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In the present study, thin functional conducting polyaniline (PANI) films, either doped or undoped, patterned or unpatterned, were prepared by different approaches. The properties of the obtained PANI films were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with several other techniques, such as SPR, QCM, SPFS, diffraction, etc. The sensing applications (especially biosensing applications) of the prepared PANI films were explored. Firstly, the pure PANI films were prepared by the electropolymerisation method and their doping/dedoping properties in acidic conditions were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with SPR and QCM. Dielectric constants of PANI at different oxidation states were obtained quantitatively. The results obtained here laid a good foundation for the following investigations of PANI films in neutral pH conditions. Next, PANI multilayer films doped by a variety of materials were prepared by the layer-by-layer method in order to explore their biosensing applications, because of the loss of redox activity of pure PANI in neutral pH conditions. The dopants used include not only the traditionally used linear polyelectrolytes, but also, for the first tim, some other novel materials, like modified gold nanoparticles or modified carbon nanotubes. Our results showed that all the used dopants could form stable multilayer films with PANI. All the obtained PANI multilayer films showed good redox activity in a neutral pH environment, which makes them feasible for bioassays. We found that all the prepared PANI multilayer films can electrocatalyze the oxidation of NADH in neutral conditions at a low potential, although their catalytic efficiencies are different. Among them, PANI/carbon nanotube system showed the highest catalytic efficiency toward the oxidation of NADH, which makes it a good candidate as a NADH sensor. Besides, because some of the prepared PANI multilayer systems were end-terminated with –COOH groups (like PANI/Au nanoparticles system), which can be utilized to easily link biomolecules for biosensing applications. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, to use the prepared PANI multilayer films for the DNA hybridisation detection. The detection event was monitored either by direct electrochemical method, or by enzyme-amplified electrochemical method, or by surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopic method. All the methods can effectively differentiate non-complementary DNA from the complementary ones, even at the single-base mismatch level. It should also be noted that, our success in fabricating PANI multilayer films with modified Au nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes also offered another novel method for incorporating such novel materials into (conducting) polymers. Because of the unique electrochemical and optical properties of each component of the obtained PANI multilayer films, they should also find potential applications in many other fields such as microelectronics, or for electrochromic and photovoltaic devices. Finally, patterned PANI films were fabricated by the combination of several patterning techniques, such as the combination of electrocopolymerization with micromolding in capillaries (EP-MIMIC), the combination of microcontact printing with the layer-by-layer technique (µCP-LBL), and the polystyrene (PS) template induced electropolymerisation method. Using the obtained stripe-shaped PANI/PSS film, a redox-switchable polymer grating based on the surface-plasmon-enhanced mode was constructed and its application in the field of biosensing was explored. It was found that the diffraction efficiency (DE) of the grating was very sensitive to the applied potential (i.e. redox state of the film) as well as the pH environment of the dielectric medium. Moreover, the DE could also be effectively tuned by an electrocatalytic event, such as the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by the grating film. By using PS colloidal crystal assemblies as templates, well-ordered 3D interconnected macroporous PANI arrays (PANI inverse opals) were fabricated via electropolymerisation method. The quality of the obtained inverse opals was much higher than those reported by chemical synthesis method. By electrochemical method, the structures of the prepared inverse opals can be easily controlled. To explore the possible biosensing applications of PANI inverse opals, efforts were also done toward the fabrication of PANI composite inverse opals. By selecting proper dopants, high quality inverse opals of PANI composites were fabricated for the first time. And the obtained opaline films remained redox-active in neutral pH conditions, pointing to their possible applications for electrobioassays.


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The goal of this thesis was the investigation of the structure, conformation, supramolecular order and molecular dynamics of different classes of functional materials (phthalocyanine, perylene and hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene derivatives and mixtures of those), all having planar aromatic cores modified with various types of alkyl chains. The planar aromatic systems are known to stack in the solid and the liquid-crystalline state due to p-p interactions forming columnar superstructures with high one-dimensional charge carrier mobility and potential application in photovoltaic devices. The different functionalities attached to the aromatic cores significantly influence the behavior of these systems allowing the experimentalists to modify the structures to fine-tune the desired thermotropic properties or charge carrier mobility. The aim of the presented studies was to understand the interplay between the driving forces causing self-assembly by relating the structural and dynamic information about the investigated systems. The supramolecular organization is investigated by applying 1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The results are related with DSC and X-ray scattering data. Detailed information about the site-specific molecular dynamics is gained by recording spinning sideband patterns using 1H-1H and 13C-1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The determined dipole-dipole coupling constants are then related with the coupling constants of the respective rigid pairs, thus providing local dynamic order parameters for the respective moieties. The investigations presented reveal that in the crystalline state the preferred arrangement in the columnar stack of discotic molecules modified with alkyl chains is tilted. This leads to characteristic differences in the 1H chemical shifts of otherwise chemically equivalent protons. Introducing branches and increasing the length of the alkyl chains results in lower mesophase transitions and disordered columnar stacks. In the liquid-crystalline state some of the discs lose the tilted orientation, others do not, but all start a rapid rotation about the columnar axis.


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Functional materials have great importance due to their many important applications. The characterization of supramolecular architectures which are held together by non-covalent interactions is of most importance to understand their properties. Solid-state NMR methods have recently been proven to be able to unravel such structure-property relations with the help of fast magic-angle spinning and advanced pulse sequences. The aim of the current work is to understand the structure and dynamics of functional supramolecular materials which are potentially important for fuel-cell (proton conducting membrane materials) and solar-cell or plastic-electronic applications (photo-reactive aromatic materials). In particular, hydrogen-bonding networks, local proton mobility, molecular packing arrangements, and local dynamics will be studied by the use of advanced solid-state NMR methods. The first class of materials studied in this work is proton conducting polymers which also form hydrogen-bonding network. Different materials, which are prepared for high 1H conduction by different approaches are studied: PAA-P4VP, PVPA-ABPBI, Tz5Si, and Triazole-functional systems. The materials are examples of the following major groups; - Homopolymers with specific functional groups (Triazole functional polysiloxanes). - Acid-base polymer blends approach (PAA-P4VP, PVPA-ABPBI). - Acid-base copolymer approach (Triazole-PVPA). - Acid doped polymers (Triazole functional polymer doped with H3PO4). Perylenebisimide (PBI) derivatives, a second type of important functional supramolecular materials with potent applications in plastic electronics, were also investigated by means of solid-state NMR. The preparation of conducting nanoscopic fibers based on the self-assembling functional units is an appealing aim as they may be incorporated in molecular electronic devices. In this category, perylene derivatives have attracted great attention due to their high charge carrier mobility. A detailed knowledge about their supramolecular structure and molecular dynamics is crucial for the understanding of their electronic properties. The aim is to understand the structure, dynamics and packing arrangements which lead to high electron conductivity in PBI derivatives.


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The quest for universal memory is driving the rapid development of memories with superior all-round capabilities in non-volatility, high speed, high endurance and low power. The memory subsystem accounts for a significant cost and power budget of a computer system. Current DRAM-based main memory systems are starting to hit the power and cost limit. To resolve this issue the industry is improving existing technologies such as Flash and exploring new ones. Among those new technologies is the Phase Change Memory (PCM), which overcomes some of the shortcomings of the Flash such as durability and scalability. This alternative non-volatile memory technology, which uses resistance contrast in phase-change materials, offers more density relative to DRAM, and can help to increase main memory capacity of future systems while remaining within the cost and power constraints. Chalcogenide materials can suitably be exploited for manufacturing phase-change memory devices. Charge transport in amorphous chalcogenide-GST used for memory devices is modeled using two contributions: hopping of trapped electrons and motion of band electrons in extended states. Crystalline GST exhibits an almost Ohmic I(V) curve. In contrast amorphous GST shows a high resistance at low biases while, above a threshold voltage, a transition takes place from a highly resistive to a conductive state, characterized by a negative differential-resistance behavior. A clear and complete understanding of the threshold behavior of the amorphous phase is fundamental for exploiting such materials in the fabrication of innovative nonvolatile memories. The type of feedback that produces the snapback phenomenon is described as a filamentation in energy that is controlled by electron–electron interactions between trapped electrons and band electrons. The model thus derived is implemented within a state-of-the-art simulator. An analytical version of the model is also derived and is useful for discussing the snapback behavior and the scaling properties of the device.


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Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit Ladungsgeneration und – rekombination in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, die spiro-OMeTAD als Lochleiter verwenden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in drei Fallstudien unterteilt: i.) Kern-erweiterte Rylen-Farbstoffe, ii.) ein Perylenmonoimid-Farbstoff und iii.) Donor-π verbrückte (Cyclopentadithiophen)-Akzeptor-Farbstoffe. Trotz ihres hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und der hohen Absorbanz der sensibilisierten Filme, zeigen einige dieser Farbstoffmoleküle nur geringe photovoltaischen Effizienzen. Um den Ursprung des geringen Wirkungsgrades herauszufinden, wurde breitbandige, ultraschnelle transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an Solarzellen durchgeführt.rnInsbesondere die Auswirkungen verschiedender Ankergruppen, Dipolmomente, Photolumineszenzlebenszeiten, Lithium-Kationensensitivität und Ladungsträgerdynamik, die alle einen großen Einfluss auf den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle besitzen, wurden untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie zeigte ein kurzer Rylen-Farbstoff aufgrund deutlich verlängerter Lebenszeiten die beste Effizienz im Vergleich zu größeren Kern-erweiterten Rylen-Farbstoffen. Die Lebenszeit wurde weiter reduziert, wenn Maleinsäure als Ankergruppe unter einer Ringöffnungsreaktion an die mesoporöse Oberfläche des Metalloxid-Halbleiters adsorbierte. Dies konnte mit Hilfe von Berechnungen mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT, B3LYP) auf die Differenz des Dipolmoments zwischen Grundzustand und angeregtem Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Die Berechnungen bekräftigen die unvorteilhafte Injektion von Ladungen durch die Änderung der Richtung des Dipolmoments, wenn eine Ringöffnung der Anhydridgruppe stattfindet. In der zweiten Studie zeigte das Perylenmonoimid-Derivat ID889 einen Wirkungsgrad von 4.5% in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, wobei ID889 sogar ohne Zuhilfenahme eines Additivs in der Lage ist langlebige Farbstoffkationen zu bilden. Die Verwendung von Lithium-Kationen stabilisiert jedoch sowohl den Prozess der Ladungsgeneration als auch den der Ladungsregeneration. Des Weiteren wurde in ID889-sensitivierten Bauteilen kein reduktives Löschen beobachtet. Dabei wurde die Dynamik der Exzitonen mittels einer soft-modelling Methode Kurvenanalyse aus den Daten der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie gewonnen. Zuletzt wurden Strukturen mit Cyclopentadithiophen(CPDT)-Baustein untersucht, die eine typische D-π-A Molekülstruktur bilden. FPH224 und 233 zeigten dabei eine bessere Effizienz als FPH231 und 303 aufgrund einer großen Injektionseffizienz (IE) und längerer Lebenszeit der angeregten Zustände. Dies kann auf reduktives Löschen in FPH231 und 303 zurückgeführt werden, wohingegen FPH224 und 233 einen moderaten Zerfall des Spirokationensignals zeigten.


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La gestione del traffico è una delle principali problematiche delle città moderne, e porta alla definizione di nuove sfide per quanto riguarda l’ottimizzazione del flusso veicolare. Il controllo semaforico è uno degli elementi fondamentali per ottimizzare la gestione del traffico. Attualmente la rilevazione del traffico viene effettuata tramite sensori, tra i quali vengono maggiormente utilizzate le spire magnetiche, la cui installazione e gestione implica costi elevati. In questo contesto, il progetto europeo COLOMBO si pone come obiettivo l’ideazione di nuovi sistemi di regolazione semaforica in grado di rilevare il traffico veicolare mediante sensori più economici da installare e mantenere, e capaci, sulla base di tali rilevazioni, di auto organizzarsi, traendo ispirazione dal campo dell’intelligenza artificiale noto come swarm intelligence. Alla base di questa auto organizzazione semaforica di COLOMBO vi sono due diversi livelli di politiche: macroscopico e microscopico. Nel primo caso le politiche macroscopiche, utilizzando il feromone come astrazione dell’attuale livello del traffico, scelgono la politica di gestione in base alla quantità di feromone presente nelle corsie di entrata e di uscita. Per quanto riguarda invece le politiche microscopiche, il loro compito è quello di deci- dere la durata dei periodi di rosso o verde modificando una sequenza di fasi, chiamata in COLOMBO catena. Le catene possono essere scelte dal sistema in base al valore corrente della soglia di desiderabilità e ad ogni catena corrisponde una soglia di desiderabilità. Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di suggerire metodi alternativi all’attuale conteggio di questa soglia di desiderabilità in scenari di bassa presenza di dispositivi per la rilevazione dei veicoli. Ogni algoritmo complesso ha bisogno di essere ottimizzato per migliorarne le performance. Anche in questo caso, gli algoritmi proposti hanno subito un processo di parameter tuning per ottimizzarne le prestazioni in scenari di bassa presenza di dispositivi per la rilevazione dei veicoli. Sulla base del lavoro di parameter tuning, infine, sono state eseguite delle simulazioni per valutare quale degli approcci suggeriti sia il migliore.


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Il lavoro svolto si concentra sul trasporto di carica e spin in dispositivi trilayer La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co multifunzionali. Questi dispositivi mostrano sia magnetoresistenza che resistive switching, con un'interessante interazione fra i due effetti. Le giunzioni SrTiO3 sono state scelte per questo lavoro sia per via dei precedenti studi su SrTiO3 come barriera in dispositivi spintronici (cioè dispositivi con magnetoresistenza), sia perché sono promettenti come materiale base per costruire memristor (cioè dispositivi con resistive switching). Il lavoro di tesi è stato svolto all'Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati (ISMN-CNR) a Bologna. Nella prima parte di questa tesi illustrerò la fisica dietro al resistive switching e alla magnetoresistenza di dispositivi trilayer, mostrando anche risultati di studi su dispositivi simili a quelli da me studiati. Nella seconda parte mostrerò la complessa fisica degli ossidi utilizzati nei nostri dispositivi e i possibili meccanismi di trasporto attraverso essi. Nell'ultima parte descriverò i risultati ottenuti. I dispositivi La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/Co sono stati studiati tramite caratterizzazione elettrica, di magnetotrasporto e con spettroscopia di impedenza. Le misure ottenute hanno mostrato una fisica molto ricca dietro al trasporto di spin e carica in questi dispositivi, e la mutua interazione fra fenomeni spintronici e di resistive switching rappresenta una chiave per comprendere la fisica di questi fenomeni. Analisi dati della dipendenza della resistenza della temperature e caratteristiche corrente-tensioni saranno usati per quantificare e descrivere il trasporto in questi dispositivi.


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The present thesis work proposes a new physical equivalent circuit model for a recently proposed semiconductor transistor, a 2-drain MSET (Multiple State Electrostatically Formed Nanowire Transistor). It presents a new software-based experimental setup that has been developed for carrying out numerical simulations on the device and on equivalent circuits. As of 2015, we have already approached the scaling limits of the ubiquitous CMOS technology that has been in the forefront of mainstream technological advancement, so many researchers are exploring different ideas in the realm of electrical devices for logical applications, among them MSET transistors. The idea that underlies MSETs is that a single multiple-terminal device could replace many traditional transistors. In particular a 2-drain MSET is akin to a silicon multiplexer, consisting in a Junction FET with independent gates, but with a split drain, so that a voltage-controlled conductive path can connect either of the drains to the source. The first chapter of this work presents the theory of classical JFETs and its common equivalent circuit models. The physical model and its derivation are presented, the current state of equivalent circuits for the JFET is discussed. A physical model of a JFET with two independent gates has been developed, deriving it from previous results, and is presented at the end of the chapter. A review of the characteristics of MSET device is shown in chapter 2. In this chapter, the proposed physical model and its formulation are presented. A listing for the SPICE model was attached as an appendix at the end of this document. Chapter 3 concerns the results of the numerical simulations on the device. At first the research for a suitable geometry is discussed and then comparisons between results from finite-elements simulations and equivalent circuit runs are made. Where points of challenging divergence were found between the two numerical results, the relevant physical processes are discussed. In the fourth chapter the experimental setup is discussed. The GUI-based environments that allow to explore the four-dimensional solution space and to analyze the physical variables inside the device are described. It is shown how this software project has been structured to overcome technical challenges in structuring multiple simulations in sequence, and to provide for a flexible platform for future research in the field.


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We propose integrated optical structures that can be used as isolators and polarization splitters based on engineered photonic lattices. Starting from optical waveguide arrays that mimic Fock space (quantum state with a well-defined particle number) representation of a non-interacting two-site Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian, we show that introducing magneto-optic nonreciprocity to these structures leads to a superior optical isolation performance. In the forward propagation direction, an input TM polarized beam experiences a perfect state transfer between the input and output waveguide channels while surface Bloch oscillations block the backward transmission between the same ports. Our analysis indicates a large isolation ratio of 75 dB after a propagation distance of 8mm inside seven coupled waveguides. Moreover, we demonstrate that, a judicious choice of the nonreciprocity in this same geometry can lead to perfect polarization splitting.


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The physics of the operation of singe-electron tunneling devices (SEDs) and singe-electron tunneling transistors (SETs), especially of those with multiple nanometer-sized islands, has remained poorly understood in spite of some intensive experimental and theoretical research. This computational study examines the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of multi-island single-electron devices using a newly developed multi-island transport simulator (MITS) that is based on semi-classical tunneling theory and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. The dependence of device characteristics on physical device parameters is explored, and the physical mechanisms that lead to the Coulomb blockade (CB) and Coulomb staircase (CS) characteristics are proposed. Simulations using MITS demonstrate that the overall IV characteristics in a device with a random distribution of islands are a result of a complex interplay among those factors that affect the tunneling rates that are fixed a priori (e.g. island sizes, island separations, temperature, gate bias, etc.), and the evolving charge state of the system, which changes as the source-drain bias (VSD) is changed. With increasing VSD, a multi-island device has to overcome multiple discrete energy barriers (up-steps) before it reaches the threshold voltage (Vth). Beyond Vth, current flow is rate-limited by slow junctions, which leads to the CS structures in the IV characteristic. Each step in the CS is characterized by a unique distribution of island charges with an associated distribution of tunneling probabilities. MITS simulation studies done on one-dimensional (1D) disordered chains show that longer chains are better suited for switching applications as Vth increases with increasing chain length. They are also able to retain CS structures at higher temperatures better than shorter chains. In sufficiently disordered 2D systems, we demonstrate that there may exist a dominant conducting path (DCP) for conduction, which makes the 2D device behave as a quasi-1D device. The existence of a DCP is sensitive to the device structure, but is robust with respect to changes in temperature, gate bias, and VSD. A side gate in 1D and 2D systems can effectively control Vth. We argue that devices with smaller island sizes and narrower junctions may be better suited for practical applications, especially at room temperature.


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Equipped with state-of-the-art smartphones and mobile devices, today's highly interconnected urban population is increasingly dependent on these gadgets to organize and plan their daily lives. These applications often rely on current (or preferred) locations of individual users or a group of users to provide the desired service, which jeopardizes their privacy; users do not necessarily want to reveal their current (or preferred) locations to the service provider or to other, possibly untrusted, users. In this paper, we propose privacy-preserving algorithms for determining an optimal meeting location for a group of users. We perform a thorough privacy evaluation by formally quantifying privacy-loss of the proposed approaches. In order to study the performance of our algorithms in a real deployment, we implement and test their execution efficiency on Nokia smartphones. By means of a targeted user-study, we attempt to get an insight into the privacy-awareness of users in location-based services and the usability of the proposed solutions.


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Upconverter materials and upconverter solar devices were recently investigated with broad-band excitation revealing the great potential of upconversion to enhance the efficiency of solar cell at comparatively low solar concentration factors. In this work first attempts are made to simulate the behavior of the upconverter β-NaYF4 doped with Er3+ under broad-band excitation. An existing model was adapted to account for the lower absorption of broader excitation spectra. While the same trends as observed for the experiments were found in the simulation, the absolute values are fairly different. This makes an upconversion model that specifically considers the line shape function of the ground state absorption indispensable to achieve accurate simulations of upconverter materials and upconverter solar cell devices with broadband excitations, such as the solar radiation.


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We studied charge transport through core-substituted naphthalenediimide (NDI) single-molecule junctions using the electrochemical STM-based break-junction technique in combination with DFT calculations. Conductance switching among three well-defined states was demonstrated by electrochemically controlling the redox state of the pendent diimide unit of the molecule in an ionic liquid. The electrical conductances of the dianion and neutral states differ by more than one order of magnitude. The potential-dependence of the charge-transport characteristics of the NDI molecules was confirmed by DFT calculations, which account for electrochemical double-layer effects on the conductance of the NDI junctions. This study suggests that integration of a pendant redox unit with strong coupling to a molecular backbone enables the tuning of charge transport through single-molecule devices by controlling their redox states.


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Interplay of spin, charge, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom in oxide heterostructures results in a plethora of fascinating properties, which can be exploited in new generations of electronic devices with enhanced functionalities. The paradigm example is the interface between the two band insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 that hosts a two-dimensional electron system. Apart from the mobile charge carriers, this system exhibits a range of intriguing properties such as field effect, superconductivity and ferromagnetism, whose fundamental origins are still debated. Here we use soft-X-ray angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to penetrate through the LaAlO3 overlayer and access charge carriers at the buried interface. The experimental spectral function directly identifies the interface charge carriers as large polarons, emerging from coupling of charge and lattice degrees of freedom, and involving two phonons of different energy and thermal activity. This phenomenon fundamentally limits the carrier mobility and explains its puzzling drop at high temperatures.


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Introduced about two decades ago, computer-assisted orthopedic surgery (CAOS) has emerged as a new and independent area, due to the importance of treatment of musculoskeletal diseases in orthopedics and traumatology, increasing availability of different imaging modalities, and advances in analytics and navigation tools. The aim of this paper is to present the basic elements of CAOS devices and to review state-of-the-art examples of different imaging modalities used to create the virtual representations, of different position tracking devices for navigation systems, of different surgical robots, of different methods for registration and referencing, and of CAOS modules that have been realized for different surgical procedures. Future perspectives will also be outlined.