906 resultados para Project Management - Informatica


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This research inquires into the value of two common ‘management technologies’, namely ISO 9001 and project management. To avoid certain methodological problems, we study the value of these micro-level practices by inductively analysing macro-level data, specifically the intensity of project management and ISO 9001 certification (termed project management score and ISO 9001 score) in different countries against national measures of wealth and innovation. There is no correlation between ISO 9001 score and innovation, while high ISO 9001 scores are correlated with decreasing levels of wealth. The project management score is positively correlated with wealth and with innovation, though very high project management scores are negatively correlated with innovation. The study includes a cluster analysis which finds that, with one exception, countries tend to adopt either project management or ISO 9001 but not both. The analysis indicates that project management is more likely to be associated with high innovation and high wealth than ISO 9001.


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Today a number of studies are published on how organizational strategy is developed and how organizations contribute to local and regional development through the realization of these strategies. There are also many articles dealing with the success of a project by identifying the criteria and the factors that influence them. This article introduces the project-oriented strategic planning process that reveals how projects contribute to local and regional development and demonstrates the relationship between this approach and the regional competitiveness model as well as the KRAFT concept. There is a lot of research that focuses on sustainability in business. These studies argue that sustainability is very important to the success of a business in the future. The Project Excellence Model that analyses project success does not contain the sustainability criteria; the GPM P5 standard consists of sustainability components related either to the organizational level. To fill this gap a Project Sustainability Excellence Model (PSEM) was developed. The model was tested by interviews with managers of Hungarian for-profit and non-profit organizations. This paper introduces the PSEM and highlights the most important elements of the empirical analysis.


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Are you ready for a tender project? – Analysis of organisational project management maturity in the Austrian- Hungarian border region. Since the 1990s the European Union has paid more and more attention to subsidising cross-border development. It is understandable that different funding from proposal sources is particularly important for the border area, especially to those of utmost importance that support co-operation and rural development. Therefore, they could become a driving force for development. The authors’ research analyses the organisational project management maturity of the projects implemented in the frame of the Austria-Hungary Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (AT-HU). Analysing this kind of organisation is an important issue, since the new call for proposals are open in 2016 and the results of this study may provide a self-evaluation opportunity to organisations that need to know if they are ready or mature enough for a new tender project. The aim of this study was twofold. First of all, those indicators that could be used to analyse the project management maturity of implementing organisations in the AT-HU programme were identified. Based on the empirical research these are the project experience accumulated by the organisation, the internal processes operating at the institution and the professional background. Secondly, factors that can affect this project management maturity were explored and we determined five influencing area: the organisational structure, culture, project managers motivation and the typical and important competences.


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This project supported the planning and conduct of a two-day Iowa Department of Transportation–hosted peer exchange for state agencies that have implemented some or all of the suggested strategies outlined in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program–sponsored project R10, Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects. Presentations were made by participating states, and several opportunities were provided for directed discussion. General themes emerging from the presentations and discussions were identified as follows: To implement improvements in project management processes, agency leadership needs to decide that a new approach to project management is worth pursuing and then dedicate resources to developing a project management plan. The change to formalized project management and five-dimensional project management (5DPM) requires a culture shift in agencies from segmented “silo” processes to collaborative, cooperative processes that make communication and collaboration high priorities. Agencies need trained project managers who are empowered to execute the project management plan, as well as properly trained functional staff. Project management can be centralized or decentralized with equal effect. After an agency’s project management plan and structure are developed, software tools and other resources should be implemented to support the plan and structure. All projects will benefit from enhanced project management, but the project management plan should specify appropriate approaches for several project levels as defined by factors in addition to dollar value. Project management should be included in an agency’s project development manual.


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This work supported drafting project management guidance for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). The goal is to incorporate a greater focus on project management in their project development process. A technical advisory committee (TAC) was assembled to accomplish this effort. The TAC took into consideration the current status of project management with the Iowa DOT, their experience during the demonstration workshop held in Iowa as part of the implementation assistance they received, the project management peer exchange hosted by the Iowa DOT, and additional examples of project management that were presented. With this basis, the TAC participated in a number of discussions to develop draft guidance for the foundation of a Project Management Office (PMO) within the Iowa DOT. The final report describes the process that was used in establishing this guidance. The report details the decisions and decision process that the TAC employed in this endeavor and provides additional thoughts and insight into the draft guidance. Appendix A includes the draft guidance in the form of PMO function details and detailed lists of project management roles and responsibilities. Appendix B includes a starter list of project management resources for the PMO.


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En la actualidad, las empresas de telecomunicaciones, con el gran avance de la tecnología, son conscientes de que la mejor manera de cautivar y retener a los clientes es proporcionando productos y servicios que satisfagan las necesidades de éstos de una manera rápida y oportuna -- En consecuencia, estas empresas, centran su atención en los sistemas de relacionamiento con el cliente (CRM) que están enfocados en gestionar y conservar a los clientes de una manera eficiente -- En atención a lo expuesto, se vuelve fundamental que la implementación de este tipo de sistemas se realice cumpliendo con los alcances propuestos, con el costo estipulado y en el tiempo establecido -- Esto con el fin de desarrollar ventajas competitivas en el mercado -- El objetivo principal de esta investigación, es medir la efectividad de los lineamientos propuestos por el Project Management Institute (PMI) de gestión de proyectos, en la implementación del sistema de relacionamiento con el cliente (CRM) en la compañía colombiana de telecomunicaciones UNE EPM Telecomunicaciones


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Objective of the thesis is to develop project management procedure for chilled beam projects. In organization is recognized that project management techniques could help in large and complex projects. Information sharing have been challenging in projects, so improvement of information sharing is one key topic of the thesis. Academic researches and literature are used to find suitable project management theories and methods. Main theories are related to phases of the project and project management tools. Practical knowledge of project management is collected from two project business oriented companies. Project management tools are chosen and modified to fulfill needs of the beam projects. Result of the thesis is proposed project management procedure, which includes phases of the chilled beam projects and project milestones. Project management procedure helps to recognize the most critical phases of the project and tools help to manage information of the project. Procedure increases knowledge of the project management techniques and tools. It also forms coherent project management working method among the chilled beam project group.


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En la actualidad, las buenas prácticas del Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI®) son utilizadas en muchas organizaciones para la estructuración, ejecución y cierre de diversos proyectos; las buenas prácticas recogidas por este Instituto han servido de base para que las empresas logren conseguir los objetivos estratégicos con una correcta gestión de los programas y proyectos que se vayan a emprender -- El sector de la construcción no es ajeno a la aplicación de estos estándares, más aún cuando el común denominador son los sobrecostos, la prolongación del cronograma y la variación del alcance, que finalmente terminan afectado la rentabilidad de los proyectos y redundan en la rentabilidad de la empresa -- Mabego S.A.S., es una empresa nueva dedicada a la estructuración, ejecución y venta de proyectos inmobiliarios, cuyo centro de operación es la ciudad de Pasto-Departamento de Nariño, el objetivo principal de la empresa es penetrar el mercado inmobiliario local, teniendo como fortalezas la experiencia y conocimiento aportado por los socios -- Con el presente trabajo se analizan los cuarenta y siete (47) procesos dentro de los grupos de inicio, planeación, ejecución, monitoreo y control, además de cierre establecidos en las diez (10) áreas del conocimiento que establece el PMI® en la guía de los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos (Guía del PMBOK® - Project Management Body of Knowledge) quinta edición; se crea una metodología de acuerdo a las necesidades de la organización; para conseguirlo se analizaron cada uno de los procesos establecidos en el PMI® y como resultado se presenta la estandarización por medio de formatos y procedimientos que ayudan a la empresa a cumplir con los objetivos específicos de cada uno de sus proyectos -- La pertinencia del trabajo radica en la necesidad de la empresa Mabego S.A.S., de formalizar los procedimientos dentro de la misma, esto debido a que se pretende lograr una correcta estructuración, ejecución y liquidación de los proyectos, además, se aplicó una metodología definida con el objetivo de estandarizar los procesos internos y así lograr un posicionamiento en el sector de la construcción por medio del reconocimiento del cliente en la entrega a tiempo y con la calidad propuesta en los documentos de venta del proyecto


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This study analyzes the manifestation of the dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and Project Management Systems (PMS). We used a qualitative approach to conduct exploratory research through a study in literature and a pilot case in a software company. Data was collected from semi structured interviews, documents, and records on file, then triangulated and treated with content analysis. The model proposed for the relationship between the types of PMS (ad hoc, Classic PM, innovation, entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship) and the dimensions of EO (innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, competitive aggressiveness, and autonomy), was partially corroborated by empirical studies. New studies are suggested to validate the applicability and setup of the model.


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Revisión de las diferentes estrategias y procedimientos para la gestión de proyectos informáticos.


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L¿abast del projecte és el servei del sistema de gestió d¿enllumenat d¿un edifici d¿oficines.


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The main aim of this study was to develop the project management framework model which would serve as the new model to follow for upcoming projects at the Lappeenranta cement plant. The other goal was to execute the SNCR (selective non catalytic reduction) project successfully so that the nitrogen oxides emissions are below the stated emission limit when the new emission limit comes into effect beginning in July, 2008. Nitrogen oxides, project management aspects, SNCR and the invested system are explained in the theory part. In the practical part of the study, the SNCR project in the Lappeenranta cement plant was executed and the findings were documented. In order to reach the aim of this study, a framework of project management was made. The framework is based on the executed SNCR project, previous projects in the cement plant and on the available literature relating to the subject matter. The developed project turned out to be successful.


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Project management has evolved in recent decades. Project portfolio management, together with multi project management, is an emerging area in the project management field in practice, and correspondingly in academic research and forums. In multi project management, projects cannot be handled isolated from each other, as they often have interdependencies that have to be taken into account. If the interdependencies between projects are evaluated during the selection process, the success rate of the project portfolio is increased. Interdependencies can be human resources, technological, and/or market based. Despite of the fact that interdependency as a phenomenon has roots in the 1960s and is related to famous management theories, it has not been much studied, although in practice most companies use it to great extent. There exists some research on interdependency, but prior publications have not emphasized the phenomenon per se, because a practical orientation practitioner techniques prevails in the literature. This research applies the method triangulation, electronic surveys and multiple case study. The research concentrates on small to large companies in Estonia and Finland, mainly in construction, engineering, ICT, and machinery industries. The literature review reveals that interdependencies are deeply involved in R&D and innovation. Survey analysis shows that companies are aware of interdependency issues in general, but they i have lack of detailed knowledge to use it thoroughly. Empirical evidence also indicates that interdependency techniques influence the success rate and other efficiency aspects to different extents. There are a lot of similarities in interdependency related managerial issues in companies of varying sizes and countries in Northern Europe. Differences found in the study are for instance the fact that smaller companies face more difficulties in implementing and evaluating interdependency procedures. Country differences between Estonia and Finland stem from working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis.historical and cultural reasons, such as the special features of a transition country compared to a mature country. An overview of the dominant problems, best practices, and commonly used techniques associated with interdependency is provided in the study. Empirical findings show that many interdependency techniques are not used in practice. A multiple case study was performed in the study to find out how interdependencies are managed in real life on a daily basis. The results show that interdependencies are mostly managed in an informal manner. A description of managing the interdependencies and implementation procedures is given. Interdependency procedures are hard to implement, especially in smaller companies. Companies have difficulties in implementing interdependency procedures and evaluating them. The study contains detailed results on how companies have implemented working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis


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In R&D organizations multiple projects are executed concurrently. Problems arises in managing shared resources since they are needed by multiple projects simultaneously. The objective of this thesis was to study how the project and resource management could be developed in a public sector R&D organization. The qualitative research was carried out in the Magnetic Measurements section at CERN where the section measures magnets for particle accelerators and builds state of the art measurement devices for various needs. Hence, the R&D and measurement projects are very time consuming and very complex. Based on the previous research and the requirements from the organization the best alter- native for resource management was to build a project management information system. A centralized database was constructed and on top of it was built an application for interacting and visualizing the project data. The application allows handling project data, which works as a basis for resource planning before and during the projects are executed. It is one way to standardize the work-flow of projects, which strengthens the project process. Additionally, it was noted that the inner customer’s database, the measurement system and the new application needed to be integrated. Further integration ensures that the project data is received efficiently from customers and available not only within the application but also during the concrete work. The research results introduced a new integrated application, which centralizes the project information flow with better visibility.