935 resultados para Push-pull small molecules


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In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Arten von nicht-kovalent verknüpften Netzwerkstrukturen vorgestellt, die aus phosphonsäurehaltigen Molekülen aufgebaut sind. Einerseits sollen diese phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle als Protonenleiter in Brennstoffzellen eingesetzt werden. Dies ist durch die Möglichkeit des kooperativen Protonentransports in wasserstoffbrückenhaltigen Netzwerken begründet. Auf der anderen Seite sollen die phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle unter Einsatz von Metallkationen zur Darstellung ionischer Netzwerke verwendet werden. In diesem Fall fungieren die phosphonierten Moleküle als Linker in porösen organisch-anorganischen Hybridmaterialien, die sich beispielsweise zur Gasspeicherung eignen.rnEine Brennstoffzelle stellt Energie mit hoher Effizienz und geringer Umweltbelastung bereit. Das Herzstück der Brennstoffzelle ist die Elektrolytmembran, die auch als Separator oder Protonenaustauschmembran (PEM) bezeichnet wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß der Schlüssel zur Weiterentwicklung der PEM-Brennstoffzellen in der Entwicklung von Elektrolyten liegt, die ausschließlich und effizient Protonen transportieren und darüber hinaus chemisch (oxidationsbeständig) und mechanisch stabil sind. Die mechanische Stabilität betrifft insbesondere den Betrieb der Brennstoffzelle bei hohen Temperaturen und niedriger relativer Feuchtigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zum Erreichen eines hohen Protonentransports im Festkörper vorgestellt, der auf dem Einsatz kleiner Moleküle beruht, die durch Selbstorganisation eine kontinuierliche protonenleitende Phase erzeugen. Bis jetzt stellt Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol das erste Beispiel eines kristallinen Protonenleiters dar, der im festen Zustand eine hohe und konstante Leistung zeigt. Die Modifizierung von Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol, entweder durch Änderung von para- zu meta-Substitution oder die Einführung von Alkylketten, führt zu Verbindungen geringerer Kristallinität und niedriger Protonenleitfähigkeit.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker in der Synthese von offenen Phosphonat-Netzwerken eingesetzt. Es bilden sich aufgrund der ionischen Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Metallkationen und den negativ geladenen Phosphonsäuregruppen hochstabile Feststoffe. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit besteht darin, daß 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker zum Aufbau poröser Hybridmaterialien eingesetzt werden kann. Zum ersten Mal wurde ein dreifach phosphoniertes organisches Molekül zum Aufbau mikroporöser offener Phosphonat-Netzwerke verwendet. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Porosität mit dem Wachstumsmechanismus dieser Materialien zusammenhängt. Es ist nur dann möglich ein gleichfalls mikroporöses und kristallines ionisches Netzwerk auf der Grundlage phosphonierter Moleküle zu erhalten, wenn Linker und Konnektor die gleiche Geometrie und Funktionalität besitzen.rn


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beschaftigt sich mit der Steuerung der Absorption und Orbitalenergien von Perylenmonoimiden und Perylendiimiden fur die Anwendung in organischer Photovoltaik (OPV). Eine breite Absorption spielt hier eine wichtige Rolle, um moglichst viel Licht zu ernten, das dann in elektrische Energie umgewandelt wird. Um sicher zu stellen, dass die Zelle ezient arbeiten kann, ist die Abstimmung von Orbitalenergien eine zweite wichtige Voraussetzung. Es werden drei neue Design-Konzepte fur Perylenmonoimid-Sensibilatoren fur Festk orper-Farbstosolarzellen (solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells - sDSSCs) untersucht. Die Synthese, die optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften der neuen Sensibilisator- Verbindungen sowie ihre Leistungsdaten in sDSSCs werden beschrieben und diskutiert. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Konzepte reichen von der Einfuhrung von - Abstandhaltern uber neue Funktionalisierungen bis hin zur Erweiterung der Perylenmonimid Grundkorper. Der Push-Pull-Charakter der Systeme variiert von starker Kopplung bis zu kompletter Entkopplung des Donors vom Akzeptor. Dies hat einen starken Ein uss sowohl auf die Absorptionseigenschaften, als auch auf die HOMO/LUMO Energie-Niveaus der Verbindungen. Einige der Konzepte konnen auf Perylendiimide ubertragen werden. Ein Beispiel von Perylendiimid (PDI)-Farbsteuerung wird an einer Reihe von drei Terthiophen-PDIs gezeigt


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Die organische Halbleitertechnologie befindet sich seit Jahrzehnten im Focus des Interesses, da sie eine kostengünstige und umweltverträgliche Alternative zu anorganischen Silizium-basierten Halbleitern darstellt. Die Möglichkeit der gezielten Funktionalisierung von definierten Strukturen durch synthetische Methoden, welche eine große Vielfalt an Materialien ermöglicht, steht dabei besonders im Vordergrund. Die Modifikation von physikalischen Eigenschaften ermöglicht dabei eine stark erleichterte Anpassung für den geplanten Anwendungsbereich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden organische Halbleitermaterialien basierend auf Cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b']dithiophen (CDT) dargestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften untersucht. In Kombination mit Benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazol (BTZ) und weiteren Akzeptoren wurden zunächst Donor(D)-Akzeptor(A)-Polymere synthetisiert und Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen aufgestellt. So konnte ein sehr hochmolekulares Polymer CDT-BTZ-Polymer (Mn = 36 kg mol-1, PDI = 2.6) erhalten werden, welches sich durch eine hohe lamellare Ordnung und eine gemessene Ladungsträgermobilität in FETs von über 5.0 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur auszeichnete; bei niedrigen Temperaturen (240 K) war letztgenannte 6.5 cm2V-1s-1. Aufgrund dieses hohen Ladungstransports und der Abwesenheit niedermolekularer Polymerketten innerhalb des Polymers konnte erstmals eine Messung eines HALL-Effektes bewerkstelligt werden. Dies war der erste Beweis eines Band-artigen Ladungstransportes an einem Polymerhalbleiter. Des Weiteren wurde durch synthetische Veränderung der Grundstruktur des Polymers zu längeren Alkylketten eine anisotrope Anordnung der Polymerketten erreicht und die Ladungsträgermobilität (6.5 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur) weiter gesteigert. Darauf aufbauend wurde der Einfluss von stereoisomeren Seitenketten an CDT-BTZ-Polymeren auf Packungsverhalten, Parametern (Sperrstrom, Einschaltstrom) in FETs und Löslichkeit in organischen Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Durch cis-trans-Isomerisierung der Seitenketten wurde hier eine neue Methode zur Optimierung des Packungsverhaltens von Polymeren in dünnen Filmen und Lösung gefunden. Zuletzt wurden D-π-A-Farbstoffen, welche CDT als Verbrückungseinheit (π) beinhalten, dargestellt. Durch Variation von D und A konnten Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen in der Anwendung in Solarzellen (Feststoffsolarzellen, Flüssigsolarzellen) gefunden werden. Die Untersuchungen der photoinduzierten Absorption und der Photolumisenzenzquantenausbeute lieferten dabei Erklärungen für physikalische Prozesse wie Ladungsinjektion- und rekombination.


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The efficacy of traditional anti-cancer agents is hampered by toxicity to normal tissues, due to the lack of specificity for malignant cells. Recent advances in our understanding of molecular genetics and tumor biology have led to the identification of signaling pathways and their regulators implicated in tumorigenesis and malignant progression. Consequently, novel biological agents were designed which specifically target key regulators of cell survival and proliferation activated in malignant cells and thus are superior to unspecific cytotoxic agents. Antisense molecules comprising conventional single-stranded antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibit gene expression on the transcript level. Thus, they specifically target the genetic basis of cancer and are particularly useful for inhibiting the expression of oncogenes the protein products of which are inaccessible to small molecules or inhibitory antibodies. Despite the somewhat disappointing results of recent antisense oncology trials, the identification of new cancer targets and ongoing progress in ASO and siRNA technology together with improvements in tumor targeted delivery have raised new hopes that this fascinating intervention concept will eventually translate into enhanced clinical efficacy.


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Small molecules that bind their biological receptors with high affinity and selectivity can be isolated from randomized pools of combinatorial libraries. RNA-protein interactions are important in many cellular functions, including transcription, RNA splicing, and translation. One example of such interactions is the mechanism of trans-activation of HIV-1 gene expression that requires the interaction of Tat protein with the trans-activation responsive region (TAR) RNA, a 59-base stem-loop structure located at the 5′ end of all nascent HIV-1 transcripts. Here we demonstrate the isolation of small TAR RNA-binding molecules from an encoded combinatorial library. We have made an encoded combinatorial tripeptide library of 24,389 possible members from d-and l-alpha amino acids on TentaGel resin. Using on-bead screening we have identified a small family of mostly heterochiral tripeptides capable of structure-specific binding to the bulge loop of TAR RNA. In vitro binding studies reveal stereospecific discrimination when the best tripeptide ligand is compared with diastereomeric peptide sequences. In addition, the most strongly binding tripeptide was shown to suppress transcriptional activation by Tat protein in human cells with an IC50 of ≈50 nM. Our results indicate that tripeptide RNA ligands are cell permeable, nontoxic to cells, and capable of inhibiting expression of specific genes by interfering with RNA-protein interactions.


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Much has been learned about vertebrate development by random mutagenesis followed by phenotypic screening and by targeted gene disruption followed by phenotypic analysis in model organisms. Because the timing of many developmental events is critical, it would be useful to have temporal control over modulation of gene function, a luxury frequently not possible with genetic mutants. Here, we demonstrate that small molecules capable of conditional gene product modulation can be identified through developmental screens in zebrafish. We have identified several small molecules that specifically modulate various aspects of vertebrate ontogeny, including development of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the neural crest, and the ear. Several of the small molecules identified allowed us to dissect the logic of melanocyte and otolith development and to identify critical periods for these events. Small molecules identified in this way offer potential to dissect further these and other developmental processes and to identify novel genes involved in vertebrate development.


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Cellular processes are mediated by complex networks of molecular interactions. Dissection of their role most commonly is achieved by using genetic mutations that alter, for example, protein–protein interactions. Small molecules that accomplish the same result would provide a powerful complement to the genetic approach, but it generally is believed that such molecules are rare. There are several natural products, however, that illustrate the feasibility of this approach. Split-pool synthesis now provides a simple mechanical means to prepare vast numbers of complex, even natural product-like, molecules individually attached to cell-sized polymer beads. Here, we describe a genetic system compatible with split-pool synthesis that allows the detection of cell-permeable, small molecule inhibitors of protein–protein interactions in 100- to 200-nl cell culture droplets, prepared by a recently described technique that arrays large numbers of such droplets. These “nanodroplets” contain defined media, cells, and one or more beads containing ≈100 pmol of a photoreleasable small molecule and a controlled number of cells. The engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells used in this study express two interacting proteins after induction with galactose whose interaction results in cell death in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid (inducible reverse two-hybrid assay). Disruption of the interaction by a small molecule allows growth, and the small molecule can be introduced into the system hours before induction of the toxic interaction. We demonstrate that the interaction between the activin receptor R1 and the immunophilin protein FKBP12 can be disrupted by the small molecule FK506 at nanomolar concentrations in nanodroplets. This system should provide a general method for selecting cell-permeable ligands that can be used to study the relevance of protein–protein interactions in living cells or organisms.


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A series of modified TS-1 samples have been produced by desilication of the original TS-1 (4 wt.% Ti) using a chemical treatment with NaOH. Desilicated TS-1 zeolites exhibit a large BET surface area together with a well-developed mesoporosity. The hierarchical catalysts from desilication of TS-1 zeolite show a good catalytic activity for the oxidation of small molecules and a significantly higher activity for the oxidation of bulky molecules.


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Introduction: Adjuvants potentiate immune responses, reducing the amount and dosing frequency of antigen required for inducing protective immunity. Adjuvants are of special importance when considering subunit, epitope-based or more unusual vaccine formulations lacking significant innate immunogenicity. While numerous adjuvants are known, only a few are licensed for human use; principally alum, and squalene-based oil-in-water adjuvants. Alum, the most commonly used, is suboptimal. There are many varieties of adjuvant: proteins, oligonucleotides, drug-like small molecules and liposome-based delivery systems with intrinsic adjuvant activity being perhaps the most prominent. Areas covered: This article focuses on small molecules acting as adjuvants, with the author reviewing their current status while highlighting their potential for systematic discovery and rational optimisation. Known small molecule adjuvants (SMAs) can be synthetically complex natural products, small oligonucleotides or drug-like synthetic molecules. The author provides examples of each class, discussing adjuvant mechanisms relevant to SMAs, and exploring the high-throughput discovery of SMAs. Expert opinion: SMAs, particularly synthetic drug-like adjuvants, are amenable to the plethora of drug-discovery techniques able to optimise the properties of biologically active small molecules. These range from laborious synthetic modifications to modern, rational, effort-efficient computational approaches, such as QSAR and structure-based drug design. In principal, any property or characteristic can thus be designed in or out of compounds, allowing us to tailor SMAs to specific biological functions, such as targeting specific cells or pathways, in turn affording the power to tailor SMAs to better address different diseases.


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After sudden ionization of a large molecule, the positive charge can migrate throughout the system on a sub-femtosecond time scale, purely guided by electronic coherences. The possibility to actively explore the role of the electron dynamics in the photo-chemistry of bio-relevant molecules is of fundamental interest for understanding, and perhaps ultimately controlling, the processes leading to damage, mutation and, more generally, to the alteration of the biological functions of the macromolecule. Attosecond laser sources can provide the extreme time resolution required to follow this ultrafast charge flow. In this review we will present recent advances in attosecond molecular science: after a brief description of the results obtained for small molecules, recent experimental and theoretical findings on charge migration in bio-relevant molecules will be discussed.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This thesis describes the synthesis and characterisation of novel conjugated organic materials with optoelectronic application. The first chapter provides an introduction about organic semiconductors and in particular about their working principle from a physical and chemical point of view. An overview of the most common types of solar cells is provided, including examples of some of the best performing materials. The second chapter describes the synthesis of a new library of flavin derivatives as potential active materials for optoelectronic applications. Flavins are natural redox-active molecules, which show potential application in optoelectronics, thanks to their stability and versatility. FPF-Flavins, for instance, could be used either as acceptor units in push-pull polyconjugated systems or as acceptor unit in dyes for DSSCs. In the same chapter a first attempt of synthesising bis-flavins to be used as N-type semiconductors in BHJ devices is described. The third chapter describes the successful synthesis and characterization of a series of conjugated organic molecules based on the benzothiadiazole moiety. Among these, three molecules containing ferrocene as donor unit were tested as sensitizers for DSSCs, reporting a PCE of 0.3% as the best result. Further studies indicated a significant problem of charge recombination which limits the performance. A near-infrared absorbing push-pull polymer, based on BbT as acceptor unit, was also synthesised and tested in BHJ devices as P-type semiconductor in blend with PC71BM, showing a VOC of 0.71 V. Finally, the last chapter describes the synthesis of several tetrathiafulvalene derivatives in order to explore this moiety as donor unit in dyes for DSSCs and as HTM for perovskite-based solar cells. In particular, two very simple dyes were synthesised and implemented in DSSCs reporting a PCE 0.2% and 0.4%, respectively. The low efficiency was associated to the tendency to aggregate at the solid state, with the absorption shifting from the visible to the infrared range. A conjugated molecule, containing a DPP core, was also synthesised and tested as HTM for perovskite solar cells. The best reported PCE of 7.7% was obtained without any additives. A case study about dehalogenation and “halogen dance” in TTF iodide is also presented.


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During wound repair, the balance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their natural inhibitors (the TIMPs) is crucial for the normal extra cellular matrix turnover. However, the over expression of several MMPs including MMP-1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and MMP-10, combined with abnormally high levels of activation or low expression of TIMPs, may contribute to excessive degradation of connective tissue and formation of chronic ulcers. There are many groups exploring strategies for promoting wound healing involving delivery of growth factors, cells, ECM components and small molecules. Our approach for improving the balance of MMPs is not to add anything more to the wound, but instead to neutralise the over-expressed MMPs using inhibitors tethered to a bandage-like hydrogel. Our in vitro experiments using designed synthetic pseudo peptide inhibitors have been demonstrated to inhibit MMP activity in standard solutions. These inhibitors have also been tethered to polyethylene glycol hydrogels using a facile reaction between the linker unit on the inhibitor and the gel. After tethering the inhibition of MMPs diminishes to some extent and we postulate that this arises due to poor diffusion of the MMPs into the gels. When the tethered inhibitors were tested against chronic wound fluid obtained against patients we observed over 40% inhibition in proteolytic activity suggesting our approach may prove useful in rebalancing MMPs within chronic wounds.


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Aim  To identify the reasons why nurses continue migrating across international borders. Background  International nurse recruitment and migration have been increasing in the last decade and recent trends show an increase in the movement of nurses between developing and developed countries, resulting in a worldwide shortage of nurses. Methods  A manual and electronic database literature search was conducted from January 2004 to May 2010. Qualitative content analysis was completed for the final 17 articles that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Results  Motivators to nurse migration were linked to financial, professional, political, social and personal factors. Although economic factors were the most commonly reported, they were not the only reason for migration. This was especially evident among nurses migrating between developed countries. Conclusion  Nurses migrate for a wide variety of reasons as they respond to push and pull factors. Implications for nursing management  It is important for nurse managers in the source countries to advocate incentives to retain nurses. In the recipient countries the number of international nurses continues to increase implying the need for more innovative ways to mentor and orientate these nurses.


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Nursing personnel are consistently identified as one of the occupational groups most at risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. During the moving and handling of bariatric patients, the weight of the patient combined with atypical body mass contributes to a significant risk of injury to the care provider and patient. This is further compounded by the shape, mobility and co-operation of the patient. The aim of this study was determine user experiences and design requirements for mobile hoists with bariatric patients. Structured interviews were conducted with six experienced injury management staff from the Manual Task Services department of three hospitals in Adelaide, South Australia. All staff had experience in patient handling, the use of patient handling equipment and the provision of patient handling training. A series of open-ended questions were structured around five main themes: 1) patient factors; 2) building/vehicle space and design; 3) equipment and furniture; 4) communication; and 5) staff issues. Questions focussed on the use of mobile hoists for lifting and transferring bariatric patients. Interviews were supplemented with a walk-through of the hospital to view the types of mobile hoists used, and the location and storage of equipment. Across the three hospitals there were differing classification systems to define bariatric patients. Ensuring patient dignity, respect and privacy were viewed as important in the management and rehabilitation of bariatric patients. Storage and space constraints were considered factors restricting the use of mobile floor hoists, with ceiling hoists being the preferred method for patient transfers. When using mobile floor hoists, the forces required to push, pull and manoeuvre, as well as sudden unstable movements of the hoist were considered important risks factors giving rise to a risk of injury to the care provider. Record keeping and purchasing policies appeared to inhibit the effective use of patient handling equipment. The moving and handling of bariatric patients presents complex and challenging issues. A co-ordinated and collaborative approach for moving and handling bariatric patients is needed across the range of care providers. Designers must consider both user and patient requirements.