917 resultados para RUMEN FERMENTATION


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Establishment of the rumen microbiome can be affected by both early-life dietary measures and rumen microbial inoculation. This study used a 2 × 3 factorial design to evaluate the effects of inclusion of dietary fat type and the effects of rumen inoculum from different sources on ruminal bacterial communities present in early stages of the lambs’ life. Two different diets were fed ad libitum to 36 pregnant ewes (and their lambs) from 1 month pre-lambing until weaning. Diets consisted of chaffed lucerne and cereal hay and 4% molasses, with either 4% distilled coconut oil (CO) provided as a source of rumen-active fat or 4% Megalac® provided as a source of rumen-protected fat (PF). One of three inoculums was introduced orally to all lambs, being either (1) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed the PF diet; (2) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed CO; or (3) a control treatment of MilliQ-water. After weaning at 3 months of age, each of the six lamb treatment groups were grazed in spatially separated paddocks. Rumen bacterial populations of ewes and lambs were characterised using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Species richness and biodiversity of the bacterial communities were found to be affected by the diet in ewes and lambs and by inoculation treatment of the lambs. Principal coordinate analysis and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed between diet differences in bacterial community groups existed in ewes and differential bacterial clusters occurred in lambs due to both diet and neonatal inoculation. Diet and rumen inoculation acted together to clearly differentiate the bacterial communities through to weaning, however the microbiome effects of these initial early life interventions diminished with time so that rumen bacterial communities showed greater similarity 2 months after weaning. These results demonstrate that ruminal bacterial communities of newborn lambs can be altered by modifying the diet of their mothers. Moreover, the rumen microbiome of lambs can be changed by diet while they are suckling or by inoculating their rumen, and resulting changes in the rumen bacterial microbiome can persist beyond weaning.


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Divergent genetic selection for wool growth as a single trait has led to major changes in sheep physiology and metabolism, including variations in rumen microbial protein production and uptake of α-amino nitrogen in portal blood. This study was conducted to determine if sheep with different genetic merit for wool growth exhibit distinct rumen bacterial diversity. Eighteen Merino wethers were separated into groups of contrasting genetic merit for clean fleece weight (CFW; low: WG− and high: WG+) and fed a blend of oaten and lucerne chaff diet at two levels of intake (LOI; 1 or 1.5 times maintenance energy requirements) for two seven-week periods in a crossover design. Bacterial diversity in rumen fluid collected by esophageal intubation was characterized using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial diversity estimated by Phylogenetic distance, Chao1 and observed species did not differ significantly with CFW or LOI; however, the Shannon diversity index differed (P=0.04) between WG+ (7.67) and WG− sheep (8.02). WG+ animals had a higher (P=0.03) proportion of Bacteroidetes (71.9% vs 66.5%) and a lower (P=0.04) proportion of Firmicutes (26.6% vs 31.6%) than WG− animals. Twenty-four specific operational taxonomic units (OTUs), belonging to the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla, were shared among all the samples, whereas specific OTUs varied significantly in presence/abundance (P<0.05) between wool genotypes and 50 varied (P<0.05) with LOI. It appears that genetic selection for fleece weight is associated with differences in rumen bacterial diversity that persist across different feeding levels. Moderate correlations between seven continuous traits, such as methane production or microbial protein production, and the presence and abundance of 17 OTUs were found, indicating scope for targeted modification of the microbiome to improve the energetic efficiency of rumen microbial synthesis and reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of ruminants.


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Ruminant livestock are important sources of human food and global greenhouse gas emissions. Feed degradation and methane formation by ruminants rely on metabolic interactions between rumen microbes and affect ruminant productivity. Rumen and camelid foregut microbial community composition was determined in 742 samples from 32 animal species and 35 countries, to estimate if this was influenced by diet, host species, or geography. Similar bacteria and archaea dominated in nearly all samples, while protozoal communities were more variable. The dominant bacteria are poorly characterised, but the methanogenic archaea are better known and highly conserved across the world. This universality and limited diversity could make it possible to mitigate methane emissions by developing strategies that target the few dominant methanogens. Differences in microbial community compositions were predominantly attributable to diet, with the host being less influential. There were few strong co-occurrence patterns between microbes, suggesting that major metabolic interactions are non-selective rather than specific. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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This paper describes a simple technique for the fermentation of untreated or partly-treated leafy biomass in a digester of novel design without incurring the normal problems of feeding, floating and scum formation of feed, etc. The solid phase fermentation studied consists of a bed of biomass frequently sprinkled with an aqueous bacterial inoculum and recycling the leachate to conserve moisture and improve the bacterial dispersion in the bed. The decomposition of the leaf biomass and water hyacinth substrates used in this study was rapid, taking 45 and 30 days for the production of 250 and 235 l biogas per kg total solids (TS) respectively, for the above mentioned substrates at a daily sprinkled volume of 26 ml cm−2 of bed per day sprinkled at 12 h intervals. Very little volatile fatty acid (VFA) intermediates accumulated in the liquid sprinkled, suggesting acidogenesis to be rate-limiting in this process. From the pattern of VFA and gas produced it is concluded that most of the biogas produced is from the biomass bed, thus making the operation of a separate methanogenic reactor unnecessary.


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A mathematical model is developed to simulate oxygen consumption, heat generation and cell growth in solid state fermentation (SSF). The fungal growth on the solid substrate particles results in the increase of the cell film thickness around the particles. The model incorporates this increase in the biofilm size which leads to decrease in the porosity of the substrate bed and diffusivity of oxygen in the bed. The model also takes into account the effect of steric hindrance limitations in SSF. The growth of cells around single particle and resulting expansion of biofilm around the particle is analyzed for simplified zero and first order oxygen consumption kinetics. Under conditions of zero order kinetics, the model predicts upper limit on cell density. The model simulations for packed bed of solid particles in tray bioreactor show distinct limitations on growth due to simultaneous heat and mass transport phenomena accompanying solid state fermentation process. The extent of limitation due to heat and/or mass transport phenomena is analyzed during different stages of fermentation. It is expected that the model will lead to better understanding of the transport processes in SSF, and therefore, will assist in optimal design of bioreactors for SSF.


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The study of the nutritional requirements of Arthrobacter strain C19d which accumulates alanine in large amounts in the culture medium. 1evealed that the organism needs thiamine for its growth. A Iso the alanine accumulation by this strain was found to be related to thiamine concentration in the medium. The optimum concentration of thiamine for alanine accumulation (20 tJ.g/mJ) Was also optimum for the growth of the organism indicating thereby that alanine accumulation by this strain is a growth associated process rather than far removed from it. Among the various growth promoters tried yeast extract was found to be superior from the point of view of alanine yield and it wa5 also superior to giving thiamine alone in the medium. A concentration of 0.02% yeast extract was found to be optimum for alanine occumulation.


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The nature and the density of population of micro-organisms associated with groundnut fermentation have been established by adopting suitable microbioIogical procedures. Evidence has been drawn to show that the microflora ofthe fermenting liquors are responsible for the decomposition of the fatty cbmponents of the groundnut during its fermentation


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