708 resultados para Repeatability


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The objective of this study was to assess the utility of two subjective facial grading systems, to evaluate the etiologic role of human herpesviruses in peripheral facial palsy (FP), and to explore characteristics of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome (MRS). Intrarater repeatability and interrater agreement were assessed for Sunnybrook (SFGS) and House-Brackmann facial grading systems (H-B FGS). Eight video-recorded FP patients were graded in two sittings by 26 doctors. Repeatability for SFGS was from good to excellent and agreement between doctors from moderate to excellent by intraclass correlation coefficient and coefficient of repeatability. For H-B FGS, repeatability was from fair to good and agreement from poor to fair by agreement percentage and kappa coefficients. Because SFGS was at least as good in repeatability as H-B FGS and showed more reliable results in agreement between doctors, we encourage the use of SFGS over H-B FGS. Etiologic role of human herpesviruses in peripheral FP was studied by searching DNA of herpes simplex virus (HSV) -1 and -2, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), human herpesvirus (HHV) -6A, -6B, and -7, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) by PCR/microarray methods in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 33 peripheral FP patients and 36 controls. Three patients and five controls had HHV-6 or -7 DNA in CSF. No DNA of HSV-1 or -2, VZV, EBV, or CMV was found. Detecting HHV-7 and dual HHV-6A and -6B DNA in CSF of FP patients is intriguing, but does not allow etiologic conclusions as such. These DNA findings in association with FP and the other diseases that they accompanied require further exploration. MRS is classically defined as a triad of recurrent labial or oro-facial edema, recurrent peripheral FP, and plicated tongue. All three signs are present in the minority of patients. Edema-dominated forms are more common in the literature, while MRS with FP has received little attention. The etiology and true incidence of MRS are unknown. Characteristics of MRS were evaluated at the Departments of Otorhinolaryngology and Dermatology focusing on patients with FP. There were 35 MRS patients, 20 with FP and they were mailed a questionnaire (17 answered) and were clinically examined (14 patients). At the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, every MRS patient had FP and half had the triad form of MRS. Two patients, whose tissue biopsies were taken during an acute edema episode, revealed nonnecrotizing granulomatous findings typical for MRS, the other without persisting edema and with symptoms for less than a year. A peripheral blood DNA was searched for gene mutations leading to UNC-93B protein deficiency predisposing to HSV-1 infections; no gene mutations were found. Edema in most MRS FP patients did not dominate the clinical picture, and no progression of the disease was observed, contrary to existing knowledge. At the Department of Dermatology, two patients had triad MRS and 15 had monosymptomatic granulomatous cheilitis with frequent or persistent edema and typical MRS tissue histology. The clinical picture of MRS varied according to the department where the patient was treated. More studies from otorhinolaryngology departments and on patients with FP would clarify the actual incidence and clinical picture of the syndrome.


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Väärinkäytettyjen aineiden seulontaan käytetyn menetelmän tulee olla herkkä, selektiivinen, yksinkertainen, nopea ja toistettava. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää yksinkertainen, mutta herkkä, esikäsittelymenetelmä bentsodiatsepiinien ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten kvalitatiiviseen seulomiseen virtsasta mikropilarisähkösumutussirun (μPESI) avulla, mikä tarjoaisi vaihtoehdon seulonnassa käytetyille immunologisille menetelmille, joiden herkkyys ja selektiivisyys ovat puutteellisia. Tavoitteena oli samalla tarkastella mikropilarisähkösumutussirun toimivuutta biologisten näytteiden analyysissa. Esikäsittely optimoitiin erikseen bentsodiatsepiineille ja amfetamiinijohdannaisille. Käytettyjä esikäsittelymenetelmiä olivat neste-nesteuutto, kiinteäfaasiuutto Oasis HLB-patruunalla ja ZipTip®-pipetinkärjellä sekä laimennus ja suodatus ilman uuttoa. Mittausten perusteella keskityttiin optimoimaan ZipTip®-uuttoa. Optimoinnissa tutkittavia yhdisteitä spiikattiin 0-virtsaan niiden ennaltamääritetyn raja-arvon verran, bentsodiatsepiineja 200 ng/ml ja amfetamiinijohdannaisia 300 ng/ml. Bentsodiatsepiinien kohdalla optimoitiin kutakin uuton vaihetta ja optimoinnin tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 5, faasi kunnostettiin asetonitriililla, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin veden (pH 5) ja asetonitriilin (10 % v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin asetonitriilin, muurahaishapon ja veden (95:1:4 v/v/v) seoksella. Amfetamiinijohdannaisten uutossa optimoitiin näytteen ja liuottimien pH-arvoja ja tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 10, faasi kunnostettiin veden ja ammoniumvetykarbonaatin(pH 10, 1:1 v/v) seoksella, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin asetonitriilin ja veden (1:5 v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin metanolilla. Optimoituja uuttoja testattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioista toimitetuilla autenttisilla virtsanäytteillä ja saatuja tuloksia verrattiin kvantitatiivisen GC/MS-analyysin tuloksiin. Bentsodiatsepiininäytteet hydrolysoitiin ennen uuttoa herkkyyden parantamiseksi. Autenttiset näytteet analysoitiin Q-TOF-laitteella Viikissä. Lisäksi hydrolysoidut bentsodiatsepiininäytteet mitattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioiden TOF-laitteella. Kehitetty menetelmä vaatii tulosten perusteella lisää optimointia toimiakseen. Ongelmana oli etenkin toistoissa ilmennyt tulosten hajonta. Manuaalista näytteensyöttöä tulisi kehittää toistettavammaksi. Autenttisten bentsodiatsepiininäytteiden analyysissa ongelmana olivat virheelliset negatiiviset tulokset ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten analyysissa virheelliset positiiviset tulokset. Virheellisiä negatiivisia tuloksia selittää menetelmän herkkyyden puute ja virheellisiä positiivisia tuloksia mittalaitteen, sirujen tai liuottimien likaantuminen.


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Tiivistelmä ReferatAbstract Metabolomics is a rapidly growing research field that studies the response of biological systems to environmental factors, disease states and genetic modifications. It aims at measuring the complete set of endogenous metabolites, i.e. the metabolome, in a biological sample such as plasma or cells. Because metabolites are the intermediates and end products of biochemical reactions, metabolite compositions and metabolite levels in biological samples can provide a wealth of information on on-going processes in a living system. Due to the complexity of the metabolome, metabolomic analysis poses a challenge to analytical chemistry. Adequate sample preparation is critical to accurate and reproducible analysis, and the analytical techniques must have high resolution and sensitivity to allow detection of as many metabolites as possible. Furthermore, as the information contained in the metabolome is immense, the data set collected from metabolomic studies is very large. In order to extract the relevant information from such large data sets, efficient data processing and multivariate data analysis methods are needed. In the research presented in this thesis, metabolomics was used to study mechanisms of polymeric gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The aim of the study was to detect differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls, and thereafter to identify metabolites responsible for the discrimination. The plasmid pCMV-β was introduced into RPE cells using the vector polyethyleneimine (PEI). The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a triple quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (MS). The software MZmine was used for raw data processing and principal component analysis (PCA) was used in statistical data analysis. The results revealed differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls. However, reliable fingerprinting data could not be obtained because of low analysis repeatability. Therefore, no attempts were made to identify metabolites responsible for discrimination between sample groups. Repeatability and accuracy of analyses can be influenced by protocol optimization. However, in this study, optimization of analytical methods was hindered by the very small number of samples available for analysis. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that obtaining reliable fingerprinting data is technically demanding, and the protocols need to be thoroughly optimized in order to approach the goals of gaining information on mechanisms of gene delivery.


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Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of filamentous fungi. They pose a health risk to humans and animals due to their harmful biological properties and common occurrence in food and feed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) has gained popularity in the trace analysis of food contaminants. In this study, the applicability of the technique was evaluated in multi-residue methods of mycotoxins aiming at simultaneous detection of chemically diverse compounds. Methods were developed for rapid determination of toxins produced by fungal genera of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Claviceps from cheese, cereal based agar matrices and grains. Analytes were extracted from these matrices with organic solvents. Minimal sample clean-up was carried out before the analysis of the mycotoxins with reversed phase LC coupled to tandem MS (MS/MS). The methods were validated and applied for investigating mycotoxins in cheese and ergot alkaloid occurrence in Finnish grains. Additionally, the toxin production of two Fusarium species predominant in northern Europe was studied. Nine mycotoxins could be determined from cheese with the method developed. The limits of quantification (LOQ) allowed the quantification at concentrations varying from 0.6 to 5.0 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged between 96 and 143 %, and the within-day repeatability (as relative standard deviation, RSDr) between 2.3 and 12.1 %. Roquefortine C and mycophenolic acid could be detected at levels of 300 up to 12000 µg/kg in the mould cheese samples analysed. A total of 29 or 31 toxins could be analysed with the method developed for agar matrices and grains, with the LOQs ranging overall from 0.1 to 1250 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged generally between 44 and 139 %, and the RSDr between 2.0 and 38 %. Type-A trichothecenes and beauvericin were determined from the cereal based agar and grain cultures of F. sporotrichioides and F. langsethiae. T-2 toxin was the main metabolite, the average levels reaching 22000 µg/kg in the grain cultures after 28 days of incubation. The method developed for ten ergot alkaloids from grains allowed their quantification at levels varying from 0.01 to 10 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged from 51 to 139 %, and the RSDr from 0.6 to 13.9 %. Ergot alkaloids were measured in barley and rye at average levels of 59 and 720 µg/kg, respectively. The two most prevalent alkaloids were ergocornine and ergocristine. The LC/MS methods developed enabled rapid detection of mycotoxins in such applications where several toxins co-occurred. Generally, the performance of the methods was good, allowing reliable analysis of the mycotoxins of interest with sufficiently low quantification limits. However, the variation in validation results highlighted the challenges related to optimising this type of multi-residue methods. New data was obtained about the occurrence of mycotoxins in mould cheeses and of ergot alkaloids in Finnish grains. In addition, the study revealed the high mycotoxin-producing potential of two common fungi in Finnish crops. The information can be useful when risks related to fungal and mycotoxin contamination will be assessed.


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In the tree cricket Oecanthus henryi, females are attracted by male calls and can choose between males. To make a case for female choice based on male calls, it is necessary to examine male call variation in the field and identify repeatable call features that are reliable indicators of male size or symmetry. Female preference for these reliable call features and the underlying assumption behind this choice, female preference for larger males, also need to be examined. We found that females did prefer larger males during mating, as revealed by the longer mating durations and longer spermatophore retention times. We then examined the correlation between acoustic and morphological features and the repeatability of male calls in the field across two temporal scales, within and across nights. We found that carrier frequency was a reliable indicator of male size, with larger males calling at lower frequencies at a given temperature. Simultaneous playback of male calls differing in frequency, spanning the entire range of natural variation at a given temperature, revealed a lack of female preference for low carrier frequencies. The contrasting results between the phonotaxis and mating experiments may be because females are incapable of discriminating small differences in frequency or because the change in call carrier frequency with temperature renders this cue unreliable in tree crickets. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of high-velocity sheet-forming techniques where the strain rates are in excess of 10(2)/s can help us solve many problems that are difficult to overcome with traditional metal-forming techniques. In this investigation, thin metallic plates/foils were subjected to shock wave loading in the newly developed diaphragmless shock tube. The conventional shock tube used in the aerodynamic applications uses a metal diaphragm for generating shock waves. This method of operation has its own disadvantages including the problems associated with repeatable and reliable generation of shock waves. Moreover, in industrial scenario, changing metal diaphragms after every shot is not desirable. Hence, a diaphragmless shock tube is calibrated and used in this study. Shock Mach numbers up to 3 can be generated with a high degree of repeatability (+/- 4 per cent) for the pressure jumps across the primary shock wave. The shock Mach number scatter is within +/- 1.5 per cent. Copper, brass, and aluminium plates of diameter 60 mm and thickness varying from 0.1 to 1 mm are used. The plate peak over-pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar are used. The midpoint deflection, circumferential, radial, and thickness strains are measured and using these, the Von Mises strain is also calculated. The experimental results are compared with the numerical values obtained using finite element analysis. The experimental results match well with the numerical values. The plastic hinge effect was also observed in the finite element simulations. Analysis of the failed specimens shows that aluminium plates had mode I failure, whereas copper plates had mode II failure.


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Objects viewed through transparent sheets with residual non-parallelism and irregularity appear shifted and distorted. This distortion is measured in terms of angular and binocular deviation of an object viewed through the transparent sheet. The angular and binocular deviations introduced are particularly important in the context of aircraft windscreens and canopies as they can interfere with decision making of pilots especially while landing, leading to accidents. In this work, we have developed an instrument to measure both the angular and binocular deviations introduced by transparent sheets. This instrument is especially useful in the qualification of aircraft windscreens and canopies. It measures the deviation in the geometrical shadow cast by a periodic dot pattern trans-illuminated by the distorted light beam from the transparent test specimen compared to the reference pattern. Accurate quantification of the shift in the pattern is obtained by cross-correlating the reference shadow pattern with the specimen shadow pattern and measuring the location of the correlation peak. The developed instrument is handy to use and computes both angular and binocular deviation with an accuracy of less than +/- 0.1 mrad (approximate to 0.036 mrad) and has an excellent repeatability with an error of less than 2%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769756]


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Field emission of reduced graphene oxide coated on polystyrene film is studied in both parallel and perpendicular configurations. Low turn-on field of 0.6 V/lm and high emission current density of 200 mA/cm(2) are observed in perpendicular configuration (along the cross section), whereas a turn-on field of 6 V/lm and current density of 20 mu A/cm(2) are obtained in parallel configuration (top surface). The emission characteristics follow Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling and the values of enhancement factor estimated from FN plots are 5818 (perpendicular) and 741 (parallel). Furthermore, stability and repeatability of the field emission characteristics in perpendicular configuration are presented. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4788738]


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Micro-blast waves emerging from the open end of a detonation transmission tube were experimentally visualized in this study. A commercially available detonation transmission tube was used (Nonel tube, M/s Dyno Nobel, Sweden), which is a small diameter tube coated with a thin layer of explosive mixture (HMX traces of Al) on its inner side. The typical explosive loading for this tube is of the order of 18 mg/m of tube length. The blast wave was visualized using a high speed digital camera (frame rate 1 MHz) to acquire time-resolved schlieren images of the resulting flow field. The visualization studies were complemented by computational fluid dynamic simulations. An analysis of the schlieren images showed that although the blast wave appears to be spherical, it propagates faster along the tube axis than along a direction perpendicular to the tube axis. Additionally, CFD analysis revealed the presence of a barrel shock and Mach disc, showing structures that are typical of an underexpanded jet. A theory in use for centered large-scale explosions of intermediate strength gave good agreement with the blast trajectory along the tube axis. The energy of these micro-blast waves was found to be J and the average TNT equivalent was found to be . The repeatability in generating these micro-blast waves using the Nonel tube was very good and this opens up the possibility of using this device for studying some of the phenomena associated with muzzle blasts in the near future.


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We report on the design, development, and performance study of a packaged piezoelectric thin film impact sensor, and its potential application in non-destructive material discrimination. The impact sensing element employed was a thin circular diaphragm of flexible Phynox alloy. Piezoelectric ZnO thin film as an impact sensing layer was deposited on to the Phynox alloy diaphragm by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Deposited ZnO thin film was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) techniques. The d(31) piezoelectric coefficient value of ZnO thin film was 4.7 pm V-1, as measured by 4-point bending method. ZnO film deposited diaphragm based sensing element was properly packaged in a suitable housing made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) material. Packaged impact sensor was used in an experimental set-up, which was designed and developed in-house for non-destructive material discrimination studies. Materials of different densities (iron, glass, wood, and plastic) were used as test specimens for material discrimination studies. The analysis of output voltage waveforms obtained reveals lots of valuable information about the impacted material. Impact sensor was able to discriminate the test materials on the basis of the difference in their densities. The output response of packaged impact sensor shows high linearity and repeatability. The packaged impact sensor discussed in this paper is highly sensitive, reliable, and cost-effective.


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Recently, authors published a method to indirectly measure series capacitance (C-s) of a single, isolated, uniformly wound transformer winding, from its measured frequency response. The next step was to implement it on an actual three-phase transformer. This task is not as straightforward as it might appear at first glance, since the measured frequency response on a three-phase transformer is influenced by nontested windings and their terminal connections, core, tank, etc. To extract the correct value of C-s from this composite frequency response, the formulation has to be reworked to first identify all significant influences and then include their effects. Initially, the modified method and experimental results on a three-phase transformer (4 MVA, 33 kV/433 V) are presented along with results on the winding considered in isolation (for cross validation). Later, the method is directly implemented on another three-phase unit (3.5 MVA, 13.8 kV/765 V) to show repeatability.


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Acoustic signal variation and female preference for different signal components constitute the prerequisite framework to study the mechanisms of sexual selection that shape acoustic communication. Despite several studies of acoustic communication in crickets, information on both male calling song variation in the field and female preference in the same system is lacking for most species. Previous studies on acoustic signal variation either were carried out on populations maintained in the laboratory or did not investigate signal repeatability. We therefore used repeatability analysis to quantify variation in the spectral, temporal and amplitudinal characteristics of the male calling song of the field cricket Plebeiogryllus guttiventris in a wild population, at two temporal scales, within and across nights. Carrier frequency (CF) was the most repeatable character across nights, whereas chirp period (CP) had low repeatability across nights. We investigated whether female preferences were more likely to be based on features with high (CF) or low (CP) repeatability. Females showed no consistent preferences for CF but were significantly more attracted towards signals with short CPs. The attractiveness of lower CP calls disappeared, however, when traded off with sound pressure level (SPL). SPL was the only acoustic feature that was significantly positively correlated with male body size. Since relative SPL affects female phonotaxis strongly and can vary unpredictably based on male spacing, our results suggest that even strong female preferences for acoustic features may not necessarily translate into greater advantage for males possessing these features in the field. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present work reports the compositional analysis of thirteen different packed fruit juices using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Vitamin C, organic acids (citric and malic) and sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) were separated, analyzed and quantified using different reverse phase methods. A new rapid reverse phase HPLC method was developed for routine analysis of vitamin C in fruit juices. The precision results of the methods showed that the relative standard deviations of the repeatability and reproducibility were < 0.05 and < 0.1 respectively. Correlation coefficient of the calibration models developed was found to be higher than 0.99 in each case. It has been found that the content of Vitamin C was less variable amongst different varieties involved in the study. It is also observed that in comparison to fresh juices, the packed juices contain lesser amounts of vitamin C. Citric acid was found as the major organic acids present in packed juices while maximum portion of sugars was of sucrose. Comparison of the amount of vitamin C, organic acids and sugars in same fruit juice of different commercial brands is also reported.


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A temperature compensation method is proposed for CNT-composite strain sensors. CNT-composite sensors are fabricated on an elastic polymer substrate having known thermo-mechanical properties to introduce thermo-mechanical strain and further calibration of the sensor. Strain is induced on the sensor by bending the substrate as a cantilever configuration. Response of the sensor is measured using a bridge circuit method. Induced strain in the beam is determined using beam theory. The sensors are characterized for different CNT concentrations and at various temperatures. A model based temperature compensation scheme is proposed and verified experimentally. The result proves the ability of CNT-nanocomposite strain sensors to be used under varying temperature applications. A method is proposed to determine the strain and temperature simultaneously. The CNT sensors are simple to fabricate in complex patterns with excellent repeatability and do not require bonding layer.


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SU8-based micromechanical structures are widely used as thermal actuators in the development of compliant micromanipulation tools. This paper reports the design, nonlinear thermomechanical analysis, fabrication, and thermal actuation of SU8 actuators. The thermomechanical analysis of the actuator incorporates nonlinear temperature-dependent properties of SU8 polymer to accurately model its thermal response during actuation. The designed SU8 thermal actuators are fabricated using surface micromachining techniques and the electrical interconnects are made to them using flip-chip bonding. The issues due to thermal stress during fabrication are discussed and a novel strategy is proposed to release the thermal stress in the fabricated actuators. Subsequent characterization of the actuator using an optical profilometer reveals excellent thermal response, good repeatability, and low hysteresis. The average deflection is similar to 8.5 mu m for an actuation current of similar to 5 mA. The experimentally obtained deflection profile and the tip deflection at different currents are both shown to be in good agreement with the predictions of the nonlinear thermomechanical model. This underscores the need to consider nonlinearities when modeling the response of SU8 thermal actuators. 2015-0087]