191 resultados para Robb
This is an essay including annotated critical editions documenting the history of reception of this song since 1848. Published in the Liederlexikon for the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).
This is an essay including annotated critical editions documenting the history of reception of this song since 1848. Published in the Liederlexikon for the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).
This is an essay including annotated critical editions documenting the history of reception of this song since 1848. Published in the Liederlexikon for the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).
This is an essay including annotated critical editions documenting the history of reception of this song since 1848. Published in the Liederlexikon for the AHRC and DFG funded project 'The History of Reception of the Songs of the 1848 Revolution' (2009-2013).
Background <br/>Ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) remains a significant problem within intensive care units (ICUs). There is a growing recognition of the impact of critical-illness-induced immunoparesis on the pathogenesis of VAP, but the mechanisms remain incompletely understood. We hypothesised that, because of limitations in their routine detection, Mycoplasmataceae are more prevalent among patients with VAP than previously recognised, and that these organisms potentially impair immune cell function. <br/>Methods and setting <br/>159 patients were recruited from 12 UK ICUs. All patients had suspected VAP and underwent bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). VAP was defined as growth of organisms at >104 colony forming units per ml of BAL fluid on conventional culture. Samples were tested for Mycoplasmataceae (Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp.) by PCR, and positive samples underwent sequencing for speciation. 36 healthy donors underwent BAL for comparison. Additionally, healthy donor monocytes and macrophages were exposed to Mycoplasma salivarium and their ability to respond to lipopolysaccharide and undertake phagocytosis was assessed.<br/><br/>Results <br/>Mycoplasmataceaewerefoundin49%(95%CI 33% to 65%) of patients with VAP, compared with 14% (95% CI 9% to 25%) of patients without VAP. Patients with sterile BAL fluid had a similar prevalence to healthy donor BAL fluid (10% (95% CI 4% to 20%) vs 8% (95% CI 2% to 22%)). The most common organism identified was M. salivarium. Blood monocytes from healthy volunteers incubated with M. salivarium displayed an impaired TNF-α response to lipopolysaccharide ( p=0.0003), as did monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) (p=0.024). MDM exposed to M. salivarium demonstrated impaired phagocytosis ( p=0.005).<br/><br/>Discussion and conclusions <br/>This study demonstrates a high prevalence of Mycoplasmataceae among patients with VAP, with a markedly lower prevalence among patients with suspected VAP in whom subsequent cultures refuted the diagnosis. The most common organism found, M. salivarium, is able to alter the functions of key immune cells. Mycoplasmataceae may contribute to VAP pathogenesis.
1998 Brock Badger men's baseball team photo. Front Row (L to R): Bill Gillen, Ryan Villers, Greg Arbour, Mark Cheeseman, Andrew Tinnish, Rick Bottomley, Matt Fletcher, Brad Namtzu, Darryl Presley, Dan Pino, Grant Giffen, Mike Caruso, Mark Reilly Back Row (L to R): Jeff Lounsbury (Head Coach), Jayar Green, Creston Rudolph, Ryan Fisher, Jamie Trull, Stefan Strecker, Andrew Robb, Jeremy Walker, Ryan Johns, Matt Stezycki, Steve Lester, Fabio Del Rio, Jarrod Haase, Jess Dixon, Rick Falconer (Pitching Coach) Absent: Marc Purdy, Ian Bala, Marc LePage (Asst. Coach), Waybe Briggs-Jude (Asst. Coach)
Resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in red wines, has attracted great interest in both the scientific community and the general public for its reported ability to protect against many of the diseases facing Western society today. While the purported health effects of resveratrol are well characterized, details of the cellular mechanisms that give rise to these observations are unclear. Here, the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was identified as a proximal target of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo. MnSOD protein and activity levels increase significantly in cultured cells treated with resveratrol, and in the brain tissue of mice given resveratrol in a high fat diet. Preventing the increase in MnSOD levels eliminates two of resveratrol’s more interesting effects in the context of human health: inhibition of proliferative cell growth and cytoprotection. Thus, the induction of MnSOD is a critical step in the molecular mechanism of resveratrol. Mitochondrial morphology is a malleable property that is capable of impeding cell cycle progression and conferring resistance against stress induced cell death. Using confocal microscopy and a novel ‘cell free’ fusion assay it was determined that concurrent with changes in MnSOD protein levels, resveratrol treatment leads to a more fused mitochondrial reticulum. This observation may be important to resveratrol’s ability to slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection. Resveratrol's biological activities, including the ability to increase MnSOD levels, are strikingly similar to what is observed with estrogen treatment. Resveratrol fails to increase MnSOD levels, slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection in the presence of an estrogen receptor antagonist. Resveratrol's effects can be replicated with the specific estrogen receptor beta agonist diarylpropionitrile, and are absent in myoblasts lacking estrogen receptor beta. Four compounds that are structurally similar to resveratrol and seven phytoestrogens predicted to bind to estrogen receptor beta were screened for their effects on MnSOD, proliferative growth rates and stress resistance in cultured mammalian cells. Several of these compounds were able to mimic the effects of resveratrol on MnSOD levels, proliferative cell growth and stress resistance in vitro. Thus, I hypothesize that resveratrol interacts with estrogen receptor beta to induce the upregulation of MnSOD, which in turn affects cell cycle progression and stress resistance. These results have important implications for the understanding of RES’s biological activities and potential applications to human health.
Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in the United States. It is also referred to as the State Reservation (this title appears on page 2 of the program). Frederick Olmstead was the landscape architect of the park and he also designed Central Park in New York City. In July 1885, the state of New York passed laws to issue bonds for the establishment of the Niagara Reservation. This park is a National Historic Landmark and covers over 400 acres. Close to 140 acres of that land is under water. In attendance at the opening were: the Governor of the State of New York, the officers of the State, members of the Niagara Falls Association of New York City and civil and military personnel. The commissioners at the time of the opening were: William Dorsheimer, Andrew H. Green, Martin B. Anderson, T. Hampden Robb and Sherman S. Rogers.
The gift plate in the front of the book indicates that the book is from Walker’s Drug Store, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Walker’s Drug Company was founded in 1925 by Ivan T. Walker. The dates of this book indicate that it is more likely to have come from A.C. Thorburn, Chemist and Druggist. A.C. Thorburn purchased Smith’s Pharmacy and Pursel and Company Dry Goods Store at the corner of Main Street and Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls, Ontario. In 1900, Pursel moved out and Thorburn’s Drug Store came into being. Ivan T. Walker, founder of Walker’s Drugs was employed by Thorburn Drugs in his teen years. The local doctors whose prescriptions are in the book include: J. H. McGarry; F.W.E. Wilson; C. F. Abraham; W.E. Olmsted; W.W. Thompson; Dr. Robb, dentist; Horace R. Elliot, physician and surgeon and Dr. Sutherland, eye, ear nose and throat specialist
Client-directed long-term rehabilitative goals and life satisfaction following head injury emphasize the importance of social inclusion, rather than cognitive or physical, outcomes. However, very little research has explored the socio-emotional factors that pose as barriers to social reintegration following injury. This study investigates social barriers following head injury (i.e., decision-making - Iowa Gambling Task [IGT] and mood – depression) and possible amelioration of those challenges (through treatment) in both highly functioning university students with and without mild head injury (MHI) and in individuals with moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). An arousal manipulation using emotionally evocative stimuli was introduced to manipulate the subject’s physiological arousal state. Seventy-five university students (37.6% reporting a MHI) and 11 patients with documented moderate TBI were recruited to participate in this quasi-experimental study. Those with head injury were found to be physiologically underaroused (on measures of electrodermal activation [EDA] and pulse) and were less sensitive to the negative effects of punishment (i.e., losses) in the gambling task than those without head injury, with greater impairment being observed for the moderate TBI group. The arousal manipulation, while effective, was not able to maintain a higher state of arousal in the injury groups across trials (i.e., their arousal state returned to pre-manipulation levels more quickly than their non-injured cohort), and, subsequently, a performance improvement was not observed on the IGT. Lastly, head injury was found to contribute to the relationship between IGT performance and depressive symptom acknowledgment and mood status in persons with head injury. This study indicates the possible important role of physiological arousal on socio- emotional behaviours (decision-making, mood) in persons with even mild, non-complicated head injuries and across the injury severity continuum.
El desarrollo de hiponatremia aguda en los pacientes hospitalizados se ha asociado con el uso de lÃquidos de mantenimiento hipotónicos.3,5-7,11-13,15-21 El propósito de este estudio es determinar si el uso de soluciones hipotónicas (60 meq/l Na) como lÃquidos de mantenimiento en niños crÃticos inducen más hiponatremia aguda que soluciones isotónicas (lactato ringer). Método: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de cohorte, que incluyó los niños que ingresaron a la UCIP de la Fundación Cardioinfantil desde septiembre de 2009 a diciembre de 2011 con edades entre 6 meses y 10 años, quienes requirieron lÃquidos endovenosos de mantenimiento con 60 meq/l de sodio o lactato Ringer. Resultados: En total se estudiaron 117 pacientes de los cuales 71 niños recibieron 60 meq/L de Na y 46 recibieron lactato Ringer, las caracterÃsticas demográficas y clÃnicas fueron similares en ambos grupos. De los pacientes que recibieron 60 meq/L de sodio se encontró hiponatremia en un 28,1% ( n= 20) vs 17.4% ( n=8) de los que recibieron 130 meq /l sodio, sin observar diferencias significativas ( RR 1,863 IC95% 0,779- 4,680 p=0.1302) . Conclusiones: En niños crÃticos que requieren lÃquidos de mantenimiento no se encontraron diferencias en la frecuencia de aparición de hiponatremia sintomática inducidas por el tipo de solución utilizada. El lactato de Ringer y la Dextrosa con 60 mq/lit de sodio fueron seguros y efectivos para sostener el estado de hidratación.
Introducción: El carcinoma de mama es el tumor maligno más frecuente entre las mujeres y representa una significativa mortalidad en los paÃses en vÃas de desarrollo. Según datos del Instituto Nacional de CancerologÃa en el 2010 se reportaron 672 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama, lo que representó el 18% de todos los tumores malignos en mujeres. Durante las últimas 3 décadas las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama han presentado un cambio significativo y proponen disminución de procedimientos agresivos y radicales, intervenciones como: mastectomÃa radical modificada, cirugÃa conservadora y la disección de ganglio centinela son ejemplos claros de esta evolución asociado al incremento de la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata. MetodologÃa: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo en el cual se revisó una base de datos de pacientes con cáncer de mama de las cuales 632 fueron sometidas a mastectomÃa radical con preservación de piel y complejo areola-pezón y mastectomÃa radical con preservación de piel sin preservación del complejo areola-pezón, los dos procedimientos asociados a reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y se comparó la frecuencia de recaÃda local entre los dos grupos. Resultados: De las 632 pacientes estudiadas al 30.5% se les realizo preservación del complejo areola pezón. Las mujeres a quienes se les realizó preservación del complejo areola pezón presentaron menor sobrevida a la recaÃda local a 10 años (80.51%) comparado con las mujeres a quienes no se les preservó el complejo areola pezón (87.40%), sin embargo no se encontró diferencia estadÃsticamente significativa para determinar que las probabilidades de sobrevida sean diferentes. Discusión: No se evidenció diferencia estadÃsticamente significativa entre los 2 procedimientos quirúrgicos (con y sin preservación del complejo areola pezón) en relación a la recaÃda local, estudios retrospectivos no han evidenciado una mayor tasa de recaÃdas locales en pacientes a quienes se les preserva el complejo areola-pezón, sin embargo hacen falta estudios prospectivos y aleatorizados que puedan otorgar un mayor sustento cientÃfico que garantice la seguridad de la preservación del complejo areola-pezón.
Introducción: El carcinoma de mama es el tumor maligno más frecuente entre las mujeres y representa una significativa mortalidad en los paÃses en vÃas de desarrollo. Según datos del Instituto Nacional de CancerologÃa en el 2010 se reportaron 672 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama, lo que representó el 18% de todos los tumores malignos en mujeres. Durante las últimas 3 décadas las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama han presentado un cambio significativo y proponen disminución de procedimientos agresivos y radicales, intervenciones como: mastectomÃa radical modificada, cirugÃa conservadora y la disección de ganglio centinela son ejemplos claros de esta evolución asociado al incremento de la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata. MetodologÃa: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo en el cual se revisó una base de datos de pacientes con cáncer de mama de las cuales 632 fueron sometidas a mastectomÃa radical con preservación de piel y complejo areola- pezón y mastectomÃa radical con preservación de piel sin preservación del complejo areola-pezón, los dos procedimientos asociados a reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y se comparó la frecuencia de recaÃda local entre los dos grupos. Resultados: De las 632 pacientes estudiadas al 30.5% se les realizo preservación del complejo areola pezón. Las mujeres a quienes se les realizó preservación del complejo areola pezón presentaron menor sobrevida a la recaÃda local a 10 años (80.51%) comparado con las mujeres a quienes no se les preservó el complejo areola pezón (87.40%), sin embargo no se encontró diferencia estadÃsticamente significativa para determinar que las probabilidades de sobrevida sean diferentes. Discusión: No se evidenció diferencia estadÃsticamente significativa entre los 2 procedimientos quirúrgicos (con y sin preservación del complejo areola pezón) en relación a la recaÃda local, estudios retrospectivos no han evidenciado una mayor tasa de recaÃdas locales en pacientes a quienes se les preserva el complejo areola-pezón, sin embargo hacen falta estudios prospectivos y aleatorizados que puedan otorgar un mayor sustento cientÃfico que garantice la seguridad de la preservación del complejo areola-pezón.
Si se interpreta la primera palabra de Cristo en la cruz, con referencia a los verdugos que causaron su crucifixión, en clave de omnisciencia divina luterana y ausencia de posibilidades alternativas, surgirÃa una aparente contradicción en cuanto a la responsabilidad moral y el deber de aquellos: ¿Cómo sostener su responsabilidad moral si no contaban con posibilidades alternativas, y si al parecer no sabÃan lo que hacÃan, y cómo atribuirles deberes que no podÃan cumplir? Esto se puede resolver desde de una perspectiva semi-compatibilista, y responder, asÃ, que: 1) la ausencia de posibilidades alternativas y la ignorancia no excluyen el que los verdugos puedan ser considerados moralmente responsables por la crucifixión de Cristo, y 2) la imposibilidad de cumplir con ciertos deberes no excluye el que los verdugos tuviesen dichos deberes y pudieran ser considerados moralmente responsables por su incumplimiento.