-kustannustasoa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa uuden asetuksen mukaisesti ampumaratojen muodostamaa riskiä sekä rajata kunnostettavat alueet ja valita sopivammat kunnostusvaihtoehdot. Esimerkkitapauksina käytetään Kokkolan kaupungin alueella sijaitsevaa ampumarata-aluetta.
The aim of this study was to examine community and individual approaches in responses to mass violence after the school shooting incidents in Jokela (November 2007) and Kauhajoki (September 2008), Finland. In considering the community approach, responses to any shocking criminal event may have integrative, as well as disintegrative effects, within the neighborhood. The integration perspective argues that a heinous criminal event within one’s community is a matter of offence to collectively held feelings and beliefs, and increases perceived solidarity; whereas the disintegration perspective suggests that a criminal event weakens the social fabric of community life by increasing fear of crime and mistrust among locals. In considering the individual approach, socio-demographic factors, such as one’s gender, are typically significant indicators, which explain variation in fear of crime. Beyond this, people are not equally exposed to violent crime and therefore prior victimization and event related experiences may further explain why people differ in their sensitivity to risk from mass violence. Finally, factors related to subjective mental health, such as depressed mood, are also likely to moderate individual differences in responses to mass violence. This study is based on the correlational design of four independent cross-sectional postal surveys. The sampling frames (N=700) for the surveys were the Finnish speaking adult population aged 18–74-years. The first mail survey in Jokela (n=330) was conducted between May and June 2008, approximately six months from the shooting incident at the local high-school. The second Jokela survey (n=278) was conducted in May–June of 2009, 18 months removed from the incident. The first survey in Kauhajoki (n=319) was collected six months after the incident at the local University of Applied Sciences, March– April 2009, and the second (n=339) in March–April 2010, approximately 18 months after the event. Linear and ordinal regression and path analysis are used as methods of analyses. The school shootings in Jokela and Kauhajoki were extremely disturbing events, which deeply affected the communities involved. However, based on the results collected, community responses to mass violence between the two localities were different. An increase in social solidarity appears to apply in the case of the Jokela community, but not in the case of the Kauhajoki community. Thus a criminal event does not necessarily impact the wider community. Every empirical finding is most likely related to different contextual and event-specific factors. Beyond this, community responses to mass violence in Jokela also indicated that the incident was related to a more general sense of insecurity and was also associating with perceived community deterioration and further suggests that responses to mass violence may have both integrating and disintegrating effects. Moreover, community responses to mass violence should also be examined in relation to broader social anxieties and as a proxy for generalized insecurity. Community response is an emotive process and incident related feelings are perhaps projected onto other identifiable concerns. However, this may open the door for social errors and, despite integrative effects, this may also have negative consequences within the neighborhood. The individual approach suggests that women are more fearful than men when a threat refers to violent crime. Young women (aged 18–34) were the most worried age and gender group as concerns perception of threat from mass violence at schools compared to young men (aged 18–34), who were also the least worried age and gender group when compared to older men. It was also found that concerns about mass violence were stronger among respondents with the lowest level of monthly household income compared to financially better-off respondents. Perhaps more importantly, responses to mass violence were affected by the emotional proximity to the event; and worry about the recurrence of school shootings was stronger among respondents who either were a parent of a school-aged child, or knew a victim. Finally, results indicate that psychological wellbeing is an important individual level factor. Respondents who expressed depressed mood consistently expressed their concerns about mass violence and community deterioration. Systematic assessments of the impact of school shooting events on communities are therefore needed. This requires the consolidation of community and individual approaches. Comparative study designs would further benefit from international collaboration across disciplines. Extreme school violence has also become a national concern and deeper understanding of crime related anxieties in contemporary Finland also requires community-based surveys.
Luotiaseilla tapahtuvaan ampumaharjoitteluun on käytössä monia erilaisia maalitauluja. Perinteisesti maalitauluna on toiminut puukehikkoon kiinnitetty pahvitaulu ja osumat on todettu siihen jääneiden reikien perusteella. Nykymaailmassa kaikki kuitenkin sähköistyy ja niin käy myös maalitauluille. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on selvittää kirjallisuustutkimuksen sekä kokeellisen tutkimuksen avulla metallisen luotiaseille tarkoitetun osuman havaitsevan maalilaitteen käyttöön soveltuva anturointi. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla selvitetään antureilta vaadittavat ominaisuudet sekä valitaan kokeellista tutkimusta varten vaihtoehdot anturoinnille. Kokeellinen tutkimus suoritetaan kahdessa osassa, ensin laboratoriossa ja myöhemmin ampumaradalla tositilanteessa. Kokeellisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on vertailla valittujen antureiden ominaisuuksia ja valita niistä käyttötarkoitukseen soveltuvin. Kokeellista tutkimusta varten kehitettiin kaksi eri mittausjärjestelyä, joiden todettiin soveltuvan hyvin antureiden vertailemiseen. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kolmen piezosähköisen PVDF- eli polyvinyylideenifluoridi-anturin sekä kahden erilaisen akustisen anturin soveltuvuus maalilaitteen käyttöön. Tutkimuksen perusteella todettiin PVDF-antureiden olevan soveltuvia maalilaitteen anturointiin. Akustiset anturit eivät testa-tulla tavalla täyttäneet anturoinnille asetettuja vaatimuksia.